Lines Matching refs:EGLint

28     Config(rx::ConfigDesc desc, EGLint minSwapInterval, EGLint maxSwapInterval, EGLint texWidth, EGLint texHeight);
36 EGLint mBufferSize; // Depth of the color buffer
37 EGLint mRedSize; // Bits of Red in the color buffer
38 EGLint mGreenSize; // Bits of Green in the color buffer
39 EGLint mBlueSize; // Bits of Blue in the color buffer
40 EGLint mLuminanceSize; // Bits of Luminance in the color buffer
41 EGLint mAlphaSize; // Bits of Alpha in the color buffer
42 EGLint mAlphaMaskSize; // Bits of Alpha Mask in the mask buffer
47 EGLint mConfigID; // Unique EGLConfig identifier
48 EGLint mConformant; // Whether contexts created with this config are conformant
49 EGLint mDepthSize; // Bits of Z in the depth buffer
50 EGLint mLevel; // Frame buffer level
52 EGLint mMaxPBufferWidth; // Maximum width of pbuffer
53 EGLint mMaxPBufferHeight; // Maximum height of pbuffer
54 EGLint mMaxPBufferPixels; // Maximum size of pbuffer
55 EGLint mMaxSwapInterval; // Maximum swap interval
56 EGLint mMinSwapInterval; // Minimum swap interval
58 EGLint mNativeVisualID; // Handle of corresponding native visual
59 EGLint mNativeVisualType; // Native visual type of the associated visual
60 EGLint mRenderableType; // Which client rendering APIs are supported.
61 EGLint mSampleBuffers; // Number of multisample buffers
62 EGLint mSamples; // Number of samples per pixel
63 EGLint mStencilSize; // Bits of Stencil in the stencil buffer
64 EGLint mSurfaceType; // Which types of EGL surfaces are supported.
66 EGLint mTransparentRedValue; // Transparent red value
67 EGLint mTransparentGreenValue; // Transparent green value
68 EGLint mTransparentBlueValue; // Transparent blue value
75 explicit SortConfig(const EGLint *attribList);
81 void scanForWantedComponents(const EGLint *attribList);
82 EGLint wantedComponentsSize(const Config &config) const;
98 void add(rx::ConfigDesc desc, EGLint minSwapInterval, EGLint maxSwapInterval, EGLint texWidth, EGLint texHeight);
100 bool getConfigs(EGLConfig *configs, const EGLint *attribList, EGLint configSize, EGLint *numConfig);
110 static const EGLint mSortAttribs[];