Lines Matching refs:exceptionState

54     static bool validate(Uint8Array* array, ExceptionState& exceptionState, bool sysexEnabled)
57 return validator.process(exceptionState, sysexEnabled);
65 bool process(ExceptionState& exceptionState, bool sysexEnabled)
69 exceptionState.throwTypeError("Running status is not allowed " + getPositionString());
73 exceptionState.throwTypeError("Unexpected end of system exclusive message " + getPositionString());
77 exceptionState.throwTypeError("Reserved status is not allowed " + getPositionString());
82 exceptionState.throwDOMException(InvalidAccessError, "System exclusive message is not allowed " + getPositionString());
87 exceptionState.throwTypeError("System exclusive message is not ended by end of system exclusive message.");
89 exceptionState.throwTypeError("System exclusive message contains a status byte " + getPositionString());
95 exceptionState.throwTypeError("Message is incomplete.");
97 exceptionState.throwTypeError("Unexpected status byte at index " + getPositionString());
192 void MIDIOutput::send(Uint8Array* array, double timestamp, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
200 if (MessageValidator::validate(array, exceptionState, midiAccess()->sysexEnabled()))
204 void MIDIOutput::send(Vector<unsigned> unsignedData, double timestamp, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
213 exceptionState.throwTypeError("The value at index " + String::number(i) + " (" + String::number(unsignedData[i]) + ") is greater than 0xFF.");
220 send(array.get(), timestamp, exceptionState);
223 void MIDIOutput::send(Uint8Array* data, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
225 send(data, 0.0, exceptionState);
228 void MIDIOutput::send(Vector<unsigned> unsignedData, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
230 send(unsignedData, 0.0, exceptionState);