1// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
3// If a template-parameter of a class template or alias template has a default
4// template-argument, each subsequent template-parameter shall either have a
5// default template-argument supplied or be a template parameter pack.
6template<typename> struct vector;
8template<typename T = int, typename> struct X3t; // expected-error{{template parameter missing a default argument}} expected-note{{previous default template argument defined here}}
9template<typename T = int, typename> using A3t = int; // expected-error{{template parameter missing a default argument}} expected-note{{previous default template argument defined here}}
10template<int V = 0, int> struct X3nt; // expected-error{{template parameter missing a default argument}} expected-note{{previous default template argument defined here}}
11template<int V = 0, int> using A3nt = int; // expected-error{{template parameter missing a default argument}} expected-note{{previous default template argument defined here}}
12template<template<class> class M = vector, template<class> class> struct X3tt; // expected-error{{template parameter missing a default argument}} expected-note{{previous default template argument defined here}}
13template<template<class> class M = vector, template<class> class> using A3tt = int; // expected-error{{template parameter missing a default argument}} expected-note{{previous default template argument defined here}}
15template<typename T = int, typename ...Types> struct X2t;
16template<typename T = int, typename ...Types> using A2t = X2t<T, Types...>;
17template<int V = 0, int ...Values> struct X2nt;
18template<int V = 0, int ...Values> using A2nt = X2nt<V, Values...>;
19template<template<class> class M = vector, template<class> class... Metas>
20  struct X2tt;
21template<template<class> class M = vector, template<class> class... Metas>
22  using A2tt = X2tt<M, Metas...>;
24// If a template-parameter of a primary class template or alias template is a
25// template parameter pack, it shall be the last template-parameter.
26template<typename ...Types, // expected-error{{template parameter pack must be the last template parameter}}
27         int After, int After2>
28struct X0t;
29X0t<int> pr9789();
30template<typename ...Types, // expected-error{{template parameter pack must be the last template parameter}}
31         int After>
32using A0t = int;
34template<int ...Values, // expected-error{{template parameter pack must be the last template parameter}}
35         int After>
36struct X0nt;
37template<int ...Values, // expected-error{{template parameter pack must be the last template parameter}}
38         int After>
39using A0nt = int;
41template<template<typename> class ...Templates, // expected-error{{template parameter pack must be the last template parameter}}
42         int After>
43struct X0tt;
44template<template<typename> class ...Templates, // expected-error{{template parameter pack must be the last template parameter}}
45         int After>
46using A0tt = int;
48// [ Note: These are not requirements for function templates or class
49// template partial specializations because template arguments can be
50// deduced (14.8.2). -- end note]
51template<typename... Types> struct X1t;
52template<typename ...Types, typename T> struct X1t<T, Types...> { };
54template<int... Values> struct X1nt;
55template<int ...Values, int V> struct X1nt<V, Values...> { };
57template<template<int> class... Meta> struct X1tt;
58template<template<int> class... Meta, template<int> class M>
59  struct X1tt<M, Meta...> { };
61template<typename ...Types, typename T>
62void f1t(X1t<T, Types...>);
64template<int ...Values, int V>
65void f1nt(X1nt<V, Values...>);
67template<template<int> class... Meta, template<int> class M>
68void f1tt(X1tt<M, Meta...>);
70namespace DefaultTemplateArgsInFunction {
71  template<typename T = int, typename U>  T &f0(U) { T *x = 0; return *x; }
73  void test_f0() {
74    int &ir0 = f0(3.14159);
75    int &ir1 = f0<int>(3.14159);
76    float &fr0 = f0<float>(3.14159);
77  }
79  template<> int &f0(int*);
80  template int &f0(double&);