1# RUN: llvm-mc %s -triple=mipsel-unknown-linux -show-encoding -mcpu=mips32r2 | FileCheck %s
2# Check that the assembler can handle the documented syntax
3# for arithmetic and logical instructions.
5# Logical instructions
7# CHECK:  and    $9, $6, $7      # encoding: [0x24,0x48,0xc7,0x00]
8# CHECK:  andi   $9, $6, 17767   # encoding: [0x67,0x45,0xc9,0x30]
9# CHECK:  andi   $9, $6, 17767   # encoding: [0x67,0x45,0xc9,0x30]
10# CHECK:  andi   $9, $9, 17767   # encoding: [0x67,0x45,0x29,0x31]
11# CHECK:  clo    $6, $7          # encoding: [0x21,0x30,0xe6,0x70]
12# CHECK:  clz    $6, $7          # encoding: [0x20,0x30,0xe6,0x70]
13# CHECK:  ins    $19, $9, 6, 7   # encoding: [0x84,0x61,0x33,0x7d]
14# CHECK:  nor    $9, $6, $7      # encoding: [0x27,0x48,0xc7,0x00]
15# CHECK:  or     $3, $3, $5      # encoding: [0x25,0x18,0x65,0x00]
16# CHECK:  ori    $4, $5, 17767   # encoding: [0x67,0x45,0xa4,0x34]
17# CHECK:  ori    $9, $6, 17767   # encoding: [0x67,0x45,0xc9,0x34]
18# CHECK:  ori    $11, $11, 128   # encoding: [0x80,0x00,0x6b,0x35]
19# CHECK:  rotr   $9, $6, 7       # encoding: [0xc2,0x49,0x26,0x00]
20# CHECK:  rotrv  $9, $6, $7      # encoding: [0x46,0x48,0xe6,0x00]
21# CHECK:  sll    $4, $3, 7       # encoding: [0xc0,0x21,0x03,0x00]
22# CHECK:  sllv   $2, $3, $5      # encoding: [0x04,0x10,0xa3,0x00]
23# CHECK:  slt    $3, $3, $5      # encoding: [0x2a,0x18,0x65,0x00]
24# CHECK:  slti   $3, $3, 103     # encoding: [0x67,0x00,0x63,0x28]
25# CHECK:  slti   $3, $3, 103     # encoding: [0x67,0x00,0x63,0x28]
26# CHECK:  sltiu  $3, $3, 103     # encoding: [0x67,0x00,0x63,0x2c]
27# CHECK:  sltu   $3, $3, $5      # encoding: [0x2b,0x18,0x65,0x00]
28# CHECK:  sra    $4, $3, 7       # encoding: [0xc3,0x21,0x03,0x00]
29# CHECK:  srav   $2, $3, $5      # encoding: [0x07,0x10,0xa3,0x00]
30# CHECK:  srl    $4, $3, 7       # encoding: [0xc2,0x21,0x03,0x00]
31# CHECK:  srlv   $2, $3, $5      # encoding: [0x06,0x10,0xa3,0x00]
32# CHECK:  xor    $3, $3, $5      # encoding: [0x26,0x18,0x65,0x00]
33# CHECK:  xori   $9, $6, 17767   # encoding: [0x67,0x45,0xc9,0x38]
34# CHECK:  xori   $9, $6, 17767   # encoding: [0x67,0x45,0xc9,0x38]
35# CHECK:  xori   $11, $11, 12    # encoding: [0x0c,0x00,0x6b,0x39]
36# CHECK:  wsbh   $6, $7          # encoding: [0xa0,0x30,0x07,0x7c]
37# CHECK:  not    $7, $8          # encoding: [0x27,0x38,0x00,0x01]
38     and    $9,  $6, $7
39     and    $9,  $6, 17767
40     andi   $9,  $6, 17767
41     andi   $9,  17767
42     clo    $6,  $7
43     clz    $6,  $7
44     ins    $19, $9, 6,7
45     nor    $9,  $6, $7
46     or     $3,  $3, $5
47     or     $4,  $5, 17767
48     ori    $9,  $6, 17767
49     ori    $11, 128
50     rotr   $9,  $6, 7
51     rotrv  $9,  $6, $7
52     sll    $4,  $3, 7
53     sllv   $2,  $3, $5
54     slt    $3,  $3, $5
55     slt    $3,  $3, 103
56     slti   $3,  $3, 103
57     sltiu  $3,  $3, 103
58     sltu   $3,  $3, $5
59     sra    $4,  $3, 7
60     srav   $2,  $3, $5
61     srl    $4,  $3, 7
62     srlv   $2,  $3, $5
63     xor    $3,  $3, $5
64     xor    $9,  $6, 17767
65     xori   $9,  $6, 17767
66     xori   $11, 12
67     wsbh   $6,  $7
68     not    $7  ,$8
71# Arithmetic instructions
74# CHECK:  add    $9, $6, $7      # encoding: [0x20,0x48,0xc7,0x00]
75# CHECK:  addi   $9, $6, 17767   # encoding: [0x67,0x45,0xc9,0x20]
76# CHECK:  addiu  $9, $6, -15001  # encoding: [0x67,0xc5,0xc9,0x24]
77# CHECK:  addi   $9, $6, 17767   # encoding: [0x67,0x45,0xc9,0x20]
78# CHECK:  addi   $9, $9, 17767   # encoding: [0x67,0x45,0x29,0x21]
79# CHECK:  addiu  $9, $6, -15001  # encoding: [0x67,0xc5,0xc9,0x24]
80# CHECK:  addiu  $11, $11, 40    # encoding: [0x28,0x00,0x6b,0x25]
81# CHECK:  addu   $9, $6, $7      # encoding: [0x21,0x48,0xc7,0x00]
82# CHECK:  madd   $6, $7          # encoding: [0x00,0x00,0xc7,0x70]
83# CHECK:  maddu  $6, $7          # encoding: [0x01,0x00,0xc7,0x70]
84# CHECK:  msub   $6, $7          # encoding: [0x04,0x00,0xc7,0x70]
85# CHECK:  msubu  $6, $7          # encoding: [0x05,0x00,0xc7,0x70]
86# CHECK:  mult   $3, $5          # encoding: [0x18,0x00,0x65,0x00]
87# CHECK:  multu  $3, $5          # encoding: [0x19,0x00,0x65,0x00]
88# CHECK:  sub    $9, $6, $7      # encoding: [0x22,0x48,0xc7,0x00]
89# CHECK:  subu   $4, $3, $5      # encoding: [0x23,0x20,0x65,0x00]
90# CHECK:  neg     $6, $7         # encoding: [0x22,0x30,0x07,0x00]
91# CHECK:  negu    $6, $7         # encoding: [0x23,0x30,0x07,0x00]
92# CHECK:  move    $7, $8         # encoding: [0x21,0x38,0x00,0x01]
93# CHECK:  .set    push
94# CHECK:  .set    mips32r2
95# CHECK:  rdhwr   $5, $29
96# CHECK:  .set    pop            # encoding: [0x3b,0xe8,0x05,0x7c]
97    add    $9,$6,$7
98    add    $9,$6,17767
99    addu   $9,$6,-15001
100    addi   $9,$6,17767
101    addi   $9,17767
102    addiu  $9,$6,-15001
103    addiu  $11,40
104    addu   $9,$6,$7
105    madd   $6,$7
106    maddu  $6,$7
107    msub   $6,$7
108    msubu  $6,$7
109    mult   $3,$5
110    multu  $3,$5
111    sub    $9,$6,$7
112    subu   $4,$3,$5
113    neg    $6,$7
114    negu   $6,$7
115    move   $7,$8
116    rdhwr   $5, $29