1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <set>
10#include "base/basictypes.h"
11#include "base/callback_forward.h"
12#include "base/files/file_path.h"
13#include "base/process/kill.h"
14#include "base/strings/string16.h"
15#include "base/supports_user_data.h"
16#include "content/common/content_export.h"
17#include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h"
18#include "content/public/browser/page_navigator.h"
19#include "content/public/browser/save_page_type.h"
20#include "content/public/browser/web_ui.h"
21#include "ipc/ipc_sender.h"
22#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
23#include "ui/base/window_open_disposition.h"
24#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
25#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
27#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
28#include "base/android/scoped_java_ref.h"
31namespace base {
32class TimeTicks;
35namespace gfx {
36class Rect;
37class Size;
40namespace net {
41struct LoadStateWithParam;
44namespace content {
46class BrowserContext;
47class InterstitialPage;
48class PageState;
49class RenderFrameHost;
50class RenderProcessHost;
51class RenderViewHost;
52class RenderWidgetHostView;
53class SiteInstance;
54class WebContentsDelegate;
55class WebContentsView;
56struct RendererPreferences;
58// WebContents is the core class in content/. A WebContents renders web content
59// (usually HTML) in a rectangular area.
61// Instantiating one is simple:
62//   scoped_ptr<content::WebContents> web_contents(
63//       content::WebContents::Create(
64//           content::WebContents::CreateParams(browser_context)));
65//   gfx::NativeView view = web_contents->GetView()->GetNativeView();
66//   // |view| is an HWND, NSView*, GtkWidget*, etc.; insert it into the view
67//   // hierarchy wherever it needs to go.
69// That's it; go to your kitchen, grab a scone, and chill. WebContents will do
70// all the multi-process stuff behind the scenes. More details are at
71// http://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/multi-process-architecture .
73// Each WebContents has exactly one NavigationController; each
74// NavigationController belongs to one WebContents. The NavigationController can
75// be obtained from GetController(), and is used to load URLs into the
76// WebContents, navigate it backwards/forwards, etc. See navigation_controller.h
77// for more details.
78class WebContents : public PageNavigator,
79                    public IPC::Sender,
80                    public base::SupportsUserData {
81 public:
82  struct CONTENT_EXPORT CreateParams {
83    explicit CreateParams(BrowserContext* context);
84    CreateParams(BrowserContext* context, SiteInstance* site);
86    BrowserContext* browser_context;
88    // Specifying a SiteInstance here is optional.  It can be set to avoid an
89    // extra process swap if the first navigation is expected to require a
90    // privileged process.
91    SiteInstance* site_instance;
93    WebContents* opener;
94    int routing_id;
95    int main_frame_routing_id;
97    // Initial size of the new WebContent's view. Can be (0, 0) if not needed.
98    gfx::Size initial_size;
100    // True if the contents should be initially hidden.
101    bool initially_hidden;
103    // Used to specify the location context which display the new view should
104    // belong. This can be NULL if not needed.
105    gfx::NativeView context;
106  };
108  // Creates a new WebContents.
109  CONTENT_EXPORT static WebContents* Create(const CreateParams& params);
111  // Similar to Create() above but should be used when you need to prepopulate
112  // the SessionStorageNamespaceMap of the WebContents. This can happen if
113  // you duplicate a WebContents, try to reconstitute it from a saved state,
114  // or when you create a new WebContents based on another one (eg., when
115  // servicing a window.open() call).
116  //
117  // You do not want to call this. If you think you do, make sure you completely
118  // understand when SessionStorageNamespace objects should be cloned, why
119  // they should not be shared by multiple WebContents, and what bad things
120  // can happen if you share the object.
121  CONTENT_EXPORT static WebContents* CreateWithSessionStorage(
122      const CreateParams& params,
123      const SessionStorageNamespaceMap& session_storage_namespace_map);
125  // Returns a WebContents that wraps the RenderViewHost, or NULL if the
126  // render view host's delegate isn't a WebContents.
127  CONTENT_EXPORT static WebContents* FromRenderViewHost(
128      const RenderViewHost* rvh);
130  virtual ~WebContents() {}
132  // Intrinsic tab state -------------------------------------------------------
134  // Gets/Sets the delegate.
135  virtual WebContentsDelegate* GetDelegate() = 0;
136  virtual void SetDelegate(WebContentsDelegate* delegate) = 0;
138  // Gets the controller for this WebContents.
139  virtual NavigationController& GetController() = 0;
140  virtual const NavigationController& GetController() const = 0;
142  // Returns the user browser context associated with this WebContents (via the
143  // NavigationController).
144  virtual content::BrowserContext* GetBrowserContext() const = 0;
146  // Gets the URL that is currently being displayed, if there is one.
147  // This method is deprecated. DO NOT USE! Pick either |GetVisibleURL| or
148  // |GetLastCommittedURL| as appropriate.
149  virtual const GURL& GetURL() const = 0;
151  // Gets the URL currently being displayed in the URL bar, if there is one.
152  // This URL might be a pending navigation that hasn't committed yet, so it is
153  // not guaranteed to match the current page in this WebContents. A typical
154  // example of this is interstitials, which show the URL of the new/loading
155  // page (active) but the security context is of the old page (last committed).
156  virtual const GURL& GetVisibleURL() const = 0;
158  // Gets the last committed URL. It represents the current page that is
159  // displayed in  this WebContents. It represents the current security
160  // context.
161  virtual const GURL& GetLastCommittedURL() const = 0;
163  // Return the currently active RenderProcessHost and RenderViewHost. Each of
164  // these may change over time.
165  virtual RenderProcessHost* GetRenderProcessHost() const = 0;
167  // Returns the main frame for the currently active view.
168  virtual RenderFrameHost* GetMainFrame() = 0;
170  // Gets the current RenderViewHost for this tab.
171  virtual RenderViewHost* GetRenderViewHost() const = 0;
173  typedef base::Callback<void(RenderViewHost* /* render_view_host */,
174                              int /* x */,
175                              int /* y */)> GetRenderViewHostCallback;
176  // Gets the RenderViewHost at coordinates (|x|, |y|) for this WebContents via
177  // |callback|.
178  // This can be different than the current RenderViewHost if there is a
179  // BrowserPlugin at the specified position.
180  virtual void GetRenderViewHostAtPosition(
181      int x,
182      int y,
183      const GetRenderViewHostCallback& callback) = 0;
185  // Returns the WebContents embedding this WebContents, if any.
186  // If this is a top-level WebContents then it returns NULL.
187  virtual WebContents* GetEmbedderWebContents() const = 0;
189  // Gets the instance ID of the current WebContents if it is embedded
190  // within a BrowserPlugin. The instance ID of a WebContents uniquely
191  // identifies it within its embedder WebContents.
192  virtual int GetEmbeddedInstanceID() const = 0;
194  // Gets the current RenderViewHost's routing id. Returns
195  // MSG_ROUTING_NONE when there is no RenderViewHost.
196  virtual int GetRoutingID() const = 0;
198  // Returns the currently active RenderWidgetHostView. This may change over
199  // time and can be NULL (during setup and teardown).
200  virtual RenderWidgetHostView* GetRenderWidgetHostView() const = 0;
202  // Returns the currently active fullscreen widget. If there is none, returns
203  // NULL.
204  virtual RenderWidgetHostView* GetFullscreenRenderWidgetHostView() const = 0;
206  // The WebContentsView will never change and is guaranteed non-NULL.
207  virtual WebContentsView* GetView() const = 0;
209  // Create a WebUI page for the given url. In most cases, this doesn't need to
210  // be called by embedders since content will create its own WebUI objects as
211  // necessary. However if the embedder wants to create its own WebUI object and
212  // keep track of it manually, it can use this.
213  virtual WebUI* CreateWebUI(const GURL& url) = 0;
215  // Returns the committed WebUI if one exists, otherwise the pending one.
216  virtual WebUI* GetWebUI() const = 0;
217  virtual WebUI* GetCommittedWebUI() const = 0;
219  // Allows overriding the user agent used for NavigationEntries it owns.
220  virtual void SetUserAgentOverride(const std::string& override) = 0;
221  virtual const std::string& GetUserAgentOverride() const = 0;
223#if defined(OS_WIN) && defined(USE_AURA)
224  virtual void SetParentNativeViewAccessible(
225      gfx::NativeViewAccessible accessible_parent) = 0;
228  // Tab navigation state ------------------------------------------------------
230  // Returns the current navigation properties, which if a navigation is
231  // pending may be provisional (e.g., the navigation could result in a
232  // download, in which case the URL would revert to what it was previously).
233  virtual const base::string16& GetTitle() const = 0;
235  // The max page ID for any page that the current SiteInstance has loaded in
236  // this WebContents.  Page IDs are specific to a given SiteInstance and
237  // WebContents, corresponding to a specific RenderView in the renderer.
238  // Page IDs increase with each new page that is loaded by a tab.
239  virtual int32 GetMaxPageID() = 0;
241  // The max page ID for any page that the given SiteInstance has loaded in
242  // this WebContents.
243  virtual int32 GetMaxPageIDForSiteInstance(SiteInstance* site_instance) = 0;
245  // Returns the SiteInstance associated with the current page.
246  virtual SiteInstance* GetSiteInstance() const = 0;
248  // Returns the SiteInstance for the pending navigation, if any.  Otherwise
249  // returns the current SiteInstance.
250  virtual SiteInstance* GetPendingSiteInstance() const = 0;
252  // Return whether this WebContents is loading a resource.
253  virtual bool IsLoading() const = 0;
255  // Returns whether this WebContents is waiting for a first-response for the
256  // main resource of the page.
257  virtual bool IsWaitingForResponse() const = 0;
259  // Return the current load state and the URL associated with it.
260  virtual const net::LoadStateWithParam& GetLoadState() const = 0;
261  virtual const base::string16& GetLoadStateHost() const = 0;
263  // Return the upload progress.
264  virtual uint64 GetUploadSize() const = 0;
265  virtual uint64 GetUploadPosition() const = 0;
267  // Returns a set of the site URLs currently committed in this tab.
268  virtual std::set<GURL> GetSitesInTab() const = 0;
270  // Return the character encoding of the page.
271  virtual const std::string& GetEncoding() const = 0;
273  // True if this is a secure page which displayed insecure content.
274  virtual bool DisplayedInsecureContent() const = 0;
276  // Internal state ------------------------------------------------------------
278  // Indicates whether the WebContents is being captured (e.g., for screenshots
279  // or mirroring).  Increment calls must be balanced with an equivalent number
280  // of decrement calls.
281  virtual void IncrementCapturerCount() = 0;
282  virtual void DecrementCapturerCount() = 0;
283  virtual int GetCapturerCount() const = 0;
285  // Indicates whether this tab should be considered crashed. The setter will
286  // also notify the delegate when the flag is changed.
287  virtual bool IsCrashed() const  = 0;
288  virtual void SetIsCrashed(base::TerminationStatus status, int error_code) = 0;
290  virtual base::TerminationStatus GetCrashedStatus() const = 0;
292  // Whether the tab is in the process of being destroyed.
293  virtual bool IsBeingDestroyed() const = 0;
295  // Convenience method for notifying the delegate of a navigation state
296  // change. See InvalidateType enum.
297  virtual void NotifyNavigationStateChanged(unsigned changed_flags) = 0;
299  // Get the last time that the WebContents was made visible with WasShown()
300  virtual base::TimeTicks GetLastSelectedTime() const = 0;
302  // Invoked when the WebContents becomes shown/hidden.
303  virtual void WasShown() = 0;
304  virtual void WasHidden() = 0;
306  // Returns true if the before unload and unload listeners need to be
307  // fired. The value of this changes over time. For example, if true and the
308  // before unload listener is executed and allows the user to exit, then this
309  // returns false.
310  virtual bool NeedToFireBeforeUnload() = 0;
312  // Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------
314  // Stop any pending navigation.
315  virtual void Stop() = 0;
317  // Creates a new WebContents with the same state as this one. The returned
318  // heap-allocated pointer is owned by the caller.
319  virtual WebContents* Clone() = 0;
321  // Views and focus -----------------------------------------------------------
322  // Focuses the first (last if |reverse| is true) element in the page.
323  // Invoked when this tab is getting the focus through tab traversal (|reverse|
324  // is true when using Shift-Tab).
325  virtual void FocusThroughTabTraversal(bool reverse) = 0;
327  // Interstitials -------------------------------------------------------------
329  // Various other systems need to know about our interstitials.
330  virtual bool ShowingInterstitialPage() const = 0;
332  // Returns the currently showing interstitial, NULL if no interstitial is
333  // showing.
334  virtual InterstitialPage* GetInterstitialPage() const = 0;
336  // Misc state & callbacks ----------------------------------------------------
338  // Check whether we can do the saving page operation this page given its MIME
339  // type.
340  virtual bool IsSavable() = 0;
342  // Prepare for saving the current web page to disk.
343  virtual void OnSavePage() = 0;
345  // Save page with the main HTML file path, the directory for saving resources,
346  // and the save type: HTML only or complete web page. Returns true if the
347  // saving process has been initiated successfully.
348  virtual bool SavePage(const base::FilePath& main_file,
349                        const base::FilePath& dir_path,
350                        SavePageType save_type) = 0;
352  // Saves the given frame's URL to the local filesystem..
353  virtual void SaveFrame(const GURL& url,
354                         const Referrer& referrer) = 0;
356  // Generate an MHTML representation of the current page in the given file.
357  virtual void GenerateMHTML(
358      const base::FilePath& file,
359      const base::Callback<void(
360          int64 /* size of the file */)>& callback) = 0;
362  // Returns true if the active NavigationEntry's page_id equals page_id.
363  virtual bool IsActiveEntry(int32 page_id) = 0;
365  // Returns the contents MIME type after a navigation.
366  virtual const std::string& GetContentsMimeType() const = 0;
368  // Returns true if this WebContents will notify about disconnection.
369  virtual bool WillNotifyDisconnection() const = 0;
371  // Override the encoding and reload the page by sending down
372  // ViewMsg_SetPageEncoding to the renderer. |UpdateEncoding| is kinda
373  // the opposite of this, by which 'browser' is notified of
374  // the encoding of the current tab from 'renderer' (determined by
375  // auto-detect, http header, meta, bom detection, etc).
376  virtual void SetOverrideEncoding(const std::string& encoding) = 0;
378  // Remove any user-defined override encoding and reload by sending down
379  // ViewMsg_ResetPageEncodingToDefault to the renderer.
380  virtual void ResetOverrideEncoding() = 0;
382  // Returns the settings which get passed to the renderer.
383  virtual content::RendererPreferences* GetMutableRendererPrefs() = 0;
385  // Tells the tab to close now. The tab will take care not to close until it's
386  // out of nested message loops.
387  virtual void Close() = 0;
389  // A render view-originated drag has ended. Informs the render view host and
390  // WebContentsDelegate.
391  virtual void SystemDragEnded() = 0;
393  // Notification the user has made a gesture while focus was on the
394  // page. This is used to avoid uninitiated user downloads (aka carpet
395  // bombing), see DownloadRequestLimiter for details.
396  virtual void UserGestureDone() = 0;
398  // Indicates if this tab was explicitly closed by the user (control-w, close
399  // tab menu item...). This is false for actions that indirectly close the tab,
400  // such as closing the window.  The setter is maintained by TabStripModel, and
401  // the getter only useful from within TAB_CLOSED notification
402  virtual void SetClosedByUserGesture(bool value) = 0;
403  virtual bool GetClosedByUserGesture() const = 0;
405  // Gets the zoom level for this tab.
406  virtual double GetZoomLevel() const = 0;
408  // Gets the zoom percent for this tab.
409  virtual int GetZoomPercent(bool* enable_increment,
410                             bool* enable_decrement) const = 0;
412  // Opens view-source tab for this contents.
413  virtual void ViewSource() = 0;
415  virtual void ViewFrameSource(const GURL& url,
416                               const PageState& page_state)= 0;
418  // Gets the minimum/maximum zoom percent.
419  virtual int GetMinimumZoomPercent() const = 0;
420  virtual int GetMaximumZoomPercent() const = 0;
422  // Gets the preferred size of the contents.
423  virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize() const = 0;
425  // Called when the reponse to a pending mouse lock request has arrived.
426  // Returns true if |allowed| is true and the mouse has been successfully
427  // locked.
428  virtual bool GotResponseToLockMouseRequest(bool allowed) = 0;
430  // Called when the user has selected a color in the color chooser.
431  virtual void DidChooseColorInColorChooser(SkColor color) = 0;
433  // Called when the color chooser has ended.
434  virtual void DidEndColorChooser() = 0;
436  // Returns true if the location bar should be focused by default rather than
437  // the page contents. The view calls this function when the tab is focused
438  // to see what it should do.
439  virtual bool FocusLocationBarByDefault() = 0;
441  // Does this have an opener associated with it?
442  virtual bool HasOpener() const = 0;
444  typedef base::Callback<void(
445      int, /* id */
446      int, /* HTTP status code */
447      const GURL&, /* image_url */
448      const std::vector<SkBitmap>&, /* bitmaps */
449      /* The sizes in pixel of the bitmaps before they were resized due to the
450         max bitmap size passed to DownloadImage(). Each entry in the bitmaps
451         vector corresponds to an entry in the sizes vector. If a bitmap was
452         resized, there should be a single returned bitmap. */
453      const std::vector<gfx::Size>&)>
454          ImageDownloadCallback;
456  // Sends a request to download the given image |url| and returns the unique
457  // id of the download request. When the download is finished, |callback| will
458  // be called with the bitmaps received from the renderer. If |is_favicon| is
459  // true, the cookies are not sent and not accepted during download.
460  // Bitmaps with pixel sizes larger than |max_bitmap_size| are filtered out
461  // from the bitmap results. If there are no bitmap results <=
462  // |max_bitmap_size|, the smallest bitmap is resized to |max_bitmap_size| and
463  // is the only result. A |max_bitmap_size| of 0 means unlimited.
464  virtual int DownloadImage(const GURL& url,
465                            bool is_favicon,
466                            uint32_t max_bitmap_size,
467                            const ImageDownloadCallback& callback) = 0;
469  // Sets the zoom level for the current page and all BrowserPluginGuests
470  // within the page.
471  virtual void SetZoomLevel(double level) = 0;
473#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
474  CONTENT_EXPORT static WebContents* FromJavaWebContents(
475      jobject jweb_contents_android);
476  virtual base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> GetJavaWebContents() = 0;
477#endif  // OS_ANDROID
479 private:
480  // This interface should only be implemented inside content.
481  friend class WebContentsImpl;
482  WebContents() {}
485}  // namespace content