1// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
6  {
7    "namespace": "webviewTag",
8    "description": "Use the <code>webview</code> tag to actively load live content from the web over the network and embed it in your Chrome App. Your app can control the appearance of the <code>webview</code> and interact with the web content, initiate navigations in an embedded web page, react to error events that happen within it, and more (see <a href=\"#usage\">Usage</a>).",
9    "documentation_options": {
10      "title": "<webview> Tag",
11      "namespace": "<webview>",
12      "documented_in": "tags/webview"
13    },
14    "types": [
15      {
16        "id": "ClearDataOptions",
17        "type": "object",
18        "description": "Options that determine what data should be cleared by <code>clearData</code>.",
19        "properties": {
20          "since": {
21            "type": "number",
22            "optional": true,
23            "description": "Clear data accumulated on or after this date, represented in milliseconds since the epoch (accessible via the getTime method of the JavaScript <code>Date</code> object). If absent, defaults to <code>0</code> (which would remove all browsing data)."
24          }
25        }
26      },
27      {
28        "id": "ClearDataTypeSet",
29        "type": "object",
30        "description": "A set of data types. Missing properties are interpreted as <code>false</code>.",
31        "properties": {
32          "appcache": { "type": "boolean", "optional": true, "description": "Websites' appcaches." },
33          "cookies": { "type": "boolean", "optional": true, "description": "The partition's cookies." },
34          "fileSystems": { "type": "boolean", "optional": true, "description": "Websites' filesystems." },
35          "indexedDB": { "type": "boolean", "optional": true, "description": "Websites' IndexedDB data." },
36          "localStorage": { "type": "boolean", "optional": true, "description": "Websites' local storage data." },
37          "webSQL": { "type": "boolean", "optional": true, "description": "Websites' WebSQL data." }
38        }
39      },
40      {
41        "id": "InjectDetails",
42        "type": "object",
43        "description": "Details of the script or CSS to inject. Either the code or the file property must be set, but both may not be set at the same time.",
44        "properties": {
45          "code": {
46            "type": "string",
47            "optional": true,
48            "description": "JavaScript or CSS code to inject.<br><br><b>Warning:</b><br>Be careful using the <code>code</code> parameter. Incorrect use of it may open your app to <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_scripting\">cross site scripting</a> attacks."
49          },
50          "file": {
51            "type": "string",
52            "optional": true,
53            "description": "JavaScript or CSS file to inject."
54          }
55        }
56      },
57      {
58        "id": "ContentWindow",
59        "type": "object",
60        "description": "Messaging handle to a guest window.",
61        "functions": [
62          {
63            "name": "postMessage",
64            "description": "<p>Posts a message to the embedded web content as long as the embedded content is displaying a page from the target origin. This method is available once the page has completed loading. Listen for the <a href=\"#event-contentload\">contentload</a> event and then call the method.</p><p>The guest will be able to send replies to the embedder by posting message to <code>event.source</code> on the message event it receives.</p><p>This API is identical to the <a href=\"https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/window.postMessage\">HTML5 postMessage API</a> for communication between web pages. The embedder may listen for replies by adding a <code>message</code> event listener to its own frame.</p>",
65            "parameters": [
66              {
67                "type": "any",
68                "name": "message",
69                "description": "Message object to send to the guest."
70              },
71              {
72                "type": "string",
73                "name": "targetOrigin",
74                "description": "Specifies what the origin of the guest window must be for the event to be dispatched."
75              }
76            ]
77          }
78        ]
79      },
80      {
81        "id": "DialogController",
82        "type": "object",
83        "description": "Interface attached to <code>dialog</code> DOM events.",
84        "functions": [
85          {
86            "name": "ok",
87            "description": "Accept the dialog. Equivalent to clicking OK in an <code>alert</code>, <code>confirm</code>, or <code>prompt</code> dialog.",
88            "parameters": [
89              {
90                "type": "string",
91                "optional": true,
92                "name": "response",
93                "description": "The response string to provide to the guest when accepting a <code>prompt</code> dialog."
94              }
95            ]
96          },
97          {
98            "name": "cancel",
99            "description": "Reject the dialog. Equivalent to clicking Cancel in a <code>confirm</code> or <code>prompt</code> dialog."
100          }
101        ]
102      },
103      {
104        "id": "FindCallbackResults",
105        "type": "object",
106        "description": "Contains all of the results of the find request.",
107        "properties": {
108          "numberOfMatches": {
109            "type": "integer",
110            "description": "The number of times <code>searchText</code> was matched on the page."
111          },
112          "activeMatchOrdinal": {
113            "type": "integer",
114            "description": "The ordinal number of the current match."
115          },
116          "selectionRect": {
117            "$ref": "SelectionRect",
118            "description": "Describes a rectangle around the active match in screen coordinates."
119          },
120          "canceled": {
121            "type": "boolean",
122            "description": "Indicates whether this find request was canceled."
123          }
124        }
125      },
126      {
127        "id": "FindOptions",
128        "type": "object",
129        "description": "Options for the find request.",
130        "properties": {
131          "backward": {
132            "type": "boolean",
133            "description": "Flag to find matches in reverse order. The default value is <code>false</code>.",
134            "optional": true
135          },
136          "matchCase": {
137            "type": "boolean",
138            "description": "Flag to match with case-sensitivity. The default value is <code>false</code>.",
139            "optional": true
140          }
141        }
142      },
143      {
144        "id": "NewWindow",
145        "type": "object",
146        "description": "Interface attached to <code>newwindow</code> DOM events.",
147        "functions": [
148          {
149            "name": "attach",
150            "description": "Attach the requested target page to an existing <code>webview</code> element.",
151            "parameters": [
152              {
153                "type": "object",
154                "name": "webview",
155                "description": "The <code>webview</code> element to which the target page should be attached.",
156                "properties": {}
157              }
158            ]
159          },
160          {
161            "name": "discard",
162            "description": "Cancel the new window request."
163          }
164        ]
165      },
166      {
167        "id": "MediaPermissionRequest",
168        "type": "object",
169        "description": "The type of <code>request</code> object which accompanies a <code>media</code> <a href=\"#event-permissionrequest\">permissionrequest</a></code> DOM event.",
170        "properties": {
171          "url": {
172            "description": "The URL of the frame requesting access to user media.",
173            "type": "string"
174          }
175        },
176        "functions": [
177          { "name": "allow", "description": "Allow the permission request." },
178          { "name": "deny", "description": "Deny the permission request. This is the default behavior if <code>allow</code> is not called." }
179        ]
180      },
181      {
182        "id": "GeolocationPermissionRequest",
183        "type": "object",
184        "description": "The type of <code>request</code> object which accompanies a <code>geolocation</code> <a href=\"#event-permissionrequest\">permissionrequest</a></code> DOM event.",
185        "properties": {
186          "url": {
187            "description": "The URL of the frame requesting access to geolocation data.",
188            "type": "string"
189          }
190        },
191        "functions": [
192          { "name": "allow", "description": "Allow the permission request." },
193          { "name": "deny", "description": "Deny the permission request. This is the default behavior if <code>allow</code> is not called." }
194        ]
195      },
196      {
197        "id": "PointerLockPermissionRequest",
198        "type": "object",
199        "description": "The type of <code>request</code> object which accompanies a <code>pointerLock</code> <a href=\"#event-permissionrequest\">permissionrequest</a></code> DOM event.",
200        "properties": {
201          "userGesture": {
202            "description": "Whether or not pointer lock was requested as a result of a user input gesture.",
203            "type": "boolean"
204          },
205          "lastUnlockedBySelf": {
206            "description": "Whether or not the requesting frame was the most recent client to hold pointer lock.",
207            "type": "boolean"
208          },
209          "url": {
210            "description": "The URL of the frame requesting pointer lock.",
211            "type": "string"
212          }
213        },
214        "functions": [
215          { "name": "allow", "description": "Allow the permission request." },
216          { "name": "deny", "description": "Deny the permission request. This is the default behavior if <code>allow</code> is not called." }
217        ]
218      },
219      {
220        "id": "DownloadPermissionRequest",
221        "type": "object",
222        "description": "The type of <code>request</code> object which accompanies a <code>download</code> <a href=\"#event-permissionrequest\">permissionrequest</a></code> DOM event.",
223        "properties": {
224          "requestMethod": {
225            "description": "The HTTP request type (e.g. <code>GET</code>) associated with the download request.",
226            "type": "string"
227          },
228          "url": {
229            "description": "The requested download URL.",
230            "type": "string"
231          }
232        },
233        "functions": [
234          { "name": "allow", "description": "Allow the permission request." },
235          { "name": "deny", "description": "Deny the permission request. This is the default behavior if <code>allow</code> is not called." }
236        ]
237      },
238      {
239        "id": "FileSystemPermissionRequest",
240        "type": "object",
241        "description": "The type of <code>request</code> object which accompanies a <code>filesystem</code> <a href=\"#event-permissionrequest\">permissionrequest</a></code> DOM event.",
242        "properties": {
243          "url": {
244            "description": "The URL of the frame requesting access to local file system.",
245            "type": "string"
246          }
247        },
248        "functions": [
249          { "name": "allow", "description": "Allow the permission request." },
250          { "name": "deny", "description": "Deny the permission request." }
251        ]
252      },
253      {
254        "id": "LoadPluginPermissionRequest",
255        "type": "object",
256        "description": "The type of <code>request</code> object which accompanies a <code>loadplugin</code> <a href=\"#event-permissionrequest\">permissionrequest</a> DOM event.<p>",
257        "properties": {
258          "identifier": {
259            "description": "The plugin's identifier string.",
260            "type": "string"
261          },
262          "name": {
263            "description": "The plugin's display name.",
264            "type": "string"
265          }
266        },
267        "functions": [
268          { "name": "allow", "description": "Allow the permission request. This is the default behavior if <code>deny</code> is not called.." },
269          { "name": "deny", "description": "Deny the permission request." }
270        ]
271      },
272      {
273        "id": "SelectionRect",
274        "type": "object",
275        "description": "<p>Describes a rectangle in screen coordinates.</p><p>The containment semantics are array-like; that is, the coordinate <code>(left, top)</code> is considered to be contained by the rectangle, but the coordinate <code>(left + width, top)</code> is not.</p>",
276        "properties": {
277          "left": {
278            "type": "integer",
279            "description": "Distance from the left edge of the screen to the left edge of the rectangle."
280          },
281          "top": {
282            "type": "integer",
283            "description": "Distance from the top edge of the screen to the top edge of the rectangle."
284          },
285          "width": {
286            "type": "integer",
287            "description": "Width of the rectangle."
288          },
289          "height": {
290            "type": "integer",
291            "description": "Height of the rectangle."
292          }
293        }
294      },
295      {
296        "id": "WebRequestEventInteface",
297        "type": "object",
298        "description": "Interface which provides access to webRequest events on the guest page. See the <a href=\"http://developer.chrome.com/extensions/webRequest\">chrome.webRequest</a> extensions API for details on webRequest life cycle and related concepts.<p>To illustrate how usage differs from the extensions webRequest API, consider the following example code which blocks any guest requests for URLs which match <code>*://www.evil.com/*</code>:</p><pre>webview.request.onBeforeRequest.addListener(\r  function(details) { return {cancel: true}; },\r  {urls: [\"*://www.evil.com/*\"]},\r  [\"blocking\"]);</pre><p>Additionally, this interface supports declarative webRequest rules through <code>onRequest</code> and <code>onMessage</code> events. See <a href=\"http://developer.chrome.com/extensions/declarativeWebRequest.html\">declarativeWebRequest</a> for API details.</p>Note that conditions and actions for declarative webview webRequests should be instantiated from their <code>chrome.webViewRequest.*</code> counterparts. The following example code declaratively blocks all requests to <code>\"example.com\"</code> on the webview <code>myWebview</code>:</p><pre>var rule = {\r  conditions: [\r    new chrome.webViewRequest.RequestMatcher({ url: { hostSuffix: 'example.com' } })\r  ],\r  actions: [ new chrome.webViewRequest.CancelRequest() ]\r};\rmyWebview.request.onRequest.addRules([rule]);</pre>",
299        "properties": {}
300      }
301    ],
302    "functions": [
303      {
304        "name": "back",
305        "type": "function",
306        "description": "Navigates backward one history entry if possible. Equivalent to <code>go(-1)</code>."
307      },
308      {
309        "name": "canGoBack",
310        "type": "function",
311        "returns": { "type": "boolean" },
312        "description": "Indicates whether or not it is possible to navigate backward through history."
313      },
314      {
315        "name": "canGoForward",
316        "type": "function",
317        "returns": { "type": "boolean" },
318        "description": "Indicates whether or not it is possible to navigate forward through history."
319      },
320      {
321        "name": "clearData",
322        "type": "function",
323        "description": "<p>Clears browsing data for the <code>webview</code> partition.</p>",
324        "parameters": [
325          {
326            "name": "options",
327            "$ref": "ClearDataOptions",
328            "description": "Options determining exactly what data to clear."
329          },
330          {
331            "name": "types",
332            "$ref": "ClearDataTypeSet",
333            "description": "The types of data to be cleared."
334          },
335          {
336            "type": "function",
337            "name": "callback",
338            "optional": true,
339            "description": "Called after the data has been successfully cleared.",
340            "parameters": []
341          }
342        ]
343      },
344      {
345        "name": "executeScript",
346        "type": "function",
347        "description": "<p>Injects JavaScript code into the guest page.</p><p>The following sample code uses script injection to set the guest page's background color to red:</p><pre>webview.executeScript({ code: \"document.body.style.backgroundColor = 'red'\" });</pre>",
348        "parameters": [
349          {
350            "$ref": "InjectDetails",
351            "name": "details",
352            "description": "Details of the script to run."
353          },
354          {
355            "type": "function",
356            "name": "callback",
357            "optional": true,
358            "description": "Called after all the JavaScript has been executed.",
359            "parameters": [
360              {
361                "name": "result",
362                "optional": true,
363                "type": "array",
364                "items": {"type": "any", "minimum": 0},
365                "description": "The result of the script in every injected frame."
366              }
367            ]
368          }
369        ]
370      },
371      {
372        "name": "find",
373        "type": "function",
374        "description": "Initiates a find-in-page request.",
375        "parameters": [
376          {
377            "type": "string",
378            "name": "searchText",
379            "description": "The string to find in the page."
380          },
381          {
382            "$ref": "FindOptions",
383            "name": "options",
384            "optional": true,
385            "description": "Options for the find request."
386          },
387          {
388            "type": "function",
389            "name": "callback",
390            "description": "Called after all find results have been returned for this find request.",
391            "optional": true,
392            "parameters": [
393              {
394                "$ref": "FindCallbackResults",
395                "name": "results",
396                "description": "Contains all of the results of the find request. <code>results</code> can be omitted if it is not utilized in the callback function body; for example, if the callback is only used to discern when the find request has completed.",
397                "optional": true
398              }
399            ]
400          }
401        ]
402      },
403      {
404        "name": "forward",
405        "type": "function",
406        "description": "Navigates forward one history entry if possible. Equivalent to <code>go(1)</code>.",
407        "parameters": []
408      },
409      {
410        "name": "getProcessId",
411        "type": "function",
412        "returns": { "type": "integer" },
413        "description": "Returns Chrome's internal process ID for the guest web page's current process, allowing embedders to know how many guests would be affected by terminating the process. Two guests will share a process only if they belong to the same app and have the same <a href=\"#partition\">storage partition ID</a>. The call is synchronous and returns the embedder's cached notion of the current process ID. The process ID isn't the same as the operating system's process ID.",
414        "parameters": []
415      },
416      {
417        "name": "getUserAgent",
418        "type": "function",
419        "returns": { "type": "string" },
420        "description": "Returns the user agent string used by the webview for guest page requests.",
421        "parameters": []
422      },
423      {
424        "name": "getZoom",
425	"type": "function",
426        "description": "Gets the current zoom factor.",
427	"parameters": [
428	  {
429            "type": "function",
430            "name": "callback",
431            "description": "Called after the current zoom factor is retreived.",
432            "parameters": [
433              {
434                "type": "number",
435                "name": "zoomFactor",
436                "description": "The current zoom factor."
437              }
438            ]
439	  }
440        ]
441      },
442      {
443        "name": "go",
444        "type": "function",
445        "description": "Navigates to a history entry using a history index relative to the current navigation. If the requested navigation is impossible, this method has no effect.",
446        "parameters": [
447          {
448            "type": "integer",
449            "name": "relativeIndex",
450            "description": "Relative history index to which the webview should be navigated. For example, a value of <code>2</code> will navigate forward 2 history entries if possible; a value of <code>-3</code> will navigate backward 3 entries."
451          }
452        ]
453      },
454      {
455        "name": "insertCSS",
456        "type": "function",
457        "description": "Injects CSS into the guest page.",
458        "parameters": [
459          {
460            "$ref": "InjectDetails",
461            "name": "details",
462            "description": "Details of the CSS to insert."
463          },
464          {
465            "type": "function",
466            "name": "callback",
467            "optional": true,
468            "description": "Called after the CSS has been inserted.",
469            "parameters": []
470          }
471        ]
472      },
473      {
474        "name": "isUserAgentOverridden",
475        "type": "function",
476        "description": "Indicates whether or not the webview's user agent string has been overridden by $(ref:webviewTag.setUserAgentOverride)"
477      },
478      {
479        "name": "reload",
480        "type": "function",
481        "description": "Reloads the current top-level page.",
482        "parameters": []
483      },
484      {
485        "name": "setUserAgentOverride",
486        "type": "function",
487        "description": "Override the user agent string used by the webview for guest page requests.",
488        "parameters": [
489          {
490            "name": "userAgent",
491            "type": "string",
492            "description": "The user agent string to use."
493          }
494        ]
495      },
496      {
497        "name": "setZoom",
498        "type": "function",
499        "description": "Changes the zoom factor of the page. This zoom will persist for the page's origin, even after navigation.",
500        "parameters": [
501          {
502            "type": "number",
503            "name": "zoomFactor",
504            "description" : "The new zoom factor."
505          },
506	  {
507            "type": "function",
508            "name": "callback",
509            "description": "Called after the page has been zoomed.",
510            "optional": true,
511            "parameters": []
512	  }
513        ]
514      },
515      {
516        "name": "stop",
517        "type": "function",
518        "description": "Stops loading the current &lt;webview> navigation if in progress.",
519        "parameters": []
520      },
521      {
522        "name": "stopFinding",
523        "type": "function",
524        "description": "Ends the current find session (clearing all highlighting) and cancels all find requests in progress.",
525        "parameters": [
526          {
527            "type": "string",
528            "name": "action",
529            "description": "Determines what to do with the active match after the find session has ended. <code>clear</code> will clear the highlighting over the active match; <code>keep</code> will keep the active match highlighted; <code>activate</code> will keep the active match highlighted and simulate a user click on that match. The default action is <code>keep</code>.",
530            "optional": true,
531            "enum": ["clear", "keep", "activate"]
532          }
533        ]
534      },
535      {
536        "name": "terminate",
537        "type": "function",
538        "description": "Forcibly kills the guest web page's renderer process. This may affect multiple <code>webview</code> tags in the current app if they share the same process, but it will not affect <code>webview</code> tags in other apps.",
539        "parameters": []
540      }
541    ],
542    "events": [
543      {
544        "name": "close",
545        "options": { "supportsDom": true },
546        "description": "Fired when the guest window attempts to close itself.<p>The following example code navigates the webview to <code>about:blank</code> when the guest attempts to close itself.</p><pre>webview.addEventListener('close', function() {\r  webview.src = 'about:blank';\r});</pre>",
547        "parameters": []
548      },
549      {
550        "name": "consolemessage",
551        "options": { "supportsDom": true },
552        "description": "Fired when the guest window logs a console message.<p>The following example code forwards all log messages to the embedder's console without regard for log level or other properties.</p><pre>webview.addEventListener('consolemessage', function(e) {\r  console.log('Guest page logged a message: ', e.message);\r});</pre>",
553        "parameters": [
554          {
555            "name": "level",
556            "description": "The severity level of the log message. Ranges from 0 to 4.",
557            "type": "integer"
558          },
559          {
560            "name": "message",
561            "description": "The logged message contents.",
562            "type": "string"
563          },
564          {
565            "name": "line",
566            "description": "The line number of the message source.",
567            "type": "integer"
568          },
569          {
570            "name": "sourceId",
571            "description": "A string identifying the resource which logged the message.",
572            "type": "string"
573          }
574        ]
575      },
576      {
577        "name": "contentload",
578        "options": { "supportsDom": true },
579        "description": "Fired when the guest window fires a <code>load</code> event, i.e., when a new document is loaded. This does <em>not</em> include page navigation within the current document or asynchronous resource loads. <p>The following example code modifies the default font size of the guest's <code>body</code> element after the page loads:</p><pre>webview.addEventListener('contentload', function() {\r  webview.executeScript({ code: 'document.body.style.fontSize = \"42px\"' });\r});</pre>",
580        "parameters": []
581      },
582      {
583        "name": "dialog",
584        "options": { "supportsDom": true },
585        "description": "Fired when the guest window attempts to open a modal dialog via <code>window.alert</code>, <code>window.confirm</code>, or <code>window.prompt</code>.<p>Handling this event will block the guest process until each event listener returns or the <code>dialog</code> object becomes unreachable (if <code>preventDefault()</code> was called.)</p><p>The default behavior is to cancel the dialog.</p>",
586        "parameters": [
587          {
588            "name": "messageType",
589            "type": "string",
590            "enum": ["alert", "confirm", "prompt"],
591            "description": "The type of modal dialog requested by the guest."
592          },
593          {
594            "name": "messageText",
595            "type": "string",
596            "description": "The text the guest attempted to display in the modal dialog."
597          },
598          {
599            "name": "dialog",
600            "$ref": "DialogController",
601            "description": "An interface that can be used to respond to the guest's modal request."
602          }
603        ]
604      },
605      {
606        "name": "exit",
607        "options": { "supportsDom": true },
608        "description": "Fired when the process rendering the guest web content has exited.<p>The following example code will show a farewell message whenever the guest page crashes:</p><pre>webview.addEventListener('exit', function(e) {\r  if (e.reason === 'crash') {\r    webview.src = 'data:text/plain,Goodbye, world!';\r  }\r});</pre>",
609        "parameters": [
610          {
611            "name": "processID",
612            "description": "Chrome's interal ID of the process that exited.",
613            "type": "integer"
614          },
615          {
616            "name": "reason",
617            "description": "String indicating the reason for the exit.",
618            "type": "string",
619            "enum": ["normal", "abnormal", "crash", "kill"]
620          }
621        ]
622      },
623      {
624        "name": "findupdate",
625        "options": { "supportsDom": true },
626        "description": "Fired when new find results are available for an active find request. This might happen multiple times for a single find request as matches are found.",
627        "parameters": [
628          {
629            "name": "searchText",
630            "type": "string",
631            "description": "The string that is being searched for in the page."
632          },
633          {
634            "name": "numberOfMatches",
635            "type": "integer",
636            "description": "The number of matches found for <code>searchText</code> on the page so far."
637          },
638          {
639            "name": "activeMatchOrdinal",
640            "type": "integer",
641            "description": "The ordinal number of the current active match, if it has been found. This will be <code>0</code> until then."
642          },
643          {
644            "name": "selectionRect",
645            "$ref": "SelectionRect",
646            "description": "Describes a rectangle around the active match, if it has been found, in screen coordinates."
647          },
648          {
649            "name": "canceled",
650            "type": "boolean",
651            "description": "Indicates whether the find request was canceled."
652          },
653          {
654            "name": "finalUpdate",
655            "type": "string",
656            "description": "Indicates that all find requests have completed and that no more <code>findupdate</code> events will be fired until more find requests are made."
657          }
658        ]
659      },
660      {
661        "name": "loadabort",
662        "options": { "supportsDom": true },
663        "description": "Fired when a top-level load has aborted without committing. <p class=\"note\"><strong>Note:</strong> When a resource load is aborted, a <code>loadabort</code> event will eventually be followed by a <code>loadstop</code> event, even if all committed loads since the last <code>loadstop</code> event (if any) were aborted.</p>",
664        "parameters": [
665          {
666            "name": "url",
667            "description": "Requested URL.",
668            "type": "string"
669          },
670          {
671            "name": "isTopLevel",
672            "description": "Whether the load was top-level or in a subframe.",
673            "type": "boolean"
674          },
675          {
676            "name": "reason",
677            "description": "String indicating what type of abort occurred.",
678            "type": "string",
679            "enum": ["networkError", "download", "canceled", "sslError", "safeBrowsingError"]
680          }
681        ]
682      },
683      {
684        "name": "loadcommit",
685        "options": { "supportsDom": true },
686        "description": "Fired when a load has committed. This includes navigation within the current document as well as subframe document-level loads, but does <em>not</em> include asynchronous resource loads.",
687        "parameters": [
688          {
689            "name": "url",
690            "description": "The URL that committed.",
691            "type": "string"
692          },
693          {
694            "name": "isTopLevel",
695            "description": "Whether the load is top-level or in a subframe.",
696            "type": "boolean"
697          }
698        ]
699      },
700      {
701        "name": "loadredirect",
702        "options": { "supportsDom": true },
703        "description": "Fired when a top-level load request has redirected to a different URL.",
704        "parameters": [
705          {
706            "name": "oldUrl",
707            "description": "The requested URL before the redirect.",
708            "type": "string"
709          },
710          {
711            "name": "newUrl",
712            "description": "The new URL after the redirect.",
713            "type": "string"
714          },
715          {
716            "name": "isTopLevel",
717            "description": "Whether or not the redirect happened at top-level or in a subframe.",
718            "type": "boolean"
719          }
720        ]
721      },
722      {
723        "name": "loadstart",
724        "options": { "supportsDom": true },
725        "description": "Fired when a load has begun.",
726        "parameters": [
727          {
728            "name": "url",
729            "description": "Requested URL.",
730            "type": "string"
731          },
732          {
733            "name": "isTopLevel",
734            "description": "Whether the load is top-level or in a subframe.",
735            "type": "boolean"
736          }
737        ]
738      },
739      {
740        "name": "loadstop",
741        "options": { "supportsDom": true },
742        "description": "Fired when all frame-level loads in a guest page (including all its subframes) have completed. This includes navigation within the current document as well as subframe document-level loads, but does <em>not</em> include asynchronous resource loads. This event fires every time the number of document-level loads transitions from one (or more) to zero. For example, if a page that has already finished loading (i.e., <code>loadstop</code> already fired once) creates a new iframe which loads a page, then a second <code>loadstop</code> will fire when the iframe page load completes. This pattern is commonly observed on pages that load ads. <p class=\"note\"><strong>Note:</strong> When a committed load is aborted, a <code>loadstop</code> event will eventually follow a <code>loadabort</code> event, even if all committed loads since the last <code>loadstop</code> event (if any) were aborted.</p>",
743        "parameters": []
744      },
745      {
746        "name": "newwindow",
747        "options": { "supportsDom": true },
748        "description": "Fired when the guest page attempts to open a new browser window.<p>The following example code will create and navigate a new <code>webview</code> in the embedder for each requested new window:</p><pre>webview.addEventListener('newwindow', function(e) {\r  var newWebview = document.createElement('webview');\r  document.body.appendChild(newWebview);\r  e.window.attach(newWebview);\r});</pre>",
749        "parameters": [
750          {
751            "name": "window",
752            "description": "An interface that can be used to either attach the requested target page to an existing <code>webview</code> element or explicitly discard the request.",
753            "$ref": "NewWindow"
754          },
755          {
756            "name": "targetUrl",
757            "description": "The target URL requested for the new window.",
758            "type": "string"
759          },
760          {
761            "name": "initialWidth",
762            "description": "The initial width requested for the new window.",
763            "type": "number"
764          },
765          {
766            "name": "initialHeight",
767            "description": "The initial height requested for the new window.",
768            "type": "number"
769          },
770          {
771            "name": "name",
772            "description": "The requested name of the new window.",
773            "type": "string"
774          },
775          {
776            "name": "windowOpenDisposition",
777            "description": "The requested disposition of the new window.",
778            "type": "string",
779            "enum": ["ignore", "save_to_disk", "current_tab", "new_background_tab", "new_foreground_tab", "new_window", "new_popup"]
780          }
781        ]
782      },
783      {
784        "name": "permissionrequest",
785        "options": { "supportsDom": true },
786        "description": "Fired when the guest page needs to request special permission from the embedder.<p>The following example code will grant the guest page access to the <code>webkitGetUserMedia</code> API. Note that an app using this example code must itself specify <code>audioCapture</code> and/or <code>videoCapture</code> manifest permissions:</p><pre>webview.addEventListener('permissionrequest', function(e) {\r  if (e.permission === 'media') {\r    e.request.allow();\r  }\r});</pre>",
787        "parameters": [
788          {
789            "name": "permission",
790            "description": "The type of permission being requested.",
791            "type": "string",
792            "enum": ["media", "geolocation", "pointerLock", "download", "loadplugin", "filesystem"]
793          },
794          {
795            "name": "requestId",
796            "description": "A number which uniquely identifies this request from the guest.",
797            "type": "integer"
798          },
799          {
800            "name": "request",
801            "type": "object",
802            "properties": {},
803            "description": "An object which holds details of the requested permission. Depending on the type of permission requested, this may be a $(ref:webviewTag.MediaPermissionRequest), $(ref:webviewTag.GeolocationPermissionRequest), $(ref:webviewTag.PointerLockPermissionRequest), $(ref:webviewTag.DownloadPermissionRequest), or $(ref:webviewTag.LoadPluginPermissionRequest)."
804          }
805        ]
806      },
807      {
808        "name": "responsive",
809        "options": { "supportsDom": true },
810        "description": "Fired when the process rendering the guest web content has become responsive again after being unresponsive.<p>The following example code will fade the <code>webview</code> element in or out as it becomes responsive or unresponsive:</p><pre>webview.style.webkitTransition = 'opacity 250ms';\rwebview.addEventListener('unresponsive', function() {\r  webview.style.opacity = '0.5';\r});\rwebview.addEventListener('responsive', function() {\r  webview.style.opacity = '1';\r});</pre>",
811        "parameters": [
812          {
813            "name": "processID",
814            "description": "Chrome's internal ID of the process that became responsive.",
815            "type": "integer"
816          }
817        ]
818      },
819      {
820        "name": "sizechanged",
821        "options": { "supportsDom": true },
822        "description": "Fired when the embedded web content has been resized. Only fires if <code>autosize</code> is enabled.",
823        "parameters": [
824          {
825            "name": "oldWidth",
826            "description": "Old width of embedded web content.",
827            "type": "number"
828          },
829          {
830            "name": "oldHeight",
831            "description": "Old height of embedded web content.",
832            "type": "number"
833          },
834          {
835            "name": "newWidth",
836            "description": "New width of embedded web content.",
837            "type": "number"
838          },
839          {
840            "name": "newHeight",
841            "description": "New height of embedded web content.",
842            "type": "number"
843          }
844        ]
845      },
846      {
847        "name": "unresponsive",
848        "options": { "supportsDom": true },
849        "description": "Fired when the process rendering the guest web content has become unresponsive. This event will be generated once with a matching responsive event if the guest begins to respond again.",
850        "parameters": [
851          {
852            "name": "processID",
853            "description": "Chrome's internal ID of the process that has become unresponsive.",
854            "type": "integer"
855          }
856        ]
857      },
858      {
859        "name": "zoomchange",
860        "options": { "supportsDom": true },
861        "description": "Fired when the page's zoom changes.",
862        "parameters": [
863          {
864            "name": "oldZoomFactor",
865            "type": "number",
866            "description": "The page's previous zoom factor."
867          },
868          {
869            "name": "newZoomFactor",
870            "type": "number",
871            "description": "The new zoom factor that the page was zoomed to."
872          }
873        ]
874      }
875    ],
876    "properties": {
877      "contentWindow": {
878        "$ref": "ContentWindow",
879        "description": "Object reference which can be used to post messages into the guest page."
880      },
881      "request": {
882        "$ref": "WebRequestEventInteface",
883        "description": "Interface which provides access to webRequest events on the guest page."
884      }
885    }
886  }