History log of /sdk/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/unittests/com/android/ide/common/layout/LayoutTestBase.java
Revision Date Author Comments
474bd94478a8ced503e292b17c7e5962de414d99 30-Nov-2012 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Code completion improvements for custom views and themes

This changeset adds custom view completion to the content assist.
Code completion for elements (e.g. from text context or inside a <)
should now include custom views found in the project, and prefix
typing should work as well.

Similarly, code completing inside a <fragment> name attribute or a
<view> class attribute should complete fragment and view classes.
It will display javadocs for these classes, if available.

It also hooks up class completion in manifest files, so completing
<activity>, <application>, <receiver> etc android:name attributes
should show matching classes corresponding to the tag being edited.

The completion will also always complete theme references (?) even
when there is no known metadata for the tag, such as for an arbitrary
custom view.

Also fix descriptor metadata such that <view> and <requestFocus> show
up in code completion, works properly for layout editor palette drag
(with a class selection popup) and with a suitable outline icon.

Also tweak refactoring such that it handles both class= and
android:name usage for <fragment> elements.

Finally, for the LinearLayout automatically added inside new
ScrollViews, set the vertical attribute since that's usually what you

Change-Id: Ifc98c19607ddc4e69d7645f2720120ce72d0cd95
a96737ef1ee717e322c87a8ef391440b2aaf03b6 09-Nov-2012 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Add resource renaming support

This changeset adds support for renaming resources.

There are several new hooks for initiating a resource rename:

(1) You can use the same keybinding as in Java files from XML files to
initiate refactoring; for example, place the caret somewhere in
@+id/foo or @string/bar and hit the refactoring keybinding, and a
rename resource refactoring dialog shows up.

(2) Invoking Quick Assistant in an XML file (Ctrl/Cmd 1) will offer to
rename the resource, if the caret is over a resource name.

(3) Renaming an XML or bitmap resource file, such as
res/drawable-hdpi/foo.png, will now initiate the same XML resource
naming machinery as above to update all resource references, plus
it will also update all the other versions of the same file
(e.g. in res/drawable-mdpi, res/drawable-xhdpi, etc.). Assuming an
R field exists (e.g. the project has been built), it will also
optionally update all Java field references.

(4) Invoking renaming in the layout editor (via the rename keybinding,
or via the context menu, or via the property sheet's "..." button)
will also initiate id resource refactoring. Editing the id
directly in the inline editor for the id will pop up a dialog
asking whether to update references as well, along with a "Do not
ask again" checkbox.

(5) Finally, there is a renaming participant registered which will
discover whether an R field is renamed, so if you go and rename
R.layout.foo from Java, this will also kick in all of the above
machinery - renaming layout files, updating resource references,

If the renamed resource is in a library project, the refactoring
will also look at all the including projects and offer to update
references there as well.

Finally, this CL goes and fixes a few bugs in the existing refactoring
operations; in particular, making sure that they not only look at
files in layout/ but in all folder configurations containing layout
files. It also adds refactoring unit tests.

Change-Id: Ie88511a571b414fdc5be048e781fe29a34063cbf
12d4581faa6438941e65a9dc83213be34c6ca970 13-Sep-2012 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Constants refactoring.

This changeset moves most constants into the SdkConstants
class, and gets rid of AndroidConstants and LintConstants.
It also migrates all non-ADT specific constants from
AdtConstants into SdkConstants. It furthermore moves various
other constants (such as those in XmlUtils and ValuesDescriptors)
into the constants class. It also fixes the modifier order
to be the canonical modifier order (JLS 8.x).

Finally, it removes redundancy and combines various constant
aliases such that we don't have both NAME_ATTR and ATTR_NAME
pointing to "name", etc.

Change-Id: Ifd1755016f62ce2dd80e5c76130d6de4b0e32161
85e4a1a9dd133abb879ec211ce8dd385004edf22 08-Aug-2012 Xavier Ducrohet <xav@android.com> Refactor common.jar

Move resources and com.android.util.Pair into layoutlib_api
where they belong since layoutlib depends on them and we need
to control the API.

Made a copy of Pair to stay in common.jar but moved it to
com.android.utils.Pair (the one in com.android.util.Pair is
marked as deprecated to prevent usage where applicable).

Also moved XmlUtil and PositionXmlParser to com.android.utils
to match Pair.

Change-Id: I21d7057d3f2ce604f86a3bb1fa3c130948c93b89
fb6d52d71a7461cb1ac4149f4f71d6a63e7436da 04-Apr-2012 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> GridLayout support work

Lots of miscellaneous fixes to the GridLayout support in ADT. The
changes include using the GridLayout state (via reflection) to
populate the model; caching the grid model for performance, and a
bunch of fixes to the code which handles insertions and
removals. There are also some new unit tests. This is not done, but is
an improvement over the current state.

Change-Id: I4851153d3e409630c2d2024c4894d1ad1535fb47
cb3758e42389a933203262f9109454c091574d30 05-Jun-2012 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> 32745: Lack of warning of using duplicated IDs for element.

This changeset adds a validator to the assign/edit id dialog used in
the layout editor such that the user gets a warning if picking an id
which is already defined within the same layout.

Also cleans up the Rules API for adding a validator and makes the
generic resource validator handle both the case of requiring a unique
name and requiring an existing name.

Change-Id: Id9642c3bcd326f9734cf98c98f6799b67e11a4ae
7e4b8e9d595e45baa9d87cdb8282f02759e73abc 30-May-2012 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Fix nullness annotations

Eclipse 4.2 includes analysis support for @Nullable and @NonNull
annotations. However, it requires these annotations to be *repeated*
on every single method implementing or overriding a superclass or
interface method (!).

This changeset basically applies the quickfixes to inline these
annotations. It also changes the retention of our nullness
annotations from source to class, since without this Eclipse believes
that a @NonNull annotation downstream is a redefinition of a @Nullable

Finally, the null analysis revealed a dozen or so places where the
nullness annotation was either wrong, or some null checking on
parameters or return values needed to be done.

Change-Id: I43b4e56e2d025a8a4c92a8873f55c13cdbc4c1cb
a881b0b34678ad76c9f5eba62fac7a00a22ac606 20-May-2012 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Move XML code to the common library

The ManifestMerger library needs to look up the prefix to use for the
Android namespace, and the Document.lookupPrefix method is not
implemented by the Eclipse DOM implementation (which throws an
exception). However, we have an implementation of this in the ADT

This changeset creates a new XmlUtils class in the common/ library
(which is accessible by both ADT and the manifest merger, and the
anttasks where the manifest merger is used), and moves the namespace
prefix lookup code in there. It also moves the XML escape methods
into that class. It also adds a new method to the ManifestMerger for
merging directly from documents (rather than files), and makes sure
that all the merging code goes via the prefix utility method rather
than calling the document.lookupPrefix method.

Finally, it moves the various string constants associated with XML
namespaces into the single XmlUtils class, since these were spread
across several different classes before (and many of them are needed
in the XmlUtils class).

The vast majority of the diffs in this changeset are related to simple
import statement changes to reflect the new locations of these

Change-Id: Ib8f3d0e5c89e47e61ea509a23925af7b6580abee
ab36f4e7488358dea4ab6b54ee2b7bef3da0232b 21-Dec-2011 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Update SDK codebase to JDK 6

This changeset makes the SDK codebase compile with source=1.6 (which
means it also requires JDK 6). This means that methods implementing an
interface requires @Override's. It also means we can start using APIs
like the ArrayDeque class and methods like String#isEmpty().

This changeset looks big but the change is trivial: it's basically
adding @Override in all the places that need it, along with some other
automatic Eclipse cleanup in certain files (such as reordering imports
where they were incorrectly ordered (because older versions of Eclipse
didn't always handle inner classes right)), as well as cleaning up
trailing whitespace and removing some $NON-NLS-1$ markers on lines
where there aren't any string literals anymore.

This changeset also sets the source and target JDK level to 6 in the
Eclipse compiler .settings file, and synchronizes this file to all the
other Eclipse SDK projects.

Change-Id: I6a9585aa44c3dee9a5c00739ab22fbdbcb9f8275
bb54cce6ded6e5f95388b3352797bfc85e1eb838 22-Nov-2011 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Add package support for Rules API and Detector API

When writing custom view rules, and custom detectors, you may need
access to the package name of the application (in order to produce the
right namespace to look up custom attributes for).

This changeset adds new methods to the two APIs such that clients can
look up the application package. For lint, it also changes things
such that the manifest file is always processed and information
stashed in the Project object. This meant I could also remove the icon
detector code to look up the manifest info directly.

Change-Id: Id8eec96e2788f6d27481d7dcab0c544ea6e0a06d
bf9db3ba5053c8f22a07ee748b2cb41d374d8642 24-Aug-2011 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Use GridLayout state to determine exact row and column boundaries

This changeset updates the GridLayout support to consider the state of
a rendered GridLayout when deciding where the rows and columns
are. This information is already available in the GridLayout object,
so if one is provided use that data rather than inferring it from the
bounds of the views in each row and column.

This required changing the view rules API a bit to pass the view
objects in to the key entry points (drawing selection, drag & drop and

Change-Id: If8484f7f7181c65d0a2fdf629ffd515edd05448b
e287bc8580e19d72a911615475b353790cf000eb 16-Aug-2011 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Layout editor property menu improvements

This changeset adds two forms of view attribute metadata:
* First, it records the most commonly used attributes for each
view. This was determined by gathering statistics on as many layout
files as I could find and then picking those that are used 10% or

* Second, it records in the attribute metadata which View defines a
given attribute.

The context menu uses the above information to present the available
attributes in several ways:

* In the top level menu, where we had "Edit ID", and if applicable
"Edit Text", it now lists the top attributes instead. For example,
for a RatingBar the first handful of menu options are "Edit ID...",
"Edit NumStars...", "Edit StepSize...", "Edit Style..." and
"IsIndicator" (a boolean pull-right menu).

Incidentally this automatically handles some cases which were
manually handled before, so the code in LinearLayoutRule to add an
"Orientation" menu is no longer needed; it's just one of the two
common attributes handled by the new attribute list.

* The "Properties" menu is now called "Other Properties", and instead
of showing all properties, it has a new level of menus:

* "Recent". This is initially empty, but as you edit other attributes,
it gets populated (in most recently used order, kept up to date)
with recently edited properties.

* One submenu for each defining View super class listing exactly
the attributes defined by that view. This is useful for browsing
and editing related attributes. If you are looking at a textual
view like a Button for example, you can look at the "TextView"
menu to find all the text related options (TextColor, TextSize,
etc). These menus are listed from the nearest to the further
superclass, so for example if you right click on a CalendarView
you'll see these menus:

Recent >
Defined by CalendarView >
Inherited from FrameLayout >
Inherited from ViewGroup >
Inherited from View >
Layout Parameters >
All By Name >

* As you can see from the above, there are two more menus below the
inherited menu items. "Layout Parameters" lists all the layout
parameters available for the selected nodes (which is defined not
by the view itself but the view that it is contained within). And
finally there is "All By Name", which is a complete menu
containing all available attributes for the view (and this is what
the Properties menu used to contain).

* The code which computes a display name from an attribute was also
tweaked to capitalize not just the first letter but any first word
letter, so for example when you look at the possible values for
Gravity you now see "Clip Vertical" instead of "Clip vertical".

* The edit property dialog for the properties menus now uses @string
or @style resource choosers for the text, hint and style attributes
(used to just be a plain text box.)

Change-Id: I3b30d48b85fd13f0190c760756bf383a47b3f4a5
4eacdfbcc84ad11f599020b12ad76aebed70537f 07-Jul-2011 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Grid Layout Support.

This changeset adds basic support for grid layouts:

- Freeform mode where you can drag & drop anywhere in the layout, and
guidelines are offered to align with other left boundaries, right
boundaries, baseline vertical alignment and center layout horizontal
alingment. In addition, it also offers "preferred spacing"
positioning, using the recommended distance between widgets.

Also, during a drag a regular 16x16 grid is also (faintly) shown and
(when there are no alignment matches as explained above) the
position snaps to this grid.

We also show the grid-structure (rows and columns, not the regular
snapping grid) during drags to make it more obvious that behind the
scenes there is a grid (because some other operations might shift
rows and columns so it's important to present the right user model.)

The freeform grid layout editor will automatically create rows and
columns and size them using spacers which are hidden from the user,
and on deletion these are automatically cleaned up as well.

- Grid mode where you can drag to any given cell, or between any two
rows or columns.

- Some layout actions for manipulating the grid (add/remove row and
column, adjust the gravity, toggle modes.)

This CL also contains various diagnostics code for the grid mode, and
does not yet correctly support dragging multiple views simultaneously.

Change-Id: Ie9ec54805039645e3db78d19095da86b04e44ca0
8c3f16ae7d66cedf70c494de3a38a54e90f2a54e 10-Jun-2011 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Merge 0b95acc1 from master to r12. do not merge.

RelativeLayout: Assign ids dynamically, handle multi-drag, bugs

This CL fixes three issues with the new relative layout interaction:

(1) Assign ids dynamically. Before this changeset you couldn't attach
to a node which does not have an @id attribute, since layout
params need to name the constraint by id.

This changeset changes this such that you can attach to any
arbitrary edge, and when you commit the drag, a unique id is
generated on the fly and assigned to the node.

(2) Handle dragging multiple nodes at the same time. The new
constraints code was unconditionally applying the same constraints
to all the dragged nodes, which meant they ended up on top of each
other. This fixes things such that the first node is assigned the
new constraints, and then all subsequent nodes are attached one
next to the other, in a direction depending on which edge you
attached to (e.g. attaching on the right will arrange the siblings
towards the left out from the edge.)

(3) Fix a bug in the code to detect and prevent cycles.

Change-Id: I3da16903ffac6c34a0d5efee52a87824fb9e04fb
0b95acc1693f67140e988567211c13ca2eb9f926 10-Jun-2011 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> RelativeLayout: Assign ids dynamically, handle multi-drag, bugs

This CL fixes three issues with the new relative layout interaction:

(1) Assign ids dynamically. Before this changeset you couldn't attach
to a node which does not have an @id attribute, since layout
params need to name the constraint by id.

This changeset changes this such that you can attach to any
arbitrary edge, and when you commit the drag, a unique id is
generated on the fly and assigned to the node.

(2) Handle dragging multiple nodes at the same time. The new
constraints code was unconditionally applying the same constraints
to all the dragged nodes, which meant they ended up on top of each
other. This fixes things such that the first node is assigned the
new constraints, and then all subsequent nodes are attached one
next to the other, in a direction depending on which edge you
attached to (e.g. attaching on the right will arrange the siblings
towards the left out from the edge.)

(3) Fix a bug in the code to detect and prevent cycles.

Change-Id: I157d45e117d3229f285870517b85ed902607b966
80d9301c2e874b29889c41adb0623666cf534fa0 10-Apr-2011 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Resize & Guideline Support

RelativeLayout now has both drop/move and resize guidelines, and
existing constraints are visualized for the selection.

LinearLayout resizing now uses weights to change the size of nodes
rather than setting width/height.

All resize operations offer guidelines to snap to their "wrap_content"

Various bug fixes in related areas as well.

Change-Id: I817e34c6e67ce61cfb137eb067076d91f69f99e9
cd05e93b1194c89fe9eca1ee4b999d2991334f4b 15-May-2011 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Basic fragment support

This changeset adds preliminary support for fragments:

* Add <fragment> to the palette, along with a drop handler which pops
up a class chooser to pick the Fragment class; all project
implementations of android.app.Fragment and
android.support.v4.app.Fragment are listed.

* Adds a fragment descriptor such that code completion works for
<fragment> elements

* Fix project callback such that it does not complain about a missing
class "fragment".

* Fix outline to display the name of the fragment rather than the
fragment tag name.

* This changeset also centers the label in MockViews since those are
still used to render fragments



Change-Id: I6f39f0c29a0cf21799fa8a55406eeae1e3beb57f
46d0ebd2126fad6b1480fa5c8121e4638c463c73 15-May-2011 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Basic fragment support

This changeset adds preliminary support for fragments:

* Add <fragment> to the palette, along with a drop handler which pops
up a class chooser to pick the Fragment class; all project
implementations of android.app.Fragment and
android.support.v4.app.Fragment are listed.

* Adds a fragment descriptor such that code completion works for
<fragment> elements

* Fix project callback such that it does not complain about a missing
class "fragment".

* Fix outline to display the name of the fragment rather than the
fragment tag name.

* This changeset also centers the label in MockViews since those are
still used to render fragments

Change-Id: I6e062970b335d9c95870f181ed408960978c423e
3c345391ac54b9bff1e15766b6126bcbea4f449f 11-Apr-2011 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Usability fix for the layout actions bar

The layout actions bar shows actions of two types:

* Actions which edit attriubutes of the "current layout"; typically
the parent of the currently selected views. For example, the
"orientation" or "baseline" attributes of a LinearLayout.

* Actions which edit the layout parameters of the selected views. For
example, the "weight" attribute of children in a LinearLayout.

One thing which was missing is adding in layout actions for views that
are children. For example, the TableView now has an "Insert Row"
action. If you select the table itself, rather than a child within
the table, you would not see the Insert Row action. Similarly, if you
drop a new LinearLayout, you cannot toggle its orientation attribute;
it won't be shown, or if it is within another LinearLayout, you will
see an orientation toggle but it controls the parent, not the newly
selected LinearLayout.

This changeset addresses this by adding a new section of actions on
the right hand side of the actions bar, which contains the layout
actions which apply to the selection, regardless of the parent type.

For example, if you have a LinearLayout containing a TableLayout, and
you have selected the TableLayout, you will first see the LinearLayout
actions, then the LinearLayout layoutparams actions (which will be
applied to the TableLayout), and finally the TableLayout layout
actions (insert and remove row).

This changeset also improves the TableLayout insert row action to
insert the row before the current selected row (if any) rather than
unconditionally appending it to the end. It also selects the table
after creation to make it more obvious where it was added. The new
ability to select nodes from layout rules is also used in a couple of
other places.

Change-Id: I7cd8f75e61fc916bc75ed5ad156440f0f8cbd786
adee9788a5ac646a39b516abe4cdd1022911a3f5 09-Mar-2011 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Add drop-support for include tags

Add the include tag back into the palette, and add special drop
support for it such that when it is drop, a resource chooser pops up
and asks you which layout to include. A new validator prevents any
layouts from being chosen that would result in a cyclic

This requires some infrastructure changes: First, drop handlers must
distinguish between a view getting created as part of a previewing
operation and getting created interactively. Second, in order to
support cancel removing an inserted include if the user decides not to
set an include, the node wrappers need to support removing an element.
Also, use the metadata originally intended for the preview icon
factory to also bypass palette drag previews for widgets that don't
have UI.

Change-Id: I1bdd1766ca4cfa2fdbca25b77c50c74e9c332cbd
0757ce4af2764e4dd564acc0b1a013e910abc8da 18-Feb-2011 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> More refactoring work: Convert hierarchy, and change type

A lot of work on the "Change Layout" refactoring to improve conversion
to a Relative Layout. First, add a "Flatten Hierarchy" option which
can take an entire hierarchy of layout widgets and flatten it down to
a single top level RelativeLayout where the constraints attempt to
reflect the original layout. (This isn't always possible, since some
layout managers offer features not possible to express in
RelativeLayout, such as a LinearLayout with multiple different
weights) but it often works or is at least a good start. (This work
is ongoing, but since my changeset is getting large I want to check in
this snapshot since the functionality is better than what is in the

This changeset also adds a new refactoring: Change Widget Type. This
can be applied to a selection of elements, and it will convert the
widget type to the new target widget type. It will also remove any
attributes that are not valid for the new layout.

It also improves the wizards which display the possible target types.
For Change Widget Type, it will first offer "related" widgets, so for
an AnalogClock it will first offer Digital Clock, for a checkbox it
will offer a checked text view and a radio button, etc.

In addition, it will list Views and Layouts that it finds in any
library jars (except for the builtin Android ones), and any custom
view classes in the project.

There is also now some preliminary support for refactoring unit
tests. These tests must be run as Eclipse plugin tests, since they
utilize the XML model (and the XML model cannot be mocked). The test
infrastructure reads source XML files, applies the refactoring change
list to them, and diffs the output with the known expected output
(also stored as result XML files in the test project).

Finally, there are a number of fixes and improvements to the shared
refactoring code.

Change-Id: I0974653e530dfb4feb625e0eef8257c29d50614b
a7da09b74d5f41667823ddf36c0cd7f145f54a2d 01-Feb-2011 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Add Layout Actions toolbar

Add a new toolbar above the layout canvas (and to the right of the
palette). This toolbar shows various layout-related actions on its
left, and the canvas zoom controls on the right. The zoom controls
have been moved from the configuration panel, which has also been
reorganized a little with three of the dropdowns moved up to make more
horizontal width and take the place of the old zoom controls.

The toolbar items vary based on which layout is "active". The active
layout is the parent layout of the selection, or the root layout in
the canvas if there is no selection.

Some examples:

- In a LinearLayout, there are radio-button icons for switching
between horizontal and vertical orientation, and for toggling
baseline alignment

- There are toggle buttons for toggling between wrap_content and
match_parent (or fill_parent) for the layout_width and layout_height

- There is a dropdown menu in LinearLayout and RelativeLayout which
lets you set the layout_gravity to one of the dozen gravity settings

- There is an action button which brings up a margin chooser dialog
where you can configure the margin settings for the currently
selected elements for layouts that support margins

There will be additional actions here in the future.

This changeset also adds a few new MenuAction subclasses and factories
to make it possible to do ordered lists of choices. It also adds
sorting keys to make it easier for parents and children to interleave
their actions with simple sorting keys rather than having to append,
prepend or merge their respective result lists. In a follow-up
changeset I will replace the context menu code to use these, as well
as attempt to make all actions stateless such that they can be cached
and reapplied for different targets.

Some misc cleanup.

Change-Id: I6a87144fcfd1d359e5561829bd5d63c852f16970
cc157b83f6783679c93d43ec287117604d7dcc2d 11-Jan-2011 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Use ResourceChooser for Strings

When editing the text property (via "Edit Text..."), show the
ResourceChooser (assigned to ResourceType.STRING) instead of the more
generic ReferenceChooser.

Some minor tweaks to incorporate feedback on an earlier CL.

Change-Id: I935456075910acd59cedbfeb4cb43680038e412d
c889d55f9ae61c886318c6c5c713b39a57bdbb13 05-Jan-2011 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Support for editing id, text, string and reference properties

We have context menu items for editing the properties of the currently
selected view, but it is only available for boolean and enumerated

This changeset makes it possible to edit these properties in three

1. It adds in all the other properties to the Property context menu,
but instead of pullright menus, the actions have "..." as a suffix,
and when selected will open a dialog asking for the new value.
(This is similar to how custom layout width/height values are

If the attribute represents a reference-type, then the Reference
Chooser (also used by the property sheet) is shown, and if not just
a plain text field.

(This context-menu feature was requested by external users.)

2. It adds the "ID" property as a top level item that can be edited
directly via an "Edit ID..." menu item, right next to the "Layout
Width" and "Layout Height" properties which are also special-cased
at the top level.

3. For Views that have a "Text" property, this property is also added
at the top level to be able to set it quickly and conveniently. As
soon as we get inline editing we can consider whether this is still

In addition, the changeset extracts constants for the various ids used
for action identity, and makes a common function for setting a
particular node attribute.

Change-Id: Ib86a8a5412c39117fe250ce5788d8457a0e3fbe8
f7eafda210e3eb3fbe8f1cb9c0bd61807f1a05c5 30-Dec-2010 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Replace hand-written mocking classes with EasyMock calls

This changeset removes the various hand-written mock implementations
of key Eclipse interfaces (IProject, IFile, IFolder, etc) and replaces
them with EasyMock proxy objects.

This makes our codebase buildable on Eclipse 3.6+.

(Also fix a couple of test warnings for abstract testcase classes
which were missing tests)

Change-Id: I70553ab95dc9386da1c7eed139d3ef587d929478
fe3eebe57ba2925642cc1b257cb03ba617d298af 09-Dec-2010 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Issue 13051: Use match_parent or fill_parent based on API level

Fixes issue 13051: New layout editor always insert "match_parent",
even on older platform.

View rules can now look up the API level of the current project, and
based on that choose to use match_parent or fill_parent when they need
to manipulate the layout attributes.

Change-Id: I861e1f7f7409c40c05b1472268f120806667025c
bfcbad18934be1f51ae03d4b6255cfe2d7239aaf 24-Nov-2010 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Extract layout constants into a separate constants class

Combine the constants in BaseView and a LayoutConstants class over in
the internal packages into a new LayoutConstants class, and reference
these constants elsewhere (statically imported). This was suggested by
in the feedback to review #18971.

Change-Id: I40b76f8f6045c34a98f7a2363f96d2942360d1f3
ccabacfacfcc90e1725f0342b2e6d273d0bc744e 24-Nov-2010 Tor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com> Unit test fixes

First, the AddonsListFetcherTest#testLoadSample_1 was failing on the
Mac, because the source code contained non-ASCII unicode characters,
and the encoding differs between Windows, Linux and Mac -- and on the
Mac the characters were garbage (not the intended Japanese
characters). Fixed by using unicode escape sequences to define the
expected output instead.

Second, rename the AbstractLayoutTest to LayoutTestBase; the test
runner (for plugins, not unit tests) was assuming this was a test case
(even though it's an abstract class!) so it was emitting a warning
about the class containing no test cases. This is simply a base class
for all the individual layout tests defining a bunch of useful
inherited shared behavior, so rename to avoid the warning.

Change-Id: I6e29316c5644db35051218aef8b99ac41ab0cda4