1# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import copy
6import ctypes
7import email
8import logging
9import os
10import shutil
11import smtplib
12import subprocess
13import sys
14import types
16import pyauto_functional
17import pyauto
18import pyauto_utils
19import pyauto_errors
22"""Commonly used functions for PyAuto tests."""
24def CrashBrowser(test):
25  """Crashes the browser by navigating to special URL."""
26  try:
27    test.NavigateToURL('chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz')
28  except pyauto_errors.JSONInterfaceError:
29    pass
30  else:
31    raise RuntimeError(
32        'Browser did not crash at chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz')
35def CopyFileFromDataDirToDownloadDir(test, file_path):
36  """Copy a file from data directory to downloads directory.
38  Args:
39    test: derived from pyauto.PyUITest - base class for UI test cases.
40    path: path of the file relative to the data directory
41  """
42  data_file = os.path.join(test.DataDir(), file_path)
43  download_dir = test.GetDownloadDirectory().value()
44  shutil.copy(data_file, download_dir)
47def CopyFileFromContentDataDirToDownloadDir(test, file_path):
48  """Copy a file from content data directory to downloads directory.
50  Args:
51    test: derived from pyauto.PyUITest - base class for UI test cases.
52    path: path of the file relative to the data directory
53  """
54  data_file = os.path.join(test.ContentDataDir(), file_path)
55  download_dir = test.GetDownloadDirectory().value()
56  shutil.copy(data_file, download_dir)
59def RemoveDownloadedTestFile(test, file_name):
60  """Delete a file from the downloads directory.
62  Arg:
63    test: derived from pyauto.PyUITest - base class for UI test cases
64    file_name: name of file to remove
65  """
66  downloaded_pkg = os.path.join(test.GetDownloadDirectory().value(),
67                                file_name)
68  pyauto_utils.RemovePath(downloaded_pkg)
69  pyauto_utils.RemovePath(downloaded_pkg + '.crdownload')
72def GoogleAccountsLogin(test, username, password,
73                        tab_index=0, windex=0, url=None):
74  """Log into Google Accounts.
76  Attempts to login to Google by entering the username/password into the google
77  login page and click submit button.
79  Args:
80    test: derived from pyauto.PyUITest - base class for UI test cases.
81    username: users login input.
82    password: users login password input.
83    tab_index: The tab index, default is 0.
84    windex: The window index, default is 0.
85    url: an alternative url for login page, if None, original one will be used.
86  """
87  url = url or 'https://accounts.google.com/'
88  test.NavigateToURL(url, windex, tab_index)
89  email_id = 'document.getElementById("Email").value = "%s"; ' \
90             'window.domAutomationController.send("done")' % username
91  password = 'document.getElementById("Passwd").value = "%s"; ' \
92             'window.domAutomationController.send("done")' % password
93  test.ExecuteJavascript(email_id, tab_index, windex)
94  test.ExecuteJavascript(password, tab_index, windex)
95  test.assertTrue(test.SubmitForm('gaia_loginform', tab_index, windex))
98def VerifyGoogleAccountCredsFilled(test, username, password, tab_index=0,
99                                   windex=0):
100  """Verify stored/saved user and password values to the values in the field.
102  Args:
103    test: derived from pyauto.PyUITest - base class for UI test cases.
104    username: user log in input.
105    password: user log in password input.
106    tab_index: The tab index, default is 0.
107    windex: The window index, default is 0.
108  """
109  email_value = test.GetDOMValue('document.getElementById("Email").value',
110                                 tab_index, windex)
111  passwd_value = test.GetDOMValue('document.getElementById("Passwd").value',
112                                  tab_index, windex)
113  test.assertEqual(email_value, username)
114  # Not using assertEqual because if it fails it would end up dumping the
115  # password (which is supposed to be private)
116  test.assertTrue(passwd_value == password)
119def Shell2(cmd_string, bg=False):
120  """Run a shell command.
122  Args:
123    cmd_string: command to run
124    bg: should the process be run in background? Default: False
126  Returns:
127    Output, return code
128    """
129  if not cmd_string: return ('', 0)
130  if bg:
131    cmd_string += ' 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &'
132  proc = os.popen(cmd_string)
133  if bg: return ('Background process: %s' % cmd_string, 0)
134  out = proc.read()
135  retcode = proc.close()
136  if not retcode:  # Success
137    retcode = 0
138  return (out, retcode)
141def SendMail(send_from, send_to, subject, text, smtp, file_to_send=None):
142  """Send mail to all the group to notify about the crash and uploaded data.
144  Args:
145    send_from: From mail id as a string.
146    send_to: To mail id. Can be a string representing a single address, or a
147        list of strings representing multiple addresses.
148    subject: Mail subject as a string.
149    text: Mail body as a string.
150    smtp: The smtp to use, as a string.
151    file_to_send: Attachments for the mail.
152  """
153  msg = email.MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart()
154  msg['From'] = send_from
155  if isinstance(send_to, list):
156    msg['To'] = ','.join(send_to)
157  else:
158    msg['To'] = send_to
159  msg['Date'] = email.Utils.formatdate(localtime=True)
160  msg['Subject'] = subject
162  # To send multiple files in one message, introduce for loop here for files.
163  msg.attach(email.MIMEText.MIMEText(text))
164  part = email.MIMEBase.MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')
165  if file_to_send is not None:
166    part.set_payload(open(file_to_send,'rb').read())
167    email.Encoders.encode_base64(part)
168    part.add_header('Content-Disposition',
169                    'attachment; filename="%s"'
170                    % os.path.basename(file_to_send))
171    msg.attach(part)
172  smtp_obj = smtplib.SMTP(smtp)
173  smtp_obj.sendmail(send_from, send_to, msg.as_string())
174  smtp_obj.close()
177def GetFreeSpace(path):
178  """Returns the free space (in bytes) on the drive containing |path|."""
179  if sys.platform == 'win32':
180    free_bytes = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0)
181    ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(
182        ctypes.c_wchar_p(os.path.dirname(path)), None, None,
183        ctypes.pointer(free_bytes))
184    return free_bytes.value
185  fs_stat = os.statvfs(path)
186  return fs_stat.f_bsize * fs_stat.f_bavail
189def StripUnmatchedKeys(item_to_strip, reference_item):
190  """Returns a copy of 'item_to_strip' where unmatched key-value pairs in
191  every dictionary are removed.
193  This will examine each dictionary in 'item_to_strip' recursively, and will
194  remove keys that are not found in the corresponding dictionary in
195  'reference_item'. This is useful for testing equality of a subset of data.
197  Items may contain dictionaries, lists, or primitives, but only corresponding
198  dictionaries will be stripped. A corresponding entry is one which is found
199  in the same index in the corresponding parent array or at the same key in the
200  corresponding parent dictionary.
202  Arg:
203    item_to_strip: item to copy and remove all unmatched key-value pairs
204    reference_item: item that serves as a reference for which keys-value pairs
205                    to strip from 'item_to_strip'
207  Returns:
208    a copy of 'item_to_strip' where all key-value pairs that do not have a
209    matching key in 'reference_item' are removed
211  Example:
212    item_to_strip = {'tabs': 3,
213                     'time': 5908}
214    reference_item = {'tabs': 2}
215    StripUnmatchedKeys(item_to_strip, reference_item) will return {'tabs': 3}
216  """
217  def StripList(list1, list2):
218    return_list = copy.deepcopy(list2)
219    for i in range(min(len(list1), len(list2))):
220      return_list[i] = StripUnmatchedKeys(list1[i], list2[i])
221    return return_list
223  def StripDict(dict1, dict2):
224    return_dict = {}
225    for key in dict1:
226      if key in dict2:
227        return_dict[key] = StripUnmatchedKeys(dict1[key], dict2[key])
228    return return_dict
230  item_to_strip_type = type(item_to_strip)
231  if item_to_strip_type is type(reference_item):
232    if item_to_strip_type is types.ListType:
233      return StripList(item_to_strip, reference_item)
234    elif item_to_strip_type is types.DictType:
235      return StripDict(item_to_strip, reference_item)
236  return copy.deepcopy(item_to_strip)
239def StringContentCheck(test, content_string, have_list, nothave_list):
240  """Check for the presence or absence of strings within content.
242  Confirm all strings in |have_list| are found in |content_string|.
243  Confirm all strings in |nothave_list| are not found in |content_string|.
245  Args:
246    content_string: string containing the content to check.
247    have_list: list of strings expected to be found within the content.
248    nothave_list: list of strings expected to not be found within the content.
249  """
250  for s in have_list:
251    test.assertTrue(s in content_string,
252                    msg='"%s" missing from content.' % s)
253  for s in nothave_list:
254    test.assertTrue(s not in content_string,
255                    msg='"%s" unexpectedly contained in content.' % s)
258def CallFunctionWithNewTimeout(self, new_timeout, function):
259  """Sets the timeout to |new_timeout| and calls |function|.
261  This method resets the timeout before returning.
262  """
263  timeout_changer = pyauto.PyUITest.ActionTimeoutChanger(
264      self, new_timeout)
265  logging.info('Automation execution timeout has been changed to %d. '
266               'If the timeout is large the test might appear to hang.'
267               % new_timeout)
268  function()
269  del timeout_changer
272def GetOmniboxMatchesFor(self, text, windex=0, attr_dict=None):
273    """Fetch omnibox matches with the given attributes for the given query.
275    Args:
276      text: the query text to use
277      windex: the window index to work on. Defaults to 0 (first window)
278      attr_dict: the dictionary of properties to be satisfied
280    Returns:
281      a list of match items
282    """
283    self.SetOmniboxText(text, windex=windex)
284    self.WaitUntilOmniboxQueryDone(windex=windex)
285    if not attr_dict:
286      matches = self.GetOmniboxInfo(windex=windex).Matches()
287    else:
288      matches = self.GetOmniboxInfo(windex=windex).MatchesWithAttributes(
289          attr_dict=attr_dict)
290    return matches
293def GetMemoryUsageOfProcess(pid):
294  """Queries the system for the current memory usage of a specified process.
296  This function only works in Linux and ChromeOS.
298  Args:
299    pid: The integer process identifier for the process to use.
301  Returns:
302    The memory usage of the process in MB, given as a float.  If the process
303    doesn't exist on the machine, then the value 0 is returned.
304  """
305  assert pyauto.PyUITest.IsLinux() or pyauto.PyUITest.IsChromeOS()
306  process = subprocess.Popen('ps h -o rss -p %s' % pid, shell=True,
307                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
308  stdout = process.communicate()[0]
309  if stdout:
310    return float(stdout.strip()) / 1024
311  else:
312    return 0
315def LoginToDevice(test, test_account='test_google_account'):
316  """Login to the Chromeos device using the given test account.
318  If no test account is specified, we use test_google_account as the default.
319  You can choose test accounts from -
320  chrome/test/data/pyauto_private/private_tests_info.txt
322  Args:
323    test_account: The account used to login to the Chromeos device.
324  """
325  if not test.GetLoginInfo()['is_logged_in']:
326    credentials = test.GetPrivateInfo()[test_account]
327    test.Login(credentials['username'], credentials['password'])
328    login_info = test.GetLoginInfo()
329    test.assertTrue(login_info['is_logged_in'], msg='Login failed.')
330  else:
331    test.fail(msg='Another user is already logged in. Please logout first.')
333def GetInfobarIndexByType(test, infobar_type, windex=0, tab_index=0):
334  """Returns the index of the infobar of the given type.
336  Args:
337    test: Derived from pyauto.PyUITest - base class for UI test cases.
338    infobar_type: The infobar type to look for.
339    windex: Window index.
340    tab_index: Tab index.
342  Returns:
343    Index of infobar for infobar type, or None if not found.
344  """
345  infobar_list = (
346      test.GetBrowserInfo()['windows'][windex]['tabs'][tab_index] \
347          ['infobars'])
348  for infobar in infobar_list:
349    if infobar_type == infobar['type']:
350      return infobar_list.index(infobar)
351  return None
353def WaitForInfobarTypeAndGetIndex(test, infobar_type, windex=0, tab_index=0):
354  """Wait for infobar type to appear and returns its index.
356  If the infobar never appears, an exception will be raised.
358  Args:
359    test: Derived from pyauto.PyUITest - base class for UI test cases.
360    infobar_type: The infobar type to look for.
361    windex: Window index. Defaults to 0 (first window).
362    tab_index: Tab index. Defaults to 0 (first tab).
364  Returns:
365    Index of infobar for infobar type.
366  """
367  test.assertTrue(
368      test.WaitUntil(lambda: GetInfobarIndexByType(
369          test, infobar_type, windex, tab_index) is not None),
370      msg='Infobar type for %s did not appear.' % infobar_type)
371  # Return the infobar index.
372  return GetInfobarIndexByType(test, infobar_type, windex, tab_index)
374def AssertInfobarTypeDoesNotAppear(test, infobar_type, windex=0, tab_index=0):
375  """Check that the infobar type does not appear.
377  This function waits 20s to assert that the infobar does not appear.
379  Args:
380    test: Derived from pyauto.PyUITest - base class for UI test cases.
381    infobar_type: The infobar type to look for.
382    windex: Window index. Defaults to 0 (first window).
383    tab_index: Tab index. Defaults to 0 (first tab).
384  """
385  test.assertFalse(
386      test.WaitUntil(lambda: GetInfobarIndexByType(
387          test, infobar_type, windex, tab_index) is not None, timeout=20),
388      msg=('Infobar type for %s appeared when it should be hidden.'
389           % infobar_type))
391def OpenCroshVerification(self):
392  """This test opens crosh.
394  This function assumes that no browser windows are open.
395  """
396  self.assertEqual(0, self.GetBrowserWindowCount())
397  self.OpenCrosh()
398  self.assertEqual(1, self.GetBrowserWindowCount())
399  self.assertEqual(1, self.GetTabCount(),
400      msg='Could not open crosh')
401  self.assertEqual('crosh', self.GetActiveTabTitle())