2 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3 *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7 *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 *  limitations under the License.
16 */
18package java.math;
20import java.io.IOException;
21import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
22import java.io.Serializable;
23import java.io.StreamCorruptedException;
26 * Immutable objects describing settings such as rounding mode and digit
27 * precision for the numerical operations provided by class {@link BigDecimal}.
28 */
29public final class MathContext implements Serializable {
30    private static final long serialVersionUID = 5579720004786848255L;
32    /**
33     * A {@code MathContext} which corresponds to the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754-1985">IEEE 754</a> quadruple
34     * decimal precision format: 34 digit precision and
35     * {@link RoundingMode#HALF_EVEN} rounding.
36     */
37    public static final MathContext DECIMAL128 = new MathContext(34, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
39    /**
40     * A {@code MathContext} which corresponds to the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754-1985">IEEE 754</a> single decimal
41     * precision format: 7 digit precision and {@link RoundingMode#HALF_EVEN}
42     * rounding.
43     */
44    public static final MathContext DECIMAL32 = new MathContext(7, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
46    /**
47     * A {@code MathContext} which corresponds to the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754-1985">IEEE 754</a> double decimal
48     * precision format: 16 digit precision and {@link RoundingMode#HALF_EVEN}
49     * rounding.
50     */
51    public static final MathContext DECIMAL64 = new MathContext(16, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
53    /**
54     * A {@code MathContext} for unlimited precision with
55     * {@link RoundingMode#HALF_UP} rounding.
56     */
57    public static final MathContext UNLIMITED = new MathContext(0, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
59    /**
60     * The number of digits to be used for an operation; results are rounded to
61     * this precision.
62     */
63    private final int precision;
65    /**
66     * A {@code RoundingMode} object which specifies the algorithm to be used
67     * for rounding.
68     */
69    private final RoundingMode roundingMode;
71    /**
72     * Constructs a new {@code MathContext} with the specified precision and
73     * with the rounding mode {@link RoundingMode#HALF_UP HALF_UP}. If the
74     * precision passed is zero, then this implies that the computations have to
75     * be performed exact, the rounding mode in this case is irrelevant.
76     *
77     * @param precision
78     *            the precision for the new {@code MathContext}.
79     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
80     *             if {@code precision < 0}.
81     */
82    public MathContext(int precision) {
83        this(precision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
84    }
86    /**
87     * Constructs a new {@code MathContext} with the specified precision and
88     * with the specified rounding mode. If the precision passed is zero, then
89     * this implies that the computations have to be performed exact, the
90     * rounding mode in this case is irrelevant.
91     *
92     * @param precision
93     *            the precision for the new {@code MathContext}.
94     * @param roundingMode
95     *            the rounding mode for the new {@code MathContext}.
96     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
97     *             if {@code precision < 0}.
98     * @throws NullPointerException
99     *             if {@code roundingMode} is {@code null}.
100     */
101    public MathContext(int precision, RoundingMode roundingMode) {
102        this.precision = precision;
103        this.roundingMode = roundingMode;
104        checkValid();
105    }
107    /**
108     * Constructs a new {@code MathContext} from a string. The string has to
109     * specify the precision and the rounding mode to be used and has to follow
110     * the following syntax: "precision=&lt;precision&gt; roundingMode=&lt;roundingMode&gt;"
111     * This is the same form as the one returned by the {@link #toString}
112     * method.
113     *
114     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
115     *             if the string is not in the correct format or if the
116     *             precision specified is < 0.
117     */
118    public MathContext(String s) {
119        int precisionLength = "precision=".length();
120        int roundingModeLength = "roundingMode=".length();
122        int spaceIndex;
123        if (!s.startsWith("precision=") || (spaceIndex = s.indexOf(' ', precisionLength)) == -1) {
124            throw invalidMathContext("Missing precision", s);
125        }
126        String precisionString = s.substring(precisionLength, spaceIndex);
127        try {
128            this.precision = Integer.parseInt(precisionString);
129        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
130            throw invalidMathContext("Bad precision", s);
131        }
133        int roundingModeStart = spaceIndex + 1;
134        if (!s.regionMatches(roundingModeStart, "roundingMode=", 0, roundingModeLength)) {
135            throw invalidMathContext("Missing rounding mode", s);
136        }
137        roundingModeStart += roundingModeLength;
138        this.roundingMode = RoundingMode.valueOf(s.substring(roundingModeStart));
140        checkValid();
141    }
143    private IllegalArgumentException invalidMathContext(String reason, String s) {
144        throw new IllegalArgumentException(reason + ": " + s);
145    }
147    private void checkValid() {
148        if (precision < 0) {
149            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative precision: " + precision);
150        }
151        if (roundingMode == null) {
152            throw new NullPointerException("roundingMode == null");
153        }
154    }
156    /**
157     * Returns the precision. The precision is the number of digits used for an
158     * operation. Results are rounded to this precision. The precision is
159     * guaranteed to be non negative. If the precision is zero, then the
160     * computations have to be performed exact, results are not rounded in this
161     * case.
162     *
163     * @return the precision.
164     */
165    public int getPrecision() {
166        return precision;
167    }
169    /**
170     * Returns the rounding mode. The rounding mode is the strategy to be used
171     * to round results.
172     * <p>
173     * The rounding mode is one of
174     * {@link RoundingMode#UP},
175     * {@link RoundingMode#DOWN},
176     * {@link RoundingMode#CEILING},
177     * {@link RoundingMode#FLOOR},
178     * {@link RoundingMode#HALF_UP},
179     * {@link RoundingMode#HALF_DOWN},
180     * {@link RoundingMode#HALF_EVEN}, or
181     * {@link RoundingMode#UNNECESSARY}.
182     *
183     * @return the rounding mode.
184     */
185    public RoundingMode getRoundingMode() {
186        return roundingMode;
187    }
189    /**
190     * Returns true if x is a {@code MathContext} with the same precision
191     * setting and the same rounding mode as this {@code MathContext} instance.
192     *
193     * @param x
194     *            object to be compared.
195     * @return {@code true} if this {@code MathContext} instance is equal to the
196     *         {@code x} argument; {@code false} otherwise.
197     */
198    @Override
199    public boolean equals(Object x) {
200        return ((x instanceof MathContext)
201                && (((MathContext) x).getPrecision() == precision) && (((MathContext) x)
202                .getRoundingMode() == roundingMode));
203    }
205    /**
206     * Returns the hash code for this {@code MathContext} instance.
207     *
208     * @return the hash code for this {@code MathContext}.
209     */
210    @Override
211    public int hashCode() {
212        // Make place for the necessary bits to represent 8 rounding modes
213        return ((precision << 3) | roundingMode.ordinal());
214    }
216    /**
217     * Returns the string representation for this {@code MathContext} instance.
218     * The string has the form
219     * {@code
220     * "precision=<precision> roundingMode=<roundingMode>"
221     * } where {@code <precision>} is an integer describing the number
222     * of digits used for operations and {@code <roundingMode>} is the
223     * string representation of the rounding mode.
224     *
225     * @return a string representation for this {@code MathContext} instance
226     */
227    @Override
228    public String toString() {
229        return "precision=" + precision + " roundingMode=" + roundingMode;
230    }
232    /**
233     * Makes checks upon deserialization of a {@code MathContext} instance.
234     * Checks whether {@code precision >= 0} and {@code roundingMode != null}
235     *
236     * @throws StreamCorruptedException
237     *             if {@code precision < 0}
238     * @throws StreamCorruptedException
239     *             if {@code roundingMode == null}
240     */
241    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
242        s.defaultReadObject();
243        try {
244            checkValid();
245        } catch (Exception ex) {
246            throw new StreamCorruptedException(ex.getMessage());
247        }
248    }