2 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.dialer.dialpad;
19import android.text.TextUtils;
21import com.android.dialer.dialpad.SmartDialPrefix.PhoneNumberTokens;
23import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
24import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
26import java.util.ArrayList;
29 * {@link #SmartDialNameMatcher} contains utility functions to remove accents from accented
30 * characters and normalize a phone number. It also contains the matching logic that determines if
31 * a contact's display name matches a numeric query. The boolean variable
32 * {@link #ALLOW_INITIAL_MATCH} controls the behavior of the matching logic and determines
33 * whether we allow matches like 57 - (J)ohn (S)mith.
34 */
35public class SmartDialNameMatcher {
37    private final String mQuery;
39    // Whether or not we allow matches like 57 - (J)ohn (S)mith
40    private static final boolean ALLOW_INITIAL_MATCH = true;
42    // The maximum length of the initial we will match - typically set to 1 to minimize false
43    // positives
44    private static final int INITIAL_LENGTH_LIMIT = 1;
46    private final ArrayList<SmartDialMatchPosition> mMatchPositions = Lists.newArrayList();
48    public static final SmartDialMap LATIN_SMART_DIAL_MAP = new LatinSmartDialMap();
50    private final SmartDialMap mMap;
52    private String mNameMatchMask = "";
53    private String mPhoneNumberMatchMask = "";
55    @VisibleForTesting
56    public SmartDialNameMatcher(String query) {
57        this(query, LATIN_SMART_DIAL_MAP);
58    }
60    public SmartDialNameMatcher(String query, SmartDialMap map) {
61        mQuery = query;
62        mMap = map;
63    }
65    /**
66     * Constructs empty highlight mask. Bit 0 at a position means there is no match, Bit 1 means
67     * there is a match and should be highlighted in the TextView.
68     * @param builder StringBuilder object
69     * @param length Length of the desired mask.
70     */
71    private void constructEmptyMask(StringBuilder builder, int length) {
72        for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
73            builder.append("0");
74        }
75    }
77    /**
78     * Replaces the 0-bit at a position with 1-bit, indicating that there is a match.
79     * @param builder StringBuilder object.
80     * @param matchPos Match Positions to mask as 1.
81     */
82    private void replaceBitInMask(StringBuilder builder, SmartDialMatchPosition matchPos) {
83        for (int i = matchPos.start; i < matchPos.end; ++i) {
84            builder.replace(i, i + 1, "1");
85        }
86    }
88    /**
89     * Strips a phone number of unnecessary characters (spaces, dashes, etc.)
90     *
91     * @param number Phone number we want to normalize
92     * @return Phone number consisting of digits from 0-9
93     */
94    public static String normalizeNumber(String number, SmartDialMap map) {
95        return normalizeNumber(number, 0, map);
96    }
98    /**
99     * Strips a phone number of unnecessary characters (spaces, dashes, etc.)
100     *
101     * @param number Phone number we want to normalize
102     * @param offset Offset to start from
103     * @return Phone number consisting of digits from 0-9
104     */
105    public static String normalizeNumber(String number, int offset, SmartDialMap map) {
106        final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
107        for (int i = offset; i < number.length(); i++) {
108            char ch = number.charAt(i);
109            if (map.isValidDialpadNumericChar(ch)) {
110                s.append(ch);
111            }
112        }
113        return s.toString();
114    }
116    /**
117     * Matches a phone number against a query. Let the test application overwrite the NANP setting.
118     *
119     * @param phoneNumber - Raw phone number
120     * @param query - Normalized query (only contains numbers from 0-9)
121     * @param useNanp - Overwriting nanp setting boolean, used for testing.
122     * @return {@literal null} if the number and the query don't match, a valid
123     *         SmartDialMatchPosition with the matching positions otherwise
124     */
125    @VisibleForTesting
126    public SmartDialMatchPosition matchesNumber(String phoneNumber, String query, boolean useNanp) {
127        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
128        constructEmptyMask(builder, phoneNumber.length());
129        mPhoneNumberMatchMask = builder.toString();
131        // Try matching the number as is
132        SmartDialMatchPosition matchPos = matchesNumberWithOffset(phoneNumber, query, 0);
133        if (matchPos == null) {
134            final PhoneNumberTokens phoneNumberTokens =
135                    SmartDialPrefix.parsePhoneNumber(phoneNumber);
137            if (phoneNumberTokens == null) {
138                if (matchPos != null) {
139                    replaceBitInMask(builder, matchPos);
140                    mPhoneNumberMatchMask = builder.toString();
141                }
142                return matchPos;
143            }
144            if (phoneNumberTokens.countryCodeOffset != 0) {
145                matchPos = matchesNumberWithOffset(phoneNumber, query,
146                        phoneNumberTokens.countryCodeOffset);
147            }
148            if (matchPos == null && phoneNumberTokens.nanpCodeOffset != 0 && useNanp) {
149                matchPos = matchesNumberWithOffset(phoneNumber, query,
150                        phoneNumberTokens.nanpCodeOffset);
151            }
152        }
153        if (matchPos != null) {
154            replaceBitInMask(builder, matchPos);
155            mPhoneNumberMatchMask = builder.toString();
156        }
157        return matchPos;
158    }
160    /**
161     * Matches a phone number against the saved query, taking care of formatting characters and also
162     * taking into account country code prefixes and special NANP number treatment.
163     *
164     * @param phoneNumber - Raw phone number
165     * @return {@literal null} if the number and the query don't match, a valid
166     *         SmartDialMatchPosition with the matching positions otherwise
167     */
168    public SmartDialMatchPosition matchesNumber(String phoneNumber) {
169        return matchesNumber(phoneNumber, mQuery, true);
170    }
172    /**
173     * Matches a phone number against a query, taking care of formatting characters and also
174     * taking into account country code prefixes and special NANP number treatment.
175     *
176     * @param phoneNumber - Raw phone number
177     * @param query - Normalized query (only contains numbers from 0-9)
178     * @return {@literal null} if the number and the query don't match, a valid
179     *         SmartDialMatchPosition with the matching positions otherwise
180     */
181    public SmartDialMatchPosition matchesNumber(String phoneNumber, String query) {
182        return matchesNumber(phoneNumber, query, true);
183    }
185    /**
186     * Matches a phone number against a query, taking care of formatting characters
187     *
188     * @param phoneNumber - Raw phone number
189     * @param query - Normalized query (only contains numbers from 0-9)
190     * @param offset - The position in the number to start the match against (used to ignore
191     * leading prefixes/country codes)
192     * @return {@literal null} if the number and the query don't match, a valid
193     *         SmartDialMatchPosition with the matching positions otherwise
194     */
195    private SmartDialMatchPosition matchesNumberWithOffset(String phoneNumber, String query,
196            int offset) {
197        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(phoneNumber) || TextUtils.isEmpty(query)) {
198            return null;
199        }
200        int queryAt = 0;
201        int numberAt = offset;
202        for (int i = offset; i < phoneNumber.length(); i++) {
203            if (queryAt == query.length()) {
204                break;
205            }
206            char ch = phoneNumber.charAt(i);
207            if (mMap.isValidDialpadNumericChar(ch)) {
208                if (ch != query.charAt(queryAt)) {
209                    return null;
210                }
211                queryAt++;
212            } else {
213                if (queryAt == 0) {
214                    // Found a separator before any part of the query was matched, so advance the
215                    // offset to avoid prematurely highlighting separators before the rest of the
216                    // query.
217                    // E.g. don't highlight the first '-' if we're matching 1-510-111-1111 with
218                    // '510'.
219                    // However, if the current offset is 0, just include the beginning separators
220                    // anyway, otherwise the highlighting ends up looking weird.
221                    // E.g. if we're matching (510)-111-1111 with '510', we should include the
222                    // first '('.
223                    if (offset != 0) {
224                        offset++;
225                    }
226                }
227            }
228            numberAt++;
229        }
230        return new SmartDialMatchPosition(0 + offset, numberAt);
231    }
233    /**
234     * This function iterates through each token in the display name, trying to match the query
235     * to the numeric equivalent of the token.
236     *
237     * A token is defined as a range in the display name delimited by characters that have no
238     * latin alphabet equivalents (e.g. spaces - ' ', periods - ',', underscores - '_' or chinese
239     * characters - '王'). Transliteration from non-latin characters to latin character will be
240     * done on a best effort basis - e.g. 'Ü' - 'u'.
241     *
242     * For example,
243     * the display name "Phillips Thomas Jr" contains three tokens: "phillips", "thomas", and "jr".
244     *
245     * A match must begin at the start of a token.
246     * For example, typing 846(Tho) would match "Phillips Thomas", but 466(hom) would not.
247     *
248     * Also, a match can extend across tokens.
249     * For example, typing 37337(FredS) would match (Fred S)mith.
250     *
251     * @param displayName The normalized(no accented characters) display name we intend to match
252     * against.
253     * @param query The string of digits that we want to match the display name to.
254     * @param matchList An array list of {@link SmartDialMatchPosition}s that we add matched
255     * positions to.
256     * @return Returns true if a combination of the tokens in displayName match the query
257     * string contained in query. If the function returns true, matchList will contain an
258     * ArrayList of match positions (multiple matches correspond to initial matches).
259     */
260    @VisibleForTesting
261    boolean matchesCombination(String displayName, String query,
262            ArrayList<SmartDialMatchPosition> matchList) {
263        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
264        constructEmptyMask(builder, displayName.length());
265        mNameMatchMask = builder.toString();
266        final int nameLength = displayName.length();
267        final int queryLength = query.length();
269        if (nameLength < queryLength) {
270            return false;
271        }
273        if (queryLength == 0) {
274            return false;
275        }
277        // The current character index in displayName
278        // E.g. 3 corresponds to 'd' in "Fred Smith"
279        int nameStart = 0;
281        // The current character in the query we are trying to match the displayName against
282        int queryStart = 0;
284        // The start position of the current token we are inspecting
285        int tokenStart = 0;
287        // The number of non-alphabetic characters we've encountered so far in the current match.
288        // E.g. if we've currently matched 3733764849 to (Fred Smith W)illiam, then the
289        // seperatorCount should be 2. This allows us to correctly calculate offsets for the match
290        // positions
291        int seperatorCount = 0;
293        ArrayList<SmartDialMatchPosition> partial = new ArrayList<SmartDialMatchPosition>();
294        // Keep going until we reach the end of displayName
295        while (nameStart < nameLength && queryStart < queryLength) {
296            char ch = displayName.charAt(nameStart);
297            // Strip diacritics from accented characters if any
298            ch = mMap.normalizeCharacter(ch);
299            if (mMap.isValidDialpadCharacter(ch)) {
300                if (mMap.isValidDialpadAlphabeticChar(ch)) {
301                    ch = mMap.getDialpadNumericCharacter(ch);
302                }
303                if (ch != query.charAt(queryStart)) {
304                    // Failed to match the current character in the query.
306                    // Case 1: Failed to match the first character in the query. Skip to the next
307                    // token since there is no chance of this token matching the query.
309                    // Case 2: Previous characters in the query matched, but the current character
310                    // failed to match. This happened in the middle of a token. Skip to the next
311                    // token since there is no chance of this token matching the query.
313                    // Case 3: Previous characters in the query matched, but the current character
314                    // failed to match. This happened right at the start of the current token. In
315                    // this case, we should restart the query and try again with the current token.
316                    // Otherwise, we would fail to match a query like "964"(yog) against a name
317                    // Yo-Yoghurt because the query match would fail on the 3rd character, and
318                    // then skip to the end of the "Yoghurt" token.
320                    if (queryStart == 0 || mMap.isValidDialpadCharacter(mMap.normalizeCharacter(
321                            displayName.charAt(nameStart - 1)))) {
322                        // skip to the next token, in the case of 1 or 2.
323                        while (nameStart < nameLength &&
324                                mMap.isValidDialpadCharacter(mMap.normalizeCharacter(
325                                        displayName.charAt(nameStart)))) {
326                            nameStart++;
327                        }
328                        nameStart++;
329                    }
331                    // Restart the query and set the correct token position
332                    queryStart = 0;
333                    seperatorCount = 0;
334                    tokenStart = nameStart;
335                } else {
336                    if (queryStart == queryLength - 1) {
338                        // As much as possible, we prioritize a full token match over a sub token
339                        // one so if we find a full token match, we can return right away
340                        matchList.add(new SmartDialMatchPosition(
341                                tokenStart, queryLength + tokenStart + seperatorCount));
342                        for (SmartDialMatchPosition match : matchList) {
343                            replaceBitInMask(builder, match);
344                        }
345                        mNameMatchMask = builder.toString();
346                        return true;
347                    } else if (ALLOW_INITIAL_MATCH && queryStart < INITIAL_LENGTH_LIMIT) {
348                        // we matched the first character.
349                        // branch off and see if we can find another match with the remaining
350                        // characters in the query string and the remaining tokens
351                        // find the next separator in the query string
352                        int j;
353                        for (j = nameStart; j < nameLength; j++) {
354                            if (!mMap.isValidDialpadCharacter(mMap.normalizeCharacter(
355                                    displayName.charAt(j)))) {
356                                break;
357                            }
358                        }
359                        // this means there is at least one character left after the separator
360                        if (j < nameLength - 1) {
361                            final String remainder = displayName.substring(j + 1);
362                            final ArrayList<SmartDialMatchPosition> partialTemp =
363                                    Lists.newArrayList();
364                            if (matchesCombination(
365                                    remainder, query.substring(queryStart + 1), partialTemp)) {
367                                // store the list of possible match positions
368                                SmartDialMatchPosition.advanceMatchPositions(partialTemp, j + 1);
369                                partialTemp.add(0,
370                                        new SmartDialMatchPosition(nameStart, nameStart + 1));
371                                // we found a partial token match, store the data in a
372                                // temp buffer and return it if we end up not finding a full
373                                // token match
374                                partial = partialTemp;
375                            }
376                        }
377                    }
378                    nameStart++;
379                    queryStart++;
380                    // we matched the current character in the name against one in the query,
381                    // continue and see if the rest of the characters match
382                }
383            } else {
384                // found a separator, we skip this character and continue to the next one
385                nameStart++;
386                if (queryStart == 0) {
387                    // This means we found a separator before the start of a token,
388                    // so we should increment the token's start position to reflect its true
389                    // start position
390                    tokenStart = nameStart;
391                } else {
392                    // Otherwise this separator was found in the middle of a token being matched,
393                    // so increase the separator count
394                    seperatorCount++;
395                }
396            }
397        }
398        // if we have no complete match at this point, then we attempt to fall back to the partial
399        // token match(if any). If we don't allow initial matching (ALLOW_INITIAL_MATCH = false)
400        // then partial will always be empty.
401        if (!partial.isEmpty()) {
402            matchList.addAll(partial);
403            for (SmartDialMatchPosition match : matchList) {
404                replaceBitInMask(builder, match);
405            }
406            mNameMatchMask = builder.toString();
407            return true;
408        }
409        return false;
410    }
412    public boolean matches(String displayName) {
413        mMatchPositions.clear();
414        return matchesCombination(displayName, mQuery, mMatchPositions);
415    }
417    public ArrayList<SmartDialMatchPosition> getMatchPositions() {
418        // Return a clone of mMatchPositions so that the caller can use it without
419        // worrying about it changing
420        return new ArrayList<SmartDialMatchPosition>(mMatchPositions);
421    }
423    public String getNameMatchPositionsInString() {
424        return mNameMatchMask;
425    }
427    public String getNumberMatchPositionsInString() {
428        return mPhoneNumberMatchMask;
429    }
431    public String getQuery() {
432        return mQuery;
433    }