1// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_view_gtk.h"
7#include <gtk/gtk.h>
9#include <algorithm>
10#include <string>
12#include "base/basictypes.h"
13#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
14#include "base/logging.h"
15#include "base/stl_util-inl.h"
16#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
17#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete.h"
18#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_edit.h"
19#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_edit_view_gtk.h"
20#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_match.h"
21#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_model.h"
22#include "chrome/browser/defaults.h"
23#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
24#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url.h"
25#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_model.h"
26#include "chrome/browser/ui/gtk/gtk_theme_service.h"
27#include "chrome/browser/ui/gtk/gtk_util.h"
28#include "content/common/notification_service.h"
29#include "grit/theme_resources.h"
30#include "ui/base/gtk/gtk_windowing.h"
31#include "ui/gfx/color_utils.h"
32#include "ui/gfx/font.h"
33#include "ui/gfx/gtk_util.h"
34#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
35#include "ui/gfx/skia_utils_gtk.h"
37namespace {
39const GdkColor kBorderColor = GDK_COLOR_RGB(0xc7, 0xca, 0xce);
40const GdkColor kBackgroundColor = GDK_COLOR_RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
41const GdkColor kSelectedBackgroundColor = GDK_COLOR_RGB(0xdf, 0xe6, 0xf6);
42const GdkColor kHoveredBackgroundColor = GDK_COLOR_RGB(0xef, 0xf2, 0xfa);
44const GdkColor kContentTextColor = GDK_COLOR_RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
45const GdkColor kURLTextColor = GDK_COLOR_RGB(0x00, 0x88, 0x00);
47// We have a 1 pixel border around the entire results popup.
48const int kBorderThickness = 1;
50// The vertical height of each result.
51const int kHeightPerResult = 24;
53// Width of the icons.
54const int kIconWidth = 17;
56// We want to vertically center the image in the result space.
57const int kIconTopPadding = 2;
59// Space between the left edge (including the border) and the text.
60const int kIconLeftPadding = 3 + kBorderThickness;
62// Space between the image and the text.
63const int kIconRightPadding = 5;
65// Space between the left edge (including the border) and the text.
66const int kIconAreaWidth =
67    kIconLeftPadding + kIconWidth + kIconRightPadding;
69// Space between the right edge (including the border) and the text.
70const int kRightPadding = 3;
72// When we have both a content and description string, we don't want the
73// content to push the description off.  Limit the content to a percentage of
74// the total width.
75const float kContentWidthPercentage = 0.7;
77// How much to offset the popup from the bottom of the location bar.
78const int kVerticalOffset = 3;
80// The size delta between the font used for the edit and the result rows. Passed
81// to gfx::Font::DeriveFont.
82const int kEditFontAdjust = -1;
84// UTF-8 Left-to-right embedding.
85const char* kLRE = "\xe2\x80\xaa";
87// Return a Rect covering the whole area of |window|.
88gfx::Rect GetWindowRect(GdkWindow* window) {
89  gint width, height;
90  gdk_drawable_get_size(GDK_DRAWABLE(window), &width, &height);
91  return gfx::Rect(width, height);
94// Return a Rect for the space for a result line.  This excludes the border,
95// but includes the padding.  This is the area that is colored for a selection.
96gfx::Rect GetRectForLine(size_t line, int width) {
97  return gfx::Rect(kBorderThickness,
98                   (line * kHeightPerResult) + kBorderThickness,
99                   width - (kBorderThickness * 2),
100                   kHeightPerResult);
103// Helper for drawing an entire pixbuf without dithering.
104void DrawFullPixbuf(GdkDrawable* drawable, GdkGC* gc, GdkPixbuf* pixbuf,
105                    gint dest_x, gint dest_y) {
106  gdk_draw_pixbuf(drawable, gc, pixbuf,
107                  0, 0,                        // Source.
108                  dest_x, dest_y,              // Dest.
109                  -1, -1,                      // Width/height (auto).
110                  GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE, 0, 0);  // Don't dither.
113// TODO(deanm): Find some better home for this, and make it more efficient.
114size_t GetUTF8Offset(const string16& text, size_t text_offset) {
115  return UTF16ToUTF8(text.substr(0, text_offset)).size();
118// Generates the normal URL color, a green color used in unhighlighted URL
119// text. It is a mix of |kURLTextColor| and the current text color.  Unlike the
120// selected text color, it is more important to match the qualities of the
121// foreground typeface color instead of taking the background into account.
122GdkColor NormalURLColor(GdkColor foreground) {
123  color_utils::HSL fg_hsl;
124  color_utils::SkColorToHSL(gfx::GdkColorToSkColor(foreground), &fg_hsl);
126  color_utils::HSL hue_hsl;
127  color_utils::SkColorToHSL(gfx::GdkColorToSkColor(kURLTextColor), &hue_hsl);
129  // Only allow colors that have a fair amount of saturation in them (color vs
130  // white). This means that our output color will always be fairly green.
131  double s = std::max(0.5, fg_hsl.s);
133  // Make sure the luminance is at least as bright as the |kURLTextColor| green
134  // would be if we were to use that.
135  double l;
136  if (fg_hsl.l < hue_hsl.l)
137    l = hue_hsl.l;
138  else
139    l = (fg_hsl.l + hue_hsl.l) / 2;
141  color_utils::HSL output = { hue_hsl.h, s, l };
142  return gfx::SkColorToGdkColor(color_utils::HSLToSkColor(output, 255));
145// Generates the selected URL color, a green color used on URL text in the
146// currently highlighted entry in the autocomplete popup. It's a mix of
147// |kURLTextColor|, the current text color, and the background color (the
148// select highlight). It is more important to contrast with the background
149// saturation than to look exactly like the foreground color.
150GdkColor SelectedURLColor(GdkColor foreground, GdkColor background) {
151  color_utils::HSL fg_hsl;
152  color_utils::SkColorToHSL(gfx::GdkColorToSkColor(foreground), &fg_hsl);
154  color_utils::HSL bg_hsl;
155  color_utils::SkColorToHSL(gfx::GdkColorToSkColor(background), &bg_hsl);
157  color_utils::HSL hue_hsl;
158  color_utils::SkColorToHSL(gfx::GdkColorToSkColor(kURLTextColor), &hue_hsl);
160  // The saturation of the text should be opposite of the background, clamped
161  // to 0.2-0.8. We make sure it's greater than 0.2 so there's some color, but
162  // less than 0.8 so it's not the oversaturated neon-color.
163  double opposite_s = 1 - bg_hsl.s;
164  double s = std::max(0.2, std::min(0.8, opposite_s));
166  // The luminance should match the luminance of the foreground text.  Again,
167  // we clamp so as to have at some amount of color (green) in the text.
168  double opposite_l = fg_hsl.l;
169  double l = std::max(0.1, std::min(0.9, opposite_l));
171  color_utils::HSL output = { hue_hsl.h, s, l };
172  return gfx::SkColorToGdkColor(color_utils::HSLToSkColor(output, 255));
174}  // namespace
176void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::SetupLayoutForMatch(
177    PangoLayout* layout,
178    const string16& text,
179    const AutocompleteMatch::ACMatchClassifications& classifications,
180    const GdkColor* base_color,
181    const GdkColor* dim_color,
182    const GdkColor* url_color,
183    const std::string& prefix_text) {
184  // In RTL, mark text with left-to-right embedding mark if there is no strong
185  // RTL characters inside it, so the ending punctuation displays correctly
186  // and the eliding ellipsis displays correctly. We only mark the text with
187  // LRE. Wrapping it with LRE and PDF by calling AdjustStringForLocaleDirection
188  // or WrapStringWithLTRFormatting will render the elllipsis at the left of the
189  // elided pure LTR text.
190  bool marked_with_lre = false;
191  string16 localized_text = text;
192  // Pango is really easy to overflow and send into a computational death
193  // spiral that can corrupt the screen. Assume that we'll never have more than
194  // 2000 characters, which should be a safe assumption until we all get robot
195  // eyes. http://crbug.com/66576
196  if (localized_text.size() > 2000)
197    localized_text = localized_text.substr(0, 2000);
198  bool is_rtl = base::i18n::IsRTL();
199  if (is_rtl && !base::i18n::StringContainsStrongRTLChars(localized_text)) {
200    localized_text.insert(0, 1, base::i18n::kLeftToRightEmbeddingMark);
201    marked_with_lre = true;
202  }
204  // We can have a prefix, or insert additional characters while processing the
205  // classifications.  We need to take this in to account when we translate the
206  // UTF-16 offsets in the classification into text_utf8 byte offsets.
207  size_t additional_offset = prefix_text.size();  // Length in utf-8 bytes.
208  std::string text_utf8 = prefix_text + UTF16ToUTF8(localized_text);
210  PangoAttrList* attrs = pango_attr_list_new();
212  // TODO(deanm): This is a hack, just to handle coloring prefix_text.
213  // Hopefully I can clean up the match situation a bit and this will
214  // come out cleaner.  For now, apply the base color to the whole text
215  // so that our prefix will have the base color applied.
216  PangoAttribute* base_fg_attr = pango_attr_foreground_new(
217      base_color->red, base_color->green, base_color->blue);
218  pango_attr_list_insert(attrs, base_fg_attr);  // Ownership taken.
220  // Walk through the classifications, they are linear, in order, and should
221  // cover the entire text.  We create a bunch of overlapping attributes,
222  // extending from the offset to the end of the string.  The ones created
223  // later will override the previous ones, meaning we will still setup each
224  // portion correctly, we just don't need to compute the end offset.
225  for (ACMatchClassifications::const_iterator i = classifications.begin();
226       i != classifications.end(); ++i) {
227    size_t offset = GetUTF8Offset(localized_text, i->offset) +
228                    additional_offset;
230    // TODO(deanm): All the colors should probably blend based on whether this
231    // result is selected or not.  This would include the green URLs.  Right
232    // now the caller is left to blend only the base color.  Do we need to
233    // handle things like DIM urls?  Turns out DIM means something different
234    // than you'd think, all of the description text is not DIM, it is a
235    // special case that is not very common, but we should figure out and
236    // support it.
237    const GdkColor* color = base_color;
238    if (i->style & ACMatchClassification::URL) {
239      color = url_color;
240      // Insert a left to right embedding to make sure that URLs are shown LTR.
241      if (is_rtl && !marked_with_lre) {
242        std::string lre(kLRE);
243        text_utf8.insert(offset, lre);
244        additional_offset += lre.size();
245      }
246    }
248    if (i->style & ACMatchClassification::DIM)
249      color = dim_color;
251    PangoAttribute* fg_attr = pango_attr_foreground_new(
252        color->red, color->green, color->blue);
253    fg_attr->start_index = offset;
254    pango_attr_list_insert(attrs, fg_attr);  // Ownership taken.
256    // Matched portions are bold, otherwise use the normal weight.
257    PangoWeight weight = (i->style & ACMatchClassification::MATCH) ?
259    PangoAttribute* weight_attr = pango_attr_weight_new(weight);
260    weight_attr->start_index = offset;
261    pango_attr_list_insert(attrs, weight_attr);  // Ownership taken.
262  }
264  pango_layout_set_text(layout, text_utf8.data(), text_utf8.size());
265  pango_layout_set_attributes(layout, attrs);  // Ref taken.
266  pango_attr_list_unref(attrs);
270    const gfx::Font& font,
271    AutocompleteEditView* edit_view,
272    AutocompleteEditModel* edit_model,
273    Profile* profile,
274    GtkWidget* location_bar)
275    : model_(new AutocompletePopupModel(this, edit_model, profile)),
276      edit_view_(edit_view),
277      location_bar_(location_bar),
278      window_(gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_POPUP)),
279      layout_(NULL),
280      theme_service_(GtkThemeService::GetFrom(profile)),
281      font_(font.DeriveFont(kEditFontAdjust)),
282      ignore_mouse_drag_(false),
283      opened_(false) {
285  // Don't allow the window to be resized.  This also forces the window to
286  // shrink down to the size of its child contents.
287  gtk_window_set_resizable(GTK_WINDOW(window_), FALSE);
288  gtk_widget_set_app_paintable(window_, TRUE);
289  // Have GTK double buffer around the expose signal.
290  gtk_widget_set_double_buffered(window_, TRUE);
292  // Cache the layout so we don't have to create it for every expose.  If we
293  // were a real widget we should handle changing directions, but we're not
294  // doing RTL or anything yet, so it shouldn't be important now.
295  layout_ = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout(window_, NULL);
296  // We don't want the layout of search results depending on their language.
297  pango_layout_set_auto_dir(layout_, FALSE);
298  // We always ellipsize when drawing our text runs.
299  pango_layout_set_ellipsize(layout_, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END);
301  gtk_widget_add_events(window_, GDK_BUTTON_MOTION_MASK |
302                                 GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
303                                 GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK |
304                                 GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK);
305  g_signal_connect(window_, "motion-notify-event",
306                   G_CALLBACK(&HandleMotionThunk), this);
307  g_signal_connect(window_, "button-press-event",
308                   G_CALLBACK(&HandleButtonPressThunk), this);
309  g_signal_connect(window_, "button-release-event",
310                   G_CALLBACK(&HandleButtonReleaseThunk), this);
311  g_signal_connect(window_, "expose-event",
312                   G_CALLBACK(&HandleExposeThunk), this);
314  registrar_.Add(this,
315                 NotificationType::BROWSER_THEME_CHANGED,
316                 NotificationService::AllSources());
317  theme_service_->InitThemesFor(this);
319  // TODO(erg): There appears to be a bug somewhere in something which shows
320  // itself when we're in NX. Previously, we called
321  // gtk_util::ActAsRoundedWindow() to make this popup have rounded
322  // corners. This worked on the standard xorg server (both locally and
323  // remotely), but broke over NX. My current hypothesis is that it can't
324  // handle shaping top-level windows during an expose event, but I'm not sure
325  // how else to get accurate shaping information.
326  //
327  // r25080 (the original patch that added rounded corners here) should
328  // eventually be cherry picked once I know what's going
329  // on. http://crbug.com/22015.
332AutocompletePopupViewGtk::~AutocompletePopupViewGtk() {
333  // Explicitly destroy our model here, before we destroy our GTK widgets.
334  // This is because the model destructor can call back into us, and we need
335  // to make sure everything is still valid when it does.
336  model_.reset();
337  g_object_unref(layout_);
338  gtk_widget_destroy(window_);
340  for (PixbufMap::iterator it = pixbufs_.begin(); it != pixbufs_.end(); ++it)
341    g_object_unref(it->second);
344bool AutocompletePopupViewGtk::IsOpen() const {
345  return opened_;
348void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::InvalidateLine(size_t line) {
349  // TODO(deanm): Is it possible to use some constant for the width, instead
350  // of having to query the width of the window?
351  GdkRectangle line_rect = GetRectForLine(
352      line, GetWindowRect(window_->window).width()).ToGdkRectangle();
353  gdk_window_invalidate_rect(window_->window, &line_rect, FALSE);
356void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::UpdatePopupAppearance() {
357  const AutocompleteResult& result = model_->result();
358  if (result.empty()) {
359    Hide();
360    return;
361  }
363  Show(result.size());
364  gtk_widget_queue_draw(window_);
367gfx::Rect AutocompletePopupViewGtk::GetTargetBounds() {
368  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED(window_))
369    return gfx::Rect();
371  gfx::Rect retval = gtk_util::GetWidgetScreenBounds(window_);
373  // The widget bounds don't update synchronously so may be out of sync with
374  // our last size request.
375  GtkRequisition req;
376  gtk_widget_size_request(window_, &req);
377  retval.set_width(req.width);
378  retval.set_height(req.height);
380  return retval;
383void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::PaintUpdatesNow() {
384  // Paint our queued invalidations now, synchronously.
385  gdk_window_process_updates(window_->window, FALSE);
388void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::OnDragCanceled() {
389  ignore_mouse_drag_ = true;
392void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::Observe(NotificationType type,
393                                       const NotificationSource& source,
394                                       const NotificationDetails& details) {
395  DCHECK(type == NotificationType::BROWSER_THEME_CHANGED);
397  if (theme_service_->UseGtkTheme()) {
398    gtk_util::UndoForceFontSize(window_);
400    border_color_ = theme_service_->GetBorderColor();
402    gtk_util::GetTextColors(
403        &background_color_, &selected_background_color_,
404        &content_text_color_, &selected_content_text_color_);
406    hovered_background_color_ = gtk_util::AverageColors(
407        background_color_, selected_background_color_);
408    url_text_color_ = NormalURLColor(content_text_color_);
409    url_selected_text_color_ = SelectedURLColor(selected_content_text_color_,
410                                                selected_background_color_);
411  } else {
412    gtk_util::ForceFontSizePixels(window_, font_.GetFontSize());
414    border_color_ = kBorderColor;
415    background_color_ = kBackgroundColor;
416    selected_background_color_ = kSelectedBackgroundColor;
417    hovered_background_color_ = kHoveredBackgroundColor;
419    content_text_color_ = kContentTextColor;
420    selected_content_text_color_ = kContentTextColor;
421    url_text_color_ = kURLTextColor;
422    url_selected_text_color_ = kURLTextColor;
423  }
425  // Calculate dimmed colors.
426  content_dim_text_color_ =
427      gtk_util::AverageColors(content_text_color_,
428                              background_color_);
429  selected_content_dim_text_color_ =
430      gtk_util::AverageColors(selected_content_text_color_,
431                              selected_background_color_);
433  // Set the background color, so we don't need to paint it manually.
434  gtk_widget_modify_bg(window_, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &background_color_);
437void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::Show(size_t num_results) {
438  gint origin_x, origin_y;
439  gdk_window_get_origin(location_bar_->window, &origin_x, &origin_y);
440  GtkAllocation allocation = location_bar_->allocation;
442  int horizontal_offset = 1;
443  gtk_window_move(GTK_WINDOW(window_),
444      origin_x + allocation.x - kBorderThickness + horizontal_offset,
445      origin_y + allocation.y + allocation.height - kBorderThickness - 1 +
446          kVerticalOffset);
447  gtk_widget_set_size_request(window_,
448      allocation.width + (kBorderThickness * 2) - (horizontal_offset * 2),
449      (num_results * kHeightPerResult) + (kBorderThickness * 2));
450  gtk_widget_show(window_);
451  StackWindow();
452  opened_ = true;
455void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::Hide() {
456  gtk_widget_hide(window_);
457  opened_ = false;
460void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::StackWindow() {
461  gfx::NativeView edit_view = edit_view_->GetNativeView();
462  DCHECK(GTK_IS_WIDGET(edit_view));
463  GtkWidget* toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(edit_view);
465  ui::StackPopupWindow(window_, toplevel);
468size_t AutocompletePopupViewGtk::LineFromY(int y) {
469  size_t line = std::max(y - kBorderThickness, 0) / kHeightPerResult;
470  return std::min(line, model_->result().size() - 1);
473void AutocompletePopupViewGtk::AcceptLine(size_t line,
474                                          WindowOpenDisposition disposition) {
475  const AutocompleteMatch& match = model_->result().match_at(line);
476  // OpenURL() may close the popup, which will clear the result set and, by
477  // extension, |match| and its contents.  So copy the relevant strings out to
478  // make sure they stay alive until the call completes.
479  const GURL url(match.destination_url);
480  string16 keyword;
481  const bool is_keyword_hint = model_->GetKeywordForMatch(match, &keyword);
482  edit_view_->OpenURL(url, disposition, match.transition, GURL(), line,
483                      is_keyword_hint ? string16() : keyword);
486GdkPixbuf* AutocompletePopupViewGtk::IconForMatch(
487    const AutocompleteMatch& match,
488    bool selected) {
489  const SkBitmap* bitmap = model_->GetIconIfExtensionMatch(match);
490  if (bitmap) {
491    if (!ContainsKey(pixbufs_, bitmap))
492      pixbufs_[bitmap] = gfx::GdkPixbufFromSkBitmap(bitmap);
493    return pixbufs_[bitmap];
494  }
496  int icon = match.starred ?
497      IDR_OMNIBOX_STAR : AutocompleteMatch::TypeToIcon(match.type);
498  if (selected) {
499    switch (icon) {
502        break;
503      case IDR_OMNIBOX_HTTP:
504        icon = IDR_OMNIBOX_HTTP_DARK;
505        break;
506      case IDR_OMNIBOX_HISTORY:
507        icon = IDR_OMNIBOX_HISTORY_DARK;
508        break;
509      case IDR_OMNIBOX_SEARCH:
510        icon = IDR_OMNIBOX_SEARCH_DARK;
511        break;
512      case IDR_OMNIBOX_STAR:
513        icon = IDR_OMNIBOX_STAR_DARK;
514        break;
515      default:
516        NOTREACHED();
517        break;
518    }
519  }
521  // TODO(estade): Do we want to flip these for RTL?  (Windows doesn't).
522  return theme_service_->GetPixbufNamed(icon);
525gboolean AutocompletePopupViewGtk::HandleMotion(GtkWidget* widget,
526                                                GdkEventMotion* event) {
527  // TODO(deanm): Windows has a bunch of complicated logic here.
528  size_t line = LineFromY(static_cast<int>(event->y));
529  // There is both a hovered and selected line, hovered just means your mouse
530  // is over it, but selected is what's showing in the location edit.
531  model_->SetHoveredLine(line);
532  // Select the line if the user has the left mouse button down.
533  if (!ignore_mouse_drag_ && (event->state & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK))
534    model_->SetSelectedLine(line, false, false);
535  return TRUE;
538gboolean AutocompletePopupViewGtk::HandleButtonPress(GtkWidget* widget,
539                                                     GdkEventButton* event) {
540  ignore_mouse_drag_ = false;
541  // Very similar to HandleMotion.
542  size_t line = LineFromY(static_cast<int>(event->y));
543  model_->SetHoveredLine(line);
544  if (event->button == 1)
545    model_->SetSelectedLine(line, false, false);
546  return TRUE;
549gboolean AutocompletePopupViewGtk::HandleButtonRelease(GtkWidget* widget,
550                                                       GdkEventButton* event) {
551  if (ignore_mouse_drag_) {
552    // See header comment about this flag.
553    ignore_mouse_drag_ = false;
554    return TRUE;
555  }
557  size_t line = LineFromY(static_cast<int>(event->y));
558  switch (event->button) {
559    case 1:  // Left click.
560      AcceptLine(line, CURRENT_TAB);
561      break;
562    case 2:  // Middle click.
563      AcceptLine(line, NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB);
564      break;
565    default:
566      // Don't open the result.
567      break;
568  }
569  return TRUE;
572gboolean AutocompletePopupViewGtk::HandleExpose(GtkWidget* widget,
573                                                GdkEventExpose* event) {
574  bool ltr = !base::i18n::IsRTL();
575  const AutocompleteResult& result = model_->result();
577  gfx::Rect window_rect = GetWindowRect(event->window);
578  gfx::Rect damage_rect = gfx::Rect(event->area);
579  // Handle when our window is super narrow.  A bunch of the calculations
580  // below would go negative, and really we're not going to fit anything
581  // useful in such a small window anyway.  Just don't paint anything.
582  // This means we won't draw the border, but, yeah, whatever.
583  // TODO(deanm): Make the code more robust and remove this check.
584  if (window_rect.width() < (kIconAreaWidth * 3))
585    return TRUE;
587  GdkDrawable* drawable = GDK_DRAWABLE(event->window);
588  GdkGC* gc = gdk_gc_new(drawable);
590  // kBorderColor is unallocated, so use the GdkRGB routine.
591  gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(gc, &border_color_);
593  // This assert is kinda ugly, but it would be more currently unneeded work
594  // to support painting a border that isn't 1 pixel thick.  There is no point
595  // in writing that code now, and explode if that day ever comes.
596  COMPILE_ASSERT(kBorderThickness == 1, border_1px_implied);
597  // Draw the 1px border around the entire window.
598  gdk_draw_rectangle(drawable, gc, FALSE,
599                     0, 0,
600                     window_rect.width() - 1, window_rect.height() - 1);
602  pango_layout_set_height(layout_, kHeightPerResult * PANGO_SCALE);
604  for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
605    gfx::Rect line_rect = GetRectForLine(i, window_rect.width());
606    // Only repaint and layout damaged lines.
607    if (!line_rect.Intersects(damage_rect))
608      continue;
610    const AutocompleteMatch& match = result.match_at(i);
611    bool is_selected = (model_->selected_line() == i);
612    bool is_hovered = (model_->hovered_line() == i);
613    if (is_selected || is_hovered) {
614      gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(gc, is_selected ? &selected_background_color_ :
615                              &hovered_background_color_);
616      // This entry is selected or hovered, fill a rect with the color.
617      gdk_draw_rectangle(drawable, gc, TRUE,
618                         line_rect.x(), line_rect.y(),
619                         line_rect.width(), line_rect.height());
620    }
622    int icon_start_x = ltr ? kIconLeftPadding :
623        (line_rect.width() - kIconLeftPadding - kIconWidth);
624    // Draw the icon for this result.
625    DrawFullPixbuf(drawable, gc,
626                   IconForMatch(match, is_selected),
627                   icon_start_x, line_rect.y() + kIconTopPadding);
629    // Draw the results text vertically centered in the results space.
630    // First draw the contents / url, but don't let it take up the whole width
631    // if there is also a description to be shown.
632    bool has_description = !match.description.empty();
633    int text_width = window_rect.width() - (kIconAreaWidth + kRightPadding);
634    int allocated_content_width = has_description ?
635        static_cast<int>(text_width * kContentWidthPercentage) : text_width;
636    pango_layout_set_width(layout_, allocated_content_width * PANGO_SCALE);
638    // Note: We force to URL to LTR for all text directions.
639    SetupLayoutForMatch(layout_, match.contents, match.contents_class,
640                        is_selected ? &selected_content_text_color_ :
641                            &content_text_color_,
642                        is_selected ? &selected_content_dim_text_color_ :
643                            &content_dim_text_color_,
644                        is_selected ? &url_selected_text_color_ :
645                            &url_text_color_,
646                        std::string());
648    int actual_content_width, actual_content_height;
649    pango_layout_get_size(layout_,
650        &actual_content_width, &actual_content_height);
651    actual_content_width /= PANGO_SCALE;
652    actual_content_height /= PANGO_SCALE;
654    // DCHECK_LT(actual_content_height, kHeightPerResult);  // Font is too tall.
655    // Center the text within the line.
656    int content_y = std::max(line_rect.y(),
657        line_rect.y() + ((kHeightPerResult - actual_content_height) / 2));
659    gdk_draw_layout(drawable, gc,
660                    ltr ? kIconAreaWidth :
661                        (text_width - actual_content_width),
662                    content_y, layout_);
664    if (has_description) {
665      pango_layout_set_width(layout_,
666          (text_width - actual_content_width) * PANGO_SCALE);
668      // In Windows, a boolean "force_dim" is passed as true for the
669      // description.  Here, we pass the dim text color for both normal and dim,
670      // to accomplish the same thing.
671      SetupLayoutForMatch(layout_, match.description, match.description_class,
672                          is_selected ? &selected_content_dim_text_color_ :
673                              &content_dim_text_color_,
674                          is_selected ? &selected_content_dim_text_color_ :
675                              &content_dim_text_color_,
676                          is_selected ? &url_selected_text_color_ :
677                              &url_text_color_,
678                          std::string(" - "));
679      gint actual_description_width;
680      pango_layout_get_size(layout_, &actual_description_width, NULL);
681      gdk_draw_layout(drawable, gc, ltr ?
682                          (kIconAreaWidth + actual_content_width) :
683                          (text_width - actual_content_width -
684                           (actual_description_width / PANGO_SCALE)),
685                      content_y, layout_);
686    }
687  }
689  g_object_unref(gc);
691  return TRUE;