1// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <set>
9#include <utility>
10#include <vector>
12#include "base/basictypes.h"
13#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
14#include "net/base/net_export.h"
16namespace net {
18// A StrikeRegister is critbit tree which stores a set of observed nonces.
19// We use a critbit tree because:
20//   1) It's immune to algorithmic complexity attacks. If we had used a hash
21//      tree, an attacker could send us a series of values which stretch out one
22//      of the hash chains, causing us to do much more work than normal.
23//   2) We can write it to use a fixed block of memory: avoiding fragmentation
24//      issues and so forth. (We might be able to do that with the STL
25//      algorithms and a custom allocator, but I don't want to go there.)
26//   3) It's simple (compared to balanced binary trees) and doesn't involve
27//      bouncing nearly as many cache lines around.
28//   4) It allows us to query for the oldest element in log(n) time.
30// This code is based on djb's public domain critbit tree from qhasm.
32// A critbit tree has external and internal nodes. External nodes are just the
33// nonce values (which are stored with internal times, see below, and without
34// the orbit values included). Internal nodes contain the bit number at which
35// the tree is branching and exactly two children. The critical bit is stored
36// as a byte number and a byte (|otherbits|) which has all the bits set
37// /except/ the one in question.
39// Internal nodes have exactly two children: an internal node with only a
40// single child would be useless.
42// The branching bit number (considering the MSB to be the 1st bit) is
43// monotonically increasing as you go down the tree.
45// There are two distinct time representations used. External times are those
46// which are exposed to the users of this class. They are expected to be a
47// count of the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch. Internal times are a
48// count of the number of seconds since a point in time a couple of years
49// before the creation time given to the constructor. (See
50// |ExternalTimeToInternal|) This avoids having to worry about overflow since
51// we assume that no process will run for 130 years.
52class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE StrikeRegister {
53 public:
54  enum StartupType {
55    // DENY_REQUESTS_AT_STARTUP is the typical mode for a strike register.
56    // Because servers can crash and the strike-register memory-based, the
57    // state of the strike-register may be lost at any time. Thus the previous
58    // instance of the server may have accepted an nonce with time
59    // now+window_secs, which was forgotten in the crash. Therefore
60    // DENY_REQUESTS_AT_STARTUP causes the strike-register to reject all
61    // requests timestampped before window_secs + the creation time (the
62    // quiescent period).
64    // NO_STARTUP_PERIOD_NEEDED indicates that no quiescent period is required.
65    // This may be because the strike-register is using an orbit randomly
66    // generated at startup and therefore nonces accepted by the previous
67    // instance of the strike-register are invalid for that reason.
69  };
71  // An external node takes 24 bytes as we don't record the orbit.
72  static const uint32 kExternalNodeSize;
74  // We address the nodes by their index in the array. This means that 0 is a
75  // valid index. Therefore this is our invalid index. It also has a one bit
76  // in the LSB position because we tend to store indexes shifted up 8 bits
77  // and this distinguishes kNil from (kExternalFlag | 0) << 8.
78  static const uint32 kNil;
80  // Our pointers from internal nodes can either point to an internal or
81  // external node. We flag the 24th bit to mark a pointer as external.
82  static const uint32 kExternalFlag;
84  // Allows early validation before a strike register is created.
85  static void ValidateStrikeRegisterConfig(unsigned max_entries);
87  // Construct a new set which can hold, at most, |max_entries| (which must be
88  // less than 2**23). See the comments around StartupType about initial
89  // behaviour. Otherwise, all nonces that are outside +/- |window_secs| from
90  // the current time will be rejected. Additionally, all nonces that have an
91  // orbit value other than |orbit| will be rejected.
92  //
93  // (Note that this code is independent of the actual units of time used, but
94  // you should use seconds.)
95  StrikeRegister(unsigned max_entries,
96                 uint32 current_time_external,
97                 uint32 window_secs,
98                 const uint8 orbit[8],
99                 StartupType startup);
101  ~StrikeRegister();
103  void Reset();
105  // |Insert| queries to see if |nonce| is
106  //   a) for the wrong orbit
107  //   b) before the current horizon
108  //   c) outside of the valid time window
109  //   d) already in the set of observed nonces
110  // and returns false if any of these are true. It is also free to return
111  // false for other reasons as it's always safe to reject an nonce.
112  //
113  // nonces are:
114  //   4 bytes of timestamp (UNIX epoch seconds)
115  //   8 bytes of orbit value (a cluster id)
116  //   20 bytes of random data
117  //
118  // Otherwise, it inserts |nonce| into the observed set and returns true.
119  bool Insert(const uint8 nonce[32], const uint32 current_time);
121  // orbit returns a pointer to the 8-byte orbit value for this
122  // strike-register.
123  const uint8* orbit() const;
125  // This is a debugging aid which checks the tree for sanity.
126  void Validate();
128 private:
129  class InternalNode;
131  // TimeFromBytes returns a big-endian uint32 from |d|.
132  static uint32 TimeFromBytes(const uint8 d[4]);
134  // ExternalTimeToInternal converts an external time value into an internal
135  // time value using |internal_epoch_|.
136  uint32 ExternalTimeToInternal(uint32 external_time);
138  // BestMatch returns either kNil, or an external node index which could
139  // possibly match |v|.
140  uint32 BestMatch(const uint8 v[24]) const;
142  // external_node_next_ptr returns the 'next' pointer embedded in external
143  // node |i|. This is used to thread a free list through the external nodes.
144  uint32& external_node_next_ptr(unsigned i);
146  uint8* external_node(unsigned i);
148  uint32 GetFreeExternalNode();
150  uint32 GetFreeInternalNode();
152  // DropNode removes the oldest node in the tree and updates |horizon_|
153  // accordingly.
154  void DropNode();
156  void FreeExternalNode(uint32 index);
158  void FreeInternalNode(uint32 index);
160  void ValidateTree(uint32 internal_node,
161                    int last_bit,
162                    const std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, bool> >& bits,
163                    const std::set<uint32>& free_internal_nodes,
164                    const std::set<uint32>& free_external_nodes,
165                    std::set<uint32>* used_internal_nodes,
166                    std::set<uint32>* used_external_nodes);
168  const uint32 max_entries_;
169  const uint32 window_secs_;
170  // internal_epoch_ contains the external time value of the start of internal
171  // time.
172  const uint32 internal_epoch_;
173  uint8 orbit_[8];
174  uint32 horizon_;
175  bool horizon_valid_;
177  uint32 internal_node_free_head_;
178  uint32 external_node_free_head_;
179  uint32 internal_node_head_;
180  // internal_nodes_ can't be a scoped_ptr because the type isn't defined in
181  // this header.
182  InternalNode* internal_nodes_;
183  scoped_ptr<uint8[]> external_nodes_;
185  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(StrikeRegister);
188}  // namespace net