Lines Matching refs:int16_t

37 static const int16_t kMsecSpeechInner = 520;
38 static const int16_t kMsecSpeechOuter = 340;
40 static const int16_t kNormalVadThreshold = 400;
42 static const int16_t kAlphaShortTerm = 6; // 1 >> 6 = 0.0156
43 static const int16_t kAlphaLongTerm = 10; // 1 >> 10 = 0.000977
49 int16_t compressionGaindB; // Fixed gain level in dB
50 int16_t targetLevelDbfs; // Target level in -dBfs of envelope (default -3)
51 int16_t agcMode; // Hard coded mode (adaptAna/adaptDig/fixedDig)
57 int16_t initFlag;
58 int16_t lastError;
73 int16_t analogTarget; // Digital reference level in ENV scale
87 int16_t Rxx16pos; // Current position in the Rxx16_vectorw32
88 int16_t envSum; // Filtered scaled envelope in subframes
89 int16_t vadThreshold; // Threshold for VAD decision
90 int16_t inActive; // Inactive time in milliseconds
91 int16_t msTooLow; // Milliseconds of speech at a too low level
92 int16_t msTooHigh; // Milliseconds of speech at a too high level
93 int16_t changeToSlowMode; // Change to slow mode after some time at target
94 int16_t firstCall; // First call to the process-function
95 int16_t msZero; // Milliseconds of zero input
96 int16_t msecSpeechOuterChange;// Min ms of speech between volume changes
97 int16_t msecSpeechInnerChange;// Min ms of speech between volume changes
98 int16_t activeSpeech; // Milliseconds of active speech
99 int16_t muteGuardMs; // Counter to prevent mute action
100 int16_t inQueue; // 10 ms batch indicator
115 int16_t scale; // Scale factor for internal volume levels
117 int16_t numBlocksMicLvlSat;
130 int16_t lowLevelSignal;