1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <set>
9#include <stack>
10#include <vector>
12#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
13#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
14#include "base/observer_list.h"
15#include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
16#include "ui/compositor/layer_type.h"
17#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
18#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
19#include "ui/views/focus/focus_manager.h"
20#include "ui/views/widget/native_widget_delegate.h"
21#include "ui/views/window/client_view.h"
22#include "ui/views/window/non_client_view.h"
24#if defined(OS_WIN)
25// Windows headers define macros for these function names which screw with us.
26#if defined(IsMaximized)
27#undef IsMaximized
29#if defined(IsMinimized)
30#undef IsMinimized
32#if defined(CreateWindow)
33#undef CreateWindow
37namespace gfx {
38class Canvas;
39class Point;
40class Rect;
43namespace ui {
44class Accelerator;
45class Compositor;
46class DefaultThemeProvider;
47class Layer;
48class NativeTheme;
49class OSExchangeData;
50class ThemeProvider;
53namespace views {
55class DesktopRootWindowHost;
56class InputMethod;
57class NativeWidget;
58class NonClientFrameView;
59class TooltipManager;
60class View;
61class WidgetDelegate;
62class WidgetObserver;
64namespace internal {
65class NativeWidgetPrivate;
66class RootView;
70// Widget class
72//  Encapsulates the platform-specific rendering, event receiving and widget
73//  management aspects of the UI framework.
75//  Owns a RootView and thus a View hierarchy. Can contain child Widgets.
76//  Widget is a platform-independent type that communicates with a platform or
77//  context specific NativeWidget implementation.
79//  A special note on ownership:
81//    Depending on the value of the InitParams' ownership field, the Widget
82//    either owns or is owned by its NativeWidget:
84//    ownership = NATIVE_WIDGET_OWNS_WIDGET (default)
85//      The Widget instance is owned by its NativeWidget. When the NativeWidget
86//      is destroyed (in response to a native destruction message), it deletes
87//      the Widget from its destructor.
88//    ownership = WIDGET_OWNS_NATIVE_WIDGET (non-default)
89//      The Widget instance owns its NativeWidget. This state implies someone
90//      else wants to control the lifetime of this object. When they destroy
91//      the Widget it is responsible for destroying the NativeWidget (from its
92//      destructor).
94class VIEWS_EXPORT Widget : public internal::NativeWidgetDelegate,
95                            public FocusTraversable {
96 public:
97  typedef std::set<Widget*> Widgets;
99  enum FrameType {
100    FRAME_TYPE_DEFAULT,         // Use whatever the default would be.
101    FRAME_TYPE_FORCE_CUSTOM,    // Force the custom frame.
102    FRAME_TYPE_FORCE_NATIVE     // Force the native frame.
103  };
105  // Result from RunMoveLoop().
106  enum MoveLoopResult {
107    // The move loop completed successfully.
110    // The user canceled the move loop.
112  };
114  // Source that initiated the move loop.
115  enum MoveLoopSource {
118  };
120  // Behavior when escape is pressed during a move loop.
121  enum MoveLoopEscapeBehavior {
122    // Indicates the window should be hidden.
125    // Indicates the window should not be hidden.
127  };
129  struct VIEWS_EXPORT InitParams {
130    enum Type {
131      TYPE_WINDOW,      // A decorated Window, like a frame window.
132                        // Widgets of TYPE_WINDOW will have a NonClientView.
133      TYPE_PANEL,       // Always on top window managed by PanelManager.
134                        // Widgets of TYPE_PANEL will have a NonClientView.
136                        // An undecorated Window.
137      TYPE_CONTROL,     // A control, like a button.
138      TYPE_POPUP,       // An undecorated Window, with transient properties.
139      TYPE_MENU,        // An undecorated Window, with transient properties
140                        // specialized to menus.
141      TYPE_TOOLTIP,
142      TYPE_BUBBLE,
143      TYPE_DRAG,        // An undecorated Window, used during a drag-and-drop to
144                        // show the drag image.
145    };
147    enum WindowOpacity {
148      // Infer fully opaque or not. For WinAura, top-level windows that are not
149      // of TYPE_WINDOW are translucent so that they can be made to fade in. In
150      // all other cases, windows are fully opaque.
152      // Fully opaque.
154      // Possibly translucent/transparent.
156    };
158    enum Ownership {
159      // Default. Creator is not responsible for managing the lifetime of the
160      // Widget, it is destroyed when the corresponding NativeWidget is
161      // destroyed.
163      // Used when the Widget is owned by someone other than the NativeWidget,
164      // e.g. a scoped_ptr in tests.
166    };
168    InitParams();
169    explicit InitParams(Type type);
170    ~InitParams();
172    // Will return the first of the following that isn't NULL: the native view,
173    // |parent|, |context|.
174    gfx::NativeView GetContext() const;
176    Type type;
177    // If NULL, a default implementation will be constructed.
178    WidgetDelegate* delegate;
179    bool child;
180    // If TRANSLUCENT_WINDOW, the widget may be fully or partially transparent.
181    // If OPAQUE_WINDOW, we can perform optimizations based on the widget being
182    // fully opaque.  Defaults to TRANSLUCENT_WINDOW if
183    // ViewsDelegate::UseTransparentWindows().  Defaults to OPAQUE_WINDOW for
184    // non-window widgets.
185    WindowOpacity opacity;
186    bool accept_events;
187    bool can_activate;
188    bool keep_on_top;
189    Ownership ownership;
190    bool mirror_origin_in_rtl;
191    bool has_dropshadow;
192    // Only used by Windows. Specifies that the system default caption and icon
193    // should not be rendered, and that the client area should be equivalent to
194    // the window area.
195    bool remove_standard_frame;
196    // Only used by ShellWindow on Windows. Specifies that the default icon of
197    // packaged app should be the system default icon.
198    bool use_system_default_icon;
199    // Whether the widget should be maximized or minimized.
200    ui::WindowShowState show_state;
201    // Should the widget be double buffered? Default is false.
202    bool double_buffer;
203    gfx::NativeView parent;
204    // Specifies the initial bounds of the Widget. Default is empty, which means
205    // the NativeWidget may specify a default size. If the parent is specified,
206    // |bounds| is in the parent's coordinate system. If the parent is not
207    // specified, it's in screen's global coordinate system.
208    gfx::Rect bounds;
209    // When set, this value is used as the Widget's NativeWidget implementation.
210    // The Widget will not construct a default one. Default is NULL.
211    NativeWidget* native_widget;
212    // Aura-only. Provides a DesktopRootWindowHost implementation to use instead
213    // of the default one.
214    // TODO(beng): Figure out if there's a better way to expose this, e.g. get
215    // rid of NW subclasses and do this all via message handling.
216    DesktopRootWindowHost* desktop_root_window_host;
217    // Whether this window is intended to be a toplevel window with no
218    // attachment to any other window. (This may be a transient window if
219    // |parent| is set.)
220    bool top_level;
221    // Only used by NativeWidgetAura. Specifies the type of layer for the
222    // aura::Window. Default is LAYER_TEXTURED.
223    ui::LayerType layer_type;
224    // Only used by Aura. Provides a context window whose RootWindow is
225    // consulted during widget creation to determine where in the Window
226    // hierarchy this widget should be placed. (This is separate from |parent|;
227    // if you pass a RootWindow to |parent|, your window will be parented to
228    // |parent|. If you pass a RootWindow to |context|, we ask that RootWindow
229    // where it wants your window placed.) NULL is not allowed if you are using
230    // aura.
231    gfx::NativeView context;
232    // Only used by X11, for root level windows. Specifies the res_name and
233    // res_class fields, respectively, of the WM_CLASS window property. Controls
234    // window grouping and desktop file matching in Linux window managers.
235    std::string wm_role_name;
236    std::string wm_class_name;
237    std::string wm_class_class;
238  };
240  Widget();
241  virtual ~Widget();
243  // Creates a toplevel window with no context. These methods should only be
244  // used in cases where there is no contextual information because we're
245  // creating a toplevel window connected to no other event.
246  //
247  // If you have any parenting or context information, or can pass that
248  // information, prefer the WithParent or WithContext versions of these
249  // methods.
250  static Widget* CreateWindow(WidgetDelegate* delegate);
251  static Widget* CreateWindowWithBounds(WidgetDelegate* delegate,
252                                        const gfx::Rect& bounds);
254  // Creates a decorated window Widget with the specified properties.
255  static Widget* CreateWindowWithParent(WidgetDelegate* delegate,
256                                        gfx::NativeWindow parent);
257  static Widget* CreateWindowWithParentAndBounds(WidgetDelegate* delegate,
258                                                 gfx::NativeWindow parent,
259                                                 const gfx::Rect& bounds);
261  // Creates a decorated window Widget in the same desktop context as |context|.
262  static Widget* CreateWindowWithContext(WidgetDelegate* delegate,
263                                         gfx::NativeView context);
264  static Widget* CreateWindowWithContextAndBounds(WidgetDelegate* delegate,
265                                                  gfx::NativeView context,
266                                                  const gfx::Rect& bounds);
268  // Creates an undecorated child window Widget parented to |parent|.
269  static Widget* CreateWindowAsFramelessChild(WidgetDelegate* widget_delegate,
270                                              gfx::NativeView parent);
272  // Enumerates all windows pertaining to us and notifies their
273  // view hierarchies that the locale has changed.
274  // TODO(beng): remove post-Aurafication of ChromeOS.
275  static void NotifyLocaleChanged();
277  // Closes all Widgets that aren't identified as "secondary widgets". Called
278  // during application shutdown when the last non-secondary widget is closed.
279  static void CloseAllSecondaryWidgets();
281  // Converts a rectangle from one Widget's coordinate system to another's.
282  // Returns false if the conversion couldn't be made, because either these two
283  // Widgets do not have a common ancestor or they are not on the screen yet.
284  // The value of |*rect| won't be changed when false is returned.
285  static bool ConvertRect(const Widget* source,
286                          const Widget* target,
287                          gfx::Rect* rect);
289  // Retrieves the Widget implementation associated with the given
290  // NativeView or Window, or NULL if the supplied handle has no associated
291  // Widget.
292  static Widget* GetWidgetForNativeView(gfx::NativeView native_view);
293  static Widget* GetWidgetForNativeWindow(gfx::NativeWindow native_window);
295  // Retrieves the top level widget in a native view hierarchy
296  // starting at |native_view|. Top level widget is a widget with TYPE_WINDOW,
298  // focus manager. This may be itself if the |native_view| is top level,
299  // or NULL if there is no toplevel in a native view hierarchy.
300  static Widget* GetTopLevelWidgetForNativeView(gfx::NativeView native_view);
302  // Returns all Widgets in |native_view|'s hierarchy, including itself if
303  // it is one.
304  static void GetAllChildWidgets(gfx::NativeView native_view,
305                                 Widgets* children);
307  // Returns all non-child Widgets owned by |native_view|.
308  static void GetAllOwnedWidgets(gfx::NativeView native_view,
309                                 Widgets* owned);
311  // Re-parent a NativeView and notify all Widgets in |native_view|'s hierarchy
312  // of the change.
313  static void ReparentNativeView(gfx::NativeView native_view,
314                                 gfx::NativeView new_parent);
316  // Returns the preferred size of the contents view of this window based on
317  // its localized size data. The width in cols is held in a localized string
318  // resource identified by |col_resource_id|, the height in the same fashion.
319  // TODO(beng): This should eventually live somewhere else, probably closer to
320  //             ClientView.
321  static int GetLocalizedContentsWidth(int col_resource_id);
322  static int GetLocalizedContentsHeight(int row_resource_id);
323  static gfx::Size GetLocalizedContentsSize(int col_resource_id,
324                                            int row_resource_id);
326  // Returns true if the specified type requires a NonClientView.
327  static bool RequiresNonClientView(InitParams::Type type);
329  void Init(const InitParams& params);
331  // Returns the gfx::NativeView associated with this Widget.
332  gfx::NativeView GetNativeView() const;
334  // Returns the gfx::NativeWindow associated with this Widget. This may return
335  // NULL on some platforms if the widget was created with a type other than
337  gfx::NativeWindow GetNativeWindow() const;
339  // Add/remove observer.
340  void AddObserver(WidgetObserver* observer);
341  void RemoveObserver(WidgetObserver* observer);
342  bool HasObserver(WidgetObserver* observer);
344  // Returns the accelerator given a command id. Returns false if there is
345  // no accelerator associated with a given id, which is a common condition.
346  virtual bool GetAccelerator(int cmd_id, ui::Accelerator* accelerator);
348  // Forwarded from the RootView so that the widget can do any cleanup.
349  void ViewHierarchyChanged(const View::ViewHierarchyChangedDetails& details);
351  // Called right before changing the widget's parent NativeView to do any
352  // cleanup.
353  void NotifyNativeViewHierarchyWillChange();
355  // Called after changing the widget's parent NativeView. Notifies the RootView
356  // about the change.
357  void NotifyNativeViewHierarchyChanged();
359  // Returns the top level widget in a hierarchy (see is_top_level() for
360  // the definition of top level widget.) Will return NULL if called
361  // before the widget is attached to the top level widget's hierarchy.
362  Widget* GetTopLevelWidget();
363  const Widget* GetTopLevelWidget() const;
365  // Gets/Sets the WidgetDelegate.
366  WidgetDelegate* widget_delegate() const { return widget_delegate_; }
368  // Sets the specified view as the contents of this Widget. There can only
369  // be one contents view child of this Widget's RootView. This view is sized to
370  // fit the entire size of the RootView. The RootView takes ownership of this
371  // View, unless it is set as not being parent-owned.
372  void SetContentsView(View* view);
373  View* GetContentsView();
375  // Returns the bounds of the Widget in screen coordinates.
376  gfx::Rect GetWindowBoundsInScreen() const;
378  // Returns the bounds of the Widget's client area in screen coordinates.
379  gfx::Rect GetClientAreaBoundsInScreen() const;
381  // Retrieves the restored bounds for the window.
382  gfx::Rect GetRestoredBounds() const;
384  // Sizes and/or places the widget to the specified bounds, size or position.
385  void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
386  void SetSize(const gfx::Size& size);
388  // Sizes the window to the specified size and centerizes it.
389  void CenterWindow(const gfx::Size& size);
391  // Like SetBounds(), but ensures the Widget is fully visible on screen,
392  // resizing and/or repositioning as necessary. This is only useful for
393  // non-child widgets.
394  void SetBoundsConstrained(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
396  // Sets whether animations that occur when visibility is changed are enabled.
397  // Default is true.
398  void SetVisibilityChangedAnimationsEnabled(bool value);
400  // Starts a nested message loop that moves the window. This can be used to
401  // start a window move operation from a mouse or touch event. This returns
402  // when the move completes. |drag_offset| is the offset from the top left
403  // corner of the window to the point where the cursor is dragging, and is used
404  // to offset the bounds of the window from the cursor.
405  MoveLoopResult RunMoveLoop(const gfx::Vector2d& drag_offset,
406                             MoveLoopSource source,
407                             MoveLoopEscapeBehavior escape_behavior);
409  // Stops a previously started move loop. This is not immediate.
410  void EndMoveLoop();
412  // Places the widget in front of the specified widget in z-order.
413  void StackAboveWidget(Widget* widget);
414  void StackAbove(gfx::NativeView native_view);
415  void StackAtTop();
417  // Places the widget below the specified NativeView.
418  void StackBelow(gfx::NativeView native_view);
420  // Sets a shape on the widget. Passing a NULL |shape| reverts the widget to
421  // be rectangular. Takes ownership of |shape|.
422  void SetShape(gfx::NativeRegion shape);
424  // Hides the widget then closes it after a return to the message loop.
425  virtual void Close();
427  // TODO(beng): Move off public API.
428  // Closes the widget immediately. Compare to |Close|. This will destroy the
429  // window handle associated with this Widget, so should not be called from
430  // any code that expects it to be valid beyond this call.
431  void CloseNow();
433  // Whether the widget has been asked to close itself. In particular this is
434  // set to true after Close() has been invoked on the NativeWidget.
435  bool IsClosed() const;
437  // Shows or hides the widget, without changing activation state.
438  virtual void Show();
439  void Hide();
441  // Like Show(), but does not activate the window.
442  void ShowInactive();
444  // Activates the widget, assuming it already exists and is visible.
445  void Activate();
447  // Deactivates the widget, making the next window in the Z order the active
448  // window.
449  void Deactivate();
451  // Returns whether the Widget is the currently active window.
452  virtual bool IsActive() const;
454  // Prevents the window from being rendered as deactivated. This state is
455  // reset automatically as soon as the window becomes activated again. There is
456  // no ability to control the state through this API as this leads to sync
457  // problems.
458  void DisableInactiveRendering();
460  // Sets the widget to be on top of all other widgets in the windowing system.
461  void SetAlwaysOnTop(bool on_top);
463  // Returns whether the widget has been set to be on top of most other widgets
464  // in the windowing system.
465  bool IsAlwaysOnTop() const;
467  // Maximizes/minimizes/restores the window.
468  void Maximize();
469  void Minimize();
470  void Restore();
472  // Whether or not the window is maximized or minimized.
473  virtual bool IsMaximized() const;
474  bool IsMinimized() const;
476  // Accessors for fullscreen state.
477  void SetFullscreen(bool fullscreen);
478  bool IsFullscreen() const;
480  // Sets the opacity of the widget. This may allow widgets behind the widget
481  // in the Z-order to become visible, depending on the capabilities of the
482  // underlying windowing system.
483  void SetOpacity(unsigned char opacity);
485  // Sets whether or not the window should show its frame as a "transient drag
486  // frame" - slightly transparent and without the standard window controls.
487  void SetUseDragFrame(bool use_drag_frame);
489  // Flashes the frame of the window to draw attention to it. Currently only
490  // implemented on Windows for non-Aura.
491  void FlashFrame(bool flash);
493  // Returns the View at the root of the View hierarchy contained by this
494  // Widget.
495  View* GetRootView();
496  const View* GetRootView() const;
498  // A secondary widget is one that is automatically closed (via Close()) when
499  // all non-secondary widgets are closed.
500  // Default is true.
501  // TODO(beng): This is an ugly API, should be handled implicitly via
502  //             transience.
503  void set_is_secondary_widget(bool is_secondary_widget) {
504    is_secondary_widget_ = is_secondary_widget;
505  }
506  bool is_secondary_widget() const { return is_secondary_widget_; }
508  // Returns whether the Widget is visible to the user.
509  virtual bool IsVisible() const;
511  // Returns the ThemeProvider that provides theme resources for this Widget.
512  virtual ui::ThemeProvider* GetThemeProvider() const;
514  ui::NativeTheme* GetNativeTheme() {
515    return const_cast<ui::NativeTheme*>(
516        const_cast<const Widget*>(this)->GetNativeTheme());
517  }
518  const ui::NativeTheme* GetNativeTheme() const;
520  // Returns the FocusManager for this widget.
521  // Note that all widgets in a widget hierarchy share the same focus manager.
522  FocusManager* GetFocusManager();
523  const FocusManager* GetFocusManager() const;
525  // Returns the InputMethod for this widget.
526  // Note that all widgets in a widget hierarchy share the same input method.
527  InputMethod* GetInputMethod();
528  const InputMethod* GetInputMethod() const;
530  // Starts a drag operation for the specified view. This blocks until the drag
531  // operation completes. |view| can be NULL.
532  // If the view is non-NULL it can be accessed during the drag by calling
533  // dragged_view(). If the view has not been deleted during the drag,
534  // OnDragDone() is called on it. |location| is in the widget's coordinate
535  // system.
536  void RunShellDrag(View* view,
537                    const ui::OSExchangeData& data,
538                    const gfx::Point& location,
539                    int operation,
540                    ui::DragDropTypes::DragEventSource source);
542  // Returns the view that requested the current drag operation via
543  // RunShellDrag(), or NULL if there is no such view or drag operation.
544  View* dragged_view() { return dragged_view_; }
546  // Adds the specified |rect| in client area coordinates to the rectangle to be
547  // redrawn.
548  virtual void SchedulePaintInRect(const gfx::Rect& rect);
550  // Sets the currently visible cursor. If |cursor| is NULL, the cursor used
551  // before the current is restored.
552  void SetCursor(gfx::NativeCursor cursor);
554  // Returns true if and only if mouse events are enabled.
555  bool IsMouseEventsEnabled() const;
557  // Sets/Gets a native window property on the underlying native window object.
558  // Returns NULL if the property does not exist. Setting the property value to
559  // NULL removes the property.
560  void SetNativeWindowProperty(const char* name, void* value);
561  void* GetNativeWindowProperty(const char* name) const;
563  // Tell the window to update its title from the delegate.
564  void UpdateWindowTitle();
566  // Tell the window to update its icon from the delegate.
567  void UpdateWindowIcon();
569  // Retrieves the focus traversable for this widget.
570  FocusTraversable* GetFocusTraversable();
572  // Notifies the view hierarchy contained in this widget that theme resources
573  // changed.
574  void ThemeChanged();
576  // Notifies the view hierarchy contained in this widget that locale resources
577  // changed.
578  void LocaleChanged();
580  void SetFocusTraversableParent(FocusTraversable* parent);
581  void SetFocusTraversableParentView(View* parent_view);
583  // Clear native focus set to the Widget's NativeWidget.
584  void ClearNativeFocus();
586  void set_frame_type(FrameType frame_type) { frame_type_ = frame_type; }
587  FrameType frame_type() const { return frame_type_; }
589  // Creates an appropriate NonClientFrameView for this widget. The
590  // WidgetDelegate is given the first opportunity to create one, followed by
591  // the NativeWidget implementation. If both return NULL, a default one is
592  // created.
593  virtual NonClientFrameView* CreateNonClientFrameView();
595  // Whether we should be using a native frame.
596  bool ShouldUseNativeFrame() const;
598  // Forces the frame into the alternate frame type (custom or native) depending
599  // on its current state.
600  void DebugToggleFrameType();
602  // Tell the window that something caused the frame type to change.
603  void FrameTypeChanged();
605  NonClientView* non_client_view() {
606    return const_cast<NonClientView*>(
607        const_cast<const Widget*>(this)->non_client_view());
608  }
609  const NonClientView* non_client_view() const {
610    return non_client_view_;
611  }
613  ClientView* client_view() {
614    return const_cast<ClientView*>(
615        const_cast<const Widget*>(this)->client_view());
616  }
617  const ClientView* client_view() const {
618    // non_client_view_ may be NULL, especially during creation.
619    return non_client_view_ ? non_client_view_->client_view() : NULL;
620  }
622  const ui::Compositor* GetCompositor() const;
623  ui::Compositor* GetCompositor();
625  // Returns the widget's layer, if any.
626  ui::Layer* GetLayer();
628  // Reorders the widget's child NativeViews which are associated to the view
629  // tree (eg via a NativeViewHost) to match the z-order of the views in the
630  // view tree. The z-order of views with layers relative to views with
631  // associated NativeViews is used to reorder the NativeView layers. This
632  // method assumes that the widget's child layers which are owned by a view are
633  // already in the correct z-order relative to each other and does no
634  // reordering if there are no views with an associated NativeView.
635  void ReorderNativeViews();
637  // Schedules an update to the root layers. The actual processing occurs when
638  // GetRootLayers() is invoked.
639  void UpdateRootLayers();
641  const NativeWidget* native_widget() const;
642  NativeWidget* native_widget();
644  internal::NativeWidgetPrivate* native_widget_private() {
645    return native_widget_;
646  }
647  const internal::NativeWidgetPrivate* native_widget_private() const {
648    return native_widget_;
649  }
651  // Sets capture to the specified view. This makes it so that all mouse, touch
652  // and gesture events go to |view|. If |view| is NULL, the widget still
653  // obtains event capture, but the events will go to the view they'd normally
654  // go to.
655  void SetCapture(View* view);
657  // Releases capture.
658  void ReleaseCapture();
660  // Returns true if the widget has capture.
661  bool HasCapture();
663  void set_auto_release_capture(bool auto_release_capture) {
664    auto_release_capture_ = auto_release_capture;
665  }
667  // Returns the font used for tooltips.
668  TooltipManager* GetTooltipManager();
669  const TooltipManager* GetTooltipManager() const;
671  // Sets-up the focus manager with the view that should have focus when the
672  // window is shown the first time.  Returns true if the initial focus has been
673  // set or the widget should not set the initial focus, or false if the caller
674  // should set the initial focus (if any).
675  bool SetInitialFocus();
677  void set_focus_on_creation(bool focus_on_creation) {
678    focus_on_creation_ = focus_on_creation;
679  }
681  // True if the widget is considered top level widget. Top level widget
683  // POPUP or MENU, and has a focus manager and input method object associated
684  // with it. TYPE_CONTROL and TYPE_TOOLTIP is not considered top level.
685  bool is_top_level() const { return is_top_level_; }
687  // True when window movement via mouse interaction with the frame is disabled.
688  bool movement_disabled() const { return movement_disabled_; }
689  void set_movement_disabled(bool disabled) { movement_disabled_ = disabled; }
691  // Returns the work area bounds of the screen the Widget belongs to.
692  gfx::Rect GetWorkAreaBoundsInScreen() const;
694  // Creates and dispatches synthesized mouse move event using the current
695  // mouse location to refresh hovering status in the widget.
696  void SynthesizeMouseMoveEvent();
698  // Called by our RootView after it has performed a Layout. Used to forward
699  // window sizing information to the window server on some platforms.
700  void OnRootViewLayout();
702  // Notification that our owner is closing.
703  // NOTE: this is not invoked for aura as it's currently not needed there.
704  // Under aura menus close by way of activation getting reset when the owner
705  // closes.
706  virtual void OnOwnerClosing();
708  // Overridden from NativeWidgetDelegate:
709  virtual bool IsModal() const OVERRIDE;
710  virtual bool IsDialogBox() const OVERRIDE;
711  virtual bool CanActivate() const OVERRIDE;
712  virtual bool IsInactiveRenderingDisabled() const OVERRIDE;
713  virtual void EnableInactiveRendering() OVERRIDE;
714  virtual void OnNativeWidgetActivationChanged(bool active) OVERRIDE;
715  virtual void OnNativeFocus(gfx::NativeView old_focused_view) OVERRIDE;
716  virtual void OnNativeBlur(gfx::NativeView new_focused_view) OVERRIDE;
717  virtual void OnNativeWidgetVisibilityChanging(bool visible) OVERRIDE;
718  virtual void OnNativeWidgetVisibilityChanged(bool visible) OVERRIDE;
719  virtual void OnNativeWidgetCreated(bool desktop_widget) OVERRIDE;
720  virtual void OnNativeWidgetDestroying() OVERRIDE;
721  virtual void OnNativeWidgetDestroyed() OVERRIDE;
722  virtual gfx::Size GetMinimumSize() OVERRIDE;
723  virtual gfx::Size GetMaximumSize() OVERRIDE;
724  virtual void OnNativeWidgetMove() OVERRIDE;
725  virtual void OnNativeWidgetSizeChanged(const gfx::Size& new_size) OVERRIDE;
726  virtual void OnNativeWidgetBeginUserBoundsChange() OVERRIDE;
727  virtual void OnNativeWidgetEndUserBoundsChange() OVERRIDE;
728  virtual bool HasFocusManager() const OVERRIDE;
729  virtual bool OnNativeWidgetPaintAccelerated(
730      const gfx::Rect& dirty_region) OVERRIDE;
731  virtual void OnNativeWidgetPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) OVERRIDE;
732  virtual int GetNonClientComponent(const gfx::Point& point) OVERRIDE;
733  virtual void OnKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
734  virtual void OnMouseEvent(ui::MouseEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
735  virtual void OnMouseCaptureLost() OVERRIDE;
736  virtual void OnTouchEvent(ui::TouchEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
737  virtual void OnScrollEvent(ui::ScrollEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
738  virtual void OnGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
739  virtual bool ExecuteCommand(int command_id) OVERRIDE;
740  virtual InputMethod* GetInputMethodDirect() OVERRIDE;
741  virtual const std::vector<ui::Layer*>& GetRootLayers() OVERRIDE;
742  virtual bool HasHitTestMask() const OVERRIDE;
743  virtual void GetHitTestMask(gfx::Path* mask) const OVERRIDE;
744  virtual Widget* AsWidget() OVERRIDE;
745  virtual const Widget* AsWidget() const OVERRIDE;
747  // Overridden from FocusTraversable:
748  virtual FocusSearch* GetFocusSearch() OVERRIDE;
749  virtual FocusTraversable* GetFocusTraversableParent() OVERRIDE;
750  virtual View* GetFocusTraversableParentView() OVERRIDE;
752 protected:
753  // Creates the RootView to be used within this Widget. Subclasses may override
754  // to create custom RootViews that do specialized event processing.
755  // TODO(beng): Investigate whether or not this is needed.
756  virtual internal::RootView* CreateRootView();
758  // Provided to allow the NativeWidget implementations to destroy the RootView
759  // _before_ the focus manager/tooltip manager.
760  // TODO(beng): remove once we fold those objects onto this one.
761  void DestroyRootView();
763 private:
764  friend class ComboboxTest;
765  friend class NativeTextfieldViewsTest;
767  // Sets the value of |disable_inactive_rendering_|. If the value changes,
768  // both the NonClientView and WidgetDelegate are notified.
769  void SetInactiveRenderingDisabled(bool value);
771  // Persists the window's restored position and "show" state using the
772  // window delegate.
773  void SaveWindowPlacement();
775  // Sizes and positions the window just after it is created.
776  void SetInitialBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
778  // Sizes and positions the frameless window just after it is created.
779  void SetInitialBoundsForFramelessWindow(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
781  // Returns the bounds and "show" state from the delegate. Returns true if
782  // the delegate wants to use a specified bounds.
783  bool GetSavedWindowPlacement(gfx::Rect* bounds,
784                               ui::WindowShowState* show_state);
786  // Creates and initializes a new InputMethod and returns it, otherwise null.
787  scoped_ptr<InputMethod> CreateInputMethod();
789  // Sets a different InputMethod instance to this widget. The instance
790  // must not be initialized, the ownership will be assumed by the widget.
791  // It's only for testing purpose.
792  void ReplaceInputMethod(InputMethod* input_method);
794  internal::NativeWidgetPrivate* native_widget_;
796  ObserverList<WidgetObserver> observers_;
798  // Non-owned pointer to the Widget's delegate. If a NULL delegate is supplied
799  // to Init() a default WidgetDelegate is created.
800  WidgetDelegate* widget_delegate_;
802  // The root of the View hierarchy attached to this window.
803  // WARNING: see warning in tooltip_manager_ for ordering dependencies with
804  // this and tooltip_manager_.
805  scoped_ptr<internal::RootView> root_view_;
807  // The View that provides the non-client area of the window (title bar,
808  // window controls, sizing borders etc). To use an implementation other than
809  // the default, this class must be sub-classed and this value set to the
810  // desired implementation before calling |InitWindow()|.
811  NonClientView* non_client_view_;
813  // The focus manager keeping track of focus for this Widget and any of its
814  // children.  NULL for non top-level widgets.
815  // WARNING: RootView's destructor calls into the FocusManager. As such, this
816  // must be destroyed AFTER root_view_. This is enforced in DestroyRootView().
817  scoped_ptr<FocusManager> focus_manager_;
819  // A theme provider to use when no other theme provider is specified.
820  scoped_ptr<ui::DefaultThemeProvider> default_theme_provider_;
822  // Valid for the lifetime of RunShellDrag(), indicates the view the drag
823  // started from.
824  View* dragged_view_;
826  // See class documentation for Widget above for a note about ownership.
827  InitParams::Ownership ownership_;
829  // See set_is_secondary_widget().
830  bool is_secondary_widget_;
832  // The current frame type in use by this window. Defaults to
834  FrameType frame_type_;
836  // True when the window should be rendered as active, regardless of whether
837  // or not it actually is.
838  bool disable_inactive_rendering_;
840  // Set to true if the widget is in the process of closing.
841  bool widget_closed_;
843  // The saved "show" state for this window. See note in SetInitialBounds
844  // that explains why we save this.
845  ui::WindowShowState saved_show_state_;
847  // The restored bounds used for the initial show. This is only used if
848  // |saved_show_state_| is maximized.
849  gfx::Rect initial_restored_bounds_;
851  // Focus is automatically set to the view provided by the delegate
852  // when the widget is shown. Set this value to false to override
853  // initial focus for the widget.
854  bool focus_on_creation_;
856  mutable scoped_ptr<InputMethod> input_method_;
858  // See |is_top_level()| accessor.
859  bool is_top_level_;
861  // Tracks whether native widget has been initialized.
862  bool native_widget_initialized_;
864  // Whether native widget has been destroyed.
865  bool native_widget_destroyed_;
867  // TODO(beng): Remove NativeWidgetGtk's dependence on these:
868  // If true, the mouse is currently down.
869  bool is_mouse_button_pressed_;
871  // If true, a touch device is currently down.
872  bool is_touch_down_;
874  // TODO(beng): Remove NativeWidgetGtk's dependence on these:
875  // The following are used to detect duplicate mouse move events and not
876  // deliver them. Displaying a window may result in the system generating
877  // duplicate move events even though the mouse hasn't moved.
878  bool last_mouse_event_was_move_;
879  gfx::Point last_mouse_event_position_;
881  // True if event capture should be released on a mouse up event. Default is
882  // true.
883  bool auto_release_capture_;
885  // See description in GetRootLayers().
886  std::vector<ui::Layer*> root_layers_;
888  // Is |root_layers_| out of date?
889  bool root_layers_dirty_;
891  // True when window movement via mouse interaction with the frame should be
892  // disabled.
893  bool movement_disabled_;
898}  // namespace views