History log of /bionic/benchmarks/math_benchmark.cpp
Revision Date Author Comments
a147a1da5c268e9d556c207be0d3da0a519b2d54 08-Jun-2014 Serban Constantinescu <serban.constantinescu@arm.com> AArch64: libm: Fix ARM64 fenv_t and refactor ARM64 libm implementation.

This patch fixes the ARM64 ABI for libm. fenv_t is now split in 32bit status
and 32bit control. This mirrors the AArch64 FPU control and status
registers (FPCR, FPSR).

The patch also refactors the libm implementation for ARM64 into a finer
grained control over the FPU registers.

Bionic-benchmarks has been expanded with 3 more benchmarks for floating
point operations. The new libm implementation for ARM64 performs better
over all the math benchmarks available.

Change-Id: I2a7f81d6b4e55c91f8a63a4c69614fc8b1bcf2db
Signed-off-by: Serban Constantinescu <serban.constantinescu@arm.com>
02c78a386739a8a2b3007efeb00a9ca04132100a 12-Apr-2014 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Reimplement isinf/isnan/fpclassify.

Also move isinf and isnan into libc like everyone else.

Also move fpclassify to libc like the BSDs (but unlike glibc). We need
this to be able to upgrade our float/double/long double parsing to gdtoa.

Also add some missing aliases. We now have all of:

isnan, __isnan, isnanf, __isnanf, isnanl, __isnanl,
isinf, __isinf, isinff, __isinff, isinfl, __isinfl,
__fpclassify, __fpclassifyd, __fpclassifyf, __fpclassifyl.

Bug: 13469877
Change-Id: I407ffbac06c765a6c5fffda8106c37d7db04f27d
bd3efbc9b585e0c9801b0b35f282347cb8692ca8 16-Nov-2013 Colin Cross <ccross@android.com> bionic: move benchmarks out of tests directory

Change-Id: I4d054965198af22c9a9c821d1bc53f4e9ea01248