1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#ifndef UI_VIEWS_VIEW_H_
6#define UI_VIEWS_VIEW_H_
8#include <algorithm>
9#include <map>
10#include <set>
11#include <string>
12#include <vector>
14#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
15#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
16#include "base/logging.h"
17#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
18#include "build/build_config.h"
19#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.h"
20#include "ui/base/accelerators/accelerator.h"
21#include "ui/base/dragdrop/drag_drop_types.h"
22#include "ui/base/dragdrop/drop_target_event.h"
23#include "ui/base/dragdrop/os_exchange_data.h"
24#include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
25#include "ui/compositor/layer_delegate.h"
26#include "ui/compositor/layer_owner.h"
27#include "ui/events/event.h"
28#include "ui/events/event_target.h"
29#include "ui/events/event_targeter.h"
30#include "ui/gfx/geometry/r_tree.h"
31#include "ui/gfx/insets.h"
32#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
33#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
34#include "ui/gfx/vector2d.h"
35#include "ui/views/cull_set.h"
36#include "ui/views/views_export.h"
38#if defined(OS_WIN)
39#include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
42using ui::OSExchangeData;
44namespace gfx {
45class Canvas;
46class Insets;
47class Path;
48class Transform;
51namespace ui {
52struct AXViewState;
53class Compositor;
54class Layer;
55class NativeTheme;
56class TextInputClient;
57class Texture;
58class ThemeProvider;
61namespace views {
63class Background;
64class Border;
65class ContextMenuController;
66class DragController;
67class FocusManager;
68class FocusTraversable;
69class InputMethod;
70class LayoutManager;
71class NativeViewAccessibility;
72class ScrollView;
73class Widget;
75namespace internal {
76class PreEventDispatchHandler;
77class PostEventDispatchHandler;
78class RootView;
83// View class
85//   A View is a rectangle within the views View hierarchy. It is the base
86//   class for all Views.
88//   A View is a container of other Views (there is no such thing as a Leaf
89//   View - makes code simpler, reduces type conversion headaches, design
90//   mistakes etc)
92//   The View contains basic properties for sizing (bounds), layout (flex,
93//   orientation, etc), painting of children and event dispatch.
95//   The View also uses a simple Box Layout Manager similar to XUL's
96//   SprocketLayout system. Alternative Layout Managers implementing the
97//   LayoutManager interface can be used to lay out children if required.
99//   It is up to the subclass to implement Painting and storage of subclass -
100//   specific properties and functionality.
102//   Unless otherwise documented, views is not thread safe and should only be
103//   accessed from the main thread.
106class VIEWS_EXPORT View : public ui::LayerDelegate,
107                          public ui::LayerOwner,
108                          public ui::AcceleratorTarget,
109                          public ui::EventTarget {
110 public:
111  typedef std::vector<View*> Views;
113  // TODO(tdanderson): Becomes obsolete with the refactoring of the event
114  //                   targeting logic for views and windows. See
115  //                   crbug.com/355425.
116  // Specifies the source of the region used in a hit test.
117  // HIT_TEST_SOURCE_MOUSE indicates the hit test is being performed with a
118  // single point and HIT_TEST_SOURCE_TOUCH indicates the hit test is being
119  // performed with a rect larger than a single point. This value can be used,
120  // for example, to add extra padding or change the shape of the hit test mask.
121  enum HitTestSource {
124  };
126  struct ViewHierarchyChangedDetails {
127    ViewHierarchyChangedDetails()
128        : is_add(false),
129          parent(NULL),
130          child(NULL),
131          move_view(NULL) {}
133    ViewHierarchyChangedDetails(bool is_add,
134                                View* parent,
135                                View* child,
136                                View* move_view)
137        : is_add(is_add),
138          parent(parent),
139          child(child),
140          move_view(move_view) {}
142    bool is_add;
143    // New parent if |is_add| is true, old parent if |is_add| is false.
144    View* parent;
145    // The view being added or removed.
146    View* child;
147    // If this is a move (reparent), meaning AddChildViewAt() is invoked with an
148    // existing parent, then a notification for the remove is sent first,
149    // followed by one for the add.  This case can be distinguished by a
150    // non-NULL |move_view|.
151    // For the remove part of move, |move_view| is the new parent of the View
152    // being removed.
153    // For the add part of move, |move_view| is the old parent of the View being
154    // added.
155    View* move_view;
156  };
158  // Creation and lifetime -----------------------------------------------------
160  View();
161  virtual ~View();
163  // By default a View is owned by its parent unless specified otherwise here.
164  void set_owned_by_client() { owned_by_client_ = true; }
166  // Tree operations -----------------------------------------------------------
168  // Get the Widget that hosts this View, if any.
169  virtual const Widget* GetWidget() const;
170  virtual Widget* GetWidget();
172  // Adds |view| as a child of this view, optionally at |index|.
173  void AddChildView(View* view);
174  void AddChildViewAt(View* view, int index);
176  // Moves |view| to the specified |index|. A negative value for |index| moves
177  // the view at the end.
178  void ReorderChildView(View* view, int index);
180  // Removes |view| from this view. The view's parent will change to NULL.
181  void RemoveChildView(View* view);
183  // Removes all the children from this view. If |delete_children| is true,
184  // the views are deleted, unless marked as not parent owned.
185  void RemoveAllChildViews(bool delete_children);
187  int child_count() const { return static_cast<int>(children_.size()); }
188  bool has_children() const { return !children_.empty(); }
190  // Returns the child view at |index|.
191  const View* child_at(int index) const {
192    DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
193    DCHECK_LT(index, child_count());
194    return children_[index];
195  }
196  View* child_at(int index) {
197    return const_cast<View*>(const_cast<const View*>(this)->child_at(index));
198  }
200  // Returns the parent view.
201  const View* parent() const { return parent_; }
202  View* parent() { return parent_; }
204  // Returns true if |view| is contained within this View's hierarchy, even as
205  // an indirect descendant. Will return true if child is also this view.
206  bool Contains(const View* view) const;
208  // Returns the index of |view|, or -1 if |view| is not a child of this view.
209  int GetIndexOf(const View* view) const;
211  // Size and disposition ------------------------------------------------------
212  // Methods for obtaining and modifying the position and size of the view.
213  // Position is in the coordinate system of the view's parent.
214  // Position is NOT flipped for RTL. See "RTL positioning" for RTL-sensitive
215  // position accessors.
216  // Transformations are not applied on the size/position. For example, if
217  // bounds is (0, 0, 100, 100) and it is scaled by 0.5 along the X axis, the
218  // width will still be 100 (although when painted, it will be 50x50, painted
219  // at location (0, 0)).
221  void SetBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height);
222  void SetBoundsRect(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
223  void SetSize(const gfx::Size& size);
224  void SetPosition(const gfx::Point& position);
225  void SetX(int x);
226  void SetY(int y);
228  // No transformation is applied on the size or the locations.
229  const gfx::Rect& bounds() const { return bounds_; }
230  int x() const { return bounds_.x(); }
231  int y() const { return bounds_.y(); }
232  int width() const { return bounds_.width(); }
233  int height() const { return bounds_.height(); }
234  const gfx::Size& size() const { return bounds_.size(); }
236  // Returns the bounds of the content area of the view, i.e. the rectangle
237  // enclosed by the view's border.
238  gfx::Rect GetContentsBounds() const;
240  // Returns the bounds of the view in its own coordinates (i.e. position is
241  // 0, 0).
242  gfx::Rect GetLocalBounds() const;
244  // Returns the bounds of the layer in its own pixel coordinates.
245  gfx::Rect GetLayerBoundsInPixel() const;
247  // Returns the insets of the current border. If there is no border an empty
248  // insets is returned.
249  virtual gfx::Insets GetInsets() const;
251  // Returns the visible bounds of the receiver in the receivers coordinate
252  // system.
253  //
254  // When traversing the View hierarchy in order to compute the bounds, the
255  // function takes into account the mirroring setting and transformation for
256  // each View and therefore it will return the mirrored and transformed version
257  // of the visible bounds if need be.
258  gfx::Rect GetVisibleBounds() const;
260  // Return the bounds of the View in screen coordinate system.
261  gfx::Rect GetBoundsInScreen() const;
263  // Returns the baseline of this view, or -1 if this view has no baseline. The
264  // return value is relative to the preferred height.
265  virtual int GetBaseline() const;
267  // Get the size the View would like to be, if enough space were available.
268  virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize() const;
270  // Convenience method that sizes this view to its preferred size.
271  void SizeToPreferredSize();
273  // Gets the minimum size of the view. View's implementation invokes
274  // GetPreferredSize.
275  virtual gfx::Size GetMinimumSize() const;
277  // Gets the maximum size of the view. Currently only used for sizing shell
278  // windows.
279  virtual gfx::Size GetMaximumSize() const;
281  // Return the height necessary to display this view with the provided width.
282  // View's implementation returns the value from getPreferredSize.cy.
283  // Override if your View's preferred height depends upon the width (such
284  // as with Labels).
285  virtual int GetHeightForWidth(int w) const;
287  // Set whether this view is visible. Painting is scheduled as needed.
288  virtual void SetVisible(bool visible);
290  // Return whether a view is visible
291  bool visible() const { return visible_; }
293  // Returns true if this view is drawn on screen.
294  virtual bool IsDrawn() const;
296  // Set whether this view is enabled. A disabled view does not receive keyboard
297  // or mouse inputs. If |enabled| differs from the current value, SchedulePaint
298  // is invoked.
299  void SetEnabled(bool enabled);
301  // Returns whether the view is enabled.
302  bool enabled() const { return enabled_; }
304  // This indicates that the view completely fills its bounds in an opaque
305  // color. This doesn't affect compositing but is a hint to the compositor to
306  // optimize painting.
307  // Note that this method does not implicitly create a layer if one does not
308  // already exist for the View, but is a no-op in that case.
309  void SetFillsBoundsOpaquely(bool fills_bounds_opaquely);
311  // Transformations -----------------------------------------------------------
313  // Methods for setting transformations for a view (e.g. rotation, scaling).
315  gfx::Transform GetTransform() const;
317  // Clipping parameters. Clipping is done relative to the view bounds.
318  void set_clip_insets(gfx::Insets clip_insets) { clip_insets_ = clip_insets; }
320  // Sets the transform to the supplied transform.
321  void SetTransform(const gfx::Transform& transform);
323  // Sets whether this view paints to a layer. A view paints to a layer if
324  // either of the following are true:
325  // . the view has a non-identity transform.
326  // . SetPaintToLayer(true) has been invoked.
327  // View creates the Layer only when it exists in a Widget with a non-NULL
328  // Compositor.
329  void SetPaintToLayer(bool paint_to_layer);
331  // RTL positioning -----------------------------------------------------------
333  // Methods for accessing the bounds and position of the view, relative to its
334  // parent. The position returned is mirrored if the parent view is using a RTL
335  // layout.
336  //
337  // NOTE: in the vast majority of the cases, the mirroring implementation is
338  //       transparent to the View subclasses and therefore you should use the
339  //       bounds() accessor instead.
340  gfx::Rect GetMirroredBounds() const;
341  gfx::Point GetMirroredPosition() const;
342  int GetMirroredX() const;
344  // Given a rectangle specified in this View's coordinate system, the function
345  // computes the 'left' value for the mirrored rectangle within this View. If
346  // the View's UI layout is not right-to-left, then bounds.x() is returned.
347  //
348  // UI mirroring is transparent to most View subclasses and therefore there is
349  // no need to call this routine from anywhere within your subclass
350  // implementation.
351  int GetMirroredXForRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) const;
353  // Given the X coordinate of a point inside the View, this function returns
354  // the mirrored X coordinate of the point if the View's UI layout is
355  // right-to-left. If the layout is left-to-right, the same X coordinate is
356  // returned.
357  //
358  // Following are a few examples of the values returned by this function for
359  // a View with the bounds {0, 0, 100, 100} and a right-to-left layout:
360  //
361  // GetMirroredXCoordinateInView(0) -> 100
362  // GetMirroredXCoordinateInView(20) -> 80
363  // GetMirroredXCoordinateInView(99) -> 1
364  int GetMirroredXInView(int x) const;
366  // Given a X coordinate and a width inside the View, this function returns
367  // the mirrored X coordinate if the View's UI layout is right-to-left. If the
368  // layout is left-to-right, the same X coordinate is returned.
369  //
370  // Following are a few examples of the values returned by this function for
371  // a View with the bounds {0, 0, 100, 100} and a right-to-left layout:
372  //
373  // GetMirroredXCoordinateInView(0, 10) -> 90
374  // GetMirroredXCoordinateInView(20, 20) -> 60
375  int GetMirroredXWithWidthInView(int x, int w) const;
377  // Layout --------------------------------------------------------------------
379  // Lay out the child Views (set their bounds based on sizing heuristics
380  // specific to the current Layout Manager)
381  virtual void Layout();
383  // TODO(beng): I think we should remove this.
384  // Mark this view and all parents to require a relayout. This ensures the
385  // next call to Layout() will propagate to this view, even if the bounds of
386  // parent views do not change.
387  void InvalidateLayout();
389  // Gets/Sets the Layout Manager used by this view to size and place its
390  // children.
391  // The LayoutManager is owned by the View and is deleted when the view is
392  // deleted, or when a new LayoutManager is installed.
393  LayoutManager* GetLayoutManager() const;
394  void SetLayoutManager(LayoutManager* layout);
396  // Attributes ----------------------------------------------------------------
398  // The view class name.
399  static const char kViewClassName[];
401  // Return the receiving view's class name. A view class is a string which
402  // uniquely identifies the view class. It is intended to be used as a way to
403  // find out during run time if a view can be safely casted to a specific view
404  // subclass. The default implementation returns kViewClassName.
405  virtual const char* GetClassName() const;
407  // Returns the first ancestor, starting at this, whose class name is |name|.
408  // Returns null if no ancestor has the class name |name|.
409  const View* GetAncestorWithClassName(const std::string& name) const;
410  View* GetAncestorWithClassName(const std::string& name);
412  // Recursively descends the view tree starting at this view, and returns
413  // the first child that it encounters that has the given ID.
414  // Returns NULL if no matching child view is found.
415  virtual const View* GetViewByID(int id) const;
416  virtual View* GetViewByID(int id);
418  // Gets and sets the ID for this view. ID should be unique within the subtree
419  // that you intend to search for it. 0 is the default ID for views.
420  int id() const { return id_; }
421  void set_id(int id) { id_ = id; }
423  // A group id is used to tag views which are part of the same logical group.
424  // Focus can be moved between views with the same group using the arrow keys.
425  // Groups are currently used to implement radio button mutual exclusion.
426  // The group id is immutable once it's set.
427  void SetGroup(int gid);
428  // Returns the group id of the view, or -1 if the id is not set yet.
429  int GetGroup() const;
431  // If this returns true, the views from the same group can each be focused
432  // when moving focus with the Tab/Shift-Tab key.  If this returns false,
433  // only the selected view from the group (obtained with
434  // GetSelectedViewForGroup()) is focused.
435  virtual bool IsGroupFocusTraversable() const;
437  // Fills |views| with all the available views which belong to the provided
438  // |group|.
439  void GetViewsInGroup(int group, Views* views);
441  // Returns the View that is currently selected in |group|.
442  // The default implementation simply returns the first View found for that
443  // group.
444  virtual View* GetSelectedViewForGroup(int group);
446  // Coordinate conversion -----------------------------------------------------
448  // Note that the utility coordinate conversions functions always operate on
449  // the mirrored position of the child Views if the parent View uses a
450  // right-to-left UI layout.
452  // Convert a point from the coordinate system of one View to another.
453  //
454  // |source| and |target| must be in the same widget, but doesn't need to be in
455  // the same view hierarchy.
456  // Neither |source| nor |target| can be NULL.
457  static void ConvertPointToTarget(const View* source,
458                                   const View* target,
459                                   gfx::Point* point);
461  // Convert |rect| from the coordinate system of |source| to the coordinate
462  // system of |target|.
463  //
464  // |source| and |target| must be in the same widget, but doesn't need to be in
465  // the same view hierarchy.
466  // Neither |source| nor |target| can be NULL.
467  static void ConvertRectToTarget(const View* source,
468                                  const View* target,
469                                  gfx::RectF* rect);
471  // Convert a point from a View's coordinate system to that of its Widget.
472  static void ConvertPointToWidget(const View* src, gfx::Point* point);
474  // Convert a point from the coordinate system of a View's Widget to that
475  // View's coordinate system.
476  static void ConvertPointFromWidget(const View* dest, gfx::Point* p);
478  // Convert a point from a View's coordinate system to that of the screen.
479  static void ConvertPointToScreen(const View* src, gfx::Point* point);
481  // Convert a point from a View's coordinate system to that of the screen.
482  static void ConvertPointFromScreen(const View* dst, gfx::Point* point);
484  // Applies transformation on the rectangle, which is in the view's coordinate
485  // system, to convert it into the parent's coordinate system.
486  gfx::Rect ConvertRectToParent(const gfx::Rect& rect) const;
488  // Converts a rectangle from this views coordinate system to its widget
489  // coordinate system.
490  gfx::Rect ConvertRectToWidget(const gfx::Rect& rect) const;
492  // Painting ------------------------------------------------------------------
494  // Mark all or part of the View's bounds as dirty (needing repaint).
495  // |r| is in the View's coordinates.
496  // Rectangle |r| should be in the view's coordinate system. The
497  // transformations are applied to it to convert it into the parent coordinate
498  // system before propagating SchedulePaint up the view hierarchy.
499  // TODO(beng): Make protected.
500  virtual void SchedulePaint();
501  virtual void SchedulePaintInRect(const gfx::Rect& r);
503  // Called by the framework to paint a View. Performs translation and clipping
504  // for View coordinates and language direction as required, allows the View
505  // to paint itself via the various OnPaint*() event handlers and then paints
506  // the hierarchy beneath it.
507  virtual void Paint(gfx::Canvas* canvas, const CullSet& cull_set);
509  // The background object is owned by this object and may be NULL.
510  void set_background(Background* b);
511  const Background* background() const { return background_.get(); }
512  Background* background() { return background_.get(); }
514  // The border object is owned by this object and may be NULL.
515  virtual void SetBorder(scoped_ptr<Border> b);
516  const Border* border() const { return border_.get(); }
517  Border* border() { return border_.get(); }
519  // Get the theme provider from the parent widget.
520  ui::ThemeProvider* GetThemeProvider() const;
522  // Returns the NativeTheme to use for this View. This calls through to
523  // GetNativeTheme() on the Widget this View is in. If this View is not in a
524  // Widget this returns ui::NativeTheme::instance().
525  ui::NativeTheme* GetNativeTheme() {
526    return const_cast<ui::NativeTheme*>(
527        const_cast<const View*>(this)->GetNativeTheme());
528  }
529  const ui::NativeTheme* GetNativeTheme() const;
531  // RTL painting --------------------------------------------------------------
533  // This method determines whether the gfx::Canvas object passed to
534  // View::Paint() needs to be transformed such that anything drawn on the
535  // canvas object during View::Paint() is flipped horizontally.
536  //
537  // By default, this function returns false (which is the initial value of
538  // |flip_canvas_on_paint_for_rtl_ui_|). View subclasses that need to paint on
539  // a flipped gfx::Canvas when the UI layout is right-to-left need to call
540  // EnableCanvasFlippingForRTLUI().
541  bool FlipCanvasOnPaintForRTLUI() const {
542    return flip_canvas_on_paint_for_rtl_ui_ ? base::i18n::IsRTL() : false;
543  }
545  // Enables or disables flipping of the gfx::Canvas during View::Paint().
546  // Note that if canvas flipping is enabled, the canvas will be flipped only
547  // if the UI layout is right-to-left; that is, the canvas will be flipped
548  // only if base::i18n::IsRTL() returns true.
549  //
550  // Enabling canvas flipping is useful for leaf views that draw an image that
551  // needs to be flipped horizontally when the UI layout is right-to-left
552  // (views::Button, for example). This method is helpful for such classes
553  // because their drawing logic stays the same and they can become agnostic to
554  // the UI directionality.
555  void EnableCanvasFlippingForRTLUI(bool enable) {
556    flip_canvas_on_paint_for_rtl_ui_ = enable;
557  }
559  // Input ---------------------------------------------------------------------
560  // The points, rects, mouse locations, and touch locations in the following
561  // functions are in the view's coordinates, except for a RootView.
563  // TODO(tdanderson): GetEventHandlerForPoint() and GetEventHandlerForRect()
564  //                   will be removed once their logic is moved into
565  //                   ViewTargeter and its derived classes. See
566  //                   crbug.com/355425.
568  // Convenience functions which calls into GetEventHandler() with
569  // a 1x1 rect centered at |point|.
570  View* GetEventHandlerForPoint(const gfx::Point& point);
572  // If point-based targeting should be used, return the deepest visible
573  // descendant that contains the center point of |rect|.
574  // If rect-based targeting (i.e., fuzzing) should be used, return the
575  // closest visible descendant having at least kRectTargetOverlap of
576  // its area covered by |rect|. If no such descendant exists, return the
577  // deepest visible descendant that contains the center point of |rect|.
578  // See http://goo.gl/3Jp2BD for more information about rect-based targeting.
579  virtual View* GetEventHandlerForRect(const gfx::Rect& rect);
581  // Returns the deepest visible descendant that contains the specified point
582  // and supports tooltips. If the view does not contain the point, returns
583  // NULL.
584  virtual View* GetTooltipHandlerForPoint(const gfx::Point& point);
586  // Return the cursor that should be used for this view or the default cursor.
587  // The event location is in the receiver's coordinate system. The caller is
588  // responsible for managing the lifetime of the returned object, though that
589  // lifetime may vary from platform to platform. On Windows and Aura,
590  // the cursor is a shared resource.
591  virtual gfx::NativeCursor GetCursor(const ui::MouseEvent& event);
593  // TODO(tdanderson): HitTestPoint() and HitTestRect() will be removed once
594  //                   their logic is moved into ViewTargeter and its
595  //                   derived classes. See crbug.com/355425.
597  // A convenience function which calls HitTestRect() with a rect of size
598  // 1x1 and an origin of |point|.
599  bool HitTestPoint(const gfx::Point& point) const;
601  // Tests whether |rect| intersects this view's bounds.
602  virtual bool HitTestRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) const;
604  // Returns true if this view or any of its descendants are permitted to
605  // be the target of an event.
606  virtual bool CanProcessEventsWithinSubtree() const;
608  // Returns true if the mouse cursor is over |view| and mouse events are
609  // enabled.
610  bool IsMouseHovered();
612  // This method is invoked when the user clicks on this view.
613  // The provided event is in the receiver's coordinate system.
614  //
615  // Return true if you processed the event and want to receive subsequent
616  // MouseDraggged and MouseReleased events.  This also stops the event from
617  // bubbling.  If you return false, the event will bubble through parent
618  // views.
619  //
620  // If you remove yourself from the tree while processing this, event bubbling
621  // stops as if you returned true, but you will not receive future events.
622  // The return value is ignored in this case.
623  //
624  // Default implementation returns true if a ContextMenuController has been
625  // set, false otherwise. Override as needed.
626  //
627  virtual bool OnMousePressed(const ui::MouseEvent& event);
629  // This method is invoked when the user clicked on this control.
630  // and is still moving the mouse with a button pressed.
631  // The provided event is in the receiver's coordinate system.
632  //
633  // Return true if you processed the event and want to receive
634  // subsequent MouseDragged and MouseReleased events.
635  //
636  // Default implementation returns true if a ContextMenuController has been
637  // set, false otherwise. Override as needed.
638  //
639  virtual bool OnMouseDragged(const ui::MouseEvent& event);
641  // This method is invoked when the user releases the mouse
642  // button. The event is in the receiver's coordinate system.
643  //
644  // Default implementation notifies the ContextMenuController is appropriate.
645  // Subclasses that wish to honor the ContextMenuController should invoke
646  // super.
647  virtual void OnMouseReleased(const ui::MouseEvent& event);
649  // This method is invoked when the mouse press/drag was canceled by a
650  // system/user gesture.
651  virtual void OnMouseCaptureLost();
653  // This method is invoked when the mouse is above this control
654  // The event is in the receiver's coordinate system.
655  //
656  // Default implementation does nothing. Override as needed.
657  virtual void OnMouseMoved(const ui::MouseEvent& event);
659  // This method is invoked when the mouse enters this control.
660  //
661  // Default implementation does nothing. Override as needed.
662  virtual void OnMouseEntered(const ui::MouseEvent& event);
664  // This method is invoked when the mouse exits this control
665  // The provided event location is always (0, 0)
666  // Default implementation does nothing. Override as needed.
667  virtual void OnMouseExited(const ui::MouseEvent& event);
669  // Set the MouseHandler for a drag session.
670  //
671  // A drag session is a stream of mouse events starting
672  // with a MousePressed event, followed by several MouseDragged
673  // events and finishing with a MouseReleased event.
674  //
675  // This method should be only invoked while processing a
676  // MouseDragged or MousePressed event.
677  //
678  // All further mouse dragged and mouse up events will be sent
679  // the MouseHandler, even if it is reparented to another window.
680  //
681  // The MouseHandler is automatically cleared when the control
682  // comes back from processing the MouseReleased event.
683  //
684  // Note: if the mouse handler is no longer connected to a
685  // view hierarchy, events won't be sent.
686  //
687  // TODO(sky): rename this.
688  virtual void SetMouseHandler(View* new_mouse_handler);
690  // Invoked when a key is pressed or released.
691  // Subclasser should return true if the event has been processed and false
692  // otherwise. If the event has not been processed, the parent will be given a
693  // chance.
694  virtual bool OnKeyPressed(const ui::KeyEvent& event);
695  virtual bool OnKeyReleased(const ui::KeyEvent& event);
697  // Invoked when the user uses the mousewheel. Implementors should return true
698  // if the event has been processed and false otherwise. This message is sent
699  // if the view is focused. If the event has not been processed, the parent
700  // will be given a chance.
701  virtual bool OnMouseWheel(const ui::MouseWheelEvent& event);
704  // See field for description.
705  void set_notify_enter_exit_on_child(bool notify) {
706    notify_enter_exit_on_child_ = notify;
707  }
708  bool notify_enter_exit_on_child() const {
709    return notify_enter_exit_on_child_;
710  }
712  // Returns the View's TextInputClient instance or NULL if the View doesn't
713  // support text input.
714  virtual ui::TextInputClient* GetTextInputClient();
716  // Convenience method to retrieve the InputMethod associated with the
717  // Widget that contains this view. Returns NULL if this view is not part of a
718  // view hierarchy with a Widget.
719  virtual InputMethod* GetInputMethod();
720  virtual const InputMethod* GetInputMethod() const;
722  // Sets a new event-targeter for the view, and returns the previous
723  // event-targeter.
724  scoped_ptr<ui::EventTargeter> SetEventTargeter(
725      scoped_ptr<ui::EventTargeter> targeter);
727  // Overridden from ui::EventTarget:
728  virtual bool CanAcceptEvent(const ui::Event& event) OVERRIDE;
729  virtual ui::EventTarget* GetParentTarget() OVERRIDE;
730  virtual scoped_ptr<ui::EventTargetIterator> GetChildIterator() const OVERRIDE;
731  virtual ui::EventTargeter* GetEventTargeter() OVERRIDE;
732  virtual void ConvertEventToTarget(ui::EventTarget* target,
733                                    ui::LocatedEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
735  const ui::EventTargeter* GetEventTargeter() const;
737  // Overridden from ui::EventHandler:
738  virtual void OnKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
739  virtual void OnMouseEvent(ui::MouseEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
740  virtual void OnScrollEvent(ui::ScrollEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
741  virtual void OnTouchEvent(ui::TouchEvent* event) OVERRIDE FINAL;
742  virtual void OnGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
744  // Accelerators --------------------------------------------------------------
746  // Sets a keyboard accelerator for that view. When the user presses the
747  // accelerator key combination, the AcceleratorPressed method is invoked.
748  // Note that you can set multiple accelerators for a view by invoking this
749  // method several times. Note also that AcceleratorPressed is invoked only
750  // when CanHandleAccelerators() is true.
751  virtual void AddAccelerator(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator);
753  // Removes the specified accelerator for this view.
754  virtual void RemoveAccelerator(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator);
756  // Removes all the keyboard accelerators for this view.
757  virtual void ResetAccelerators();
759  // Overridden from AcceleratorTarget:
760  virtual bool AcceleratorPressed(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) OVERRIDE;
762  // Returns whether accelerators are enabled for this view. Accelerators are
763  // enabled if the containing widget is visible and the view is enabled() and
764  // IsDrawn()
765  virtual bool CanHandleAccelerators() const OVERRIDE;
767  // Focus ---------------------------------------------------------------------
769  // Returns whether this view currently has the focus.
770  virtual bool HasFocus() const;
772  // Returns the view that should be selected next when pressing Tab.
773  View* GetNextFocusableView();
774  const View* GetNextFocusableView() const;
776  // Returns the view that should be selected next when pressing Shift-Tab.
777  View* GetPreviousFocusableView();
779  // Sets the component that should be selected next when pressing Tab, and
780  // makes the current view the precedent view of the specified one.
781  // Note that by default views are linked in the order they have been added to
782  // their container. Use this method if you want to modify the order.
783  // IMPORTANT NOTE: loops in the focus hierarchy are not supported.
784  void SetNextFocusableView(View* view);
786  // Sets whether this view is capable of taking focus.
787  // Note that this is false by default so that a view used as a container does
788  // not get the focus.
789  void SetFocusable(bool focusable);
791  // Returns true if this view is |focusable_|, |enabled_| and drawn.
792  virtual bool IsFocusable() const;
794  // Return whether this view is focusable when the user requires full keyboard
795  // access, even though it may not be normally focusable.
796  bool IsAccessibilityFocusable() const;
798  // Set whether this view can be made focusable if the user requires
799  // full keyboard access, even though it's not normally focusable.
800  // Note that this is false by default.
801  void SetAccessibilityFocusable(bool accessibility_focusable);
803  // Convenience method to retrieve the FocusManager associated with the
804  // Widget that contains this view.  This can return NULL if this view is not
805  // part of a view hierarchy with a Widget.
806  virtual FocusManager* GetFocusManager();
807  virtual const FocusManager* GetFocusManager() const;
809  // Request keyboard focus. The receiving view will become the focused view.
810  virtual void RequestFocus();
812  // Invoked when a view is about to be requested for focus due to the focus
813  // traversal. Reverse is this request was generated going backward
814  // (Shift-Tab).
815  virtual void AboutToRequestFocusFromTabTraversal(bool reverse) {}
817  // Invoked when a key is pressed before the key event is processed (and
818  // potentially eaten) by the focus manager for tab traversal, accelerators and
819  // other focus related actions.
820  // The default implementation returns false, ensuring that tab traversal and
821  // accelerators processing is performed.
822  // Subclasses should return true if they want to process the key event and not
823  // have it processed as an accelerator (if any) or as a tab traversal (if the
824  // key event is for the TAB key).  In that case, OnKeyPressed will
825  // subsequently be invoked for that event.
826  virtual bool SkipDefaultKeyEventProcessing(const ui::KeyEvent& event);
828  // Subclasses that contain traversable children that are not directly
829  // accessible through the children hierarchy should return the associated
830  // FocusTraversable for the focus traversal to work properly.
831  virtual FocusTraversable* GetFocusTraversable();
833  // Subclasses that can act as a "pane" must implement their own
834  // FocusTraversable to keep the focus trapped within the pane.
835  // If this method returns an object, any view that's a direct or
836  // indirect child of this view will always use this FocusTraversable
837  // rather than the one from the widget.
838  virtual FocusTraversable* GetPaneFocusTraversable();
840  // Tooltips ------------------------------------------------------------------
842  // Gets the tooltip for this View. If the View does not have a tooltip,
843  // return false. If the View does have a tooltip, copy the tooltip into
844  // the supplied string and return true.
845  // Any time the tooltip text that a View is displaying changes, it must
846  // invoke TooltipTextChanged.
847  // |p| provides the coordinates of the mouse (relative to this view).
848  virtual bool GetTooltipText(const gfx::Point& p,
849                              base::string16* tooltip) const;
851  // Returns the location (relative to this View) for the text on the tooltip
852  // to display. If false is returned (the default), the tooltip is placed at
853  // a default position.
854  virtual bool GetTooltipTextOrigin(const gfx::Point& p, gfx::Point* loc) const;
856  // Context menus -------------------------------------------------------------
858  // Sets the ContextMenuController. Setting this to non-null makes the View
859  // process mouse events.
860  ContextMenuController* context_menu_controller() {
861    return context_menu_controller_;
862  }
863  void set_context_menu_controller(ContextMenuController* menu_controller) {
864    context_menu_controller_ = menu_controller;
865  }
867  // Provides default implementation for context menu handling. The default
868  // implementation calls the ShowContextMenu of the current
869  // ContextMenuController (if it is not NULL). Overridden in subclassed views
870  // to provide right-click menu display triggerd by the keyboard (i.e. for the
871  // Chrome toolbar Back and Forward buttons). No source needs to be specified,
872  // as it is always equal to the current View.
873  virtual void ShowContextMenu(const gfx::Point& p,
874                               ui::MenuSourceType source_type);
876  // On some platforms, we show context menu on mouse press instead of release.
877  // This method returns true for those platforms.
878  static bool ShouldShowContextMenuOnMousePress();
880  // Drag and drop -------------------------------------------------------------
882  DragController* drag_controller() { return drag_controller_; }
883  void set_drag_controller(DragController* drag_controller) {
884    drag_controller_ = drag_controller;
885  }
887  // During a drag and drop session when the mouse moves the view under the
888  // mouse is queried for the drop types it supports by way of the
889  // GetDropFormats methods. If the view returns true and the drag site can
890  // provide data in one of the formats, the view is asked if the drop data
891  // is required before any other drop events are sent. Once the
892  // data is available the view is asked if it supports the drop (by way of
893  // the CanDrop method). If a view returns true from CanDrop,
894  // OnDragEntered is sent to the view when the mouse first enters the view,
895  // as the mouse moves around within the view OnDragUpdated is invoked.
896  // If the user releases the mouse over the view and OnDragUpdated returns a
897  // valid drop, then OnPerformDrop is invoked. If the mouse moves outside the
898  // view or over another view that wants the drag, OnDragExited is invoked.
899  //
900  // Similar to mouse events, the deepest view under the mouse is first checked
901  // if it supports the drop (Drop). If the deepest view under
902  // the mouse does not support the drop, the ancestors are walked until one
903  // is found that supports the drop.
905  // Override and return the set of formats that can be dropped on this view.
906  // |formats| is a bitmask of the formats defined bye OSExchangeData::Format.
907  // The default implementation returns false, which means the view doesn't
908  // support dropping.
909  virtual bool GetDropFormats(
910      int* formats,
911      std::set<OSExchangeData::CustomFormat>* custom_formats);
913  // Override and return true if the data must be available before any drop
914  // methods should be invoked. The default is false.
915  virtual bool AreDropTypesRequired();
917  // A view that supports drag and drop must override this and return true if
918  // data contains a type that may be dropped on this view.
919  virtual bool CanDrop(const OSExchangeData& data);
921  // OnDragEntered is invoked when the mouse enters this view during a drag and
922  // drop session and CanDrop returns true. This is immediately
923  // followed by an invocation of OnDragUpdated, and eventually one of
924  // OnDragExited or OnPerformDrop.
925  virtual void OnDragEntered(const ui::DropTargetEvent& event);
927  // Invoked during a drag and drop session while the mouse is over the view.
928  // This should return a bitmask of the DragDropTypes::DragOperation supported
929  // based on the location of the event. Return 0 to indicate the drop should
930  // not be accepted.
931  virtual int OnDragUpdated(const ui::DropTargetEvent& event);
933  // Invoked during a drag and drop session when the mouse exits the views, or
934  // when the drag session was canceled and the mouse was over the view.
935  virtual void OnDragExited();
937  // Invoked during a drag and drop session when OnDragUpdated returns a valid
938  // operation and the user release the mouse.
939  virtual int OnPerformDrop(const ui::DropTargetEvent& event);
941  // Invoked from DoDrag after the drag completes. This implementation does
942  // nothing, and is intended for subclasses to do cleanup.
943  virtual void OnDragDone();
945  // Returns true if the mouse was dragged enough to start a drag operation.
946  // delta_x and y are the distance the mouse was dragged.
947  static bool ExceededDragThreshold(const gfx::Vector2d& delta);
949  // Accessibility -------------------------------------------------------------
951  // Modifies |state| to reflect the current accessible state of this view.
952  virtual void GetAccessibleState(ui::AXViewState* state) { }
954  // Returns an instance of the native accessibility interface for this view.
955  virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetNativeViewAccessible();
957  // Notifies assistive technology that an accessibility event has
958  // occurred on this view, such as when the view is focused or when its
959  // value changes. Pass true for |send_native_event| except for rare
960  // cases where the view is a native control that's already sending a
961  // native accessibility event and the duplicate event would cause
962  // problems.
963  void NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ui::AXEvent event_type,
964                                bool send_native_event);
966  // Scrolling -----------------------------------------------------------------
967  // TODO(beng): Figure out if this can live somewhere other than View, i.e.
968  //             closer to ScrollView.
970  // Scrolls the specified region, in this View's coordinate system, to be
971  // visible. View's implementation passes the call onto the parent View (after
972  // adjusting the coordinates). It is up to views that only show a portion of
973  // the child view, such as Viewport, to override appropriately.
974  virtual void ScrollRectToVisible(const gfx::Rect& rect);
976  // The following methods are used by ScrollView to determine the amount
977  // to scroll relative to the visible bounds of the view. For example, a
978  // return value of 10 indicates the scrollview should scroll 10 pixels in
979  // the appropriate direction.
980  //
981  // Each method takes the following parameters:
982  //
983  // is_horizontal: if true, scrolling is along the horizontal axis, otherwise
984  //                the vertical axis.
985  // is_positive: if true, scrolling is by a positive amount. Along the
986  //              vertical axis scrolling by a positive amount equates to
987  //              scrolling down.
988  //
989  // The return value should always be positive and gives the number of pixels
990  // to scroll. ScrollView interprets a return value of 0 (or negative)
991  // to scroll by a default amount.
992  //
993  // See VariableRowHeightScrollHelper and FixedRowHeightScrollHelper for
994  // implementations of common cases.
995  virtual int GetPageScrollIncrement(ScrollView* scroll_view,
996                                     bool is_horizontal, bool is_positive);
997  virtual int GetLineScrollIncrement(ScrollView* scroll_view,
998                                     bool is_horizontal, bool is_positive);
1000 protected:
1001  // Used to track a drag. RootView passes this into
1002  // ProcessMousePressed/Dragged.
1003  struct DragInfo {
1004    // Sets possible_drag to false and start_x/y to 0. This is invoked by
1005    // RootView prior to invoke ProcessMousePressed.
1006    void Reset();
1008    // Sets possible_drag to true and start_pt to the specified point.
1009    // This is invoked by the target view if it detects the press may generate
1010    // a drag.
1011    void PossibleDrag(const gfx::Point& p);
1013    // Whether the press may generate a drag.
1014    bool possible_drag;
1016    // Coordinates of the mouse press.
1017    gfx::Point start_pt;
1018  };
1020  // Size and disposition ------------------------------------------------------
1022  // Override to be notified when the bounds of the view have changed.
1023  virtual void OnBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& previous_bounds);
1025  // Called when the preferred size of a child view changed.  This gives the
1026  // parent an opportunity to do a fresh layout if that makes sense.
1027  virtual void ChildPreferredSizeChanged(View* child) {}
1029  // Called when the visibility of a child view changed.  This gives the parent
1030  // an opportunity to do a fresh layout if that makes sense.
1031  virtual void ChildVisibilityChanged(View* child) {}
1033  // Invalidates the layout and calls ChildPreferredSizeChanged on the parent
1034  // if there is one. Be sure to call View::PreferredSizeChanged when
1035  // overriding such that the layout is properly invalidated.
1036  virtual void PreferredSizeChanged();
1038  // Override returning true when the view needs to be notified when its visible
1039  // bounds relative to the root view may have changed. Only used by
1040  // NativeViewHost.
1041  virtual bool NeedsNotificationWhenVisibleBoundsChange() const;
1043  // Notification that this View's visible bounds relative to the root view may
1044  // have changed. The visible bounds are the region of the View not clipped by
1045  // its ancestors. This is used for clipping NativeViewHost.
1046  virtual void OnVisibleBoundsChanged();
1048  // Override to be notified when the enabled state of this View has
1049  // changed. The default implementation calls SchedulePaint() on this View.
1050  virtual void OnEnabledChanged();
1052  bool needs_layout() const { return needs_layout_; }
1054  // Tree operations -----------------------------------------------------------
1056  // This method is invoked when the tree changes.
1057  //
1058  // When a view is removed, it is invoked for all children and grand
1059  // children. For each of these views, a notification is sent to the
1060  // view and all parents.
1061  //
1062  // When a view is added, a notification is sent to the view, all its
1063  // parents, and all its children (and grand children)
1064  //
1065  // Default implementation does nothing. Override to perform operations
1066  // required when a view is added or removed from a view hierarchy
1067  //
1068  // Refer to comments in struct |ViewHierarchyChangedDetails| for |details|.
1069  virtual void ViewHierarchyChanged(const ViewHierarchyChangedDetails& details);
1071  // When SetVisible() changes the visibility of a view, this method is
1072  // invoked for that view as well as all the children recursively.
1073  virtual void VisibilityChanged(View* starting_from, bool is_visible);
1075  // This method is invoked when the parent NativeView of the widget that the
1076  // view is attached to has changed and the view hierarchy has not changed.
1077  // ViewHierarchyChanged() is called when the parent NativeView of the widget
1078  // that the view is attached to is changed as a result of changing the view
1079  // hierarchy. Overriding this method is useful for tracking which
1080  // FocusManager manages this view.
1081  virtual void NativeViewHierarchyChanged();
1083  // Painting ------------------------------------------------------------------
1085  // Responsible for calling Paint() on child Views. Override to control the
1086  // order child Views are painted.
1087  virtual void PaintChildren(gfx::Canvas* canvas, const CullSet& cull_set);
1089  // Override to provide rendering in any part of the View's bounds. Typically
1090  // this is the "contents" of the view. If you override this method you will
1091  // have to call the subsequent OnPaint*() methods manually.
1092  virtual void OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas);
1094  // Override to paint a background before any content is drawn. Typically this
1095  // is done if you are satisfied with a default OnPaint handler but wish to
1096  // supply a different background.
1097  virtual void OnPaintBackground(gfx::Canvas* canvas);
1099  // Override to paint a border not specified by SetBorder().
1100  virtual void OnPaintBorder(gfx::Canvas* canvas);
1102  // Returns true if this View is the root for paint events, and should
1103  // therefore maintain a |bounds_tree_| member and use it for paint damage rect
1104  // calculations.
1105  virtual bool IsPaintRoot();
1107  // Accelerated painting ------------------------------------------------------
1109  // Returns the offset from this view to the nearest ancestor with a layer. If
1110  // |layer_parent| is non-NULL it is set to the nearest ancestor with a layer.
1111  virtual gfx::Vector2d CalculateOffsetToAncestorWithLayer(
1112      ui::Layer** layer_parent);
1114  // Updates the view's layer's parent. Called when a view is added to a view
1115  // hierarchy, responsible for parenting the view's layer to the enclosing
1116  // layer in the hierarchy.
1117  virtual void UpdateParentLayer();
1119  // If this view has a layer, the layer is reparented to |parent_layer| and its
1120  // bounds is set based on |point|. If this view does not have a layer, then
1121  // recurses through all children. This is used when adding a layer to an
1122  // existing view to make sure all descendants that have layers are parented to
1123  // the right layer.
1124  void MoveLayerToParent(ui::Layer* parent_layer, const gfx::Point& point);
1126  // Called to update the bounds of any child layers within this View's
1127  // hierarchy when something happens to the hierarchy.
1128  void UpdateChildLayerBounds(const gfx::Vector2d& offset);
1130  // Overridden from ui::LayerDelegate:
1131  virtual void OnPaintLayer(gfx::Canvas* canvas) OVERRIDE;
1132  virtual void OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged(float device_scale_factor) OVERRIDE;
1133  virtual base::Closure PrepareForLayerBoundsChange() OVERRIDE;
1135  // Finds the layer that this view paints to (it may belong to an ancestor
1136  // view), then reorders the immediate children of that layer to match the
1137  // order of the view tree.
1138  virtual void ReorderLayers();
1140  // This reorders the immediate children of |*parent_layer| to match the
1141  // order of the view tree. Child layers which are owned by a view are
1142  // reordered so that they are below any child layers not owned by a view.
1143  // Widget::ReorderNativeViews() should be called to reorder any child layers
1144  // with an associated view. Widget::ReorderNativeViews() may reorder layers
1145  // below layers owned by a view.
1146  virtual void ReorderChildLayers(ui::Layer* parent_layer);
1148  // Input ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1150  // Called by HitTestRect() to see if this View has a custom hit test mask. If
1151  // the return value is true, GetHitTestMask() will be called to obtain the
1152  // mask. Default value is false, in which case the View will hit-test against
1153  // its bounds.
1154  virtual bool HasHitTestMask() const;
1156  // Called by HitTestRect() to retrieve a mask for hit-testing against.
1157  // Subclasses override to provide custom shaped hit test regions.
1158  virtual void GetHitTestMask(HitTestSource source, gfx::Path* mask) const;
1160  virtual DragInfo* GetDragInfo();
1162  // Focus ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1164  // Returns last value passed to SetFocusable(). Use IsFocusable() to determine
1165  // if a view can take focus right now.
1166  bool focusable() const { return focusable_; }
1168  // Override to be notified when focus has changed either to or from this View.
1169  virtual void OnFocus();
1170  virtual void OnBlur();
1172  // Handle view focus/blur events for this view.
1173  void Focus();
1174  void Blur();
1176  // System events -------------------------------------------------------------
1178  // Called when the UI theme (not the NativeTheme) has changed, overriding
1179  // allows individual Views to do special cleanup and processing (such as
1180  // dropping resource caches).  To dispatch a theme changed notification, call
1181  // Widget::ThemeChanged().
1182  virtual void OnThemeChanged() {}
1184  // Called when the locale has changed, overriding allows individual Views to
1185  // update locale-dependent strings.
1186  // To dispatch a locale changed notification, call Widget::LocaleChanged().
1187  virtual void OnLocaleChanged() {}
1189  // Tooltips ------------------------------------------------------------------
1191  // Views must invoke this when the tooltip text they are to display changes.
1192  void TooltipTextChanged();
1194  // Context menus -------------------------------------------------------------
1196  // Returns the location, in screen coordinates, to show the context menu at
1197  // when the context menu is shown from the keyboard. This implementation
1198  // returns the middle of the visible region of this view.
1199  //
1200  // This method is invoked when the context menu is shown by way of the
1201  // keyboard.
1202  virtual gfx::Point GetKeyboardContextMenuLocation();
1204  // Drag and drop -------------------------------------------------------------
1206  // These are cover methods that invoke the method of the same name on
1207  // the DragController. Subclasses may wish to override rather than install
1208  // a DragController.
1209  // See DragController for a description of these methods.
1210  virtual int GetDragOperations(const gfx::Point& press_pt);
1211  virtual void WriteDragData(const gfx::Point& press_pt, OSExchangeData* data);
1213  // Returns whether we're in the middle of a drag session that was initiated
1214  // by us.
1215  bool InDrag();
1217  // Returns how much the mouse needs to move in one direction to start a
1218  // drag. These methods cache in a platform-appropriate way. These values are
1219  // used by the public static method ExceededDragThreshold().
1220  static int GetHorizontalDragThreshold();
1221  static int GetVerticalDragThreshold();
1223  // NativeTheme ---------------------------------------------------------------
1225  // Invoked when the NativeTheme associated with this View changes.
1226  virtual void OnNativeThemeChanged(const ui::NativeTheme* theme) {}
1228  // Debugging -----------------------------------------------------------------
1230#if !defined(NDEBUG)
1231  // Returns string containing a graph of the views hierarchy in graphViz DOT
1232  // language (http://graphviz.org/). Can be called within debugger and save
1233  // to a file to compile/view.
1234  // Note: Assumes initial call made with first = true.
1235  virtual std::string PrintViewGraph(bool first);
1237  // Some classes may own an object which contains the children to displayed in
1238  // the views hierarchy. The above function gives the class the flexibility to
1239  // decide which object should be used to obtain the children, but this
1240  // function makes the decision explicit.
1241  std::string DoPrintViewGraph(bool first, View* view_with_children);
1244 private:
1245  friend class internal::PreEventDispatchHandler;
1246  friend class internal::PostEventDispatchHandler;
1247  friend class internal::RootView;
1248  friend class FocusManager;
1249  friend class Widget;
1251  typedef gfx::RTree<intptr_t> BoundsTree;
1253  // Painting  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1255  enum SchedulePaintType {
1256    // Indicates the size is the same (only the origin changed).
1259    // Indicates the size changed (and possibly the origin).
1261  };
1263  // Invoked before and after the bounds change to schedule painting the old and
1264  // new bounds.
1265  void SchedulePaintBoundsChanged(SchedulePaintType type);
1267  // Common Paint() code shared by accelerated and non-accelerated code paths to
1268  // invoke OnPaint() on the View.
1269  void PaintCommon(gfx::Canvas* canvas, const CullSet& cull_set);
1271  // Tree operations -----------------------------------------------------------
1273  // Removes |view| from the hierarchy tree.  If |update_focus_cycle| is true,
1274  // the next and previous focusable views of views pointing to this view are
1275  // updated.  If |update_tool_tip| is true, the tooltip is updated.  If
1276  // |delete_removed_view| is true, the view is also deleted (if it is parent
1277  // owned).  If |new_parent| is not NULL, the remove is the result of
1278  // AddChildView() to a new parent.  For this case, |new_parent| is the View
1279  // that |view| is going to be added to after the remove completes.
1280  void DoRemoveChildView(View* view,
1281                         bool update_focus_cycle,
1282                         bool update_tool_tip,
1283                         bool delete_removed_view,
1284                         View* new_parent);
1286  // Call ViewHierarchyChanged() for all child views and all parents.
1287  // |old_parent| is the original parent of the View that was removed.
1288  // If |new_parent| is not NULL, the View that was removed will be reparented
1289  // to |new_parent| after the remove operation.
1290  void PropagateRemoveNotifications(View* old_parent, View* new_parent);
1292  // Call ViewHierarchyChanged() for all children.
1293  void PropagateAddNotifications(const ViewHierarchyChangedDetails& details);
1295  // Propagates NativeViewHierarchyChanged() notification through all the
1296  // children.
1297  void PropagateNativeViewHierarchyChanged();
1299  // Takes care of registering/unregistering accelerators if
1300  // |register_accelerators| true and calls ViewHierarchyChanged().
1301  void ViewHierarchyChangedImpl(bool register_accelerators,
1302                                const ViewHierarchyChangedDetails& details);
1304  // Invokes OnNativeThemeChanged() on this and all descendants.
1305  void PropagateNativeThemeChanged(const ui::NativeTheme* theme);
1307  // Size and disposition ------------------------------------------------------
1309  // Call VisibilityChanged() recursively for all children.
1310  void PropagateVisibilityNotifications(View* from, bool is_visible);
1312  // Registers/unregisters accelerators as necessary and calls
1313  // VisibilityChanged().
1314  void VisibilityChangedImpl(View* starting_from, bool is_visible);
1316  // Responsible for propagating bounds change notifications to relevant
1317  // views.
1318  void BoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& previous_bounds);
1320  // Visible bounds notification registration.
1321  // When a view is added to a hierarchy, it and all its children are asked if
1322  // they need to be registered for "visible bounds within root" notifications
1323  // (see comment on OnVisibleBoundsChanged()). If they do, they are registered
1324  // with every ancestor between them and the root of the hierarchy.
1325  static void RegisterChildrenForVisibleBoundsNotification(View* view);
1326  static void UnregisterChildrenForVisibleBoundsNotification(View* view);
1327  void RegisterForVisibleBoundsNotification();
1328  void UnregisterForVisibleBoundsNotification();
1330  // Adds/removes view to the list of descendants that are notified any time
1331  // this views location and possibly size are changed.
1332  void AddDescendantToNotify(View* view);
1333  void RemoveDescendantToNotify(View* view);
1335  // Sets the layer's bounds given in DIP coordinates.
1336  void SetLayerBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_dip);
1338  // Sets the bit indicating that the cached bounds for this object within the
1339  // root view bounds tree are no longer valid. If |origin_changed| is true sets
1340  // the same bit for all of our children as well.
1341  void SetRootBoundsDirty(bool origin_changed);
1343  // If needed, updates the bounds rectangle in paint root coordinate space
1344  // in the supplied RTree. Recurses to children for recomputation as well.
1345  void UpdateRootBounds(BoundsTree* bounds_tree, const gfx::Vector2d& offset);
1347  // Remove self and all children from the supplied bounds tree. This is used,
1348  // for example, when a view gets a layer and therefore becomes paint root. It
1349  // needs to remove all references to itself and its children from any previous
1350  // paint root that may have been tracking it.
1351  void RemoveRootBounds(BoundsTree* bounds_tree);
1353  // Traverse up the View hierarchy to the first ancestor that is a paint root
1354  // and return a pointer to its |bounds_tree_| or NULL if no tree is found.
1355  BoundsTree* GetBoundsTreeFromPaintRoot();
1357  // Transformations -----------------------------------------------------------
1359  // Returns in |transform| the transform to get from coordinates of |ancestor|
1360  // to this. Returns true if |ancestor| is found. If |ancestor| is not found,
1361  // or NULL, |transform| is set to convert from root view coordinates to this.
1362  bool GetTransformRelativeTo(const View* ancestor,
1363                              gfx::Transform* transform) const;
1365  // Coordinate conversion -----------------------------------------------------
1367  // Convert a point in the view's coordinate to an ancestor view's coordinate
1368  // system using necessary transformations. Returns whether the point was
1369  // successfully converted to the ancestor's coordinate system.
1370  bool ConvertPointForAncestor(const View* ancestor, gfx::Point* point) const;
1372  // Convert a point in the ancestor's coordinate system to the view's
1373  // coordinate system using necessary transformations. Returns whether the
1374  // point was successfully converted from the ancestor's coordinate system
1375  // to the view's coordinate system.
1376  bool ConvertPointFromAncestor(const View* ancestor, gfx::Point* point) const;
1378  // Convert a rect in the view's coordinate to an ancestor view's coordinate
1379  // system using necessary transformations. Returns whether the rect was
1380  // successfully converted to the ancestor's coordinate system.
1381  bool ConvertRectForAncestor(const View* ancestor, gfx::RectF* rect) const;
1383  // Convert a rect in the ancestor's coordinate system to the view's
1384  // coordinate system using necessary transformations. Returns whether the
1385  // rect was successfully converted from the ancestor's coordinate system
1386  // to the view's coordinate system.
1387  bool ConvertRectFromAncestor(const View* ancestor, gfx::RectF* rect) const;
1389  // Accelerated painting ------------------------------------------------------
1391  // Creates the layer and related fields for this view.
1392  void CreateLayer();
1394  // Parents all un-parented layers within this view's hierarchy to this view's
1395  // layer.
1396  void UpdateParentLayers();
1398  // Parents this view's layer to |parent_layer|, and sets its bounds and other
1399  // properties in accordance to |offset|, the view's offset from the
1400  // |parent_layer|.
1401  void ReparentLayer(const gfx::Vector2d& offset, ui::Layer* parent_layer);
1403  // Called to update the layer visibility. The layer will be visible if the
1404  // View itself, and all its parent Views are visible. This also updates
1405  // visibility of the child layers.
1406  void UpdateLayerVisibility();
1407  void UpdateChildLayerVisibility(bool visible);
1409  // Orphans the layers in this subtree that are parented to layers outside of
1410  // this subtree.
1411  void OrphanLayers();
1413  // Destroys the layer associated with this view, and reparents any descendants
1414  // to the destroyed layer's parent.
1415  void DestroyLayer();
1417  // Input ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1419  bool ProcessMousePressed(const ui::MouseEvent& event);
1420  bool ProcessMouseDragged(const ui::MouseEvent& event);
1421  void ProcessMouseReleased(const ui::MouseEvent& event);
1423  // Accelerators --------------------------------------------------------------
1425  // Registers this view's keyboard accelerators that are not registered to
1426  // FocusManager yet, if possible.
1427  void RegisterPendingAccelerators();
1429  // Unregisters all the keyboard accelerators associated with this view.
1430  // |leave_data_intact| if true does not remove data from accelerators_ array,
1431  // so it could be re-registered with other focus manager
1432  void UnregisterAccelerators(bool leave_data_intact);
1434  // Focus ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1436  // Initialize the previous/next focusable views of the specified view relative
1437  // to the view at the specified index.
1438  void InitFocusSiblings(View* view, int index);
1440  // System events -------------------------------------------------------------
1442  // Used to propagate theme changed notifications from the root view to all
1443  // views in the hierarchy.
1444  virtual void PropagateThemeChanged();
1446  // Used to propagate locale changed notifications from the root view to all
1447  // views in the hierarchy.
1448  virtual void PropagateLocaleChanged();
1450  // Tooltips ------------------------------------------------------------------
1452  // Propagates UpdateTooltip() to the TooltipManager for the Widget.
1453  // This must be invoked any time the View hierarchy changes in such a way
1454  // the view under the mouse differs. For example, if the bounds of a View is
1455  // changed, this is invoked. Similarly, as Views are added/removed, this
1456  // is invoked.
1457  void UpdateTooltip();
1459  // Drag and drop -------------------------------------------------------------
1461  // Starts a drag and drop operation originating from this view. This invokes
1462  // WriteDragData to write the data and GetDragOperations to determine the
1463  // supported drag operations. When done, OnDragDone is invoked. |press_pt| is
1464  // in the view's coordinate system.
1465  // Returns true if a drag was started.
1466  bool DoDrag(const ui::LocatedEvent& event,
1467              const gfx::Point& press_pt,
1468              ui::DragDropTypes::DragEventSource source);
1470  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1472  // Creation and lifetime -----------------------------------------------------
1474  // False if this View is owned by its parent - i.e. it will be deleted by its
1475  // parent during its parents destruction. False is the default.
1476  bool owned_by_client_;
1478  // Attributes ----------------------------------------------------------------
1480  // The id of this View. Used to find this View.
1481  int id_;
1483  // The group of this view. Some view subclasses use this id to find other
1484  // views of the same group. For example radio button uses this information
1485  // to find other radio buttons.
1486  int group_;
1488  // Tree operations -----------------------------------------------------------
1490  // This view's parent.
1491  View* parent_;
1493  // This view's children.
1494  Views children_;
1496  // Size and disposition ------------------------------------------------------
1498  // This View's bounds in the parent coordinate system.
1499  gfx::Rect bounds_;
1501  // Whether this view is visible.
1502  bool visible_;
1504  // Whether this view is enabled.
1505  bool enabled_;
1507  // When this flag is on, a View receives a mouse-enter and mouse-leave event
1508  // even if a descendant View is the event-recipient for the real mouse
1509  // events. When this flag is turned on, and mouse moves from outside of the
1510  // view into a child view, both the child view and this view receives
1511  // mouse-enter event. Similarly, if the mouse moves from inside a child view
1512  // and out of this view, then both views receive a mouse-leave event.
1513  // When this flag is turned off, if the mouse moves from inside this view into
1514  // a child view, then this view receives a mouse-leave event. When this flag
1515  // is turned on, it does not receive the mouse-leave event in this case.
1516  // When the mouse moves from inside the child view out of the child view but
1517  // still into this view, this view receives a mouse-enter event if this flag
1518  // is turned off, but doesn't if this flag is turned on.
1519  // This flag is initialized to false.
1520  bool notify_enter_exit_on_child_;
1522  // Whether or not RegisterViewForVisibleBoundsNotification on the RootView
1523  // has been invoked.
1524  bool registered_for_visible_bounds_notification_;
1526  // List of descendants wanting notification when their visible bounds change.
1527  scoped_ptr<Views> descendants_to_notify_;
1529  // True if the bounds on this object have changed since the last time the
1530  // paint root view constructed the spatial database.
1531  bool root_bounds_dirty_;
1533  // If this View IsPaintRoot() then this will be a pointer to a spatial data
1534  // structure where we will keep the bounding boxes of all our children, for
1535  // efficient paint damage rectangle intersection.
1536  scoped_ptr<BoundsTree> bounds_tree_;
1538  // Transformations -----------------------------------------------------------
1540  // Clipping parameters. skia transformation matrix does not give us clipping.
1541  // So we do it ourselves.
1542  gfx::Insets clip_insets_;
1544  // Layout --------------------------------------------------------------------
1546  // Whether the view needs to be laid out.
1547  bool needs_layout_;
1549  // The View's LayoutManager defines the sizing heuristics applied to child
1550  // Views. The default is absolute positioning according to bounds_.
1551  scoped_ptr<LayoutManager> layout_manager_;
1553  // Painting ------------------------------------------------------------------
1555  // Background
1556  scoped_ptr<Background> background_;
1558  // Border.
1559  scoped_ptr<Border> border_;
1561  // RTL painting --------------------------------------------------------------
1563  // Indicates whether or not the gfx::Canvas object passed to View::Paint()
1564  // is going to be flipped horizontally (using the appropriate transform) on
1565  // right-to-left locales for this View.
1566  bool flip_canvas_on_paint_for_rtl_ui_;
1568  // Accelerated painting ------------------------------------------------------
1570  bool paint_to_layer_;
1572  // Accelerators --------------------------------------------------------------
1574  // Focus manager accelerators registered on.
1575  FocusManager* accelerator_focus_manager_;
1577  // The list of accelerators. List elements in the range
1578  // [0, registered_accelerator_count_) are already registered to FocusManager,
1579  // and the rest are not yet.
1580  scoped_ptr<std::vector<ui::Accelerator> > accelerators_;
1581  size_t registered_accelerator_count_;
1583  // Focus ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1585  // Next view to be focused when the Tab key is pressed.
1586  View* next_focusable_view_;
1588  // Next view to be focused when the Shift-Tab key combination is pressed.
1589  View* previous_focusable_view_;
1591  // Whether this view can be focused.
1592  bool focusable_;
1594  // Whether this view is focusable if the user requires full keyboard access,
1595  // even though it may not be normally focusable.
1596  bool accessibility_focusable_;
1598  // Context menus -------------------------------------------------------------
1600  // The menu controller.
1601  ContextMenuController* context_menu_controller_;
1603  // Drag and drop -------------------------------------------------------------
1605  DragController* drag_controller_;
1607  // Input  --------------------------------------------------------------------
1609  scoped_ptr<ui::EventTargeter> targeter_;
1611  // Accessibility -------------------------------------------------------------
1613  // Belongs to this view, but it's reference-counted on some platforms
1614  // so we can't use a scoped_ptr. It's dereferenced in the destructor.
1615  NativeViewAccessibility* native_view_accessibility_;
1620}  // namespace views
1622#endif  // UI_VIEWS_VIEW_H_