1/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
2 *
3 *
4 * File Name:  omxVCM4P10_FilterDeblockingLuma_VerEdge_I.c
5 * OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
6 * Revision:   9641
7 * Date:       Thursday, February 7, 2008
8 *
9 * (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
10 *
11 *
12 *
13 * H.264 luma deblock module
14 *
15 */
17#include "omxtypes.h"
18#include "armOMX.h"
19#include "omxVC.h"
21#include "armCOMM.h"
22#include "armVC.h"
25 * Function:  omxVCM4P10_FilterDeblockingLuma_VerEdge_I   (
26 *
27 * Description:
28 * Performs in-place deblock filtering on four vertical edges of the luma
29 * macroblock (16x16).
30 *
31 * Input Arguments:
32 *
33 *   pSrcDst - Pointer to the input macroblock; must be 16-byte aligned.
34 *   srcdstStep -Step of the arrays; must be a multiple of 16.
35 *   pAlpha -Array of size 2 of alpha thresholds (the first item is the alpha
36 *            threshold for the external vertical edge, and the second item is
37 *            for the internal vertical edge); per [ISO14496-10] alpha values
38 *            must be in the range [0,255].
39 *   pBeta -Array of size 2 of beta thresholds (the first item is the beta
40 *            threshold for the external vertical edge, and the second item is
41 *            for the internal vertical edge); per [ISO14496-10] beta values
42 *            must be in the range [0,18].
43 *   pThresholds -Array of size 16 of Thresholds (TC0) (values for the left
44 *            edge of each 4x4 block, arranged in vertical block order); must
45 *            be aligned on a 4-byte boundary..  Per [ISO14496-10] values must
46 *            be in the range [0,25].
47 *   pBS -Array of size 16 of BS parameters (arranged in vertical block
48 *            order); valid in the range [0,4] with the following
49 *            restrictions: i) pBS[i]== 4 may occur only for 0<=i<=3, ii)
50 *            pBS[i]== 4 if and only if pBS[i^3]== 4.  Must be 4-byte aligned.
51 *
52 * Output Arguments:
53 *
54 *   pSrcDst -Pointer to filtered output macroblock.
55 *
56 * Return Value:
57 *    If the function runs without error, it returns OMX_Sts_NoErr.
58 *    If one of the following cases occurs, the function returns
59 *              OMX_Sts_BadArgErr:
60 *    Either of the pointers in pSrcDst, pAlpha, pBeta, pThresholds, or pBS
61 *              is NULL.
62 *    Either pThresholds or pBS is not aligned on a 4-byte boundary.
63 *    pSrcDst is not 16-byte aligned.
64 *    srcdstStep is not a multiple of 16.
65 *    pAlpha[0] and/or pAlpha[1] is outside the range [0,255].
66 *    pBeta[0] and/or pBeta[1] is outside the range [0,18].
67 *    One or more entries in the table pThresholds[0..15]is outside of the
68 *              range [0,25].
69 *    pBS is out of range, i.e., one of the following conditions is true:
70 *              pBS[i]<0, pBS[i]>4, pBS[i]==4 for i>=4, or (pBS[i]==4 &&
71 *              pBS[i^3]!=4) for 0<=i<=3.
72 *
73 */
75OMXResult omxVCM4P10_FilterDeblockingLuma_VerEdge_I(
76     OMX_U8* pSrcDst,
77     OMX_S32 srcdstStep,
78     const OMX_U8* pAlpha,
79     const OMX_U8* pBeta,
80     const OMX_U8* pThresholds,
81     const OMX_U8 *pBS
82 )
84    int X, Y, I, Internal=0;
86    armRetArgErrIf(pSrcDst == NULL,             OMX_Sts_BadArgErr);
87    armRetArgErrIf(armNot16ByteAligned(pSrcDst),OMX_Sts_BadArgErr);
88    armRetArgErrIf(srcdstStep & 15,             OMX_Sts_BadArgErr);
89    armRetArgErrIf(pAlpha == NULL,              OMX_Sts_BadArgErr);
90    armRetArgErrIf(pBeta == NULL,               OMX_Sts_BadArgErr);
91    armRetArgErrIf(pThresholds == NULL,         OMX_Sts_BadArgErr);
92    armRetArgErrIf(armNot4ByteAligned(pThresholds), OMX_Sts_BadArgErr);
93    armRetArgErrIf(pBS == NULL,                     OMX_Sts_BadArgErr);
94    armRetArgErrIf(armNot4ByteAligned(pBS),         OMX_Sts_BadArgErr);
95    armRetArgErrIf(pBeta[0] > 18,  OMX_Sts_BadArgErr);
96    armRetArgErrIf(pBeta[1] > 18,  OMX_Sts_BadArgErr);
99    for (X=0; X<16; X+=4, Internal=1)
100    {
101        for (Y=0; Y<16; Y++)
102        {
103            I = (Y>>2)+4*(X>>2);
105            armRetArgErrIf(pBS[Y] > 4, OMX_Sts_BadArgErr);
107            armRetArgErrIf((pBS[Y] == 4) && (Y > 3),
108                            OMX_Sts_BadArgErr);
110            armRetArgErrIf(( (pBS[Y] == 4) && (pBS[Y^3] != 4) ),
111                            OMX_Sts_BadArgErr);
113            armRetArgErrIf(pThresholds[Y] > 25, OMX_Sts_BadArgErr);
115            /* Filter vertical edge with q0 at (X,Y) */
116            armVCM4P10_DeBlockPixel(
117                pSrcDst + Y*srcdstStep + X,
118                1,
119                pThresholds[I],
120                pAlpha[Internal],
121                pBeta[Internal],
122                pBS[I],
123                0);
124        }
125    }
127    return OMX_Sts_NoErr;