History log of /art/runtime/thread_pool.cc
Revision Date Author Comments
2775ee4f82dff260663ca16adddc0b15327aaa42 21-Aug-2013 Mathieu Chartier <mathieuc@google.com> Add more runtime options.

Changed HeapGCThreads to be split into two different options:
-XX:ParallelGCThreads: Which specifies how many threads the GC may
use when the mutators are suspended.

-XX:ConcGCThreads: Which specifies how many threads the GC may use
when the mutators are running.

Added runtime options to specify long pause / long GC thresholds:
-XX:LongPauseThreshold (default 5ms)
-XX:LongGCThreshold (default 100ms)
These thresholds were previously constants, but are now runtime
options. If we exceed either of the thresholds, we print the GC

Added a new runtime option: -XX:IgnoreMaxFootprint which makes it
that the GC only does GC when the number of bytes allocated hits
the growth limit. This causes GC to occur much less frequently and
can be useful to measure how much of an impact GC has on performance.

Changed the GC behaviour to use only one thread when we do not care
about pauses to prevent jank that can be caused by 2 simultaneous GC
on different processes fighting for CPU time.

Added thread pool functionality for changing the maximum number of
active workers.

Fixed an accounting error where we didn't count large objects in the
total freed.

Bug: 9986416

Change-Id: I86afa358d93dcd3780e18ac5d85bdb1a130cb7e7
720ef7680573c1afd12f99f02eee3045daee5168 17-Aug-2013 Mathieu Chartier <mathieuc@google.com> Fix non concurrent GC ergonomics.

If we dont have concurrent GC enabled, we need to force GC for alloc
when we hit the maximum allowed footprint so that our heap doesn't
keep growing until it hits the growth limit.

Refactored a bit of stuff.

Change-Id: I8eceac4ef01e969fd286ebde3a735a09d0a6dfc1
94c32c5f01c7d44781317bf23933ed0a5bc4b796 09-Aug-2013 Mathieu Chartier <mathieuc@google.com> More parallel GC, rewritten parallel mark stack processing.

Card scanning may now be done in parallel. This speeds up sticky and
reduces pause times for all GC types.

Speedup on my mako (ritz perf):
Average pause time for sticky GC (~250 samples):
Without parallel cards scanning enabled: 2.524904215ms
Parallel card scanning (num_gc_threads_): 1.552123552ms
Throughput (~250 samples):
Sticky GC throughput with parallel card scanning: 69MB/s
Sticky GC throughput without parallel card scanning: 51MB/s

Rewrote the mark stack processing to be LIFO and use a prefetch queue
like the non parallel version.

Cleaned up some of the logcat printing for the activity manager
process state listening.

Added unlikely hints to object scanning since arrays and classes are
scanned much less often than normal objects.

Fixed a bug where the number of GC threads was clamped to 1 due to a
bool instead of a size_t.

Fixed a race condition when we added references to the reference
queues. Sharded the reference queue lock into one lock for each reference
type (weak, soft, phatom, finalizer).

Changed timing splits to be different for processing gray objects with
and without mutators paused since sticky GC does both.

Mask out the class bit when visiting fields as an optimization, this is
valid since classes are held live by the class linker.

Partially completed: Parallel recursive mark + finger.

Bug: 10245302
Bug: 9969166
Bug: 9986532
Bug: 9961698

Change-Id: I142d09718c4609b7c2387cb28f517a6983c73288
0cd7ec2dcd8d7ba30bf3ca420b40dac52849876c 18-Jul-2013 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Fix cpplint whitespace/blank_line issues

Change-Id: Ice937e95e23dd622c17054551d4ae4cebd0ef8a2
2ce745c06271d5223d57dbf08117b20d5b60694a 18-Jul-2013 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Fix cpplint whitespace/braces issues

Change-Id: Ide80939faf8e8690d8842dde8133902ac725ed1a
7940e44f4517de5e2634a7e07d58d0fb26160513 12-Jul-2013 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Create separate Android.mk for main build targets

The runtime, compiler, dex2oat, and oatdump now are in seperate trees
to prevent dependency creep. They can now be individually built
without rebuilding the rest of the art projects. dalvikvm and jdwpspy
were already this way. Builds in the art directory should behave as
before, building everything including tests.

Change-Id: Ic6b1151e5ed0f823c3dd301afd2b13eb2d8feb81