1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "content/zygote/zygote_main.h"
7#include <dlfcn.h>
8#include <fcntl.h>
9#include <pthread.h>
10#include <string.h>
11#include <sys/socket.h>
12#include <sys/types.h>
13#include <unistd.h>
15#include "base/basictypes.h"
16#include "base/bind.h"
17#include "base/command_line.h"
18#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
19#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
20#include "base/native_library.h"
21#include "base/pickle.h"
22#include "base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h"
23#include "base/posix/unix_domain_socket_linux.h"
24#include "base/rand_util.h"
25#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
26#include "base/sys_info.h"
27#include "build/build_config.h"
28#include "content/common/child_process_sandbox_support_impl_linux.h"
29#include "content/common/font_config_ipc_linux.h"
30#include "content/common/pepper_plugin_list.h"
31#include "content/common/sandbox_linux/sandbox_linux.h"
32#include "content/common/zygote_commands_linux.h"
33#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
34#include "content/public/common/main_function_params.h"
35#include "content/public/common/pepper_plugin_info.h"
36#include "content/public/common/sandbox_linux.h"
37#include "content/public/common/zygote_fork_delegate_linux.h"
38#include "content/zygote/zygote_linux.h"
39#include "crypto/nss_util.h"
40#include "sandbox/linux/services/init_process_reaper.h"
41#include "sandbox/linux/services/libc_urandom_override.h"
42#include "sandbox/linux/suid/client/setuid_sandbox_client.h"
43#include "third_party/icu/source/i18n/unicode/timezone.h"
44#include "third_party/skia/include/ports/SkFontConfigInterface.h"
46#if defined(OS_LINUX)
47#include <sys/prctl.h>
50#if defined(ENABLE_WEBRTC)
51#include "third_party/libjingle/overrides/init_webrtc.h"
54#if defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER)
55#include <sanitizer/asan_interface.h>
58namespace content {
60// See http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxZygote
62static void ProxyLocaltimeCallToBrowser(time_t input, struct tm* output,
63                                        char* timezone_out,
64                                        size_t timezone_out_len) {
65  Pickle request;
66  request.WriteInt(LinuxSandbox::METHOD_LOCALTIME);
67  request.WriteString(
68      std::string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&input), sizeof(input)));
70  uint8_t reply_buf[512];
71  const ssize_t r = UnixDomainSocket::SendRecvMsg(
72      GetSandboxFD(), reply_buf, sizeof(reply_buf), NULL,
73      request);
74  if (r == -1) {
75    memset(output, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
76    return;
77  }
79  Pickle reply(reinterpret_cast<char*>(reply_buf), r);
80  PickleIterator iter(reply);
81  std::string result, timezone;
82  if (!reply.ReadString(&iter, &result) ||
83      !reply.ReadString(&iter, &timezone) ||
84      result.size() != sizeof(struct tm)) {
85    memset(output, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
86    return;
87  }
89  memcpy(output, result.data(), sizeof(struct tm));
90  if (timezone_out_len) {
91    const size_t copy_len = std::min(timezone_out_len - 1, timezone.size());
92    memcpy(timezone_out, timezone.data(), copy_len);
93    timezone_out[copy_len] = 0;
94    output->tm_zone = timezone_out;
95  } else {
96    output->tm_zone = NULL;
97  }
100static bool g_am_zygote_or_renderer = false;
102// Sandbox interception of libc calls.
104// Because we are running in a sandbox certain libc calls will fail (localtime
105// being the motivating example - it needs to read /etc/localtime). We need to
106// intercept these calls and proxy them to the browser. However, these calls
107// may come from us or from our libraries. In some cases we can't just change
108// our code.
110// It's for these cases that we have the following setup:
112// We define global functions for those functions which we wish to override.
113// Since we will be first in the dynamic resolution order, the dynamic linker
114// will point callers to our versions of these functions. However, we have the
115// same binary for both the browser and the renderers, which means that our
116// overrides will apply in the browser too.
118// The global |g_am_zygote_or_renderer| is true iff we are in a zygote or
119// renderer process. It's set in ZygoteMain and inherited by the renderers when
120// they fork. (This means that it'll be incorrect for global constructor
121// functions and before ZygoteMain is called - beware).
123// Our replacement functions can check this global and either proxy
124// the call to the browser over the sandbox IPC
125// (http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxSandboxIPC) or they can use
126// dlsym with RTLD_NEXT to resolve the symbol, ignoring any symbols in the
127// current module.
129// Other avenues:
131// Our first attempt involved some assembly to patch the GOT of the current
132// module. This worked, but was platform specific and doesn't catch the case
133// where a library makes a call rather than current module.
135// We also considered patching the function in place, but this would again by
136// platform specific and the above technique seems to work well enough.
138typedef struct tm* (*LocaltimeFunction)(const time_t* timep);
139typedef struct tm* (*LocaltimeRFunction)(const time_t* timep,
140                                         struct tm* result);
142static pthread_once_t g_libc_localtime_funcs_guard = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
143static LocaltimeFunction g_libc_localtime;
144static LocaltimeFunction g_libc_localtime64;
145static LocaltimeRFunction g_libc_localtime_r;
146static LocaltimeRFunction g_libc_localtime64_r;
148static void InitLibcLocaltimeFunctions() {
149  g_libc_localtime = reinterpret_cast<LocaltimeFunction>(
150      dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "localtime"));
151  g_libc_localtime64 = reinterpret_cast<LocaltimeFunction>(
152      dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "localtime64"));
153  g_libc_localtime_r = reinterpret_cast<LocaltimeRFunction>(
154      dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "localtime_r"));
155  g_libc_localtime64_r = reinterpret_cast<LocaltimeRFunction>(
156      dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "localtime64_r"));
158  if (!g_libc_localtime || !g_libc_localtime_r) {
159    // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=16800
160    //
161    // Nvidia's libGL.so overrides dlsym for an unknown reason and replaces
162    // it with a version which doesn't work. In this case we'll get a NULL
163    // result. There's not a lot we can do at this point, so we just bodge it!
164    LOG(ERROR) << "Your system is broken: dlsym doesn't work! This has been "
165                  "reported to be caused by Nvidia's libGL. You should expect"
166                  " time related functions to misbehave. "
167                  "http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=16800";
168  }
170  if (!g_libc_localtime)
171    g_libc_localtime = gmtime;
172  if (!g_libc_localtime64)
173    g_libc_localtime64 = g_libc_localtime;
174  if (!g_libc_localtime_r)
175    g_libc_localtime_r = gmtime_r;
176  if (!g_libc_localtime64_r)
177    g_libc_localtime64_r = g_libc_localtime_r;
180// Define localtime_override() function with asm name "localtime", so that all
181// references to localtime() will resolve to this function. Notice that we need
182// to set visibility attribute to "default" to export the symbol, as it is set
183// to "hidden" by default in chrome per build/common.gypi.
184__attribute__ ((__visibility__("default")))
185struct tm* localtime_override(const time_t* timep) __asm__ ("localtime");
187__attribute__ ((__visibility__("default")))
188struct tm* localtime_override(const time_t* timep) {
189  if (g_am_zygote_or_renderer) {
190    static struct tm time_struct;
191    static char timezone_string[64];
192    ProxyLocaltimeCallToBrowser(*timep, &time_struct, timezone_string,
193                                sizeof(timezone_string));
194    return &time_struct;
195  } else {
196    CHECK_EQ(0, pthread_once(&g_libc_localtime_funcs_guard,
197                             InitLibcLocaltimeFunctions));
198    struct tm* res = g_libc_localtime(timep);
199#if defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER)
200    if (res) __msan_unpoison(res, sizeof(*res));
201    if (res->tm_zone) __msan_unpoison_string(res->tm_zone);
203    return res;
204  }
207// Use same trick to override localtime64(), localtime_r() and localtime64_r().
208__attribute__ ((__visibility__("default")))
209struct tm* localtime64_override(const time_t* timep) __asm__ ("localtime64");
211__attribute__ ((__visibility__("default")))
212struct tm* localtime64_override(const time_t* timep) {
213  if (g_am_zygote_or_renderer) {
214    static struct tm time_struct;
215    static char timezone_string[64];
216    ProxyLocaltimeCallToBrowser(*timep, &time_struct, timezone_string,
217                                sizeof(timezone_string));
218    return &time_struct;
219  } else {
220    CHECK_EQ(0, pthread_once(&g_libc_localtime_funcs_guard,
221                             InitLibcLocaltimeFunctions));
222    struct tm* res = g_libc_localtime64(timep);
223#if defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER)
224    if (res) __msan_unpoison(res, sizeof(*res));
225    if (res->tm_zone) __msan_unpoison_string(res->tm_zone);
227    return res;
228  }
231__attribute__ ((__visibility__("default")))
232struct tm* localtime_r_override(const time_t* timep,
233                                struct tm* result) __asm__ ("localtime_r");
235__attribute__ ((__visibility__("default")))
236struct tm* localtime_r_override(const time_t* timep, struct tm* result) {
237  if (g_am_zygote_or_renderer) {
238    ProxyLocaltimeCallToBrowser(*timep, result, NULL, 0);
239    return result;
240  } else {
241    CHECK_EQ(0, pthread_once(&g_libc_localtime_funcs_guard,
242                             InitLibcLocaltimeFunctions));
243    struct tm* res = g_libc_localtime_r(timep, result);
244#if defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER)
245    if (res) __msan_unpoison(res, sizeof(*res));
246    if (res->tm_zone) __msan_unpoison_string(res->tm_zone);
248    return res;
249  }
252__attribute__ ((__visibility__("default")))
253struct tm* localtime64_r_override(const time_t* timep,
254                                  struct tm* result) __asm__ ("localtime64_r");
256__attribute__ ((__visibility__("default")))
257struct tm* localtime64_r_override(const time_t* timep, struct tm* result) {
258  if (g_am_zygote_or_renderer) {
259    ProxyLocaltimeCallToBrowser(*timep, result, NULL, 0);
260    return result;
261  } else {
262    CHECK_EQ(0, pthread_once(&g_libc_localtime_funcs_guard,
263                             InitLibcLocaltimeFunctions));
264    struct tm* res = g_libc_localtime64_r(timep, result);
265#if defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER)
266    if (res) __msan_unpoison(res, sizeof(*res));
267    if (res->tm_zone) __msan_unpoison_string(res->tm_zone);
269    return res;
270  }
273#if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
274// Loads the (native) libraries but does not initialize them (i.e., does not
275// call PPP_InitializeModule). This is needed by the zygote on Linux to get
276// access to the plugins before entering the sandbox.
277void PreloadPepperPlugins() {
278  std::vector<PepperPluginInfo> plugins;
279  ComputePepperPluginList(&plugins);
280  for (size_t i = 0; i < plugins.size(); ++i) {
281    if (!plugins[i].is_internal && plugins[i].is_sandboxed) {
282      base::NativeLibraryLoadError error;
283      base::NativeLibrary library = base::LoadNativeLibrary(plugins[i].path,
284                                                            &error);
285      VLOG_IF(1, !library) << "Unable to load plugin "
286                           << plugins[i].path.value() << " "
287                           << error.ToString();
289      (void)library;  // Prevent release-mode warning.
290    }
291  }
295// This function triggers the static and lazy construction of objects that need
296// to be created before imposing the sandbox.
297static void ZygotePreSandboxInit() {
298  base::RandUint64();
300  base::SysInfo::AmountOfPhysicalMemory();
301  base::SysInfo::MaxSharedMemorySize();
302  base::SysInfo::NumberOfProcessors();
304  // ICU DateFormat class (used in base/time_format.cc) needs to get the
305  // Olson timezone ID by accessing the zoneinfo files on disk. After
306  // TimeZone::createDefault is called once here, the timezone ID is
307  // cached and there's no more need to access the file system.
308  scoped_ptr<icu::TimeZone> zone(icu::TimeZone::createDefault());
310#if defined(USE_NSS)
311  // NSS libraries are loaded before sandbox is activated. This is to allow
312  // successful initialization of NSS which tries to load extra library files.
313  crypto::LoadNSSLibraries();
314#elif defined(USE_OPENSSL)
315  // OpenSSL is intentionally not supported in the sandboxed processes, see
316  // http://crbug.com/99163. If that ever changes we'll likely need to init
317  // OpenSSL here (at least, load the library and error strings).
319  // It's possible that another hypothetical crypto stack would not require
320  // pre-sandbox init, but more likely this is just a build configuration error.
321  #error Which SSL library are you using?
323#if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
324  // Ensure access to the Pepper plugins before the sandbox is turned on.
325  PreloadPepperPlugins();
327#if defined(ENABLE_WEBRTC)
328  InitializeWebRtcModule();
330  SkFontConfigInterface::SetGlobal(
331      new FontConfigIPC(GetSandboxFD()))->unref();
334static bool CreateInitProcessReaper(base::Closure* post_fork_parent_callback) {
335  // The current process becomes init(1), this function returns from a
336  // newly created process.
337  const bool init_created =
338      sandbox::CreateInitProcessReaper(post_fork_parent_callback);
339  if (!init_created) {
340    LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating an init process to reap zombies";
341    return false;
342  }
343  return true;
346// Enter the setuid sandbox. This requires the current process to have been
347// created through the setuid sandbox.
348static bool EnterSuidSandbox(sandbox::SetuidSandboxClient* setuid_sandbox,
349                             base::Closure* post_fork_parent_callback) {
350  DCHECK(setuid_sandbox);
351  DCHECK(setuid_sandbox->IsSuidSandboxChild());
353  // Use the SUID sandbox.  This still allows the seccomp sandbox to
354  // be enabled by the process later.
356  if (!setuid_sandbox->IsSuidSandboxUpToDate()) {
357    LOG(WARNING) <<
358        "You are using a wrong version of the setuid binary!\n"
359        "Please read "
360        "https://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxSUIDSandboxDevelopment."
361        "\n\n";
362  }
364  if (!setuid_sandbox->ChrootMe())
365    return false;
367  if (setuid_sandbox->IsInNewPIDNamespace()) {
368    CHECK_EQ(1, getpid())
369        << "The SUID sandbox created a new PID namespace but Zygote "
370           "is not the init process. Please, make sure the SUID "
371           "binary is up to date.";
372  }
374  if (getpid() == 1) {
375    // The setuid sandbox has created a new PID namespace and we need
376    // to assume the role of init.
377    CHECK(CreateInitProcessReaper(post_fork_parent_callback));
378  }
380#if !defined(OS_OPENBSD)
381  // Previously, we required that the binary be non-readable. This causes the
382  // kernel to mark the process as non-dumpable at startup. The thinking was
383  // that, although we were putting the renderers into a PID namespace (with
384  // the SUID sandbox), they would nonetheless be in the /same/ PID
385  // namespace. So they could ptrace each other unless they were non-dumpable.
386  //
387  // If the binary was readable, then there would be a window between process
388  // startup and the point where we set the non-dumpable flag in which a
389  // compromised renderer could ptrace attach.
390  //
391  // However, now that we have a zygote model, only the (trusted) zygote
392  // exists at this point and we can set the non-dumpable flag which is
393  // inherited by all our renderer children.
394  //
395  // Note: a non-dumpable process can't be debugged. To debug sandbox-related
396  // issues, one can specify --allow-sandbox-debugging to let the process be
397  // dumpable.
398  const CommandLine& command_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
399  if (!command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kAllowSandboxDebugging)) {
400    prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
401    if (prctl(PR_GET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0)) {
402      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set non-dumpable flag";
403      return false;
404    }
405  }
408  return true;
411#if defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER)
412const size_t kSanitizerMaxMessageLength = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
414// A helper process which collects code coverage data from the renderers over a
415// socket and dumps it to a file. See http://crbug.com/336212 for discussion.
416static void SanitizerCoverageHelper(int socket_fd, int file_fd) {
417  scoped_ptr<char[]> buffer(new char[kSanitizerMaxMessageLength]);
418  while (true) {
419    ssize_t received_size = HANDLE_EINTR(
420        recv(socket_fd, buffer.get(), kSanitizerMaxMessageLength, 0));
421    PCHECK(received_size >= 0);
422    if (received_size == 0)
423      // All clients have closed the socket. We should die.
424      _exit(0);
425    PCHECK(file_fd >= 0);
426    ssize_t written_size = 0;
427    while (written_size < received_size) {
428      ssize_t write_res =
429          HANDLE_EINTR(write(file_fd, buffer.get() + written_size,
430                             received_size - written_size));
431      PCHECK(write_res >= 0);
432      written_size += write_res;
433    }
434    PCHECK(0 == HANDLE_EINTR(fsync(file_fd)));
435  }
438// fds[0] is the read end, fds[1] is the write end.
439static void CreateSanitizerCoverageSocketPair(int fds[2]) {
440  PCHECK(0 == socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0, fds));
441  PCHECK(0 == shutdown(fds[0], SHUT_WR));
442  PCHECK(0 == shutdown(fds[1], SHUT_RD));
445static pid_t ForkSanitizerCoverageHelper(int child_fd, int parent_fd,
446                                        base::ScopedFD file_fd) {
447  pid_t pid = fork();
448  PCHECK(pid >= 0);
449  if (pid == 0) {
450    // In the child.
451    PCHECK(0 == IGNORE_EINTR(close(parent_fd)));
452    SanitizerCoverageHelper(child_fd, file_fd.get());
453    _exit(0);
454  } else {
455    // In the parent.
456    PCHECK(0 == IGNORE_EINTR(close(child_fd)));
457    return pid;
458  }
461void CloseFdPair(const int fds[2]) {
462  PCHECK(0 == IGNORE_EINTR(close(fds[0])));
463  PCHECK(0 == IGNORE_EINTR(close(fds[1])));
465#endif  // defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER)
467// If |is_suid_sandbox_child|, then make sure that the setuid sandbox is
468// engaged.
469static void EnterLayerOneSandbox(LinuxSandbox* linux_sandbox,
470                                 bool is_suid_sandbox_child,
471                                 base::Closure* post_fork_parent_callback) {
472  DCHECK(linux_sandbox);
474  ZygotePreSandboxInit();
476  // Check that the pre-sandbox initialization didn't spawn threads.
477#if !defined(THREAD_SANITIZER)
478  DCHECK(linux_sandbox->IsSingleThreaded());
481  sandbox::SetuidSandboxClient* setuid_sandbox =
482      linux_sandbox->setuid_sandbox_client();
484  if (is_suid_sandbox_child) {
485    CHECK(EnterSuidSandbox(setuid_sandbox, post_fork_parent_callback))
486        << "Failed to enter setuid sandbox";
487  }
490bool ZygoteMain(const MainFunctionParams& params,
491                ScopedVector<ZygoteForkDelegate> fork_delegates) {
492  g_am_zygote_or_renderer = true;
493  sandbox::InitLibcUrandomOverrides();
495  base::Closure *post_fork_parent_callback = NULL;
497  LinuxSandbox* linux_sandbox = LinuxSandbox::GetInstance();
499#if defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER)
500  const std::string sancov_file_name =
501      "zygote." + base::Uint64ToString(base::RandUint64());
502  base::ScopedFD sancov_file_fd(
503      __sanitizer_maybe_open_cov_file(sancov_file_name.c_str()));
504  int sancov_socket_fds[2] = {-1, -1};
505  CreateSanitizerCoverageSocketPair(sancov_socket_fds);
506  linux_sandbox->sanitizer_args()->coverage_sandboxed = 1;
507  linux_sandbox->sanitizer_args()->coverage_fd = sancov_socket_fds[1];
508  linux_sandbox->sanitizer_args()->coverage_max_block_size =
509      kSanitizerMaxMessageLength;
510  // Zygote termination will block until the helper process exits, which will
511  // not happen until the write end of the socket is closed everywhere. Make
512  // sure the init process does not hold on to it.
513  base::Closure close_sancov_socket_fds =
514      base::Bind(&CloseFdPair, sancov_socket_fds);
515  post_fork_parent_callback = &close_sancov_socket_fds;
518  // This will pre-initialize the various sandboxes that need it.
519  linux_sandbox->PreinitializeSandbox();
521  const bool must_enable_setuid_sandbox =
522      linux_sandbox->setuid_sandbox_client()->IsSuidSandboxChild();
523  if (must_enable_setuid_sandbox) {
524    linux_sandbox->setuid_sandbox_client()->CloseDummyFile();
526    // Let the ZygoteHost know we're booting up.
527    CHECK(UnixDomainSocket::SendMsg(kZygoteSocketPairFd,
528                                    kZygoteBootMessage,
529                                    sizeof(kZygoteBootMessage),
530                                    std::vector<int>()));
531  }
533  VLOG(1) << "ZygoteMain: initializing " << fork_delegates.size()
534          << " fork delegates";
535  for (ScopedVector<ZygoteForkDelegate>::iterator i = fork_delegates.begin();
536       i != fork_delegates.end();
537       ++i) {
538    (*i)->Init(GetSandboxFD(), must_enable_setuid_sandbox);
539  }
541  // Turn on the first layer of the sandbox if the configuration warrants it.
542  EnterLayerOneSandbox(linux_sandbox, must_enable_setuid_sandbox,
543                       post_fork_parent_callback);
545  std::vector<pid_t> extra_children;
546  std::vector<int> extra_fds;
548#if defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER)
549  pid_t sancov_helper_pid = ForkSanitizerCoverageHelper(
550      sancov_socket_fds[0], sancov_socket_fds[1], sancov_file_fd.Pass());
551  // It's important that the zygote reaps the helper before dying. Otherwise,
552  // the destruction of the PID namespace could kill the helper before it
553  // completes its I/O tasks. |sancov_helper_pid| will exit once the last
554  // renderer holding the write end of |sancov_socket_fds| closes it.
555  extra_children.push_back(sancov_helper_pid);
556  // Sanitizer code in the renderers will inherit the write end of the socket
557  // from the zygote. We must keep it open until the very end of the zygote's
558  // lifetime, even though we don't explicitly use it.
559  extra_fds.push_back(sancov_socket_fds[1]);
562  int sandbox_flags = linux_sandbox->GetStatus();
563  bool setuid_sandbox_engaged = sandbox_flags & kSandboxLinuxSUID;
564  CHECK_EQ(must_enable_setuid_sandbox, setuid_sandbox_engaged);
566  Zygote zygote(sandbox_flags, fork_delegates.Pass(), extra_children,
567                extra_fds);
568  // This function call can return multiple times, once per fork().
569  return zygote.ProcessRequests();
572}  // namespace content