3This project has begun being ported to Windows.  A working solution
4file exists in this directory:
5    gperftools.sln
7You can load this solution file into VC++ 7.1 (Visual Studio 2003) or
8later -- in the latter case, it will automatically convert the files
9to the latest format for you.
11When you build the solution, it will create a number of unittests,
12which you can run by hand (or, more easily, under the Visual Studio
13debugger) to make sure everything is working properly on your system.
14The binaries will end up in a directory called "debug" or "release" in
15the top-level directory (next to the .sln file).  It will also create
16two binaries, nm-pdb and addr2line-pdb, which you should install in
17the same directory you install the 'pprof' perl script.
19I don't know very much about how to install DLLs on Windows, so you'll
20have to figure out that part for yourself.  If you choose to just
21re-use the existing .sln, make sure you set the IncludeDir's
22appropriately!  Look at the properties for libtcmalloc_minimal.dll.
24Note that these systems are set to build in Debug mode by default.
25You may want to change them to Release mode.
27To use tcmalloc_minimal in your own projects, you should only need to
28build the dll and install it someplace, so you can link it into
29further binaries.  To use the dll, you need to add the following to
30the linker line of your executable:
31   "libtcmalloc_minimal.lib" /INCLUDE:"__tcmalloc" 
33Here is how to accomplish this in Visual Studio 2005 (VC8):
351) Have your executable depend on the tcmalloc library by selecting
36   "Project Dependencies..." from the "Project" menu.  Your executable
37   should depend on "libtcmalloc_minimal".
392) Have your executable depend on a tcmalloc symbol -- this is
40   necessary so the linker doesn't "optimize out" the libtcmalloc
41   dependency -- by right-clicking on your executable's project (in
42   the solution explorer), selecting Properties from the pull-down
43   menu, then selecting "Configuration Properties" -> "Linker" ->
44   "Input".  Then, in the "Force Symbol References" field, enter the
45   text "__tcmalloc" (without the quotes).  Be sure to do this for both
46   debug and release modes!
48You can also link tcmalloc code in statically -- see the example
49project tcmalloc_minimal_unittest-static, which does this.  For this
50to work, you'll need to add "/D PERFTOOLS_DLL_DECL=" to the compile
51line of every perftools .cc file.  You do not need to depend on the
52tcmalloc symbol in this case (that is, you don't need to do either
53step 1 or step 2 from above).
55An alternative to all the above is to statically link your application
56with libc, and then replace its malloc with tcmalloc.  This allows you
57to just build and link your program normally; the tcmalloc support
58comes in a post-processing step.  This is more reliable than the above
59technique (which depends on run-time patching, which is inherently
60fragile), though more work to set up.  For details, see
61   https://groups.google.com/group/google-perftools/browse_thread/thread/41cd3710af85e57b
66The heap-profiler has had a preliminary port to Windows.  It has not
67been well tested, and probably does not work at all when Frame Pointer
68Optimization (FPO) is enabled -- that is, in release mode.  The other
69features of perftools, such as the cpu-profiler and leak-checker, have
70not yet been ported to Windows at all.
73--- WIN64
75The function-patcher has to disassemble code, and is very
76x86-specific.  However, the rest of perftools should work fine for
77both x86 and x64.  In particular, if you use the 'statically link with
78libc, and replace its malloc with tcmalloc' approach, mentioned above,
79it should be possible to use tcmalloc with 64-bit windows.
81As of perftools 1.10, there is some support for disassembling x86_64
82instructions, for work with win64.  This work is preliminary, but the
83test file preamble_patcher_test.cc is provided to play around with
84that a bit.  preamble_patcher_test will not compile on win32.
87--- ISSUES
89NOTE FOR WIN2K USERS: According to reports
91the stack-tracing necessary for the heap-profiler does not work on
92Win2K.  The best workaround is, if you are building on a Win2k system
93is to add "/D NO_TCMALLOC_SAMPLES=" to your build, to turn off the
94stack-tracing.  You will not be able to use the heap-profiler if you
95do this.
97NOTE ON _MSIZE and _RECALLOC: The tcmalloc version of _msize returns
98the size of the region tcmalloc allocated for you -- which is at least
99as many bytes you asked for, but may be more.  (btw, these *are* bytes
100you own, even if you didn't ask for all of them, so it's correct code
101to access all of them if you want.)  Unfortunately, the Windows CRT
102_recalloc() routine assumes that _msize returns exactly as many bytes
103as were requested.  As a result, _recalloc() may not zero out new
105_recalloc() is a tricky routine to use in any case (it's not safe to
106use with realloc, for instance).
109I have little experience with Windows programming, so there may be
110better ways to set this up than I've done!  If you run across any
111problems, please post to the google-perftools Google Group, or report
112them on the gperftools Google Code site:
113   http://groups.google.com/group/google-perftools
114   http://code.google.com/p/gperftools/issues/list
116-- craig
118Last modified: 2 February 2012