History log of /libcore/luni/src/main/java/libcore/net/url/JarHandler.java
Revision Date Author Comments
c5727263001f1eae068f7821063d7bfb2da8e24c 26-May-2011 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Use canonicalizePath in URI.

This needs to add another mode to canonicalizePath to not
discard ".." prefixes from relative paths.

Change-Id: I9e0b86bd1e7ab8e5e71c46f1efcf4aeb218e66b2
5292410e4ebf7fb5149eefd2f52fcb94c46690a6 24-May-2011 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Rewrite parsing for java.net.URL.

This fixes many broken cases on handling relative URLs.

We normalize all URLs by default. This will result
in more URL equality than before. Previously the URLs
http://android.com/a/../ and http://android.com/ were not
equal; now they are equal.

Change-Id: I8cf7be2e42eeb1386520be2698d8f14e0a55decb
5aafac4db69e6d087c512cdfa5c7c0e2f1611681 19-Mar-2011 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Move URLConnection classes to libcore.net.

Change-Id: I14bf8373dfce50dda94e1a64419b9a8a9cf3c82e