1package com.mot.dm.dbtool;
3import java.util.*;
4import java.io.*;
5import java.util.zip.*;
7public class Util {
9  public static Value[] attStrToArrValue(String[] result_str) {
10    Value[] vals = new Value[result_str.length];
11    for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
12      Value val = new Value(result_str[i], i);
13      vals[i] = val;
14    }
15    return vals;
16  }
18  public static String getIdNameFromRecords(String id, String key) throws
19      Exception {
20    int count = 0;
21    String tmp;
22    String tmp_id = id;
23    boolean isUnique = false;
24    Record rec = (Record) Generator.hashXmlRecords.get(key);
25    if (rec == null) {
26      return id;
27    }
28    // add count to the end of id to make it unique.
29    while (!isUnique) {
30      isUnique = true;
31      for (int i = 0; i < rec.arrIDs.size(); i++) {
32        tmp = (String) (rec.arrIDs.get(i));
33        if (tmp.equalsIgnoreCase(tmp_id)) {
34          isUnique = false;
35          tmp_id = id + ++count;
36          break;
37        }
38      }
39    }
40    return tmp_id;
41  }
43  public static void addXmlToRecord(String xml, String key, String id_name,
44                                    String source) throws Exception {
45    Record rec = (Record) Generator.hashXmlRecords.get(key);
46    if (rec == null) {
47      rec = new Record();
48      rec.key = key;
49      parseKeyToRecord(key, rec);
50      //  rec.genCompareStr();
51    }
52    rec.arrIDs.add(id_name);
53    rec.arrXMLs.add(xml);
54    if ("BROWSER".equalsIgnoreCase(source)) {
55      rec.containsBrowser = true;
56    }
57    else if ("MMS".equalsIgnoreCase(source)) {
58      rec.containsMMS = true;
59    }
60    else if ("JAVA".equalsIgnoreCase(source)) {
61      rec.containsJavaApp = true;
62    }
63    else if ("IM".equalsIgnoreCase(source)) {
64      rec.containsIM = true;
65    }
66    else {
67      throw new Exception(
68          "Error! Unsupported application type during record creation.");
69    }
70    Generator.hashXmlRecords.put(key, rec);
71  }
73  //set mnc, mcc, provider_name and prepaid values for a record from combine key
74  public static void parseKeyToRecord(String key, Record record) throws
75      Exception {
76    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(key, ":");
77    if (st.countTokens() != 4) {
78      throw new Exception("Error: The key '" + key + "' is wrong.");
79    }
80    String tmp;
81    tmp = st.nextToken().trim();
82    record.mcc = Integer.parseInt(tmp);
83    tmp = st.nextToken().trim();
84    record.mncLen = tmp.length();
85    record.mnc = Integer.parseInt(tmp);
86    tmp = st.nextToken().trim();
87    record.operator_name = tmp;
88    tmp = st.nextToken().trim();
89    if (Const.PREPAID.equalsIgnoreCase(tmp)) {
90      record.account_type = Const.PREPAID_INT;
91    }
92    else if (Const.POSTPAID.equalsIgnoreCase(tmp)) {
93      record.account_type = Const.POSTPAID_INT;
94    }
95    else {
96      record.account_type = Const.BOTH_INT;
97    }
98  }
100  //creates xml, wbxml, zip files
101  public static void writeRecordsToFiles() throws Exception {
102    String omacp_xml;
103    byte[] omacp_wbxml;
104    Iterator keys = Generator.hashXmlRecords.keySet().iterator();
105    while (keys.hasNext()) {
106      String key = (String) keys.next();
107      // create file name
108      //String fileGenName = key.replaceAll(":", "_"); ///rem
109      //fileGenName = key.replaceAll(" ", "_"); ///rem
110      String fileGenName = generateFileNameFromKey(key);
112      String fileXml = fileGenName + ".xml";
113      String fileWbxml = fileGenName + ".wbxml";
114      String fileZip = fileGenName + ".zip";
116      omacp_xml = recordToXml(key);
117      writeFile(fileXml, omacp_xml);
120      WbxmlEncoder encoder = new WbxmlEncoder();
121      //omacp_wbxml = encoder.encode(omacp_xml); //old usage
122      omacp_wbxml = encoder.encode(new File(fileXml));
123      writeFile(fileWbxml, omacp_wbxml);
125      copyFile(fileXml, Const.WORKING_DIR + Const.PATH_SEP + fileXml);
126      copyFile(fileWbxml, Const.WORKING_DIR + Const.PATH_SEP + fileWbxml);
128      if (Generator.USE_ZIP) {
129        writeZipFile(fileWbxml, fileZip);
130        copyFile(fileZip, Const.WORKING_DIR + Const.PATH_SEP + fileZip);
131        (new File(fileZip)).delete();
132      }
134      (new File(fileXml)).delete();
135      (new File(fileWbxml)).delete();
136    }
137  }
139  public static String recordToXml(String key) throws Exception {
140    StringBuffer allXmlForKey = new StringBuffer();
141    Record record = (Record) Generator.hashXmlRecords.get(key);
142    if (record != null) {
143      for (int i = 0; i < record.arrXMLs.size(); i++) {
144        allXmlForKey.append( (String) record.arrXMLs.get(i));
145      }
146    }
147    String validXml = "<wap-provisioningdoc version=\"1.1\">\n" +
148        allXmlForKey.toString() + "</wap-provisioningdoc>\n";
149    return validXml;
150  }
153  public static void sortAllRecordsIntoArray() throws Exception {
154    Generator.arraySortedRecords = new Record[Generator.hashXmlRecords.size()];
155    Iterator iterator = Generator.hashXmlRecords.keySet().iterator();
156    Record record;
157    int count = 0;
158    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
159      record = (Record) Generator.hashXmlRecords.get(iterator.next());
160      Generator.arraySortedRecords[count] = record;
161      count++;
162    }
163    Arrays.sort(Generator.arraySortedRecords);
164  }
166  public static void addBitsToTable(BlockTable table, int value,
167                                    int bitsSize) {
168    for (int i = bitsSize - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
169      table.data[table.byteCount] |=
170          (value & (1 << i)) != 0 ? 1 << (7 - table.bitCount) : 0;
172      table.bitCount++;
174      if (table.bitCount == 8) {
175        table.bitCount = 0;
176        table.byteCount++;
177      }
178    }
179  }
181  public static ArrayList readFile(String path) throws Exception {
182    ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();
183    File f = new File(path);
184    if (!f.exists()) {
185      throw new Exception("Error: The file " + f.getAbsolutePath() +
186                          " doesn't exist!");
187    }
188    // txt files should be encoded with UTF-16; csv - with UTF-8
189    Reader fr = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f),
190                                      Generator.ENCODING);
192    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
193    String line;
194    int count = 0;
195    while ( (line = br.readLine()) != null) {
196      count++;
197      line = new String(line.getBytes("UTF-8"));
198      line = line.trim();
199      if (line.length() > 0) {
200        if (Generator.IS_INPUT_TXT_FILE) { //validate and replace tabs with ","
201          if (line.indexOf(',') >= 0) {
202            throw new Exception("Error: The line#" + count +
203                                " in the text file " + f.getAbsolutePath() +
204                                " cannot contains comma ',' as a value.");
205          }
206          line = line.replaceAll("\t", ",");
207        }
208        else if (line.indexOf('\t') >= 0) {
209          throw new Exception("Error: The line#" + count +
210                              " in the csv file " + f.getAbsolutePath() +
211                              " contains tabulation as a value.");
212        }
213        arr.add(line);
214      }
215    }
216    br.close();
217    fr.close();
218    return arr;
219  }
222/*  public static void writeFile(String path, String content) throws
223      Exception {
224    Writer fw = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(path), "UTF-8"); //Generator.ENCODING
225    fw.write(content);
226    fw.flush();
227    fw.close();
228  }*/
230  //old function
231  public static void writeFile(String path, String content) throws Exception {
232  writeFile(path, content.getBytes());
233   }
235 public static void writeFile(String path, byte[] content) throws Exception {
236   File f = new File(path);
237   FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f);
238   fos.write(content);
239   fos.flush();
240   fos.close();
241 }
243  public static void writeDBFile() throws Exception {
244    File f = new File(Const.DB_FILE_NAME);
245    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f);
246    // write header
247    fos.write(Generator.headerTable.data);
248    // write operators names table
249    fos.write(Generator.operatorsNamesTable.data);
250    // write carrier index table
251    fos.write(Generator.carrierIndexTable.data);
252    // write applications settings table
253    fos.write(Generator.applicationsSettingsTable.data);
255    fos.flush();
256    fos.close();
257  }
259  public static void deleteFile(String path) {
260    File f = new File(path);
261    if (f.exists()) {
262      f.delete();
263    }
264  }
266  public static void writeZipFile(String inputFileName,
267                                  String outputZipFileName) throws Exception {
269    FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(inputFileName);
270    int wbxmlLen = in.available();
271    byte[] wbxml_content = new byte[wbxmlLen];
272    in.read(wbxml_content);
273    in.close();
275    Deflater compressor = new Deflater();
276    compressor.setLevel(Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION);
277    compressor.setInput(wbxml_content);
278    compressor.finish();
280    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(wbxmlLen);
281    byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
282    while (!compressor.finished()) {
283      int count = compressor.deflate(buf);
284      bos.write(buf, 0, count);
285    }
286    bos.close();
287    byte[] wbxml_zip = bos.toByteArray();
288    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outputZipFileName);
289    fos.write(wbxml_zip);
290    fos.flush();
291    fos.close();
292    //System.out.println("in: " + wbxmlLen + "  out: " + wbxml_zip.length);
293  }
296  public static void copyFile(String fromFile, String toFile) throws Exception {
297    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fromFile);
298    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(toFile);
299    byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
300    int i = 0;
301    while ( (i = fis.read(buf)) != -1) {
302      fos.write(buf, 0, i);
303    }
304    if (fis != null) {
305      fis.close();
306    }
307    if (fos != null) {
308      fos.close();
309    }
310  }
312  public static void deleteDir(String path) throws Exception {
313    File f = new File(path);
314    if (f.exists() && f.isDirectory()) {
315      File[] files = f.listFiles();
316      for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
317        files[i].delete();
318      }
319      f.delete();
320    }
321  }
323  public static String str(String s) {
324    return (s != null) ? s : "";
325  }
327  public static boolean strToBool(String s) {
328    s = (str(s)).toUpperCase();
329    if (s.equals("YES") || s.equals("TRUE") || s.equals("1")) {
330      return true;
331    }
332    return false;
333  }
335  public static boolean isFileExists(String path) {
336    return (path == null) ? false : ( (new File(path)).exists());
337  }
339  // validate input files and set Encoding
340  public static String validateAndSetInputParms() {
341    String mms = Generator.pathMMSFile;
342    String browser = Generator.pathBrowserFile;
343    String java = Generator.pathJavaAppFile;
344    String im = Generator.pathIMFile;
345    String fileExtention = "";
346    String tmp;
347    //check that at least one file is presenting
348    if (!isFileExists(mms) && !isFileExists(browser) && !isFileExists(java) &&
349        !isFileExists(im)) {
350      return "Error: At least one correct file (mms or browser or java or IM) must be provided !!!";
351    }
352    //set files type
353    if (mms != null) {
354      tmp = mms.substring(mms.length() - 4);
355      if (fileExtention.length() > 0 && !fileExtention.equals(tmp)) {
356        return
357            "Error: All input files should have the same type: txt or csv !!!";
358      }
359      fileExtention = tmp;
360    }
361    if (browser != null) {
362      tmp = browser.substring(browser.length() - 4);
363      if (fileExtention.length() > 0 && !fileExtention.equals(tmp)) {
364        return
365            "Error: All input files should have the same type: txt or csv !!!";
366      }
367      fileExtention = tmp;
368    }
369    if (java != null) {
370      tmp = java.substring(java.length() - 4);
371      if (fileExtention.length() > 0 && !fileExtention.equals(tmp)) {
372        return
373            "Error: All input files should have the same type: txt or csv !!!";
374      }
375      fileExtention = tmp;
376    }
378    if (im != null) {
379      tmp = im.substring(im.length() - 4);
380      if (fileExtention.length() > 0 && !fileExtention.equals(tmp)) {
381        return
382            "Error: All input files should have the same type: txt or csv !!!";
383      }
384      fileExtention = tmp;
385    }
386    if (fileExtention.equals(".txt")) {
387      Generator.IS_INPUT_TXT_FILE = true;
388      Generator.ENCODING = "UTF-16";
389    }
390    else {
391      Generator.ENCODING = "UTF-8";
392      Generator.IS_INPUT_TXT_FILE = false;
393    }
394    return null;
395  }
397  public static String generateFileNameFromKey(String key) throws Exception{
398    //byte[] bb = key.getBytes("UTF-8");
399    //for (int i = 0; i < bb.length; i++) {
400    //  System.out.print(Integer.toHexString(bb[i]) + " ");
401    //}
402    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(key, ":");
403    StringBuffer fileName = new StringBuffer();
404    String tmp;
405    tmp = st.nextToken(); //mnc
406    fileName.append(tmp).append("_");
408    tmp = st.nextToken(); //mcc
409    fileName.append(tmp).append("_");
411    //carrier name... replace unicode to hex if required.
412    tmp = st.nextToken();
413    byte b;
414    String  hex = "";
415    String tmpHex;
416    boolean hexRequired = false;
417    byte[] bytes = tmp.getBytes();
418    for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
419      b = bytes[i];
420      if (! ( (b >= 48 && b <= 57) || (b >= 65 && b <= 90) ||
421             (b >= 97 && b <= 122))) {
422        hexRequired = true;
423      }
424      tmpHex = Integer.toHexString(((int)b) & 0xff ).toUpperCase();
425      hex += tmpHex;
426    }
428    tmp = (hexRequired) ? hex.replaceAll(" ", "_") : tmp.replaceAll(" ", "_"); //carrier name...
429    fileName.append(tmp).append("_");
430    tmp = st.nextToken(); //payment type
431    fileName.append(tmp);
432//System.out.println(">" + fileName.toString() + "<");
433    return fileName.toString();
434  }
436  ///// ================== for test only..... ===========================
437  public static void printRecords() {
438    for (int i = 0; i < Generator.arraySortedRecords.length; i++) {
439      System.out.println(
440          "  mcc=" + Generator.arraySortedRecords[i].mcc +
441          "  mnc=" + Generator.arraySortedRecords[i].mnc +
442          "  mncLen=" + Generator.arraySortedRecords[i].mncLen +
443          "  offset=" +
444          Generator.arraySortedRecords[i].operator_name_offset +
445          "  payment=" +
446          Generator.arraySortedRecords[i].account_type);
447    }
449  }