Lines Matching defs:Image

28 #include "platform/graphics/Image.h"
49 Image::Image(ImageObserver* observer)
54 Image::~Image()
58 Image* Image::nullImage()
61 DEFINE_STATIC_REF(Image, nullImage, (BitmapImage::create()));
65 PassRefPtr<Image> Image::loadPlatformResource(const char *name)
69 return Image::nullImage();
71 RefPtr<Image> image = BitmapImage::create();
76 bool Image::supportsType(const String& type)
81 bool Image::setData(PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> data, bool allDataReceived)
94 void Image::fillWithSolidColor(GraphicsContext* ctxt, const FloatRect& dstRect, const Color& color, CompositeOperator op)
105 FloatRect Image::adjustForNegativeSize(const FloatRect& rect)
119 void Image::draw(GraphicsContext* ctx, const FloatRect& dstRect, const FloatRect& srcRect, CompositeOperator op, WebBlendMode blendMode, RespectImageOrientationEnum)
124 void Image::drawTiled(GraphicsContext* ctxt, const FloatRect& destRect, const FloatPoint& srcPoint, const FloatSize& scaledTileSize, CompositeOperator op, WebBlendMode blendMode, const IntSize& repeatSpacing)
167 void Image::drawTiled(GraphicsContext* ctxt, const FloatRect& dstRect, const FloatRect& srcRect,
195 // High interpolation quality rounds the scaled tile to an integer size (see Image::drawPattern).
207 if (hRule == Image::RepeatTile)
209 if (vRule == Image::RepeatTile)
225 void Image::drawPattern(GraphicsContext* context, const FloatRect& floatSrcRect, const FloatSize& scale,
228 TRACE_EVENT0("skia", "Image::drawPattern");
233 void Image::computeIntrinsicDimensions(Length& intrinsicWidth, Length& intrinsicHeight, FloatSize& intrinsicRatio)
240 PassRefPtr<Image> Image::imageForDefaultFrame()
242 RefPtr<Image> image(this);