1// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
7#pragma once
9#ifdef ANDROID
10#include "android/autofill/profile_android.h"
11#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
12#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
13#include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_host.h"
15// Autofill does not need the entire TabContents class, just
16// access to the RenderViewHost and Profile. Later it would
17// be nice to create a small class that contains just this
18// data for AutoFill. Then Android won't care about this
19// file which as it stands does not compile for us.
20class RenderViewHost;
21class URLRequestContextGetter;
23class TabContents {
25  TabContents()
26    : profile_(ProfileImplAndroid::CreateProfile(FilePath()))
27    , autofill_host_(NULL)
28  {
29  }
31  Profile* profile() { return profile_.get(); }
32  void SetProfileRequestContext(URLRequestContextGetter* context) { static_cast<ProfileImplAndroid*>(profile_.get())->SetRequestContext(context); }
33  AutoFillHost* autofill_host() { return autofill_host_; }
34  void SetAutoFillHost(AutoFillHost* autofill_host) { autofill_host_ = autofill_host; }
37  scoped_ptr<Profile> profile_;
38  AutoFillHost* autofill_host_;
43#include <deque>
44#include <map>
45#include <string>
46#include <vector>
48#include "base/basictypes.h"
49#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
50#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
51#include "base/string16.h"
52#include "chrome/browser/dom_ui/web_ui_factory.h"
53#include "chrome/browser/download/save_package.h"
54#include "chrome/browser/extensions/image_loading_tracker.h"
55#include "chrome/browser/fav_icon_helper.h"
56#include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
57#include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_delegate.h"
58#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/constrained_window.h"
59#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/language_state.h"
60#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/navigation_controller.h"
61#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/navigation_entry.h"
62#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/page_navigator.h"
63#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/render_view_host_manager.h"
64#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_specific_content_settings.h"
65#include "chrome/browser/ui/app_modal_dialogs/js_modal_dialog.h"
66#include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h"
67#include "chrome/common/property_bag.h"
68#include "chrome/common/renderer_preferences.h"
69#include "chrome/common/translate_errors.h"
70#include "chrome/common/web_apps.h"
71#include "net/base/load_states.h"
72#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
74#if defined(OS_WIN)
75#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
78namespace gfx {
79class Rect;
82namespace history {
83class HistoryAddPageArgs;
86namespace printing {
87class PrintPreviewMessageHandler;
88class PrintViewManager;
91class AutocompleteHistoryManager;
92class AutoFillManager;
93class BlockedContentContainer;
94class WebUI;
95class DesktopNotificationHandler;
96class DownloadItem;
97class Extension;
98class FileSelectHelper;
99class InfoBarDelegate;
100class LoadNotificationDetails;
101class OmniboxSearchHint;
102class PluginObserver;
103class Profile;
104class PrerenderManager;
105class PrerenderPLTRecorder;
106class RenderViewHost;
107class SessionStorageNamespace;
108class SiteInstance;
109class SkBitmap;
110class TabContents;
111class TabContentsDelegate;
112class TabContentsObserver;
113class TabContentsSSLHelper;
114class TabContentsView;
115class URLPattern;
116struct RendererPreferences;
117struct ThumbnailScore;
118struct ViewHostMsg_DomMessage_Params;
119struct ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params;
120struct ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Params;
121struct WebPreferences;
123// Describes what goes in the main content area of a tab. TabContents is
124// the only type of TabContents, and these should be merged together.
125class TabContents : public PageNavigator,
126                    public NotificationObserver,
127                    public RenderViewHostDelegate,
128                    public RenderViewHostManager::Delegate,
129                    public JavaScriptAppModalDialogDelegate,
130                    public ImageLoadingTracker::Observer,
131                    public TabSpecificContentSettings::Delegate {
132 public:
133  // Flags passed to the TabContentsDelegate.NavigationStateChanged to tell it
134  // what has changed. Combine them to update more than one thing.
135  enum InvalidateTypes {
136    INVALIDATE_URL             = 1 << 0,  // The URL has changed.
137    INVALIDATE_TAB             = 1 << 1,  // The favicon, app icon, or crashed
138                                          // state changed.
139    INVALIDATE_LOAD            = 1 << 2,  // The loading state has changed.
140    INVALIDATE_PAGE_ACTIONS    = 1 << 3,  // Page action icons have changed.
141    INVALIDATE_BOOKMARK_BAR    = 1 << 4,  // State of ShouldShowBookmarkBar
142                                          // changed.
143    INVALIDATE_TITLE           = 1 << 5,  // The title changed.
144  };
146  // |base_tab_contents| is used if we want to size the new tab contents view
147  // based on an existing tab contents view.  This can be NULL if not needed.
148  //
149  // The session storage namespace parameter allows multiple render views and
150  // tab contentses to share the same session storage (part of the WebStorage
151  // spec) space. This is useful when restoring tabs, but most callers should
152  // pass in NULL which will cause a new SessionStorageNamespace to be created.
153  TabContents(Profile* profile,
154              SiteInstance* site_instance,
155              int routing_id,
156              const TabContents* base_tab_contents,
157              SessionStorageNamespace* session_storage_namespace);
158  virtual ~TabContents();
160  static void RegisterUserPrefs(PrefService* prefs);
162  // Intrinsic tab state -------------------------------------------------------
164  // Returns the property bag for this tab contents, where callers can add
165  // extra data they may wish to associate with the tab. Returns a pointer
166  // rather than a reference since the PropertyAccessors expect this.
167  const PropertyBag* property_bag() const { return &property_bag_; }
168  PropertyBag* property_bag() { return &property_bag_; }
170  TabContentsDelegate* delegate() const { return delegate_; }
171  void set_delegate(TabContentsDelegate* d) { delegate_ = d; }
173  // Gets the controller for this tab contents.
174  NavigationController& controller() { return controller_; }
175  const NavigationController& controller() const { return controller_; }
177  // Returns the user profile associated with this TabContents (via the
178  // NavigationController).
179  Profile* profile() const { return controller_.profile(); }
181  // Returns true if contains content rendered by an extension.
182  bool HostsExtension() const;
184  // Returns the TabContentsSSLHelper, creating it if necessary.
185  TabContentsSSLHelper* GetSSLHelper();
187  // Returns the SavePackage which manages the page saving job. May be NULL.
188  SavePackage* save_package() const { return save_package_.get(); }
190  // Return the currently active RenderProcessHost and RenderViewHost. Each of
191  // these may change over time.
192  RenderProcessHost* GetRenderProcessHost() const;
193  RenderViewHost* render_view_host() const {
194    return render_manager_.current_host();
195  }
197  WebUI* web_ui() const {
198    return render_manager_.web_ui() ? render_manager_.web_ui()
199        : render_manager_.pending_web_ui();
200  }
202  // Returns the currently active RenderWidgetHostView. This may change over
203  // time and can be NULL (during setup and teardown).
204  RenderWidgetHostView* GetRenderWidgetHostView() const {
205    return render_manager_.GetRenderWidgetHostView();
206  }
208  // The TabContentsView will never change and is guaranteed non-NULL.
209  TabContentsView* view() const {
210    return view_.get();
211  }
213  // Returns the FavIconHelper of this TabContents.
214  FavIconHelper& fav_icon_helper() {
215    return fav_icon_helper_;
216  }
218  // App extensions ------------------------------------------------------------
220  // Sets the extension denoting this as an app. If |extension| is non-null this
221  // tab becomes an app-tab. TabContents does not listen for unload events for
222  // the extension. It's up to consumers of TabContents to do that.
223  //
224  // NOTE: this should only be manipulated before the tab is added to a browser.
225  // TODO(sky): resolve if this is the right way to identify an app tab. If it
226  // is, than this should be passed in the constructor.
227  void SetExtensionApp(const Extension* extension);
229  // Convenience for setting the app extension by id. This does nothing if
230  // |extension_app_id| is empty, or an extension can't be found given the
231  // specified id.
232  void SetExtensionAppById(const std::string& extension_app_id);
234  const Extension* extension_app() const { return extension_app_; }
235  bool is_app() const { return extension_app_ != NULL; }
237  // If an app extension has been explicitly set for this TabContents its icon
238  // is returned.
239  //
240  // NOTE: the returned icon is larger than 16x16 (its size is
241  // Extension::EXTENSION_ICON_SMALLISH).
242  SkBitmap* GetExtensionAppIcon();
244  // Tab navigation state ------------------------------------------------------
246  // Returns the current navigation properties, which if a navigation is
247  // pending may be provisional (e.g., the navigation could result in a
248  // download, in which case the URL would revert to what it was previously).
249  virtual const GURL& GetURL() const;
250  virtual const string16& GetTitle() const;
252  // Initial title assigned to NavigationEntries from Navigate.
253  static string16 GetDefaultTitle();
255  // The max PageID of any page that this TabContents has loaded.  PageIDs
256  // increase with each new page that is loaded by a tab.  If this is a
257  // TabContents, then the max PageID is kept separately on each SiteInstance.
258  // Returns -1 if no PageIDs have yet been seen.
259  int32 GetMaxPageID();
261  // Updates the max PageID to be at least the given PageID.
262  void UpdateMaxPageID(int32 page_id);
264  // Returns the site instance associated with the current page. By default,
265  // there is no site instance. TabContents overrides this to provide proper
266  // access to its site instance.
267  virtual SiteInstance* GetSiteInstance() const;
269  // Defines whether this tab's URL should be displayed in the browser's URL
270  // bar. Normally this is true so you can see the URL. This is set to false
271  // for the new tab page and related pages so that the URL bar is empty and
272  // the user is invited to type into it.
273  virtual bool ShouldDisplayURL();
275  // Returns the favicon for this tab, or an isNull() bitmap if the tab does not
276  // have a favicon. The default implementation uses the current navigation
277  // entry.
278  SkBitmap GetFavIcon() const;
280  // Returns true if we are not using the default favicon.
281  bool FavIconIsValid() const;
283  // Returns whether the favicon should be displayed. If this returns false, no
284  // space is provided for the favicon, and the favicon is never displayed.
285  virtual bool ShouldDisplayFavIcon();
287  // Returns a human-readable description the tab's loading state.
288  virtual string16 GetStatusText() const;
290  // Add and remove observers for page navigation notifications. Adding or
291  // removing multiple times has no effect. The order in which notifications
292  // are sent to observers is undefined. Clients must be sure to remove the
293  // observer before they go away.
294  void AddObserver(TabContentsObserver* observer);
295  void RemoveObserver(TabContentsObserver* observer);
297  // Return whether this tab contents is loading a resource.
298  bool is_loading() const { return is_loading_; }
300  // Returns whether this tab contents is waiting for a first-response for the
301  // main resource of the page. This controls whether the throbber state is
302  // "waiting" or "loading."
303  bool waiting_for_response() const { return waiting_for_response_; }
305  const std::string& encoding() const { return encoding_; }
306  void set_encoding(const std::string& encoding);
307  void reset_encoding() {
308    encoding_.clear();
309  }
311  const WebApplicationInfo& web_app_info() const {
312    return web_app_info_;
313  }
315  const SkBitmap& app_icon() const { return app_icon_; }
317  // Sets an app icon associated with TabContents and fires an INVALIDATE_TITLE
318  // navigation state change to trigger repaint of title.
319  void SetAppIcon(const SkBitmap& app_icon);
321  bool displayed_insecure_content() const {
322    return displayed_insecure_content_;
323  }
325  // Internal state ------------------------------------------------------------
327  // This flag indicates whether the tab contents is currently being
328  // screenshotted by the DraggedTabController.
329  bool capturing_contents() const { return capturing_contents_; }
330  void set_capturing_contents(bool cap) { capturing_contents_ = cap; }
332  // Indicates whether this tab should be considered crashed. The setter will
333  // also notify the delegate when the flag is changed.
334  bool is_crashed() const {
335    return (crashed_status_ == base::TERMINATION_STATUS_PROCESS_CRASHED ||
336            crashed_status_ == base::TERMINATION_STATUS_ABNORMAL_TERMINATION ||
337            crashed_status_ == base::TERMINATION_STATUS_PROCESS_WAS_KILLED);
338  }
339  base::TerminationStatus crashed_status() const { return crashed_status_; }
340  int crashed_error_code() const { return crashed_error_code_; }
341  void SetIsCrashed(base::TerminationStatus status, int error_code);
343  // Call this after updating a page action to notify clients about the changes.
344  void PageActionStateChanged();
346  // Whether the tab is in the process of being destroyed.
347  // Added as a tentative work-around for focus related bug #4633.  This allows
348  // us not to store focus when a tab is being closed.
349  bool is_being_destroyed() const { return is_being_destroyed_; }
351  // Convenience method for notifying the delegate of a navigation state
352  // change. See TabContentsDelegate.
353  void NotifyNavigationStateChanged(unsigned changed_flags);
355  // Invoked when the tab contents becomes selected. If you override, be sure
356  // and invoke super's implementation.
357  virtual void DidBecomeSelected();
358  base::TimeTicks last_selected_time() const {
359    return last_selected_time_;
360  }
362  // Invoked when the tab contents becomes hidden.
363  // NOTE: If you override this, call the superclass version too!
364  virtual void WasHidden();
366  // Activates this contents within its containing window, bringing that window
367  // to the foreground if necessary.
368  void Activate();
370  // Deactivates this contents by deactivating its containing window.
371  void Deactivate();
373  // TODO(brettw) document these.
374  virtual void ShowContents();
375  virtual void HideContents();
377  // Returns true if the before unload and unload listeners need to be
378  // fired. The value of this changes over time. For example, if true and the
379  // before unload listener is executed and allows the user to exit, then this
380  // returns false.
381  bool NeedToFireBeforeUnload();
383#ifdef UNIT_TEST
384  // Expose the render manager for testing.
385  RenderViewHostManager* render_manager() { return &render_manager_; }
388  // In the underlying RenderViewHostManager, swaps in the provided
389  // RenderViewHost to replace the current RenderViewHost.  The current RVH
390  // will be shutdown and ultimately deleted.
391  void SwapInRenderViewHost(RenderViewHost* rvh);
393  // Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------
395  // Implementation of PageNavigator.
396  virtual void OpenURL(const GURL& url, const GURL& referrer,
397                       WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
398                       PageTransition::Type transition);
400  // Called by the NavigationController to cause the TabContents to navigate to
401  // the current pending entry. The NavigationController should be called back
402  // with CommitPendingEntry/RendererDidNavigate on success or
403  // DiscardPendingEntry. The callbacks can be inside of this function, or at
404  // some future time.
405  //
406  // The entry has a PageID of -1 if newly created (corresponding to navigation
407  // to a new URL).
408  //
409  // If this method returns false, then the navigation is discarded (equivalent
410  // to calling DiscardPendingEntry on the NavigationController).
411  virtual bool NavigateToPendingEntry(
412      NavigationController::ReloadType reload_type);
414  // Stop any pending navigation.
415  virtual void Stop();
417  // Called on a TabContents when it isn't a popup, but a new window.
418  virtual void DisassociateFromPopupCount();
420  // Creates a new TabContents with the same state as this one. The returned
421  // heap-allocated pointer is owned by the caller.
422  virtual TabContents* Clone();
424  // Shows the page info.
425  void ShowPageInfo(const GURL& url,
426                    const NavigationEntry::SSLStatus& ssl,
427                    bool show_history);
429  // Saves the favicon for the current page.
430  void SaveFavicon();
432  // Window management ---------------------------------------------------------
434  // Create a new window constrained to this TabContents' clip and visibility.
435  // The window is initialized by using the supplied delegate to obtain basic
436  // window characteristics, and the supplied view for the content. Note that
437  // the returned ConstrainedWindow might not yet be visible.
438  ConstrainedWindow* CreateConstrainedDialog(
439      ConstrainedWindowDelegate* delegate);
441  // Adds a new tab or window with the given already-created contents
442  void AddNewContents(TabContents* new_contents,
443                      WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
444                      const gfx::Rect& initial_pos,
445                      bool user_gesture);
447  // Execute code in this tab. Returns true if the message was successfully
448  // sent.
449  bool ExecuteCode(int request_id, const std::string& extension_id,
450                   bool is_js_code, const std::string& code_string,
451                   bool all_frames);
453  // Called when the blocked popup notification is shown or hidden.
454  virtual void PopupNotificationVisibilityChanged(bool visible);
456  // Returns the number of constrained windows in this tab.  Used by tests.
457  size_t constrained_window_count() { return child_windows_.size(); }
459  typedef std::deque<ConstrainedWindow*> ConstrainedWindowList;
461  // Return an iterator for the first constrained window in this tab contents.
462  ConstrainedWindowList::iterator constrained_window_begin()
463  { return child_windows_.begin(); }
465  // Return an iterator for the last constrained window in this tab contents.
466  ConstrainedWindowList::iterator constrained_window_end()
467  { return child_windows_.end(); }
469  // Views and focus -----------------------------------------------------------
470  // TODO(brettw): Most of these should be removed and the caller should call
471  // the view directly.
473  // Returns the actual window that is focused when this TabContents is shown.
474  gfx::NativeView GetContentNativeView() const;
476  // Returns the NativeView associated with this TabContents. Outside of
477  // automation in the context of the UI, this is required to be implemented.
478  gfx::NativeView GetNativeView() const;
480  // Returns the bounds of this TabContents in the screen coordinate system.
481  void GetContainerBounds(gfx::Rect *out) const;
483  // Makes the tab the focused window.
484  void Focus();
486  // Focuses the first (last if |reverse| is true) element in the page.
487  // Invoked when this tab is getting the focus through tab traversal (|reverse|
488  // is true when using Shift-Tab).
489  void FocusThroughTabTraversal(bool reverse);
491  // These next two functions are declared on RenderViewHostManager::Delegate
492  // but also accessed directly by other callers.
494  // Returns true if the location bar should be focused by default rather than
495  // the page contents. The view calls this function when the tab is focused
496  // to see what it should do.
497  virtual bool FocusLocationBarByDefault();
499  // Focuses the location bar.
500  virtual void SetFocusToLocationBar(bool select_all);
502  // Creates a view and sets the size for the specified RVH.
503  virtual void CreateViewAndSetSizeForRVH(RenderViewHost* rvh);
505  // Infobars ------------------------------------------------------------------
507  // Adds an InfoBar for the specified |delegate|.
508  virtual void AddInfoBar(InfoBarDelegate* delegate);
510  // Removes the InfoBar for the specified |delegate|.
511  void RemoveInfoBar(InfoBarDelegate* delegate);
513  // Replaces one infobar with another, without any animation in between.
514  void ReplaceInfoBar(InfoBarDelegate* old_delegate,
515                      InfoBarDelegate* new_delegate);
517  // Enumeration and access functions.
518  size_t infobar_count() const { return infobar_delegates_.size(); }
519  // WARNING: This does not sanity-check |index|!
520  InfoBarDelegate* GetInfoBarDelegateAt(size_t index) {
521    return infobar_delegates_[index];
522  }
524  // Toolbars and such ---------------------------------------------------------
526  // Returns true if a Bookmark Bar should be shown for this tab.
527  virtual bool ShouldShowBookmarkBar();
529  // Notifies the delegate that a download is about to be started.
530  // This notification is fired before a local temporary file has been created.
531  bool CanDownload(int request_id);
533  // Notifies the delegate that a download started.
534  void OnStartDownload(DownloadItem* download);
536  // Notify our delegate that some of our content has animated.
537  void ToolbarSizeChanged(bool is_animating);
539  // Called when a ConstrainedWindow we own is about to be closed.
540  void WillClose(ConstrainedWindow* window);
542  // Called when a BlockedContentContainer we own is about to be closed.
543  void WillCloseBlockedContentContainer(BlockedContentContainer* container);
545  // Called when a ConstrainedWindow we own is moved or resized.
546  void DidMoveOrResize(ConstrainedWindow* window);
548  // Interstitials -------------------------------------------------------------
550  // Various other systems need to know about our interstitials.
551  bool showing_interstitial_page() const {
552    return render_manager_.interstitial_page() != NULL;
553  }
555  // Sets the passed passed interstitial as the currently showing interstitial.
556  // |interstitial_page| should be non NULL (use the remove_interstitial_page
557  // method to unset the interstitial) and no interstitial page should be set
558  // when there is already a non NULL interstitial page set.
559  void set_interstitial_page(InterstitialPage* interstitial_page) {
560    render_manager_.set_interstitial_page(interstitial_page);
561  }
563  // Unsets the currently showing interstitial.
564  void remove_interstitial_page() {
565    render_manager_.remove_interstitial_page();
566  }
568  // Returns the currently showing interstitial, NULL if no interstitial is
569  // showing.
570  InterstitialPage* interstitial_page() const {
571    return render_manager_.interstitial_page();
572  }
574  // Misc state & callbacks ----------------------------------------------------
576  // Set whether the contents should block javascript message boxes or not.
577  // Default is not to block any message boxes.
578  void set_suppress_javascript_messages(bool suppress_javascript_messages) {
579    suppress_javascript_messages_ = suppress_javascript_messages;
580  }
582  // Prepare for saving the current web page to disk.
583  void OnSavePage();
585  // Save page with the main HTML file path, the directory for saving resources,
586  // and the save type: HTML only or complete web page. Returns true if the
587  // saving process has been initiated successfully.
588  bool SavePage(const FilePath& main_file, const FilePath& dir_path,
589                SavePackage::SavePackageType save_type);
591  // Sets save_package_, taking care to register and unregister the observers.
592  void SetSavePackage(SavePackage* save_package);
594  // Tells the user's email client to open a compose window containing the
595  // current page's URL.
596  void EmailPageLocation();
598  // Displays asynchronously a print preview (generated by the renderer) if not
599  // already displayed and ask the user for its preferred print settings with
600  // the "Print..." dialog box. (managed by the print worker thread).
601  // TODO(maruel):  Creates a snapshot of the renderer to be used for the new
602  // tab for the printing facility.
603  void PrintPreview();
605  // Prints the current document immediately. Since the rendering is
606  // asynchronous, the actual printing will not be completed on the return of
607  // this function. Returns false if printing is impossible at the moment.
608  bool PrintNow();
610  // Notify the completion of a printing job.
611  void PrintingDone(int document_cookie, bool success);
613  // Returns true if the active NavigationEntry's page_id equals page_id.
614  bool IsActiveEntry(int32 page_id);
616  const std::string& contents_mime_type() const {
617    return contents_mime_type_;
618  }
620  // Returns true if this TabContents will notify about disconnection.
621  bool notify_disconnection() const { return notify_disconnection_; }
623  // Override the encoding and reload the page by sending down
624  // ViewMsg_SetPageEncoding to the renderer. |UpdateEncoding| is kinda
625  // the opposite of this, by which 'browser' is notified of
626  // the encoding of the current tab from 'renderer' (determined by
627  // auto-detect, http header, meta, bom detection, etc).
628  void SetOverrideEncoding(const std::string& encoding);
630  // Remove any user-defined override encoding and reload by sending down
631  // ViewMsg_ResetPageEncodingToDefault to the renderer.
632  void ResetOverrideEncoding();
634  void WindowMoveOrResizeStarted();
636  // Sets whether all TabContents added by way of |AddNewContents| should be
637  // blocked. Transitioning from all blocked to not all blocked results in
638  // reevaluating any blocked TabContents, which may result in unblocking some
639  // of the blocked TabContents.
640  void SetAllContentsBlocked(bool value);
642  BlockedContentContainer* blocked_content_container() const {
643    return blocked_contents_;
644  }
646  RendererPreferences* GetMutableRendererPrefs() {
647    return &renderer_preferences_;
648  }
650  void set_opener_web_ui_type(WebUITypeID opener_web_ui_type) {
651    opener_web_ui_type_ = opener_web_ui_type;
652  }
654  // We want to time how long it takes to create a new tab page.  This method
655  // gets called as parts of the new tab page have loaded.
656  void LogNewTabTime(const std::string& event_name);
658  // Set the time when we started to create the new tab page.  This time is
659  // from before we created this TabContents.
660  void set_new_tab_start_time(const base::TimeTicks& time) {
661    new_tab_start_time_ = time;
662  }
664  // Notification that tab closing has started.  This can be called multiple
665  // times, subsequent calls are ignored.
666  void OnCloseStarted();
668  LanguageState& language_state() {
669    return language_state_;
670  }
672  // Returns true if underlying TabContentsView should accept drag-n-drop.
673  bool ShouldAcceptDragAndDrop() const;
675  // A render view-originated drag has ended. Informs the render view host and
676  // tab contents delegate.
677  void SystemDragEnded();
679  // Indicates if this tab was explicitly closed by the user (control-w, close
680  // tab menu item...). This is false for actions that indirectly close the tab,
681  // such as closing the window.  The setter is maintained by TabStripModel, and
682  // the getter only useful from within TAB_CLOSED notification
683  void set_closed_by_user_gesture(bool value) {
684    closed_by_user_gesture_ = value;
685  }
686  bool closed_by_user_gesture() const { return closed_by_user_gesture_; }
688  // Overridden from JavaScriptAppModalDialogDelegate:
689  virtual void OnMessageBoxClosed(IPC::Message* reply_msg,
690                                  bool success,
691                                  const std::wstring& prompt);
692  virtual void SetSuppressMessageBoxes(bool suppress_message_boxes);
693  virtual gfx::NativeWindow GetMessageBoxRootWindow();
694  virtual TabContents* AsTabContents();
695  virtual ExtensionHost* AsExtensionHost();
697  // The BookmarkDragDelegate is used to forward bookmark drag and drop events
698  // to extensions.
699  virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::BookmarkDrag* GetBookmarkDragDelegate();
701  // It is up to callers to call SetBookmarkDragDelegate(NULL) when
702  // |bookmark_drag| is deleted since this class does not take ownership of
703  // |bookmark_drag|.
704  virtual void SetBookmarkDragDelegate(
705      RenderViewHostDelegate::BookmarkDrag* bookmark_drag);
707  // The TabSpecificContentSettings object is used to query the blocked content
708  // state by various UI elements.
709  TabSpecificContentSettings* GetTabSpecificContentSettings() const;
711  // Updates history with the specified navigation. This is called by
712  // OnMsgNavigate to update history state.
713  void UpdateHistoryForNavigation(
714      scoped_refptr<history::HistoryAddPageArgs> add_page_args);
716  // Sends the page title to the history service. This is called when we receive
717  // the page title and we know we want to update history.
718  void UpdateHistoryPageTitle(const NavigationEntry& entry);
720  // Gets the zoom level for this tab.
721  double GetZoomLevel() const;
723  // Gets the zoom percent for this tab.
724  int GetZoomPercent(bool* enable_increment, bool* enable_decrement);
726  // Shows a fade effect over this tab contents. Repeated calls will be ignored
727  // until the fade is canceled. If |animate| is true the fade should animate.
728  void FadeForInstant(bool animate);
730  // Immediately removes the fade.
731  void CancelInstantFade();
733  // Opens view-source tab for this contents.
734  void ViewSource();
736  // Gets the minimum/maximum zoom percent.
737  int minimum_zoom_percent() const { return minimum_zoom_percent_; }
738  int maximum_zoom_percent() const { return maximum_zoom_percent_; }
740  int content_restrictions() const { return content_restrictions_; }
742  AutocompleteHistoryManager* autocomplete_history_manager() {
743    return autocomplete_history_manager_.get();
744  }
745  AutoFillManager* autofill_manager() { return autofill_manager_.get(); }
747 protected:
748  // from RenderViewHostDelegate.
749  virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message);
751 private:
752  friend class NavigationController;
753  // Used to access the child_windows_ (ConstrainedWindowList) for testing
754  // automation purposes.
755  friend class TestingAutomationProvider;
757  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TabContentsTest, NoJSMessageOnInterstitials);
758  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TabContentsTest, UpdateTitle);
759  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TabContentsTest, CrossSiteCantPreemptAfterUnload);
760  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FormStructureBrowserTest, HTMLFiles);
761  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NavigationControllerTest, HistoryNavigate);
762  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderViewHostManagerTest, PageDoesBackAndReload);
764  // Temporary until the view/contents separation is complete.
765  friend class TabContentsView;
766#if defined(OS_WIN)
767  friend class TabContentsViewWin;
768#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
769  friend class TabContentsViewMac;
770#elif defined(TOOLKIT_USES_GTK)
771  friend class TabContentsViewGtk;
774  // So InterstitialPage can access SetIsLoading.
775  friend class InterstitialPage;
777  // TODO(brettw) TestTabContents shouldn't exist!
778  friend class TestTabContents;
780  // Used to access the CreateHistoryAddPageArgs member function.
781  friend class ExternalTabContainer;
783  // Used to access RVH Delegates.
784  friend class PrerenderManager;
786  // Message handlers.
787  void OnDidStartProvisionalLoadForFrame(int64 frame_id,
788                                         bool main_frame,
789                                         const GURL& url);
790  void OnDidRedirectProvisionalLoad(int32 page_id,
791                                    const GURL& source_url,
792                                    const GURL& target_url);
793  void OnDidFailProvisionalLoadWithError(int64 frame_id,
794                                         bool main_frame,
795                                         int error_code,
796                                         const GURL& url,
797                                         bool showing_repost_interstitial);
798  void OnDidLoadResourceFromMemoryCache(const GURL& url,
799                                        const std::string& frame_origin,
800                                        const std::string& main_frame_origin,
801                                        const std::string& security_info);
802  void OnDidDisplayInsecureContent();
803  void OnDidRunInsecureContent(const std::string& security_origin,
804                               const GURL& target_url);
805  void OnDocumentLoadedInFrame(int64 frame_id);
806  void OnDidFinishLoad(int64 frame_id);
807  void OnUpdateContentRestrictions(int restrictions);
808  void OnPDFHasUnsupportedFeature();
810  void OnGoToEntryAtOffset(int offset);
811  void OnDidGetApplicationInfo(int32 page_id, const WebApplicationInfo& info);
812  void OnInstallApplication(const WebApplicationInfo& info);
813  void OnPageContents(const GURL& url,
814                      int32 page_id,
815                      const string16& contents,
816                      const std::string& language,
817                      bool page_translatable);
818  void OnPageTranslated(int32 page_id,
819                        const std::string& original_lang,
820                        const std::string& translated_lang,
821                        TranslateErrors::Type error_type);
822  void OnSetSuggestions(int32 page_id,
823                        const std::vector<std::string>& suggestions);
824  void OnInstantSupportDetermined(int32 page_id, bool result);
825  void OnRunFileChooser(const ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Params& params);
827  // Changes the IsLoading state and notifies delegate as needed
828  // |details| is used to provide details on the load that just finished
829  // (but can be null if not applicable). Can be overridden.
830  void SetIsLoading(bool is_loading,
831                    LoadNotificationDetails* details);
833  // Adds the incoming |new_contents| to the |blocked_contents_| container.
834  void AddPopup(TabContents* new_contents,
835                const gfx::Rect& initial_pos);
837  // Called by derived classes to indicate that we're no longer waiting for a
838  // response. This won't actually update the throbber, but it will get picked
839  // up at the next animation step if the throbber is going.
840  void SetNotWaitingForResponse() { waiting_for_response_ = false; }
842  ConstrainedWindowList child_windows_;
844  // Expires InfoBars that need to be expired, according to the state carried
845  // in |details|, in response to a new NavigationEntry being committed (the
846  // user navigated to another page).
847  void ExpireInfoBars(
848      const NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails& details);
850  // Returns the WebUI for the current state of the tab. This will either be
851  // the pending WebUI, the committed WebUI, or NULL.
852  WebUI* GetWebUIForCurrentState();
854  // Navigation helpers --------------------------------------------------------
855  //
856  // These functions are helpers for Navigate() and DidNavigate().
858  // Handles post-navigation tasks in DidNavigate AFTER the entry has been
859  // committed to the navigation controller. Note that the navigation entry is
860  // not provided since it may be invalid/changed after being committed. The
861  // current navigation entry is in the NavigationController at this point.
862  void DidNavigateMainFramePostCommit(
863      const NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails& details,
864      const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params);
865  void DidNavigateAnyFramePostCommit(
866      RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
867      const NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails& details,
868      const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params);
870  // Closes all constrained windows.
871  void CloseConstrainedWindows();
873  // Send the alternate error page URL to the renderer. This method is virtual
874  // so special html pages can override this (e.g., the new tab page).
875  virtual void UpdateAlternateErrorPageURL();
877  // Send webkit specific settings to the renderer.
878  void UpdateWebPreferences();
880  // Instruct the renderer to update the zoom level.
881  void UpdateZoomLevel();
883  // If our controller was restored and the page id is > than the site
884  // instance's page id, the site instances page id is updated as well as the
885  // renderers max page id.
886  void UpdateMaxPageIDIfNecessary(SiteInstance* site_instance,
887                                  RenderViewHost* rvh);
889  // Returns the history::HistoryAddPageArgs to use for adding a page to
890  // history.
891  scoped_refptr<history::HistoryAddPageArgs> CreateHistoryAddPageArgs(
892      const GURL& virtual_url,
893      const NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails& details,
894      const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params);
896  // Saves the given title to the navigation entry and does associated work. It
897  // will update history and the view for the new title, and also synthesize
898  // titles for file URLs that have none (so we require that the URL of the
899  // entry already be set).
900  //
901  // This is used as the backend for state updates, which include a new title,
902  // or the dedicated set title message. It returns true if the new title is
903  // different and was therefore updated.
904  bool UpdateTitleForEntry(NavigationEntry* entry, const std::wstring& title);
906  // Causes the TabContents to navigate in the right renderer to |entry|, which
907  // must be already part of the entries in the navigation controller.
908  // This does not change the NavigationController state.
909  bool NavigateToEntry(const NavigationEntry& entry,
910                       NavigationController::ReloadType reload_type);
912  // Misc non-view stuff -------------------------------------------------------
914  // Helper functions for sending notifications.
915  void NotifySwapped();
916  void NotifyConnected();
917  void NotifyDisconnected();
919  // If params has a searchable form, this tries to create a new keyword.
920  void GenerateKeywordIfNecessary(
921      const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params);
923  // TabSpecificContentSettings::Delegate implementation.
924  virtual void OnContentSettingsAccessed(bool content_was_blocked);
926  // RenderViewHostDelegate ----------------------------------------------------
928  // RenderViewHostDelegate implementation.
929  virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::View* GetViewDelegate();
930  virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::RendererManagement*
931      GetRendererManagementDelegate();
932  virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::ContentSettings* GetContentSettingsDelegate();
933  virtual RenderViewHostDelegate::SSL* GetSSLDelegate();
934  virtual AutomationResourceRoutingDelegate*
935      GetAutomationResourceRoutingDelegate();
936  virtual TabContents* GetAsTabContents();
937  virtual ViewType::Type GetRenderViewType() const;
938  virtual int GetBrowserWindowID() const;
939  virtual void RenderViewCreated(RenderViewHost* render_view_host);
940  virtual void RenderViewReady(RenderViewHost* render_view_host);
941  virtual void RenderViewGone(RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
942                              base::TerminationStatus status,
943                              int error_code);
944  virtual void RenderViewDeleted(RenderViewHost* render_view_host);
945  virtual void DidNavigate(RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
946                           const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params);
947  virtual void UpdateState(RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
948                           int32 page_id,
949                           const std::string& state);
950  virtual void UpdateTitle(RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
951                           int32 page_id,
952                           const std::wstring& title);
953  virtual void UpdateEncoding(RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
954                              const std::string& encoding);
955  virtual void UpdateTargetURL(int32 page_id, const GURL& url);
956  virtual void UpdateThumbnail(const GURL& url,
957                               const SkBitmap& bitmap,
958                               const ThumbnailScore& score);
959  virtual void UpdateInspectorSetting(const std::string& key,
960                                      const std::string& value);
961  virtual void ClearInspectorSettings();
962  virtual void Close(RenderViewHost* render_view_host);
963  virtual void RequestMove(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds);
964  virtual void DidStartLoading();
965  virtual void DidStopLoading();
966  virtual void DidChangeLoadProgress(double progress);
967  virtual void DocumentOnLoadCompletedInMainFrame(
968      RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
969      int32 page_id);
970  virtual void RequestOpenURL(const GURL& url, const GURL& referrer,
971                              WindowOpenDisposition disposition);
972  virtual void DomOperationResponse(const std::string& json_string,
973                                    int automation_id);
974  virtual void ProcessWebUIMessage(const ViewHostMsg_DomMessage_Params& params);
975  virtual void ProcessExternalHostMessage(const std::string& message,
976                                          const std::string& origin,
977                                          const std::string& target);
978  virtual void RunJavaScriptMessage(const std::wstring& message,
979                                    const std::wstring& default_prompt,
980                                    const GURL& frame_url,
981                                    const int flags,
982                                    IPC::Message* reply_msg,
983                                    bool* did_suppress_message);
984  virtual void RunBeforeUnloadConfirm(const std::wstring& message,
985                                      IPC::Message* reply_msg);
986  virtual void ShowModalHTMLDialog(const GURL& url, int width, int height,
987                                   const std::string& json_arguments,
988                                   IPC::Message* reply_msg);
989  virtual void PageHasOSDD(RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
990                           int32 page_id,
991                           const GURL& url,
992                           const ViewHostMsg_PageHasOSDD_Type& provider_type);
993  virtual GURL GetAlternateErrorPageURL() const;
994  virtual RendererPreferences GetRendererPrefs(Profile* profile) const;
995  virtual WebPreferences GetWebkitPrefs();
996  virtual void OnUserGesture();
997  virtual void OnIgnoredUIEvent();
998  virtual void OnJSOutOfMemory();
999  virtual void OnCrossSiteResponse(int new_render_process_host_id,
1000                                   int new_request_id);
1001  virtual void RendererUnresponsive(RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
1002                                    bool is_during_unload);
1003  virtual void RendererResponsive(RenderViewHost* render_view_host);
1004  virtual void LoadStateChanged(const GURL& url, net::LoadState load_state,
1005                                uint64 upload_position, uint64 upload_size);
1006  virtual bool IsExternalTabContainer() const;
1007  virtual void DidInsertCSS();
1008  virtual void FocusedNodeChanged(bool is_editable_node);
1009  virtual void UpdateZoomLimits(int minimum_percent,
1010                                int maximum_percent,
1011                                bool remember);
1012  virtual void WorkerCrashed();
1014  // RenderViewHostManager::Delegate -------------------------------------------
1016  // Blocks/unblocks interaction with renderer process.
1017  void BlockTabContent(bool blocked);
1019  virtual void BeforeUnloadFiredFromRenderManager(
1020      bool proceed,
1021      bool* proceed_to_fire_unload);
1022  virtual void DidStartLoadingFromRenderManager(
1023      RenderViewHost* render_view_host);
1024  virtual void RenderViewGoneFromRenderManager(
1025      RenderViewHost* render_view_host);
1026  virtual void UpdateRenderViewSizeForRenderManager();
1027  virtual void NotifySwappedFromRenderManager();
1028  virtual NavigationController& GetControllerForRenderManager();
1029  virtual WebUI* CreateWebUIForRenderManager(const GURL& url);
1030  virtual NavigationEntry* GetLastCommittedNavigationEntryForRenderManager();
1032  // Initializes the given renderer if necessary and creates the view ID
1033  // corresponding to this view host. If this method is not called and the
1034  // process is not shared, then the TabContents will act as though the renderer
1035  // is not running (i.e., it will render "sad tab"). This method is
1036  // automatically called from LoadURL.
1037  //
1038  // If you are attaching to an already-existing RenderView, you should call
1039  // InitWithExistingID.
1040  virtual bool CreateRenderViewForRenderManager(
1041      RenderViewHost* render_view_host);
1043  // NotificationObserver ------------------------------------------------------
1045  virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
1046                       const NotificationSource& source,
1047                       const NotificationDetails& details);
1049  // App extensions related methods:
1051  // Returns the first extension whose extent contains |url|.
1052  const Extension* GetExtensionContaining(const GURL& url);
1054  // Resets app_icon_ and if |extension| is non-null creates a new
1055  // ImageLoadingTracker to load the extension's image.
1056  void UpdateExtensionAppIcon(const Extension* extension);
1058  // ImageLoadingTracker::Observer.
1059  virtual void OnImageLoaded(SkBitmap* image, ExtensionResource resource,
1060                             int index);
1062  // Checks with the PrerenderManager if the specified URL has been preloaded,
1063  // and if so, swap the RenderViewHost with the preload into this TabContents
1064  // object.
1065  bool MaybeUsePreloadedPage(const GURL& url);
1067  // Data for core operation ---------------------------------------------------
1069  // Delegate for notifying our owner about stuff. Not owned by us.
1070  TabContentsDelegate* delegate_;
1072  // Handles the back/forward list and loading.
1073  NavigationController controller_;
1075  // The corresponding view.
1076  scoped_ptr<TabContentsView> view_;
1078  // Helper classes ------------------------------------------------------------
1080  // Manages creation and swapping of render views.
1081  RenderViewHostManager render_manager_;
1083  // Stores random bits of data for others to associate with this object.
1084  PropertyBag property_bag_;
1086  // Registers and unregisters us for notifications.
1087  NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
1089  // Registers and unregisters for pref notifications.
1090  PrefChangeRegistrar pref_change_registrar_;
1092  // Handles print job for this contents.
1093  scoped_ptr<printing::PrintViewManager> printing_;
1095  // Handles print preview for this contents.
1096  scoped_ptr<printing::PrintPreviewMessageHandler> print_preview_;
1098  // SavePackage, lazily created.
1099  scoped_refptr<SavePackage> save_package_;
1101  // AutocompleteHistoryManager.
1102  scoped_ptr<AutocompleteHistoryManager> autocomplete_history_manager_;
1104  // AutoFillManager.
1105  scoped_ptr<AutoFillManager> autofill_manager_;
1107  // Handles plugin messages.
1108  scoped_ptr<PluginObserver> plugin_observer_;
1110  // Prerender PageLoadTime Recorder.
1111  scoped_ptr<PrerenderPLTRecorder> prerender_plt_recorder_;
1113  // TabContentsSSLHelper, lazily created.
1114  scoped_ptr<TabContentsSSLHelper> ssl_helper_;
1116  // FileSelectHelper, lazily created.
1117  scoped_ptr<FileSelectHelper> file_select_helper_;
1119  // Handles drag and drop event forwarding to extensions.
1120  BookmarkDrag* bookmark_drag_;
1122  // Handles downloading favicons.
1123  FavIconHelper fav_icon_helper_;
1125  // Cached web app info data.
1126  WebApplicationInfo web_app_info_;
1128  // Cached web app icon.
1129  SkBitmap app_icon_;
1131  // RenderViewHost::ContentSettingsDelegate.
1132  scoped_ptr<TabSpecificContentSettings> content_settings_delegate_;
1134  // Handles desktop notification IPCs.
1135  scoped_ptr<DesktopNotificationHandler> desktop_notification_handler_;
1138  // Data for loading state ----------------------------------------------------
1140  // Indicates whether we're currently loading a resource.
1141  bool is_loading_;
1143  // Indicates if the tab is considered crashed.
1144  base::TerminationStatus crashed_status_;
1145  int crashed_error_code_;
1147  // See waiting_for_response() above.
1148  bool waiting_for_response_;
1150  // Indicates the largest PageID we've seen.  This field is ignored if we are
1151  // a TabContents, in which case the max page ID is stored separately with
1152  // each SiteInstance.
1153  // TODO(brettw) this seems like it can be removed according to the comment.
1154  int32 max_page_id_;
1156  // System time at which the current load was started.
1157  base::TimeTicks current_load_start_;
1159  // The current load state and the URL associated with it.
1160  net::LoadState load_state_;
1161  string16 load_state_host_;
1162  // Upload progress, for displaying in the status bar.
1163  // Set to zero when there is no significant upload happening.
1164  uint64 upload_size_;
1165  uint64 upload_position_;
1167  // Data for current page -----------------------------------------------------
1169  // Whether we have a (non-empty) title for the current page.
1170  // Used to prevent subsequent title updates from affecting history. This
1171  // prevents some weirdness because some AJAXy apps use titles for status
1172  // messages.
1173  bool received_page_title_;
1175  // When a navigation occurs, we record its contents MIME type. It can be
1176  // used to check whether we can do something for some special contents.
1177  std::string contents_mime_type_;
1179  // Character encoding.
1180  std::string encoding_;
1182  // Object that holds any blocked TabContents spawned from this TabContents.
1183  BlockedContentContainer* blocked_contents_;
1185  // Should we block all child TabContents this attempts to spawn.
1186  bool all_contents_blocked_;
1188  // TODO(pkasting): Hack to try and fix Linux browser tests.
1189  bool dont_notify_render_view_;
1191  // True if this is a secure page which displayed insecure content.
1192  bool displayed_insecure_content_;
1194  // Data for shelves and stuff ------------------------------------------------
1196  // Delegates for InfoBars associated with this TabContents.
1197  std::vector<InfoBarDelegate*> infobar_delegates_;
1199  // Data for app extensions ---------------------------------------------------
1201  // If non-null this tab is an app tab and this is the extension the tab was
1202  // created for.
1203  const Extension* extension_app_;
1205  // Icon for extension_app_ (if non-null) or extension_for_current_page_.
1206  SkBitmap extension_app_icon_;
1208  // Used for loading extension_app_icon_.
1209  scoped_ptr<ImageLoadingTracker> extension_app_image_loader_;
1211  // Data for misc internal state ----------------------------------------------
1213  // See capturing_contents() above.
1214  bool capturing_contents_;
1216  // See getter above.
1217  bool is_being_destroyed_;
1219  // Indicates whether we should notify about disconnection of this
1220  // TabContents. This is used to ensure disconnection notifications only
1221  // happen if a connection notification has happened and that they happen only
1222  // once.
1223  bool notify_disconnection_;
1225  // Maps from handle to page_id.
1226  typedef std::map<FaviconService::Handle, int32> HistoryRequestMap;
1227  HistoryRequestMap history_requests_;
1229#if defined(OS_WIN)
1230  // Handle to an event that's set when the page is showing a message box (or
1231  // equivalent constrained window).  Plugin processes check this to know if
1232  // they should pump messages then.
1233  base::win::ScopedHandle message_box_active_;
1236  // The time that the last javascript message was dismissed.
1237  base::TimeTicks last_javascript_message_dismissal_;
1239  // True if the user has decided to block future javascript messages. This is
1240  // reset on navigations to false on navigations.
1241  bool suppress_javascript_messages_;
1243  // Set to true when there is an active "before unload" dialog.  When true,
1244  // we've forced the throbber to start in Navigate, and we need to remember to
1245  // turn it off in OnJavaScriptMessageBoxClosed if the navigation is canceled.
1246  bool is_showing_before_unload_dialog_;
1248  // Shows an info-bar to users when they search from a known search engine and
1249  // have never used the monibox for search before.
1250  scoped_ptr<OmniboxSearchHint> omnibox_search_hint_;
1252  // Settings that get passed to the renderer process.
1253  RendererPreferences renderer_preferences_;
1255  // If this tab was created from a renderer using window.open, this will be
1256  // non-NULL and represent the WebUI of the opening renderer.
1257  WebUITypeID opener_web_ui_type_;
1259  // The time that we started to create the new tab page.
1260  base::TimeTicks new_tab_start_time_;
1262  // The time that we started to close the tab.
1263  base::TimeTicks tab_close_start_time_;
1265  // The time that this tab was last selected.
1266  base::TimeTicks last_selected_time_;
1268  // Information about the language the page is in and has been translated to.
1269  LanguageState language_state_;
1271  // See description above setter.
1272  bool closed_by_user_gesture_;
1274  // Minimum/maximum zoom percent.
1275  int minimum_zoom_percent_;
1276  int maximum_zoom_percent_;
1277  // If true, the default zoom limits have been overriden for this tab, in which
1278  // case we don't want saved settings to apply to it and we don't want to
1279  // remember it.
1280  bool temporary_zoom_settings_;
1282  // A list of observers notified when page state changes. Weak references.
1283  ObserverList<TabContentsObserver> observers_;
1285  // Content restrictions, used to disable print/copy etc based on content's
1286  // (full-page plugins for now only) permissions.
1287  int content_restrictions_;
1292#endif // !ANDROID