1// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. 2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 3// found in the LICENSE file. 4 5#include "components/metrics/metrics_pref_names.h" 6 7namespace metrics { 8namespace prefs { 9 10// The metrics client GUID. 11// Note: The name client_id2 is a result of creating 12// new prefs to do a one-time reset of the previous values. 13const char kMetricsClientID[] = "user_experience_metrics.client_id2"; 14 15// Array of strings that are each UMA logs that were supposed to be sent in the 16// first minute of a browser session. These logs include things like crash count 17// info, etc. 18const char kMetricsInitialLogs[] = 19 "user_experience_metrics.initial_logs_list"; 20const char kMetricsInitialLogsOld[] = 21 "user_experience_metrics.initial_logs_as_protobufs"; 22 23// The metrics entropy source. 24// Note: The name low_entropy_source2 is a result of creating 25// new prefs to do a one-time reset of the previous values. 26const char kMetricsLowEntropySource[] = 27 "user_experience_metrics.low_entropy_source2"; 28 29// A machine ID used to detect when underlying hardware changes. It is only 30// stored locally and never transmitted in metrics reports. 31const char kMetricsMachineId[] = "user_experience_metrics.machine_id"; 32 33// Old client id and low entropy source values, cleared the first time this 34// version is launched. 35// TODO(asvitkine): Delete these after a few releases have gone by and old 36// values have been cleaned up. http://crbug.com/357704 37const char kMetricsOldClientID[] = "user_experience_metrics.client_id"; 38const char kMetricsOldLowEntropySource[] = 39 "user_experience_metrics.low_entropy_source"; 40 41// Array of strings that are each UMA logs that were not sent because the 42// browser terminated before these accumulated metrics could be sent. These 43// logs typically include histograms and memory reports, as well as ongoing 44// user activities. 45const char kMetricsOngoingLogs[] = 46 "user_experience_metrics.ongoing_logs_list"; 47const char kMetricsOngoingLogsOld[] = 48 "user_experience_metrics.ongoing_logs_as_protobufs"; 49 50// Boolean that indicates a cloned install has been detected and the metrics 51// client id and low entropy source should be reset. 52const char kMetricsResetIds[] = "user_experience_metrics.reset_metrics_ids"; 53 54// Date/time when the user opted in to UMA and generated the client id for the 55// very first time (local machine time, stored as a 64-bit time_t value). 56const char kMetricsReportingEnabledTimestamp[] = 57 "user_experience_metrics.client_id_timestamp"; 58 59// The metrics client session ID. 60const char kMetricsSessionID[] = "user_experience_metrics.session_id"; 61 62// Number of times the browser has been able to register crash reporting. 63const char kStabilityBreakpadRegistrationSuccess[] = 64 "user_experience_metrics.stability.breakpad_registration_ok"; 65 66// Number of times the browser has failed to register crash reporting. 67const char kStabilityBreakpadRegistrationFail[] = 68 "user_experience_metrics.stability.breakpad_registration_fail"; 69 70// Number of times the application exited uncleanly since the last report. 71const char kStabilityCrashCount[] = 72 "user_experience_metrics.stability.crash_count"; 73 74// Number of times the browser has been run under a debugger. 75const char kStabilityDebuggerPresent[] = 76 "user_experience_metrics.stability.debugger_present"; 77 78// Number of times the browser has not been run under a debugger. 79const char kStabilityDebuggerNotPresent[] = 80 "user_experience_metrics.stability.debugger_not_present"; 81 82// An enum value to indicate the execution phase the browser was in. 83const char kStabilityExecutionPhase[] = 84 "user_experience_metrics.stability.execution_phase"; 85 86// True if the previous run of the program exited cleanly. 87const char kStabilityExitedCleanly[] = 88 "user_experience_metrics.stability.exited_cleanly"; 89 90// Number of times the session end did not complete. 91const char kStabilityIncompleteSessionEndCount[] = 92 "user_experience_metrics.stability.incomplete_session_end_count"; 93 94// Time when the app was last known to be running, in seconds since 95// the epoch. 96const char kStabilityLastTimestampSec[] = 97 "user_experience_metrics.stability.last_timestamp_sec"; 98 99// Number of times the application was launched since last report. 100const char kStabilityLaunchCount[] = 101 "user_experience_metrics.stability.launch_count"; 102 103// Time when the app was last launched, in seconds since the epoch. 104const char kStabilityLaunchTimeSec[] = 105 "user_experience_metrics.stability.launch_time_sec"; 106 107// Base64 encoded serialized UMA system profile proto from the previous session. 108const char kStabilitySavedSystemProfile[] = 109 "user_experience_metrics.stability.saved_system_profile"; 110 111// SHA-1 hash of the serialized UMA system profile proto (hex encoded). 112const char kStabilitySavedSystemProfileHash[] = 113 "user_experience_metrics.stability.saved_system_profile_hash"; 114 115// False if we received a session end and either we crashed during processing 116// the session end or ran out of time and windows terminated us. 117const char kStabilitySessionEndCompleted[] = 118 "user_experience_metrics.stability.session_end_completed"; 119 120// Build time, in seconds since an epoch, which is used to assure that stability 121// metrics reported reflect stability of the same build. 122const char kStabilityStatsBuildTime[] = 123 "user_experience_metrics.stability.stats_buildtime"; 124 125// Version string of previous run, which is used to assure that stability 126// metrics reported under current version reflect stability of the same version. 127const char kStabilityStatsVersion[] = 128 "user_experience_metrics.stability.stats_version"; 129 130// The keys below are strictly increasing counters over the lifetime of 131// a chrome installation. They are (optionally) sent up to the uninstall 132// survey in the event of uninstallation. 133const char kUninstallLaunchCount[] = "uninstall_metrics.launch_count"; 134const char kUninstallMetricsUptimeSec[] = "uninstall_metrics.uptime_sec"; 135 136} // namespace prefs 137} // namespace metrics 138