1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5// VideoCaptureManager is used to open/close, start/stop, enumerate available
6// video capture devices, and manage VideoCaptureController's.
7// All functions are expected to be called from Browser::IO thread. Some helper
8// functions (*OnDeviceThread) will dispatch operations to the device thread.
9// VideoCaptureManager will open OS dependent instances of VideoCaptureDevice.
10// A device can only be opened once.
15#include <map>
16#include <set>
17#include <string>
19#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
20#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
21#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
22#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
23#include "base/timer/elapsed_timer.h"
24#include "content/browser/renderer_host/media/media_stream_provider.h"
25#include "content/browser/renderer_host/media/video_capture_controller_event_handler.h"
26#include "content/common/content_export.h"
27#include "content/common/media/media_stream_options.h"
28#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
29#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device_factory.h"
30#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_types.h"
32namespace content {
33class VideoCaptureController;
34class VideoCaptureControllerEventHandler;
36// VideoCaptureManager opens/closes and start/stops video capture devices.
37class CONTENT_EXPORT VideoCaptureManager : public MediaStreamProvider {
38 public:
39  // Callback used to signal the completion of a controller lookup.
40  typedef base::Callback<
41      void(const base::WeakPtr<VideoCaptureController>&)> DoneCB;
43  explicit VideoCaptureManager(
44      scoped_ptr<media::VideoCaptureDeviceFactory> factory);
46  // Implements MediaStreamProvider.
47  virtual void Register(MediaStreamProviderListener* listener,
48                        const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>&
49                            device_task_runner) OVERRIDE;
51  virtual void Unregister() OVERRIDE;
53  virtual void EnumerateDevices(MediaStreamType stream_type) OVERRIDE;
55  virtual int Open(const StreamDeviceInfo& device) OVERRIDE;
57  virtual void Close(int capture_session_id) OVERRIDE;
59  // Called by VideoCaptureHost to locate a capture device for |capture_params|,
60  // adding the Host as a client of the device's controller if successful. The
61  // value of |session_id| controls which device is selected;
62  // this value should be a session id previously returned by Open().
63  //
64  // If the device is not already started (i.e., no other client is currently
65  // capturing from this device), this call will cause a VideoCaptureController
66  // and VideoCaptureDevice to be created, possibly asynchronously.
67  //
68  // On success, the controller is returned via calling |done_cb|, indicating
69  // that the client was successfully added. A NULL controller is passed to
70  // the callback on failure.
71  void StartCaptureForClient(media::VideoCaptureSessionId session_id,
72                             const media::VideoCaptureParams& capture_params,
73                             base::ProcessHandle client_render_process,
74                             VideoCaptureControllerID client_id,
75                             VideoCaptureControllerEventHandler* client_handler,
76                             const DoneCB& done_cb);
78  // Called by VideoCaptureHost to remove |client_handler|. If this is the last
79  // client of the device, the |controller| and its VideoCaptureDevice may be
80  // destroyed. The client must not access |controller| after calling this
81  // function.
82  void StopCaptureForClient(VideoCaptureController* controller,
83                            VideoCaptureControllerID client_id,
84                            VideoCaptureControllerEventHandler* client_handler,
85                            bool aborted_due_to_error);
87  // Retrieves all capture supported formats for a particular device. Returns
88  // false if the |capture_session_id| is not found. The supported formats are
89  // cached during device(s) enumeration, and depending on the underlying
90  // implementation, could be an empty list.
91  bool GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
92      media::VideoCaptureSessionId capture_session_id,
93      media::VideoCaptureFormats* supported_formats);
95  // Retrieves the format(s) currently in use.  Returns false if the
96  // |capture_session_id| is not found. Returns true and |formats_in_use|
97  // otherwise. |formats_in_use| is empty if the device is not in use.
98  bool GetDeviceFormatsInUse(media::VideoCaptureSessionId capture_session_id,
99                             media::VideoCaptureFormats* formats_in_use);
101  // Sets the platform-dependent window ID for the desktop capture notification
102  // UI for the given session.
103  void SetDesktopCaptureWindowId(media::VideoCaptureSessionId session_id,
104                                 gfx::NativeViewId window_id);
106  // Gets a weak reference to the device factory, used for tests.
107  media::VideoCaptureDeviceFactory* video_capture_device_factory() const {
108    return video_capture_device_factory_.get();
109  }
111 private:
112  virtual ~VideoCaptureManager();
113  struct DeviceEntry;
115  // This data structure is a convenient wrap of a devices' name and associated
116  // video capture supported formats.
117  struct DeviceInfo {
118    DeviceInfo();
119    DeviceInfo(const media::VideoCaptureDevice::Name& name,
120               const media::VideoCaptureFormats& supported_formats);
121    ~DeviceInfo();
123    media::VideoCaptureDevice::Name name;
124    media::VideoCaptureFormats supported_formats;
125  };
126  typedef std::vector<DeviceInfo> DeviceInfos;
128  // Checks to see if |entry| has no clients left on its controller. If so,
129  // remove it from the list of devices, and delete it asynchronously. |entry|
130  // may be freed by this function.
131  void DestroyDeviceEntryIfNoClients(DeviceEntry* entry);
133  // Helpers to report an event to our Listener.
134  void OnOpened(MediaStreamType type,
135                media::VideoCaptureSessionId capture_session_id);
136  void OnClosed(MediaStreamType type,
137                media::VideoCaptureSessionId capture_session_id);
138  void OnDevicesInfoEnumerated(MediaStreamType stream_type,
139                               base::ElapsedTimer* timer,
140                               const DeviceInfos& new_devices_info_cache);
142  // Finds a DeviceEntry by its device ID and type, if it is already opened.
143  DeviceEntry* GetDeviceEntryForMediaStreamDevice(
144      const MediaStreamDevice& device_info);
146  // Finds a DeviceEntry entry for the indicated session, creating a fresh one
147  // if necessary. Returns NULL if the session id is invalid.
148  DeviceEntry* GetOrCreateDeviceEntry(
149      media::VideoCaptureSessionId capture_session_id);
151  // Finds the DeviceEntry that owns a particular controller pointer.
152  DeviceEntry* GetDeviceEntryForController(
153      const VideoCaptureController* controller) const;
155  bool IsOnDeviceThread() const;
157  // Consolidates the cached devices list with the list of currently connected
158  // devices in the system |names_snapshot|. Retrieves the supported formats of
159  // the new devices and sends the new cache to OnDevicesInfoEnumerated().
160  void ConsolidateDevicesInfoOnDeviceThread(
161      base::Callback<void(const DeviceInfos&)> on_devices_enumerated_callback,
162      MediaStreamType stream_type,
163      const DeviceInfos& old_device_info_cache,
164      scoped_ptr<media::VideoCaptureDevice::Names> names_snapshot);
166  // Creates and Starts a new VideoCaptureDevice, storing the result in
167  // |entry->video_capture_device|. Ownership of |client| passes to
168  // the device.
169  void DoStartDeviceOnDeviceThread(
170      media::VideoCaptureSessionId session_id,
171      DeviceEntry* entry,
172      const media::VideoCaptureParams& params,
173      scoped_ptr<media::VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client);
175  // Stops and destroys the VideoCaptureDevice held in
176  // |entry->video_capture_device|.
177  void DoStopDeviceOnDeviceThread(DeviceEntry* entry);
179  DeviceInfo* FindDeviceInfoById(const std::string& id,
180                                 DeviceInfos& device_vector);
182  void SetDesktopCaptureWindowIdOnDeviceThread(DeviceEntry* entry,
183                                               gfx::NativeViewId window_id);
185  void SaveDesktopCaptureWindowIdOnDeviceThread(
186      media::VideoCaptureSessionId session_id,
187      gfx::NativeViewId window_id);
189  // The message loop of media stream device thread, where VCD's live.
190  scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> device_task_runner_;
192  // Only accessed on Browser::IO thread.
193  MediaStreamProviderListener* listener_;
194  media::VideoCaptureSessionId new_capture_session_id_;
196  typedef std::map<media::VideoCaptureSessionId, MediaStreamDevice> SessionMap;
197  // An entry is kept in this map for every session that has been created via
198  // the Open() entry point. The keys are session_id's. This map is used to
199  // determine which device to use when StartCaptureForClient() occurs. Used
200  // only on the IO thread.
201  SessionMap sessions_;
203  // An entry, kept in a map, that owns a VideoCaptureDevice and its associated
204  // VideoCaptureController. VideoCaptureManager owns all VideoCaptureDevices
205  // and VideoCaptureControllers and is responsible for deleting the instances
206  // when they are not used any longer.
207  //
208  // The set of currently started VideoCaptureDevice and VideoCaptureController
209  // objects is only accessed from IO thread, though the DeviceEntry instances
210  // themselves may visit to the device thread for device creation and
211  // destruction.
212  struct DeviceEntry {
213    DeviceEntry(MediaStreamType stream_type,
214                const std::string& id,
215                scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureController> controller);
216    ~DeviceEntry();
218    const MediaStreamType stream_type;
219    const std::string id;
221    // The controller. Only used from the IO thread.
222    scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureController> video_capture_controller;
224    // The capture device. Only used from the device thread.
225    scoped_ptr<media::VideoCaptureDevice> video_capture_device;
226  };
227  typedef std::set<DeviceEntry*> DeviceEntries;
228  DeviceEntries devices_;
230  // Device creation factory injected on construction from MediaStreamManager or
231  // from the test harness.
232  scoped_ptr<media::VideoCaptureDeviceFactory> video_capture_device_factory_;
234  // Local cache of the enumerated video capture devices' names and capture
235  // supported formats. A snapshot of the current devices and their capabilities
236  // is composed in VideoCaptureDeviceFactory::EnumerateDeviceNames() and
237  // ConsolidateDevicesInfoOnDeviceThread(), and this snapshot is used to update
238  // this list in OnDevicesInfoEnumerated(). GetDeviceSupportedFormats() will
239  // use this list if the device is not started, otherwise it will retrieve the
240  // active device capture format from the VideoCaptureController associated.
241  DeviceInfos devices_info_cache_;
243  // Accessed on the device thread only.
244  std::map<media::VideoCaptureSessionId, gfx::NativeViewId>
245      notification_window_ids_;
247  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VideoCaptureManager);
250}  // namespace content