1// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -verify %s
3namespace UseBeforeDefinition {
4  struct A {
5    template<typename T> static constexpr T get() { return T(); }
6    // ok, not a constant expression.
7    int n = get<int>();
8  };
10  // ok, constant expression.
11  constexpr int j = A::get<int>();
13  template<typename T> constexpr int consume(T);
14  // ok, not a constant expression.
15  const int k = consume(0); // expected-note {{here}}
17  template<typename T> constexpr int consume(T) { return 0; }
18  // ok, constant expression.
19  constexpr int l = consume(0);
21  constexpr int m = k; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{initializer of 'k'}}
24namespace IntegralConst {
25  template<typename T> constexpr T f(T n) { return n; }
26  enum E {
27    v = f(0), w = f(1) // ok
28  };
29  static_assert(w == 1, "");
31  char arr[f('x')]; // ok
32  static_assert(sizeof(arr) == 'x', "");
35namespace ConvertedConst {
36  template<typename T> constexpr T f(T n) { return n; }
37  int f() {
38    switch (f()) {
39      case f(4): return 0;
40    }
41    return 1;
42  }
45namespace OverloadResolution {
46  template<typename T> constexpr T f(T t) { return t; }
48  template<int n> struct S { };
50  template<typename T> auto g(T t) -> S<f(sizeof(T))> &;
51  char &f(...);
53  template<typename T> auto h(T t[f(sizeof(T))]) -> decltype(&*t) {
54    return t;
55  }
57  S<4> &k = g(0);
58  int *p, *q = h(p);
61namespace DataMember {
62  template<typename T> struct S { static const int k; };
63  const int n = S<int>::k; // expected-note {{here}}
64  template<typename T> const int S<T>::k = 0;
65  constexpr int m = S<int>::k; // ok
66  constexpr int o = n; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{initializer of 'n'}}
69namespace Reference {
70  const int k = 5;
71  template<typename T> struct S {
72    static volatile int &r;
73  };
74  template<typename T> volatile int &S<T>::r = const_cast<volatile int&>(k);
75  constexpr int n = const_cast<int&>(S<int>::r);
76  static_assert(n == 5, "");
79namespace Unevaluated {
80  // We follow g++ in treating any reference to a constexpr function template
81  // specialization as requiring an instantiation, even if it occurs in an
82  // unevaluated context.
83  //
84  // We go slightly further than g++, and also trigger the implicit definition
85  // of a defaulted special member in the same circumstances. This seems scary,
86  // since a lot of classes have constexpr special members in C++11, but the
87  // only observable impact should be the implicit instantiation of constexpr
88  // special member templates (defaulted special members should only be
89  // generated if they are well-formed, and non-constexpr special members in a
90  // base or member cause the class's special member to not be constexpr).
91  //
92  // FIXME: None of this is required by the C++ standard. The rules in this
93  //        area are poorly specified, so this is subject to change.
94  namespace NotConstexpr {
95    template<typename T> struct S {
96      S() : n(0) {}
97      S(const S&) : n(T::error) {}
98      int n;
99    };
100    struct U : S<int> {};
101    decltype(U(U())) u; // ok, don't instantiate S<int>::S() because it wasn't declared constexpr
102  }
103  namespace Constexpr {
104    template<typename T> struct S {
105      constexpr S() : n(0) {}
106      constexpr S(const S&) : n(T::error) {} // expected-error {{has no members}}
107      int n;
108    };
109    struct U : S<int> {}; // expected-note {{instantiation}}
110    decltype(U(U())) u; // expected-note {{here}}
111  }
113  namespace PR11851_Comment0 {
114    template<int x> constexpr int f() { return x; }
115    template<int i> void ovf(int (&x)[f<i>()]);
116    void f() { int x[10]; ovf<10>(x); }
117  }
119  namespace PR11851_Comment1 {
120    template<typename T>
121    constexpr bool Integral() {
122      return true;
123    }
124    template<typename T, bool Int = Integral<T>()>
125    struct safe_make_unsigned {
126      typedef T type;
127    };
128    template<typename T>
129    using Make_unsigned = typename safe_make_unsigned<T>::type;
130    template <typename T>
131    struct get_distance_type {
132      using type = int;
133    };
134    template<typename R>
135    auto size(R) -> Make_unsigned<typename get_distance_type<R>::type>;
136    auto check() -> decltype(size(0));
137  }
139  namespace PR11851_Comment6 {
140    template<int> struct foo {};
141    template<class> constexpr int bar() { return 0; }
142    template<class T> foo<bar<T>()> foobar();
143    auto foobar_ = foobar<int>();
144  }
146  namespace PR11851_Comment9 {
147    struct S1 {
148      constexpr S1() {}
149      constexpr operator int() const { return 0; }
150    };
151    int k1 = sizeof(short{S1(S1())});
153    struct S2 {
154      constexpr S2() {}
155      constexpr operator int() const { return 123456; }
156    };
157    int k2 = sizeof(short{S2(S2())}); // expected-error {{cannot be narrowed}} expected-note {{override}}
158  }
160  namespace PR12288 {
161    template <typename> constexpr bool foo() { return true; }
162    template <bool> struct bar {};
163    template <typename T> bar<foo<T>()> baz() { return bar<foo<T>()>(); }
164    int main() { baz<int>(); }
165  }
167  namespace PR13423 {
168    template<bool, typename> struct enable_if {};
169    template<typename T> struct enable_if<true, T> { using type = T; };
171    template<typename T> struct F {
172      template<typename U>
173      static constexpr bool f() { return sizeof(T) < U::size; }
175      template<typename U>
176      static typename enable_if<f<U>(), void>::type g() {} // expected-note {{disabled by 'enable_if'}}
177    };
179    struct U { static constexpr int size = 2; };
181    void h() { F<char>::g<U>(); }
182    void i() { F<int>::g<U>(); } // expected-error {{no matching function}}
183  }
185  namespace PR14203 {
186    struct duration { constexpr duration() {} };
188    template <typename>
189    void sleep_for() {
190      constexpr duration max = duration();
191    }
192  }
195namespace NoInstantiationWhenSelectingOverload {
196  // Check that we don't instantiate conversion functions when we're checking
197  // for the existence of an implicit conversion sequence, only when a function
198  // is actually chosen by overload resolution.
199  struct S {
200    template<typename T> constexpr S(T) : n(T::error) {} // expected-error {{no members}}
201    int n;
202  };
204  void f(S);
205  void f(int);
207  void g() { f(0); }
208  void h() { (void)sizeof(f(0)); }
209  void i() { (void)sizeof(f("oops")); } // expected-note {{instantiation of}}