1// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "net/websockets/websocket_basic_stream.h"
7#include <algorithm>
8#include <limits>
9#include <string>
10#include <vector>
12#include "base/basictypes.h"
13#include "base/bind.h"
14#include "base/logging.h"
15#include "base/safe_numerics.h"
16#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
17#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
18#include "net/socket/client_socket_handle.h"
19#include "net/websockets/websocket_errors.h"
20#include "net/websockets/websocket_frame.h"
21#include "net/websockets/websocket_frame_parser.h"
23namespace net {
25namespace {
27// This uses type uint64 to match the definition of
28// WebSocketFrameHeader::payload_length in websocket_frame.h.
29const uint64 kMaxControlFramePayload = 125;
31// The number of bytes to attempt to read at a time.
32// TODO(ricea): See if there is a better number or algorithm to fulfill our
33// requirements:
34//  1. We would like to use minimal memory on low-bandwidth or idle connections
35//  2. We would like to read as close to line speed as possible on
36//     high-bandwidth connections
37//  3. We can't afford to cause jank on the IO thread by copying large buffers
38//     around
39//  4. We would like to hit any sweet-spots that might exist in terms of network
40//     packet sizes / encryption block sizes / IPC alignment issues, etc.
41const int kReadBufferSize = 32 * 1024;
43typedef ScopedVector<WebSocketFrame>::const_iterator WebSocketFrameIterator;
45// Returns the total serialized size of |frames|. This function assumes that
46// |frames| will be serialized with mask field. This function forces the
47// masked bit of the frames on.
48int CalculateSerializedSizeAndTurnOnMaskBit(
49    ScopedVector<WebSocketFrame>* frames) {
50  const int kMaximumTotalSize = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
52  int total_size = 0;
53  for (WebSocketFrameIterator it = frames->begin(); it != frames->end(); ++it) {
54    WebSocketFrame* frame = *it;
55    // Force the masked bit on.
56    frame->header.masked = true;
57    // We enforce flow control so the renderer should never be able to force us
58    // to cache anywhere near 2GB of frames.
59    int frame_size = frame->header.payload_length +
60                     GetWebSocketFrameHeaderSize(frame->header);
61    CHECK_GE(kMaximumTotalSize - total_size, frame_size)
62        << "Aborting to prevent overflow";
63    total_size += frame_size;
64  }
65  return total_size;
68}  // namespace
71    scoped_ptr<ClientSocketHandle> connection,
72    const scoped_refptr<GrowableIOBuffer>& http_read_buffer,
73    const std::string& sub_protocol,
74    const std::string& extensions)
75    : read_buffer_(new IOBufferWithSize(kReadBufferSize)),
76      connection_(connection.Pass()),
77      http_read_buffer_(http_read_buffer),
78      sub_protocol_(sub_protocol),
79      extensions_(extensions),
80      generate_websocket_masking_key_(&GenerateWebSocketMaskingKey) {
81  // http_read_buffer_ should not be set if it contains no data.
82  if (http_read_buffer_ && http_read_buffer_->offset() == 0)
83    http_read_buffer_ = NULL;
84  DCHECK(connection_->is_initialized());
87WebSocketBasicStream::~WebSocketBasicStream() { Close(); }
89int WebSocketBasicStream::ReadFrames(ScopedVector<WebSocketFrame>* frames,
90                                     const CompletionCallback& callback) {
91  DCHECK(frames->empty());
92  // If there is data left over after parsing the HTTP headers, attempt to parse
93  // it as WebSocket frames.
94  if (http_read_buffer_) {
95    DCHECK_GE(http_read_buffer_->offset(), 0);
96    // We cannot simply copy the data into read_buffer_, as it might be too
97    // large.
98    scoped_refptr<GrowableIOBuffer> buffered_data;
99    buffered_data.swap(http_read_buffer_);
100    DCHECK(http_read_buffer_.get() == NULL);
101    ScopedVector<WebSocketFrameChunk> frame_chunks;
102    if (!parser_.Decode(buffered_data->StartOfBuffer(),
103                        buffered_data->offset(),
104                        &frame_chunks))
105      return WebSocketErrorToNetError(parser_.websocket_error());
106    if (!frame_chunks.empty()) {
107      int result = ConvertChunksToFrames(&frame_chunks, frames);
108      if (result != ERR_IO_PENDING)
109        return result;
110    }
111  }
113  // Run until socket stops giving us data or we get some frames.
114  while (true) {
115    // base::Unretained(this) here is safe because net::Socket guarantees not to
116    // call any callbacks after Disconnect(), which we call from the
117    // destructor. The caller of ReadFrames() is required to keep |frames|
118    // valid.
119    int result = connection_->socket()->Read(
120        read_buffer_.get(),
121        read_buffer_->size(),
122        base::Bind(&WebSocketBasicStream::OnReadComplete,
123                   base::Unretained(this),
124                   base::Unretained(frames),
125                   callback));
126    if (result == ERR_IO_PENDING)
127      return result;
128    result = HandleReadResult(result, frames);
129    if (result != ERR_IO_PENDING)
130      return result;
131    DCHECK(frames->empty());
132  }
135int WebSocketBasicStream::WriteFrames(ScopedVector<WebSocketFrame>* frames,
136                                      const CompletionCallback& callback) {
137  // This function always concatenates all frames into a single buffer.
138  // TODO(ricea): Investigate whether it would be better in some cases to
139  // perform multiple writes with smaller buffers.
140  //
141  // First calculate the size of the buffer we need to allocate.
142  int total_size = CalculateSerializedSizeAndTurnOnMaskBit(frames);
143  scoped_refptr<IOBufferWithSize> combined_buffer(
144      new IOBufferWithSize(total_size));
146  char* dest = combined_buffer->data();
147  int remaining_size = total_size;
148  for (WebSocketFrameIterator it = frames->begin(); it != frames->end(); ++it) {
149    WebSocketFrame* frame = *it;
150    WebSocketMaskingKey mask = generate_websocket_masking_key_();
151    int result =
152        WriteWebSocketFrameHeader(frame->header, &mask, dest, remaining_size);
154        << "WriteWebSocketFrameHeader() says that " << remaining_size
155        << " is not enough to write the header in. This should not happen.";
156    CHECK_GE(result, 0) << "Potentially security-critical check failed";
157    dest += result;
158    remaining_size -= result;
160    const char* const frame_data = frame->data->data();
161    const int frame_size = frame->header.payload_length;
162    CHECK_GE(remaining_size, frame_size);
163    std::copy(frame_data, frame_data + frame_size, dest);
164    MaskWebSocketFramePayload(mask, 0, dest, frame_size);
165    dest += frame_size;
166    remaining_size -= frame_size;
167  }
168  DCHECK_EQ(0, remaining_size) << "Buffer size calculation was wrong; "
169                               << remaining_size << " bytes left over.";
170  scoped_refptr<DrainableIOBuffer> drainable_buffer(
171      new DrainableIOBuffer(combined_buffer, total_size));
172  return WriteEverything(drainable_buffer, callback);
175void WebSocketBasicStream::Close() { connection_->socket()->Disconnect(); }
177std::string WebSocketBasicStream::GetSubProtocol() const {
178  return sub_protocol_;
181std::string WebSocketBasicStream::GetExtensions() const { return extensions_; }
186    scoped_ptr<ClientSocketHandle> connection,
187    const scoped_refptr<GrowableIOBuffer>& http_read_buffer,
188    const std::string& sub_protocol,
189    const std::string& extensions,
190    WebSocketMaskingKeyGeneratorFunction key_generator_function) {
191  scoped_ptr<WebSocketBasicStream> stream(new WebSocketBasicStream(
192      connection.Pass(), http_read_buffer, sub_protocol, extensions));
193  stream->generate_websocket_masking_key_ = key_generator_function;
194  return stream.Pass();
197int WebSocketBasicStream::WriteEverything(
198    const scoped_refptr<DrainableIOBuffer>& buffer,
199    const CompletionCallback& callback) {
200  while (buffer->BytesRemaining() > 0) {
201    // The use of base::Unretained() here is safe because on destruction we
202    // disconnect the socket, preventing any further callbacks.
203    int result = connection_->socket()->Write(
204        buffer.get(),
205        buffer->BytesRemaining(),
206        base::Bind(&WebSocketBasicStream::OnWriteComplete,
207                   base::Unretained(this),
208                   buffer,
209                   callback));
210    if (result > 0) {
211      buffer->DidConsume(result);
212    } else {
213      return result;
214    }
215  }
216  return OK;
219void WebSocketBasicStream::OnWriteComplete(
220    const scoped_refptr<DrainableIOBuffer>& buffer,
221    const CompletionCallback& callback,
222    int result) {
223  if (result < 0) {
224    DCHECK_NE(ERR_IO_PENDING, result);
225    callback.Run(result);
226    return;
227  }
229  DCHECK_NE(0, result);
230  buffer->DidConsume(result);
231  result = WriteEverything(buffer, callback);
232  if (result != ERR_IO_PENDING)
233    callback.Run(result);
236int WebSocketBasicStream::HandleReadResult(
237    int result,
238    ScopedVector<WebSocketFrame>* frames) {
240  DCHECK(frames->empty());
241  if (result < 0)
242    return result;
243  if (result == 0)
245  ScopedVector<WebSocketFrameChunk> frame_chunks;
246  if (!parser_.Decode(read_buffer_->data(), result, &frame_chunks))
247    return WebSocketErrorToNetError(parser_.websocket_error());
248  if (frame_chunks.empty())
249    return ERR_IO_PENDING;
250  return ConvertChunksToFrames(&frame_chunks, frames);
253int WebSocketBasicStream::ConvertChunksToFrames(
254    ScopedVector<WebSocketFrameChunk>* frame_chunks,
255    ScopedVector<WebSocketFrame>* frames) {
256  for (size_t i = 0; i < frame_chunks->size(); ++i) {
257    scoped_ptr<WebSocketFrame> frame;
258    int result = ConvertChunkToFrame(
259        scoped_ptr<WebSocketFrameChunk>((*frame_chunks)[i]), &frame);
260    (*frame_chunks)[i] = NULL;
261    if (result != OK)
262      return result;
263    if (frame)
264      frames->push_back(frame.release());
265  }
266  // All the elements of |frame_chunks| are now NULL, so there is no point in
267  // calling delete on them all.
268  frame_chunks->weak_clear();
269  if (frames->empty())
270    return ERR_IO_PENDING;
271  return OK;
274int WebSocketBasicStream::ConvertChunkToFrame(
275    scoped_ptr<WebSocketFrameChunk> chunk,
276    scoped_ptr<WebSocketFrame>* frame) {
277  DCHECK(frame->get() == NULL);
278  bool is_first_chunk = false;
279  if (chunk->header) {
280    DCHECK(current_frame_header_ == NULL)
281        << "Received the header for a new frame without notification that "
282        << "the previous frame was complete (bug in WebSocketFrameParser?)";
283    is_first_chunk = true;
284    current_frame_header_.swap(chunk->header);
285  }
286  const int chunk_size = chunk->data ? chunk->data->size() : 0;
287  DCHECK(current_frame_header_) << "Unexpected header-less chunk received "
288                                << "(final_chunk = " << chunk->final_chunk
289                                << ", data size = " << chunk_size
290                                << ") (bug in WebSocketFrameParser?)";
291  scoped_refptr<IOBufferWithSize> data_buffer;
292  data_buffer.swap(chunk->data);
293  const bool is_final_chunk = chunk->final_chunk;
294  const WebSocketFrameHeader::OpCode opcode = current_frame_header_->opcode;
295  if (WebSocketFrameHeader::IsKnownControlOpCode(opcode)) {
296    bool protocol_error = false;
297    if (!current_frame_header_->final) {
298      DVLOG(1) << "WebSocket protocol error. Control frame, opcode=" << opcode
299               << " received with FIN bit unset.";
300      protocol_error = true;
301    }
302    if (current_frame_header_->payload_length > kMaxControlFramePayload) {
303      DVLOG(1) << "WebSocket protocol error. Control frame, opcode=" << opcode
304               << ", payload_length=" << current_frame_header_->payload_length
305               << " exceeds maximum payload length for a control message.";
306      protocol_error = true;
307    }
308    if (protocol_error) {
309      current_frame_header_.reset();
310      return ERR_WS_PROTOCOL_ERROR;
311    }
312    if (!is_final_chunk) {
313      DVLOG(2) << "Encountered a split control frame, opcode " << opcode;
314      if (incomplete_control_frame_body_) {
315        DVLOG(3) << "Appending to an existing split control frame.";
316        AddToIncompleteControlFrameBody(data_buffer);
317      } else {
318        DVLOG(3) << "Creating new storage for an incomplete control frame.";
319        incomplete_control_frame_body_ = new GrowableIOBuffer();
320        // This method checks for oversize control frames above, so as long as
321        // the frame parser is working correctly, this won't overflow. If a bug
322        // does cause it to overflow, it will CHECK() in
323        // AddToIncompleteControlFrameBody() without writing outside the buffer.
324        incomplete_control_frame_body_->SetCapacity(kMaxControlFramePayload);
325        AddToIncompleteControlFrameBody(data_buffer);
326      }
327      return OK;
328    }
329    if (incomplete_control_frame_body_) {
330      DVLOG(2) << "Rejoining a split control frame, opcode " << opcode;
331      AddToIncompleteControlFrameBody(data_buffer);
332      const int body_size = incomplete_control_frame_body_->offset();
333      DCHECK_EQ(body_size,
334                static_cast<int>(current_frame_header_->payload_length));
335      scoped_refptr<IOBufferWithSize> body = new IOBufferWithSize(body_size);
336      memcpy(body->data(),
337             incomplete_control_frame_body_->StartOfBuffer(),
338             body_size);
339      incomplete_control_frame_body_ = NULL;  // Frame now complete.
340      DCHECK(is_final_chunk);
341      *frame = CreateFrame(is_final_chunk, body);
342      return OK;
343    }
344  }
346  // Apply basic sanity checks to the |payload_length| field from the frame
347  // header. A check for exact equality can only be used when the whole frame
348  // arrives in one chunk.
349  DCHECK_GE(current_frame_header_->payload_length,
350            base::checked_numeric_cast<uint64>(chunk_size));
351  DCHECK(!is_first_chunk || !is_final_chunk ||
352         current_frame_header_->payload_length ==
353             base::checked_numeric_cast<uint64>(chunk_size));
355  // Convert the chunk to a complete frame.
356  *frame = CreateFrame(is_final_chunk, data_buffer);
357  return OK;
360scoped_ptr<WebSocketFrame> WebSocketBasicStream::CreateFrame(
361    bool is_final_chunk,
362    const scoped_refptr<IOBufferWithSize>& data) {
363  scoped_ptr<WebSocketFrame> result_frame;
364  const bool is_final_chunk_in_message =
365      is_final_chunk && current_frame_header_->final;
366  const int data_size = data ? data->size() : 0;
367  const WebSocketFrameHeader::OpCode opcode = current_frame_header_->opcode;
368  // Empty frames convey no useful information unless they are the first frame
369  // (containing the type and flags) or have the "final" bit set.
370  if (is_final_chunk_in_message || data_size > 0 ||
371      current_frame_header_->opcode !=
372          WebSocketFrameHeader::kOpCodeContinuation) {
373    result_frame.reset(new WebSocketFrame(opcode));
374    result_frame->header.CopyFrom(*current_frame_header_);
375    result_frame->header.final = is_final_chunk_in_message;
376    result_frame->header.payload_length = data_size;
377    result_frame->data = data;
378    // Ensure that opcodes Text and Binary are only used for the first frame in
379    // the message.
380    if (WebSocketFrameHeader::IsKnownDataOpCode(opcode))
381      current_frame_header_->opcode = WebSocketFrameHeader::kOpCodeContinuation;
382  }
383  // Make sure that a frame header is not applied to any chunks that do not
384  // belong to it.
385  if (is_final_chunk)
386    current_frame_header_.reset();
387  return result_frame.Pass();
390void WebSocketBasicStream::AddToIncompleteControlFrameBody(
391    const scoped_refptr<IOBufferWithSize>& data_buffer) {
392  if (!data_buffer)
393    return;
394  const int new_offset =
395      incomplete_control_frame_body_->offset() + data_buffer->size();
396  CHECK_GE(incomplete_control_frame_body_->capacity(), new_offset)
397      << "Control frame body larger than frame header indicates; frame parser "
398         "bug?";
399  memcpy(incomplete_control_frame_body_->data(),
400         data_buffer->data(),
401         data_buffer->size());
402  incomplete_control_frame_body_->set_offset(new_offset);
405void WebSocketBasicStream::OnReadComplete(ScopedVector<WebSocketFrame>* frames,
406                                          const CompletionCallback& callback,
407                                          int result) {
408  result = HandleReadResult(result, frames);
409  if (result == ERR_IO_PENDING)
410    result = ReadFrames(frames, callback);
411  if (result != ERR_IO_PENDING)
412    callback.Run(result);
415}  // namespace net