3/*--- OSet: a fast data structure with no dups.    pub_tool_oset.h ---*/
7   This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
8   framework.
10   Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Nicholas Nethercote
11      njn@valgrind.org
13   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
14   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
15   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
16   License, or (at your option) any later version.
18   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
19   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21   General Public License for more details.
23   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
25   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
26   02111-1307, USA.
28   The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
31#ifndef __PUB_TOOL_OSET_H
32#define __PUB_TOOL_OSET_H
34// This module implements an ordered set, a data structure with fast
35// (eg. amortised log(n) or better) insertion, lookup and deletion of
36// elements.  It does not allow duplicates, and will assert if you insert a
37// duplicate to an OSet.
39// It has two interfaces.
41// - The "OSetWord_" interface provides an easier-to-use interface for the
42//   case where you just want to store UWord-sized values.  The user
43//   provides the allocation and deallocation functions, and possibly a
44//   comparison function.
46// - The "OSetGen_" interface provides a totally generic interface, which
47//   allows any kind of structure to be put into the set.  The user provides
48//   the allocation and deallocation functions.  Also, each element has a
49//   key, which the lookup is done with.  The key may be the whole element
50//   (eg. in an OSet of integers, each integer serves both as an element and
51//   a key), or it may be only part of it (eg. if the key is a single field
52//   in a struct).  The user can provide a function that compares an element
53//   with a key;  this is very flexible, and with the right comparison
54//   function even a (non-overlapping) interval list can be created.  But
55//   the cost of calling a function for every comparison can be high during
56//   lookup.  If no comparison function is provided, we assume that keys are
57//   (signed or unsigned) words, and that the key is the first word in each
58//   element.  This fast comparison is suitable for an OSet containing
59//   structs where the first element is an Addr, for example.
61// Each OSet interface also has an iterator, which makes it simple to
62// traverse all the nodes in order.  Note that the iterator maintains state
63// and so is non-reentrant.
65// Note that once you insert an element into an OSet, if you modify any part
66// of it looked at by your cmp() function, this may cause incorrect
67// behaviour as the sorted order maintained will be wrong.
70/*--- Types                                                        ---*/
73typedef struct _OSet     OSet;
75// - Cmp:   returns -1, 0 or 1 if key is <, == or > elem.
76// - Alloc: allocates a chunk of memory.
77// - Free:  frees a chunk of memory allocated with Alloc.
79typedef Word  (*OSetCmp_t)         ( const void* key, const void* elem );
80typedef void* (*OSetAlloc_t)       ( HChar* cc, SizeT szB );
81typedef void  (*OSetFree_t)        ( void* p );
84/*--- Creating and destroying OSets (UWord)                        ---*/
87// * Create: allocates and initialises the OSet.  Arguments:
88//   - alloc     The allocation function used internally for allocating the
89//               OSet and all its nodes.
90//   - cc        Cost centre string used by 'alloc'.
91//   - free      The deallocation function used internally for freeing nodes
92//               called by VG_(OSetWord_Destroy)().
94// * CreateWithCmp: like Create, but you specify your own comparison
95//   function.
97// * Destroy: frees all nodes in the table, plus the memory used by
98//   the table itself.  The passed-in function is called on each node first
99//   to allow the destruction of any attached resources;  if NULL it is not
100//   called.
102extern OSet* VG_(OSetWord_Create)       ( OSetAlloc_t alloc, HChar* cc,
103                                          OSetFree_t _free );
104extern void  VG_(OSetWord_Destroy)      ( OSet* os );
107/*--- Operations on OSets (UWord)                                  ---*/
110// In everything that follows, the parameter 'key' is always the *address*
111// of the key, and 'elem' is *address* of the elem, as are the return values
112// of the functions that return elems.
114// * Size: The number of elements in the set.
116// * Contains: Determines if the value is in the set.
118// * Insert: Inserts a new element into the set.  Duplicates are forbidden,
119//   and will cause assertion failures.
121// * Remove: Removes the value from the set, if present.  Returns a Bool
122//   indicating if the value was removed.
124// * ResetIter: Each OSet has an iterator.  This resets it to point to the
125//   first element in the OSet.
127// * Next: Copies the next value according to the OSet's iterator into &val,
128//   advances the iterator by one, and returns True;  the elements are
129//   visited in increasing order of unsigned words (UWord).  Or, returns
130//   False if the iterator has reached the set's end.
132//   You can thus iterate in order through a set like this:
134//     Word val;
135//     VG_(OSetWord_ResetIter)(oset);
136//     while ( VG_(OSetWord_Next)(oset, &val) ) {
137//        ... do stuff with 'val' ...
138//     }
140//   Note that iterators are cleared any time an element is inserted or
141//   removed from the OSet, to avoid possible mayhem caused by the iterator
142//   getting out of sync with the OSet's contents.  "Cleared" means that
143//   they will return False if VG_(OSetWord_Next)() is called without an
144//   intervening call to VG_(OSetWord_ResetIter)().
146extern Word  VG_(OSetWord_Size)         ( OSet* os );
147extern void  VG_(OSetWord_Insert)       ( OSet* os, UWord val );
148extern Bool  VG_(OSetWord_Contains)     ( OSet* os, UWord val );
149extern Bool  VG_(OSetWord_Remove)       ( OSet* os, UWord val );
150extern void  VG_(OSetWord_ResetIter)    ( OSet* os );
151extern Bool  VG_(OSetWord_Next)         ( OSet* os, /*OUT*/UWord* val );
155/*--- Creating and destroying OSets and OSet members (Gen)         ---*/
158// * Create: allocates and initialises the OSet.  Arguments:
159//   - keyOff    The offset of the key within the element.
160//   - cmp       The comparison function between keys and elements, or NULL
161//               if the OSet should use fast comparisons.
162//   - alloc     The allocation function used for allocating the OSet itself;
163//               If a pool allocator is used, it's called to allocate pool of
164//               nodes.
165//               If no pool allocator is used, it's called for each
166//               invocation of VG_(OSetGen_AllocNode)().
167//   - cc        Cost centre string used by 'alloc'.
168//   - free      If no pool allocator is used, this is the deallocation
169//               function used by VG_(OSetGen_FreeNode)() and
170//               VG_(OSetGen_Destroy)().
171//               If a pool allocator is used, the memory used by the nodes is
172//               deallocated when the pool is deleted.
173//   (for more details about pool allocators, see pub_tool_poolalloc.h).
176//   If cmp is NULL, keyOff must be zero.  This is checked.
178// * Destroy: frees all nodes in the table, plus the memory used by
179//   the table itself.  The passed-in function is called on each node first
180//   to allow the destruction of any attached resources;  if NULL it is not
181//   called.
183// * AllocNode: Allocate and zero memory for a node to go into the OSet.
184//   If a pool allocator is used, it uses the pool allocator to allocate a node.
185//   Otherwise, uses the alloc function given to VG_(OSetGen_Create)() to
186//   allocate a node which is big enough for both an element and the OSet
187//   metadata.
188//   Not all elements in one OSet have to be the same size.
189//   However, if a pool allocator is used, elements will all have a size equal
190//   to the max user data size given at creation + the node meta data size.
192//   Note that the element allocated will be at most word-aligned, which may
193//   be less aligned than the element type would normally be.
195// * FreeNode: Deallocate a node allocated with OSetGen_AllocNode().  Using
196//   a deallocation function (such as VG_(free)()) directly will likely
197//   lead to assertions in Valgrind's allocator.
199extern OSet* VG_(OSetGen_Create)    ( PtrdiffT keyOff, OSetCmp_t cmp,
200                                      OSetAlloc_t alloc, HChar* cc,
201                                      OSetFree_t _free);
204extern OSet* VG_(OSetGen_Create_With_Pool)    ( PtrdiffT keyOff, OSetCmp_t cmp,
205                                                OSetAlloc_t alloc, HChar* cc,
206                                                OSetFree_t _free,
207                                                SizeT poolSize,
208                                                SizeT maxEltSize);
209// Same as VG_(OSetGen_Create) but created OSet will use a pool allocator to
210// allocate the nodes.
211// The node size is the sum of a fixed small meta data size needed for OSet
212// + the size of the user data element.
213// The maximum size for the user data element is specified by maxEltSize.
214// (if poolSize is 0, maxEltSize is not relevant for the OSet).
215// It is interesting to use a pool allocator when an OSet has many elements,
216// and these elements have a small fixed size, or have a variable size, but
217// always <= than a (small) maximum value.
218// In such a case, allocating the nodes in pools reduces significantly
219// the memory overhead needed by each node.
220// When a node is freed (i.e. OsetGen_Freenode is called), the node is
221// put back in the pool allocator free list (for sub-sequent re-use by
222// Osetgen_Allocnode). Note that the pool memory is only released when
223// the pool is destroyed : calls to VG_(OSetGen_Free) do not cause
224// any calls to OsetFree_t _free function.
225// If there are several OSet managing similar such elements, it might be
226// interesting to use a shared pool for these OSet.
227// To have multiple OSets sharing a pool allocator, create the first OSet
228// with VG_(OSetGen_Create). Create subsequent OSet with
229// VG_(OSetGen_EmptyClone).
231extern void  VG_(OSetGen_Destroy)   ( OSet* os );
232extern void* VG_(OSetGen_AllocNode) ( OSet* os, SizeT elemSize );
233extern void  VG_(OSetGen_FreeNode)  ( OSet* os, void* elem );
235extern OSet* VG_(OSetGen_EmptyClone) (OSet* os);
236// Creates a new empty OSet.
237// The new OSet will have the same characteristics as os.
238// If os uses a pool allocator, this pool allocator will be shared with
239// the new OSet. A shared pool allocator is only deleted (and its memory is
240// released) when the last OSet using the shared pool is destroyed.
243/*--- Operations on OSets (Gen)                                    ---*/
246// In everything that follows, the parameter 'key' is always the *address*
247// of the key, and 'elem' is *address* of the elem, as are the return values
248// of the functions that return elems.
250// * Size: The number of elements in the set.
252// * Insert: Inserts a new element into the set.  Note that 'elem' must
253//   have been allocated using VG_(OSetGen_AllocNode)(), otherwise you will
254//   get assertion failures about "bad magic".  Duplicates are forbidden,
255//   and will also cause assertion failures.
257// * Contains: Determines if any element in the OSet matches the key.
259// * Lookup: Returns a pointer to the element matching the key, if there is
260//   one, otherwise returns NULL.
262// * LookupWithCmp: Like Lookup, but you specify the comparison function,
263//   which overrides the OSet's normal one.
265// * Remove: Removes the element matching the key, if there is one.  Returns
266//   NULL if no element matches the key.
268// * ResetIter: Each OSet has an iterator.  This resets it to point to the
269//   first element in the OSet.
271// * ResetIterAt: Like ResetIter, but instead of resetting the iterator to the
272//   smallest element, it resets the iterator to point to the smallest element
273//   in the set whose key is greater-than-or-equal to the given key.  (In many
274//   cases this will be the element whose key equals that of the given key.)
276// * Next: Returns a pointer to the element pointed to by the OSet's
277//   iterator, and advances the iterator by one;  the elements are visited
278//   in order.  Or, returns NULL if the iterator has reached the OSet's end.
280//   You can thus iterate in order through a set like this:
282//     VG_(OSetGen_ResetIter)(oset);
283//     while ( (elem = VG_(OSetGen_Next)(oset)) ) {
284//        ... do stuff with 'elem' ...
285//     }
287//   Note that iterators are cleared any time an element is inserted or
288//   removed from the OSet, to avoid possible mayhem caused by the iterator
289//   getting out of sync with the OSet's contents.  "Cleared" means that
290//   they will return NULL if VG_(OSetGen_Next)() is called without an
291//   intervening call to VG_(OSetGen_ResetIter)().
293extern Word  VG_(OSetGen_Size)         ( const OSet* os );
294extern void  VG_(OSetGen_Insert)       ( OSet* os, void* elem );
295extern Bool  VG_(OSetGen_Contains)     ( const OSet* os, const void* key );
296extern void* VG_(OSetGen_Lookup)       ( const OSet* os, const void* key );
297extern void* VG_(OSetGen_LookupWithCmp)( OSet* os,
298                                         const void* key, OSetCmp_t cmp );
299extern void* VG_(OSetGen_Remove)       ( OSet* os, const void* key );
300extern void  VG_(OSetGen_ResetIter)    ( OSet* os );
301extern void  VG_(OSetGen_ResetIterAt)  ( OSet* os, const void* key );
302extern void* VG_(OSetGen_Next)         ( OSet* os );
305#endif   // __PUB_TOOL_OSET_H
308/*--- end                                                          ---*/