2 * Copyright (C) 2011 The sfntly Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
20#include "sfntly/port/refcount.h"
21#include "sfntly/port/type.h"
22#include "sfntly/port/input_stream.h"
23#include "sfntly/port/output_stream.h"
25namespace sfntly {
27// An abstraction to a contiguous array of bytes.
28// C++ port of this class assumes that the data are stored in a linear region
29// like std::vector.
30class ByteArray : virtual public RefCount {
31 public:
32  virtual ~ByteArray();
34  // Gets the current filled and readable length of the array.
35  int32_t Length();
37  // Gets the maximum size of the array. This is the maximum number of bytes that
38  // the array can hold and all of it may not be filled with data or even fully
39  // allocated yet.
40  int32_t Size();
42  // Determines whether or not this array is growable or of fixed size.
43  bool growable() { return growable_; }
45  int32_t SetFilledLength(int32_t filled_length);
47  // Gets the byte from the given index.
48  // @param index the index into the byte array
49  // @return the byte or -1 if reading beyond the bounds of the data
50  virtual int32_t Get(int32_t index);
52  // Gets the bytes from the given index and fill the buffer with them. As many
53  // bytes as will fit into the buffer are read unless that would go past the
54  // end of the array.
55  // @param index the index into the byte array
56  // @param b the buffer to put the bytes read into
57  // @return the number of bytes read from the buffer
58  virtual int32_t Get(int32_t index, ByteVector* b);
60  // Gets the bytes from the given index and fill the buffer with them starting
61  // at the offset given. As many bytes as the specified length are read unless
62  // that would go past the end of the array.
63  // @param index the index into the byte array
64  // @param b the buffer to put the bytes read into
65  // @param offset the location in the buffer to start putting the bytes
66  // @param length the number of bytes to put into the buffer
67  // @return the number of bytes read from the buffer
68  virtual int32_t Get(int32_t index,
69                      byte_t* b,
70                      int32_t offset,
71                      int32_t length);
73  // Puts the specified byte into the array at the given index unless that would
74  // be beyond the length of the array and it isn't growable.
75  virtual void Put(int32_t index, byte_t b);
77  // Puts the specified bytes into the array at the given index. The entire
78  // buffer is put into the array unless that would extend beyond the length and
79  // the array isn't growable.
80  virtual int32_t Put(int32_t index, ByteVector* b);
82  // Puts the specified bytes into the array at the given index. All of the bytes
83  // specified are put into the array unless that would extend beyond the length
84  // and the array isn't growable. The bytes to be put into the array are those
85  // in the buffer from the given offset and for the given length.
86  // @param index the index into the ByteArray
87  // @param b the bytes to put into the array
88  // @param offset the offset in the bytes to start copying from
89  // @param length the number of bytes to copy into the array
90  // @return the number of bytes actually written
91  virtual int32_t Put(int32_t index,
92                      byte_t* b,
93                      int32_t offset,
94                      int32_t length);
96  // Fully copies this ByteArray to another ByteArray to the extent that the
97  // destination array has storage for the data copied.
98  virtual int32_t CopyTo(ByteArray* array);
100  // Copies a segment of this ByteArray to another ByteArray.
101  // @param array the destination
102  // @param offset the offset in this ByteArray to start copying from
103  // @param length the maximum length in bytes to copy
104  // @return the number of bytes copied
105  virtual int32_t CopyTo(ByteArray* array, int32_t offset, int32_t length);
107  // Copies this ByteArray to another ByteArray.
108  // @param dstOffset the offset in the destination array to start copying to
109  // @param array the destination
110  // @param srcOffset the offset in this ByteArray to start copying from
111  // @param length the maximum length in bytes to copy
112  // @return the number of bytes copied
113  virtual int32_t CopyTo(int32_t dst_offset,
114                         ByteArray* array,
115                         int32_t src_offset,
116                         int32_t length);
118  // Copies this ByteArray to an OutputStream.
119  // @param os the destination
120  // @return the number of bytes copied
121  virtual int32_t CopyTo(OutputStream* os);
123  // Copies this ByteArray to an OutputStream.
124  // @param os the destination
125  // @param offset
126  // @param length
127  // @return the number of bytes copied
128  virtual int32_t CopyTo(OutputStream* os, int32_t offset, int32_t length);
130  // Copies from the InputStream into this ByteArray.
131  // @param is the source
132  // @param length the number of bytes to copy
133  virtual bool CopyFrom(InputStream* is, int32_t length);
135  // Copies everything from the InputStream into this ByteArray.
136  // @param is the source
137  virtual bool CopyFrom(InputStream* is);
139 protected:
140  // filledLength the length that is "filled" and readable counting from offset.
141  // storageLength the maximum storage size of the underlying data.
142  // growable is the storage growable - storageLength is the max growable size.
143  ByteArray(int32_t filled_length, int32_t storage_length, bool growable);
144  ByteArray(int32_t filled_length, int32_t storage_length);
145  void Init(int32_t filled_length, int32_t storage_length, bool growable);
147  // Internal subclass API
149  // Stores the byte at the index given.
150  // @param index the location to store at
151  // @param b the byte to store
152  virtual void InternalPut(int32_t index, byte_t b) = 0;
154  // Stores the array of bytes at the given index.
155  // @param index the location to store at
156  // @param b the bytes to store
157  // @param offset the offset to start from in the byte array
158  // @param length the length of the byte array to store from the offset
159  // @return the number of bytes actually stored
160  virtual int32_t InternalPut(int32_t index,
161                              byte_t* b,
162                              int32_t offset,
163                              int32_t length) = 0;
165  // Gets the byte at the index given.
166  // @param index the location to get from
167  // @return the byte stored at the index
168  virtual byte_t InternalGet(int32_t index) = 0;
170  // Gets the bytes at the index given of the given length.
171  // @param index the location to start getting from
172  // @param b the array to put the bytes into
173  // @param offset the offset in the array to put the bytes into
174  // @param length the length of bytes to read
175  // @return the number of bytes actually ready
176  virtual int32_t InternalGet(int32_t index,
177                              byte_t* b,
178                              int32_t offset,
179                              int32_t length) = 0;
181  // Close this instance of the ByteArray.
182  virtual void Close() = 0;
184  // C++ port only, raw pointer to the first element of storage.
185  virtual byte_t* Begin() = 0;
187  // Java toString() not ported.
189  static const int32_t COPY_BUFFER_SIZE;
191 private:
192  //bool bound_;  // unused, comment out
193  int32_t filled_length_;
194  int32_t storage_length_;
195  bool growable_;
197typedef Ptr<ByteArray> ByteArrayPtr;
199}  // namespace sfntly