1// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
7#pragma once
9#include <map>
10#include <set>
11#include <string>
12#include <vector>
14#include "base/file_path.h"
15#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
16#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
17#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
18#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
19#include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_constants.h"
20#include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_extent.h"
21#include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_icon_set.h"
22#include "chrome/common/extensions/user_script.h"
23#include "chrome/common/extensions/url_pattern.h"
24#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
25#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
27class DictionaryValue;
28class ExtensionAction;
29class ExtensionResource;
30class ExtensionSidebarDefaults;
31class FileBrowserHandler;
32class ListValue;
33class SkBitmap;
34class Version;
36// Represents a Chrome extension.
37class Extension : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Extension> {
38 public:
39  typedef std::map<const std::string, GURL> URLOverrideMap;
40  typedef std::vector<std::string> ScriptingWhitelist;
41  typedef std::vector<linked_ptr<FileBrowserHandler> > FileBrowserHandlerList;
43  // What an extension was loaded from.
44  // NOTE: These values are stored as integers in the preferences and used
45  // in histograms so don't remove or reorder existing items.  Just append
46  // to the end.
47  enum Location {
48    INVALID,
49    INTERNAL,           // A crx file from the internal Extensions directory.
50    EXTERNAL_PREF,      // A crx file from an external directory (via prefs).
51    EXTERNAL_REGISTRY,  // A crx file from an external directory (via eg the
52                        // registry on Windows).
53    LOAD,               // --load-extension.
54    COMPONENT,          // An integral component of Chrome itself, which
55                        // happens to be implemented as an extension. We don't
56                        // show these in the management UI.
57    EXTERNAL_PREF_DOWNLOAD,    // A crx file from an external directory (via
58                               // prefs), installed from an update URL.
59    EXTERNAL_POLICY_DOWNLOAD,  // A crx file from an external directory (via
60                               // admin policies), installed from an update URL.
63  };
65  enum State {
66    DISABLED = 0,
67    ENABLED,
68    // An external extension that the user uninstalled. We should not reinstall
69    // such extensions on startup.
72  };
74  enum InstallType {
78    UPGRADE,
80  };
82  // NOTE: If you change this list, you should also change kIconSizes in the cc
83  // file.
84  enum Icons {
90  };
92  // Do not change the order of entries or remove entries in this list
93  // as this is used in UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATIONs about extensions.
94  enum Type {
95    TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0,
101  };
103  // An NPAPI plugin included in the extension.
104  struct PluginInfo {
105    FilePath path;  // Path to the plugin.
106    bool is_public;  // False if only this extension can load this plugin.
107  };
109  // An NaCl module included in the extension.
110  struct NaClModuleInfo {
111    GURL url;
112    std::string mime_type;
113  };
115  struct TtsVoice {
116    std::string voice_name;
117    std::string locale;
118    std::string gender;
119  };
121  // When prompting the user to install or approve permissions, we display
122  // messages describing the effects of the permissions and not the permissions
123  // themselves. Each PermissionMessage represents one of the messages that is
124  // shown to the user.
125  class PermissionMessage {
126   public:
127    // Do not reorder or add new enumerations in this list. If you need to add a
128    // new enum, add it just prior to ID_ENUM_BOUNDARY and enter its l10n
129    // message in kMessageIds.
130    enum MessageId {
131      ID_UNKNOWN,
132      ID_NONE,
133      ID_BOOKMARKS,
136      ID_TABS,
138      ID_DEBUGGER,
139      ID_HOSTS_1,
140      ID_HOSTS_2,
141      ID_HOSTS_3,
142      ID_HOSTS_4_OR_MORE,
143      ID_HOSTS_ALL,
144      ID_FULL_ACCESS,
146    };
148    // Creates a permission message with the given |message_id| and initializes
149    // its message to the appropriate value.
150    static PermissionMessage CreateFromMessageId(MessageId message_id);
152    // Creates the corresponding permission message for a list of hosts. This
153    // method exists because the hosts are presented as one message that depends
154    // on what and how many hosts there are.
155    static PermissionMessage CreateFromHostList(
156        const std::vector<std::string> hosts);
158    // Gets the id of the permission message, which can be used in UMA
159    // histograms.
160    MessageId message_id() const { return message_id_; }
162    // Gets a localized message describing this permission. Please note that
163    // the message will be empty for message types TYPE_NONE and TYPE_UNKNOWN.
164    const string16& message() const { return message_; }
166    // Comparator to work with std::set.
167    bool operator<(const PermissionMessage& that) const {
168      return message_id_ < that.message_id_;
169    }
171   private:
172    PermissionMessage(MessageId message_id, string16 message_);
174    // The index of the id in the array is its enum value. The first two values
175    // are non-existent message ids to act as placeholders for "unknown" and
176    // "none".
177    // Note: Do not change the order of the items in this list since they
178    // are used in a histogram. The order must match the MessageId order.
179    static const int kMessageIds[];
181    MessageId message_id_;
182    string16 message_;
183  };
185  typedef std::vector<PermissionMessage> PermissionMessages;
187  // A permission is defined by its |name| (what is used in the manifest),
188  // and the |message_id| that's used by install/update UI.
189  struct Permission {
190    const char* const name;
191    const PermissionMessage::MessageId message_id;
192  };
194  enum InitFromValueFlags {
195    NO_FLAGS = 0,
197    // Usually, the id of an extension is generated by the "key" property of
198    // its manifest, but if |REQUIRE_KEY| is not set, a temporary ID will be
199    // generated based on the path.
200    REQUIRE_KEY = 1 << 0,
202    // |STRICT_ERROR_CHECKS| enables extra error checking, such as
203    // checks that URL patterns do not contain ports.  This error
204    // checking may find an error that a previous version of
205    // Chrome did not flag.  To avoid errors in installed extensions
206    // when Chrome is upgraded, strict error checking is only enabled
207    // when loading extensions as a developer would (such as loading
208    // an unpacked extension), or when loading an extension that is
209    // tied to a specific version of Chrome (such as a component
210    // extension).  Most callers will set the |STRICT_ERROR_CHECKS| bit when
211    // Extension::ShouldDoStrictErrorChecking(location) returns true.
212    STRICT_ERROR_CHECKS = 1 << 1,
214    // |ALLOW_FILE_ACCESS| indicates that the user is allowing this extension
215    // to have file access. If it's not present, then permissions and content
216    // scripts that match file:/// URLs will be filtered out.
217    ALLOW_FILE_ACCESS = 1 << 2,
218  };
220  static scoped_refptr<Extension> Create(const FilePath& path,
221                                         Location location,
222                                         const DictionaryValue& value,
223                                         int flags,
224                                         std::string* error);
226  // Return the update url used by gallery/webstore extensions.
227  static GURL GalleryUpdateUrl(bool secure);
229  // Given two install sources, return the one which should take priority
230  // over the other. If an extension is installed from two sources A and B,
231  // its install source should be set to GetHigherPriorityLocation(A, B).
232  static Location GetHigherPriorityLocation(Location loc1, Location loc2);
234  // Get's the install message id for |permission|.  Returns
235  // MessageId::TYPE_NONE if none exists.
236  static PermissionMessage::MessageId GetPermissionMessageId(
237      const std::string& permission);
239  // Returns the full list of permission messages that this extension
240  // should display at install time.
241  PermissionMessages GetPermissionMessages() const;
243  // Returns the full list of permission messages that this extension
244  // should display at install time. The messages are returned as strings
245  // for convenience.
246  std::vector<string16> GetPermissionMessageStrings() const;
248  // Returns the distinct hosts that should be displayed in the install UI
249  // for the URL patterns |list|. This discards some of the detail that is
250  // present in the manifest to make it as easy as possible to process by
251  // users. In particular we disregard the scheme and path components of
252  // URLPatterns and de-dupe the result, which includes filtering out common
253  // hosts with differing RCDs (aka Registry Controlled Domains, most of which
254  // are Top Level Domains but also include exceptions like co.uk).
255  // NOTE: when de-duping hosts the preferred RCD will be returned, given this
256  // order of preference: .com, .net, .org, first in list.
257  static std::vector<std::string> GetDistinctHostsForDisplay(
258      const URLPatternList& list);
260  // Compares two URLPatternLists for security equality by returning whether
261  // the URL patterns in |new_list| contain additional distinct hosts compared
262  // to |old_list|.
263  static bool IsElevatedHostList(
264      const URLPatternList& old_list, const URLPatternList& new_list);
266  // Icon sizes used by the extension system.
267  static const int kIconSizes[];
269  // Max size (both dimensions) for browser and page actions.
270  static const int kPageActionIconMaxSize;
271  static const int kBrowserActionIconMaxSize;
272  static const int kSidebarIconMaxSize;
274  // Each permission is a module that the extension is permitted to use.
275  //
276  // NOTE: To add a new permission, define it here, and add an entry to
277  // Extension::kPermissions.
278  static const char kBackgroundPermission[];
279  static const char kBookmarkPermission[];
280  static const char kContentSettingsPermission[];
281  static const char kContextMenusPermission[];
282  static const char kCookiePermission[];
283  static const char kChromeosInfoPrivatePermissions[];
284  static const char kDebuggerPermission[];
285  static const char kExperimentalPermission[];
286  static const char kFileBrowserHandlerPermission[];
287  static const char kFileBrowserPrivatePermission[];
288  static const char kGeolocationPermission[];
289  static const char kHistoryPermission[];
290  static const char kIdlePermission[];
291  static const char kManagementPermission[];
292  static const char kNotificationPermission[];
293  static const char kProxyPermission[];
294  static const char kTabPermission[];
295  static const char kUnlimitedStoragePermission[];
296  static const char kWebstorePrivatePermission[];
298  static const Permission kPermissions[];
299  static const size_t kNumPermissions;
300  static const char* const kHostedAppPermissionNames[];
301  static const size_t kNumHostedAppPermissions;
302  static const char* const kComponentPrivatePermissionNames[];
303  static const size_t kNumComponentPrivatePermissions;
305  // The old name for the unlimited storage permission, which is deprecated but
306  // still accepted as meaning the same thing as kUnlimitedStoragePermission.
307  static const char kOldUnlimitedStoragePermission[];
309  // Valid schemes for web extent URLPatterns.
310  static const int kValidWebExtentSchemes;
312  // Valid schemes for host permission URLPatterns.
313  static const int kValidHostPermissionSchemes;
315  // Returns true if the string is one of the known hosted app permissions (see
316  // kHostedAppPermissionNames).
317  static bool IsHostedAppPermission(const std::string& permission);
319  // The name of the manifest inside an extension.
320  static const FilePath::CharType kManifestFilename[];
322  // The name of locale folder inside an extension.
323  static const FilePath::CharType kLocaleFolder[];
325  // The name of the messages file inside an extension.
326  static const FilePath::CharType kMessagesFilename[];
328#if defined(OS_WIN)
329  static const char kExtensionRegistryPath[];
332  // The number of bytes in a legal id.
333  static const size_t kIdSize;
335  // The mimetype used for extensions.
336  static const char kMimeType[];
338  // Checks to see if the extension has a valid ID.
339  static bool IdIsValid(const std::string& id);
341  // Generate an ID for an extension in the given path.
342  // Used while developing extensions, before they have a key.
343  static std::string GenerateIdForPath(const FilePath& file_name);
345  // Returns true if the specified file is an extension.
346  static bool IsExtension(const FilePath& file_name);
348  // Whether the |location| is external or not.
349  static inline bool IsExternalLocation(Location location) {
350    return location == Extension::EXTERNAL_PREF ||
351           location == Extension::EXTERNAL_REGISTRY ||
352           location == Extension::EXTERNAL_PREF_DOWNLOAD ||
353           location == Extension::EXTERNAL_POLICY_DOWNLOAD;
354  }
356  // Whether extensions with |location| are auto-updatable or not.
357  static inline bool IsAutoUpdateableLocation(Location location) {
358    // Only internal and external extensions can be autoupdated.
359    return location == Extension::INTERNAL ||
360           IsExternalLocation(location);
361  }
363  // Whether extensions with |location| can be uninstalled or not. Policy
364  // controlled extensions are silently auto-installed and updated, and cannot
365  // be disabled by the user. The same applies for internal components.
366  static inline bool UserMayDisable(Location location) {
367    return location != Extension::EXTERNAL_POLICY_DOWNLOAD &&
368           location != Extension::COMPONENT;
369  }
371  // Whether extensions with |location| should be loaded with strict
372  // error checking.  Strict error checks may flag errors older versions
373  // of chrome did not detect.  To avoid breaking installed extensions,
374  // strict checks are disabled unless the location indicates that the
375  // developer is loading the extension, or the extension is a component
376  // of chrome.
377  static inline bool ShouldDoStrictErrorChecking(Location location) {
378    return location == Extension::LOAD ||
379           location == Extension::COMPONENT;
380  }
382  // Unpacked extensions start off with file access since they are a developer
383  // feature.
384  static inline bool ShouldAlwaysAllowFileAccess(Location location) {
385    return location == Extension::LOAD;
386  }
388  // See Type definition above.
389  Type GetType() const;
391  // Returns an absolute url to a resource inside of an extension. The
392  // |extension_url| argument should be the url() from an Extension object. The
393  // |relative_path| can be untrusted user input. The returned URL will either
394  // be invalid() or a child of |extension_url|.
395  // NOTE: Static so that it can be used from multiple threads.
396  static GURL GetResourceURL(const GURL& extension_url,
397                             const std::string& relative_path);
398  GURL GetResourceURL(const std::string& relative_path) const {
399    return GetResourceURL(url(), relative_path);
400  }
402  // Returns an extension resource object. |relative_path| should be UTF8
403  // encoded.
404  ExtensionResource GetResource(const std::string& relative_path) const;
406  // As above, but with |relative_path| following the file system's encoding.
407  ExtensionResource GetResource(const FilePath& relative_path) const;
409  // |input| is expected to be the text of an rsa public or private key. It
410  // tolerates the presence or absence of bracking header/footer like this:
411  //     -----(BEGIN|END) [RSA PUBLIC/PRIVATE] KEY-----
412  // and may contain newlines.
413  static bool ParsePEMKeyBytes(const std::string& input, std::string* output);
415  // Does a simple base64 encoding of |input| into |output|.
416  static bool ProducePEM(const std::string& input, std::string* output);
418  // Generates an extension ID from arbitrary input. The same input string will
419  // always generate the same output ID.
420  static bool GenerateId(const std::string& input, std::string* output);
422  // Expects base64 encoded |input| and formats into |output| including
423  // the appropriate header & footer.
424  static bool FormatPEMForFileOutput(const std::string& input,
425                                     std::string* output,
426                                     bool is_public);
428  // Determine whether |new_extension| has increased privileges compared to
429  // its previously granted permissions, specified by |granted_apis|,
430  // |granted_extent| and |granted_full_access|.
431  static bool IsPrivilegeIncrease(const bool granted_full_access,
432                                  const std::set<std::string>& granted_apis,
433                                  const ExtensionExtent& granted_extent,
434                                  const Extension* new_extension);
436  // Given an extension and icon size, read it if present and decode it into
437  // result. In the browser process, this will DCHECK if not called on the
438  // file thread. To easily load extension images on the UI thread, see
439  // ImageLoadingTracker.
440  static void DecodeIcon(const Extension* extension,
441                         Icons icon_size,
442                         scoped_ptr<SkBitmap>* result);
444  // Given an icon_path and icon size, read it if present and decode it into
445  // result. In the browser process, this will DCHECK if not called on the
446  // file thread. To easily load extension images on the UI thread, see
447  // ImageLoadingTracker.
448  static void DecodeIconFromPath(const FilePath& icon_path,
449                                 Icons icon_size,
450                                 scoped_ptr<SkBitmap>* result);
452  // Returns the default extension/app icon (for extensions or apps that don't
453  // have one).
454  static const SkBitmap& GetDefaultIcon(bool is_app);
456  // Returns the base extension url for a given |extension_id|.
457  static GURL GetBaseURLFromExtensionId(const std::string& extension_id);
459  // Returns the url prefix for the extension/apps gallery. Can be set via the
460  // --apps-gallery-url switch. The URL returned will not contain a trailing
461  // slash. Do not use this as a prefix/extent for the store.  Instead see
462  // ExtensionService::GetWebStoreApp or
463  // ExtensionService::IsDownloadFromGallery
464  static std::string ChromeStoreLaunchURL();
466  // Adds an extension to the scripting whitelist. Used for testing only.
467  static void SetScriptingWhitelist(const ScriptingWhitelist& whitelist);
468  static const ScriptingWhitelist* GetScriptingWhitelist();
470  // Returns true if the extension has the specified API permission.
471  static bool HasApiPermission(const std::set<std::string>& api_permissions,
472                               const std::string& function_name);
474  // Whether the |effective_host_permissions| and |api_permissions| include
475  // effective access to all hosts. See the non-static version of the method
476  // for more details.
477  static bool HasEffectiveAccessToAllHosts(
478      const ExtensionExtent& effective_host_permissions,
479      const std::set<std::string>& api_permissions);
481  bool HasApiPermission(const std::string& function_name) const {
482    return HasApiPermission(this->api_permissions(), function_name);
483  }
485  const ExtensionExtent& GetEffectiveHostPermissions() const {
486    return effective_host_permissions_;
487  }
489  // Whether or not the extension is allowed permission for a URL pattern from
490  // the manifest.  http, https, and chrome://favicon/ is allowed for all
491  // extensions, while component extensions are allowed access to
492  // chrome://resources.
493  bool CanSpecifyHostPermission(const URLPattern& pattern) const;
495  // Whether the extension has access to the given URL.
496  bool HasHostPermission(const GURL& url) const;
498  // Whether the extension has effective access to all hosts. This is true if
499  // there is a content script that matches all hosts, if there is a host
500  // permission grants access to all hosts (like <all_urls>) or an api
501  // permission that effectively grants access to all hosts (e.g. proxy,
502  // network, etc.)
503  bool HasEffectiveAccessToAllHosts() const;
505  // Whether the extension effectively has all permissions (for example, by
506  // having an NPAPI plugin).
507  bool HasFullPermissions() const;
509  // Whether context menu should be shown for page and browser actions.
510  bool ShowConfigureContextMenus() const;
512  // Returns the Homepage URL for this extension. If homepage_url was not
513  // specified in the manifest, this returns the Google Gallery URL. For
514  // third-party extensions, this returns a blank GURL.
515  GURL GetHomepageURL() const;
517  // Returns a list of paths (relative to the extension dir) for images that
518  // the browser might load (like themes and page action icons).
519  std::set<FilePath> GetBrowserImages() const;
521  // Get an extension icon as a resource or URL.
522  ExtensionResource GetIconResource(
523      int size, ExtensionIconSet::MatchType match_type) const;
524  GURL GetIconURL(int size, ExtensionIconSet::MatchType match_type) const;
526  // Gets the fully resolved absolute launch URL.
527  GURL GetFullLaunchURL() const;
529  // Image cache related methods. These are only valid on the UI thread and
530  // not maintained by this class. See ImageLoadingTracker for usage. The
531  // |original_size| parameter should be the size of the image at |source|
532  // before any scaling may have been done to produce the pixels in |image|.
533  void SetCachedImage(const ExtensionResource& source,
534                      const SkBitmap& image,
535                      const gfx::Size& original_size) const;
536  bool HasCachedImage(const ExtensionResource& source,
537                      const gfx::Size& max_size) const;
538  SkBitmap GetCachedImage(const ExtensionResource& source,
539                          const gfx::Size& max_size) const;
541  // Returns true if this extension can execute script on a page. If a
542  // UserScript object is passed, permission to run that specific script is
543  // checked (using its matches list). Otherwise, permission to execute script
544  // programmatically is checked (using the extension's host permission).
545  //
546  // This method is also aware of certain special pages that extensions are
547  // usually not allowed to run script on.
548  bool CanExecuteScriptOnPage(const GURL& page_url,
549                              const UserScript* script,
550                              std::string* error) const;
552  // Returns true if this extension is a COMPONENT extension, or if it is
553  // on the whitelist of extensions that can script all pages.
554  bool CanExecuteScriptEverywhere() const;
556  // Returns true if this extension is allowed to obtain the contents of a
557  // page as an image.  Since a page may contain sensitive information, this
558  // is restricted to the extension's host permissions as well as the
559  // extension page itself.
560  bool CanCaptureVisiblePage(const GURL& page_url, std::string* error) const;
562  // Returns true if this extension updates itself using the extension
563  // gallery.
564  bool UpdatesFromGallery() const;
566  // Returns true if this extension or app includes areas within |origin|.
567  bool OverlapsWithOrigin(const GURL& origin) const;
569  // Accessors:
571  const FilePath& path() const { return path_; }
572  const GURL& url() const { return extension_url_; }
573  Location location() const { return location_; }
574  const std::string& id() const { return id_; }
575  const Version* version() const { return version_.get(); }
576  const std::string VersionString() const;
577  const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
578  const std::string& public_key() const { return public_key_; }
579  const std::string& description() const { return description_; }
580  bool converted_from_user_script() const {
581    return converted_from_user_script_;
582  }
583  const UserScriptList& content_scripts() const { return content_scripts_; }
584  ExtensionAction* page_action() const { return page_action_.get(); }
585  ExtensionAction* browser_action() const { return browser_action_.get(); }
586  ExtensionSidebarDefaults* sidebar_defaults() const {
587    return sidebar_defaults_.get();
588  }
589  const FileBrowserHandlerList* file_browser_handlers() const {
590    return file_browser_handlers_.get();
591  }
592  const std::vector<PluginInfo>& plugins() const { return plugins_; }
593  const std::vector<NaClModuleInfo>& nacl_modules() const {
594    return nacl_modules_;
595  }
596  const GURL& background_url() const { return background_url_; }
597  const GURL& options_url() const { return options_url_; }
598  const GURL& devtools_url() const { return devtools_url_; }
599  const std::vector<GURL>& toolstrips() const { return toolstrips_; }
600  const std::set<std::string>& api_permissions() const {
601    return api_permissions_;
602  }
603  const URLPatternList& host_permissions() const { return host_permissions_; }
604  const GURL& update_url() const { return update_url_; }
605  const ExtensionIconSet& icons() const { return icons_; }
606  const DictionaryValue* manifest_value() const {
607    return manifest_value_.get();
608  }
609  const std::string default_locale() const { return default_locale_; }
610  const URLOverrideMap& GetChromeURLOverrides() const {
611    return chrome_url_overrides_;
612  }
613  const std::string omnibox_keyword() const { return omnibox_keyword_; }
614  bool incognito_split_mode() const { return incognito_split_mode_; }
615  const std::vector<TtsVoice>& tts_voices() const { return tts_voices_; }
617  bool wants_file_access() const { return wants_file_access_; }
619  // App-related.
620  bool is_app() const { return is_app_; }
621  bool is_hosted_app() const { return is_app() && !web_extent().is_empty(); }
622  bool is_packaged_app() const { return is_app() && web_extent().is_empty(); }
623  bool is_storage_isolated() const { return is_app() && is_storage_isolated_; }
624  const ExtensionExtent& web_extent() const { return extent_; }
625  const std::string& launch_local_path() const { return launch_local_path_; }
626  const std::string& launch_web_url() const { return launch_web_url_; }
627  extension_misc::LaunchContainer launch_container() const {
628    return launch_container_;
629  }
630  int launch_width() const { return launch_width_; }
631  int launch_height() const { return launch_height_; }
633  // Theme-related.
634  bool is_theme() const { return is_theme_; }
635  DictionaryValue* GetThemeImages() const { return theme_images_.get(); }
636  DictionaryValue* GetThemeColors() const {return theme_colors_.get(); }
637  DictionaryValue* GetThemeTints() const { return theme_tints_.get(); }
638  DictionaryValue* GetThemeDisplayProperties() const {
639    return theme_display_properties_.get();
640  }
642 private:
643  friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Extension>;
645  // We keep a cache of images loaded from extension resources based on their
646  // path and a string representation of a size that may have been used to
647  // scale it (or the empty string if the image is at its original size).
648  typedef std::pair<FilePath, std::string> ImageCacheKey;
649  typedef std::map<ImageCacheKey, SkBitmap> ImageCache;
651  // Normalize the path for use by the extension. On Windows, this will make
652  // sure the drive letter is uppercase.
653  static FilePath MaybeNormalizePath(const FilePath& path);
655  // Returns the distinct hosts that can be displayed in the install UI or be
656  // used for privilege comparisons. This discards some of the detail that is
657  // present in the manifest to make it as easy as possible to process by users.
658  // In particular we disregard the scheme and path components of URLPatterns
659  // and de-dupe the result, which includes filtering out common hosts with
660  // differing RCDs. If |include_rcd| is true, then the de-duped result
661  // will be the first full entry, including its RCD. So if the list was
662  // "*.google.co.uk" and "*.google.com", the returned value would just be
663  // "*.google.co.uk". Keeping the RCD in the result is useful for display
664  // purposes when you want to show the user one sample hostname from the list.
665  // If you need to compare two URLPatternLists for security equality, then set
666  // |include_rcd| to false, which will return a result like "*.google.",
667  // regardless of the order of the patterns.
668  static std::vector<std::string> GetDistinctHosts(
669      const URLPatternList& host_patterns, bool include_rcd);
671  Extension(const FilePath& path, Location location);
672  ~Extension();
674  // Initialize the extension from a parsed manifest.
675  bool InitFromValue(const DictionaryValue& value, int flags,
676                     std::string* error);
678  // Helper function for implementing HasCachedImage/GetCachedImage. A return
679  // value of NULL means there is no matching image cached (we allow caching an
680  // empty SkBitmap).
681  SkBitmap* GetCachedImageImpl(const ExtensionResource& source,
682                               const gfx::Size& max_size) const;
684  // Helper method that loads a UserScript object from a
685  // dictionary in the content_script list of the manifest.
686  bool LoadUserScriptHelper(const DictionaryValue* content_script,
687                            int definition_index,
688                            int flags,
689                            std::string* error,
690                            UserScript* result);
692  // Helper method that loads either the include_globs or exclude_globs list
693  // from an entry in the content_script lists of the manifest.
694  bool LoadGlobsHelper(const DictionaryValue* content_script,
695                       int content_script_index,
696                       const char* globs_property_name,
697                       std::string* error,
698                       void(UserScript::*add_method)(const std::string& glob),
699                       UserScript *instance);
701  // Helpers to load various chunks of the manifest.
702  bool LoadIsApp(const DictionaryValue* manifest, std::string* error);
703  bool LoadExtent(const DictionaryValue* manifest,
704                  const char* key,
705                  ExtensionExtent* extent,
706                  const char* list_error,
707                  const char* value_error,
708                  URLPattern::ParseOption parse_strictness,
709                  std::string* error);
710  bool LoadLaunchContainer(const DictionaryValue* manifest, std::string* error);
711  bool LoadLaunchURL(const DictionaryValue* manifest, std::string* error);
712  bool LoadAppIsolation(const DictionaryValue* manifest, std::string* error);
713  bool EnsureNotHybridApp(const DictionaryValue* manifest, std::string* error);
715  // Helper method to load an ExtensionAction from the page_action or
716  // browser_action entries in the manifest.
717  ExtensionAction* LoadExtensionActionHelper(
718      const DictionaryValue* extension_action, std::string* error);
720  // Helper method to load an FileBrowserHandlerList from the manifest.
721  FileBrowserHandlerList* LoadFileBrowserHandlers(
722      const ListValue* extension_actions, std::string* error);
723  // Helper method to load an FileBrowserHandler from manifest.
724  FileBrowserHandler* LoadFileBrowserHandler(
725      const DictionaryValue* file_browser_handlers, std::string* error);
727  // Helper method to load an ExtensionSidebarDefaults from the sidebar manifest
728  // entry.
729  ExtensionSidebarDefaults* LoadExtensionSidebarDefaults(
730      const DictionaryValue* sidebar, std::string* error);
732  // Calculates the effective host permissions from the permissions and content
733  // script petterns.
734  void InitEffectiveHostPermissions();
736  // Returns true if the extension has more than one "UI surface". For example,
737  // an extension that has a browser action and a page action.
738  bool HasMultipleUISurfaces() const;
740  // Figures out if a source contains keys not associated with themes - we
741  // don't want to allow scripts and such to be bundled with themes.
742  bool ContainsNonThemeKeys(const DictionaryValue& source) const;
744  // Returns true if the string is one of the known api permissions (see
745  // kPermissions).
746  bool IsAPIPermission(const std::string& permission) const;
748  // Returns true if this is a component, or we are not attempting to access a
749  // component-private permission.
750  bool IsComponentOnlyPermission(const std::string& permission) const;
752  // The set of unique API install messages that the extension has.
753  // NOTE: This only includes messages related to permissions declared in the
754  // "permissions" key in the manifest.  Permissions implied from other features
755  // of the manifest, like plugins and content scripts are not included.
756  std::set<PermissionMessage> GetSimplePermissionMessages() const;
758  // Cached images for this extension. This should only be touched on the UI
759  // thread.
760  mutable ImageCache image_cache_;
762  // A persistent, globally unique ID. An extension's ID is used in things
763  // like directory structures and URLs, and is expected to not change across
764  // versions. It is generated as a SHA-256 hash of the extension's public
765  // key, or as a hash of the path in the case of unpacked extensions.
766  std::string id_;
768  // The extension's human-readable name. Name is used for display purpose. It
769  // might be wrapped with unicode bidi control characters so that it is
770  // displayed correctly in RTL context.
771  // NOTE: Name is UTF-8 and may contain non-ascii characters.
772  std::string name_;
774  // The absolute path to the directory the extension is stored in.
775  FilePath path_;
777  // Default locale for fall back. Can be empty if extension is not localized.
778  std::string default_locale_;
780  // If true, a separate process will be used for the extension in incognito
781  // mode.
782  bool incognito_split_mode_;
784  // Defines the set of URLs in the extension's web content.
785  ExtensionExtent extent_;
787  // The set of host permissions that the extension effectively has access to,
788  // which is a merge of host_permissions_ and all of the match patterns in
789  // any content scripts the extension has. This is used to determine which
790  // URLs have the ability to load an extension's resources via embedded
791  // chrome-extension: URLs (see extension_protocols.cc).
792  ExtensionExtent effective_host_permissions_;
794  // The set of module-level APIs this extension can use.
795  std::set<std::string> api_permissions_;
797  // The icons for the extension.
798  ExtensionIconSet icons_;
800  // The base extension url for the extension.
801  GURL extension_url_;
803  // The location the extension was loaded from.
804  Location location_;
806  // The extension's version.
807  scoped_ptr<Version> version_;
809  // An optional longer description of the extension.
810  std::string description_;
812  // True if the extension was generated from a user script. (We show slightly
813  // different UI if so).
814  bool converted_from_user_script_;
816  // Paths to the content scripts the extension contains.
817  UserScriptList content_scripts_;
819  // The extension's page action, if any.
820  scoped_ptr<ExtensionAction> page_action_;
822  // The extension's browser action, if any.
823  scoped_ptr<ExtensionAction> browser_action_;
825  // The extension's file browser actions, if any.
826  scoped_ptr<FileBrowserHandlerList> file_browser_handlers_;
828  // The extension's sidebar, if any.
829  scoped_ptr<ExtensionSidebarDefaults> sidebar_defaults_;
831  // Optional list of NPAPI plugins and associated properties.
832  std::vector<PluginInfo> plugins_;
834  // Optional list of NaCl modules and associated properties.
835  std::vector<NaClModuleInfo> nacl_modules_;
837  // Optional URL to a master page of which a single instance should be always
838  // loaded in the background.
839  GURL background_url_;
841  // Optional URL to a page for setting options/preferences.
842  GURL options_url_;
844  // Optional URL to a devtools extension page.
845  GURL devtools_url_;
847  // Optional list of toolstrips and associated properties.
848  std::vector<GURL> toolstrips_;
850  // The public key used to sign the contents of the crx package.
851  std::string public_key_;
853  // A map of resource id's to relative file paths.
854  scoped_ptr<DictionaryValue> theme_images_;
856  // A map of color names to colors.
857  scoped_ptr<DictionaryValue> theme_colors_;
859  // A map of color names to colors.
860  scoped_ptr<DictionaryValue> theme_tints_;
862  // A map of display properties.
863  scoped_ptr<DictionaryValue> theme_display_properties_;
865  // Whether the extension is a theme.
866  bool is_theme_;
868  // The sites this extension has permission to talk to (using XHR, etc).
869  URLPatternList host_permissions_;
871  // The homepage for this extension. Useful if it is not hosted by Google and
872  // therefore does not have a Gallery URL.
873  GURL homepage_url_;
875  // URL for fetching an update manifest
876  GURL update_url_;
878  // A copy of the manifest that this extension was created from.
879  scoped_ptr<DictionaryValue> manifest_value_;
881  // A map of chrome:// hostnames (newtab, downloads, etc.) to Extension URLs
882  // which override the handling of those URLs. (see ExtensionOverrideUI).
883  URLOverrideMap chrome_url_overrides_;
885  // Whether this extension uses app features.
886  bool is_app_;
888  // Whether this extension requests isolated storage.
889  bool is_storage_isolated_;
891  // The local path inside the extension to use with the launcher.
892  std::string launch_local_path_;
894  // A web url to use with the launcher. Note that this might be relative or
895  // absolute. If relative, it is relative to web_origin.
896  std::string launch_web_url_;
898  // The window type that an app's manifest specifies to launch into.
899  // This is not always the window type an app will open into, because
900  // users can override the way each app launches.  See
901  // ExtensionPrefs::GetLaunchContainer(), which looks at a per-app pref
902  // to decide what container an app will launch in.
903  extension_misc::LaunchContainer launch_container_;
905  // The default size of the container when launching. Only respected for
906  // containers like panels and windows.
907  int launch_width_;
908  int launch_height_;
910  // The Omnibox keyword for this extension, or empty if there is none.
911  std::string omnibox_keyword_;
913  // List of text-to-speech voices that this extension provides, if any.
914  std::vector<TtsVoice> tts_voices_;
916  // Whether the extension has host permissions or user script patterns that
917  // imply access to file:/// scheme URLs (the user may not have actually
918  // granted it that access).
919  bool wants_file_access_;
921  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionServiceTest,
922                           UpdateExtensionPreservesLocation);
923  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionTest, LoadPageActionHelper);
924  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionTest, InitFromValueInvalid);
925  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionTest, InitFromValueValid);
926  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionTest, InitFromValueValidNameInRTL);
927  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TabStripModelTest, Apps);
932typedef std::vector< scoped_refptr<const Extension> > ExtensionList;
933typedef std::set<std::string> ExtensionIdSet;
935// Handy struct to pass core extension info around.
936struct ExtensionInfo {
937  ExtensionInfo(const DictionaryValue* manifest,
938                const std::string& id,
939                const FilePath& path,
940                Extension::Location location);
941  ~ExtensionInfo();
943  scoped_ptr<DictionaryValue> extension_manifest;
944  std::string extension_id;
945  FilePath extension_path;
946  Extension::Location extension_location;
948 private:
952// Struct used for the details of the EXTENSION_UNINSTALLED
953// notification.
954struct UninstalledExtensionInfo {
955  explicit UninstalledExtensionInfo(const Extension& extension);
956  ~UninstalledExtensionInfo();
958  std::string extension_id;
959  std::set<std::string> extension_api_permissions;
960  Extension::Type extension_type;
961  GURL update_url;
964struct UnloadedExtensionInfo {
965  enum Reason {
966    DISABLE,    // The extension is being disabled.
967    UPDATE,     // The extension is being updated to a newer version.
968    UNINSTALL,  // The extension is being uninstalled.
969  };
971  Reason reason;
973  // Was the extension already disabled?
974  bool already_disabled;
976  // The extension being unloaded - this should always be non-NULL.
977  const Extension* extension;
979  UnloadedExtensionInfo(const Extension* extension, Reason reason);