1// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <string>
9#include <vector>
11#include "base/callback.h"
12#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
13#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
14#include "base/prefs/pref_store.h"
15#include "base/values.h"
16#include "chrome/browser/supervised_user/supervised_users.h"
17#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
18#include "sync/api/syncable_service.h"
20class PersistentPrefStore;
21class Profile;
23namespace base {
24class FilePath;
25class SequencedTaskRunner;
28// This class syncs supervised user settings from a server, which are mapped to
29// preferences. The downloaded settings are persisted in a PrefStore (which is
30// not directly hooked up to the PrefService; it's just used internally).
31// Settings are key-value pairs, where the key uniquely identifies the setting.
32// The value is a string containing a JSON serialization of an arbitrary value,
33// which is the value of the setting.
35// There are two kinds of settings handled by this class: Atomic and split
36// settings.
37// Atomic settings consist of a single key (which will be mapped to a pref key)
38// and a single (arbitrary) value.
39// Split settings encode a dictionary value and are stored as multiple Sync
40// items, one for each dictionary entry. The key for each of these Sync items
41// is the key of the split setting, followed by a separator (':') and the key
42// for the dictionary entry. The value of the Sync item is the value of the
43// dictionary entry.
45// As an example, a split setting with key "Moose" and value
46//   {
47//     "foo": "bar",
48//     "baz": "blurp"
49//   }
50// would be encoded as two sync items, one with key "Moose:foo" and value "bar",
51// and one with key "Moose:baz" and value "blurp".
52class SupervisedUserSettingsService : public KeyedService,
53                                      public syncer::SyncableService,
54                                      public PrefStore::Observer {
55 public:
56  // A callback whose first parameter is a dictionary containing all supervised
57  // user settings. If the dictionary is NULL, it means that the service is
58  // inactive, i.e. the user is not supervised.
59  typedef base::Callback<void(const base::DictionaryValue*)> SettingsCallback;
61  SupervisedUserSettingsService();
62  virtual ~SupervisedUserSettingsService();
64  // Initializes the service by loading its settings from a file underneath the
65  // |profile_path|. File I/O will be serialized via the
66  // |sequenced_task_runner|. If |load_synchronously| is true, the settings will
67  // be loaded synchronously, otherwise asynchronously.
68  void Init(base::FilePath profile_path,
69            base::SequencedTaskRunner* sequenced_task_runner,
70            bool load_synchronously);
72  // Initializes the service by loading its settings from the |pref_store|.
73  // Use this method in tests to inject a different PrefStore than the
74  // default one.
75  void Init(scoped_refptr<PersistentPrefStore> pref_store);
77  // Adds a callback to be called when supervised user settings are initially
78  // available, or when they change.
79  void Subscribe(const SettingsCallback& callback);
81  // Activates/deactivates the service. This is called by the
82  // SupervisedUserService when it is (de)activated.
83  void SetActive(bool active);
85  // Whether supervised user settings are available.
86  bool IsReady();
88  // Clears all supervised user settings and items.
89  void Clear();
91  // Constructs a key for a split supervised user setting from a prefix and a
92  // variable key.
93  static std::string MakeSplitSettingKey(const std::string& prefix,
94                                         const std::string& key);
96  // Uploads an item to the Sync server. Items are the same data structure as
97  // supervised user settings (i.e. key-value pairs, as described at the top of
98  // the file), but they are only uploaded (whereas supervised user settings are
99  // only downloaded), and never passed to the preference system.
100  // An example of an uploaded item is an access request to a blocked URL.
101  void UploadItem(const std::string& key, scoped_ptr<base::Value> value);
103  // Sets the setting with the given |key| to a copy of the given |value|.
104  void SetLocalSettingForTesting(const std::string& key,
105                                 scoped_ptr<base::Value> value);
107  // Public for testing.
108  static syncer::SyncData CreateSyncDataForSetting(const std::string& name,
109                                                   const base::Value& value);
111  // KeyedService implementation:
112  virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE;
114  // SyncableService implementation:
115  virtual syncer::SyncMergeResult MergeDataAndStartSyncing(
116      syncer::ModelType type,
117      const syncer::SyncDataList& initial_sync_data,
118      scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncChangeProcessor> sync_processor,
119      scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncErrorFactory> error_handler) OVERRIDE;
120  virtual void StopSyncing(syncer::ModelType type) OVERRIDE;
121  virtual syncer::SyncDataList GetAllSyncData(syncer::ModelType type) const
122      OVERRIDE;
123  virtual syncer::SyncError ProcessSyncChanges(
124      const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
125      const syncer::SyncChangeList& change_list) OVERRIDE;
127  // PrefStore::Observer implementation:
128  virtual void OnPrefValueChanged(const std::string& key) OVERRIDE;
129  virtual void OnInitializationCompleted(bool success) OVERRIDE;
131 private:
132  base::DictionaryValue* GetOrCreateDictionary(const std::string& key) const;
133  base::DictionaryValue* GetAtomicSettings() const;
134  base::DictionaryValue* GetSplitSettings() const;
135  base::DictionaryValue* GetQueuedItems() const;
137  // Returns the dictionary where a given Sync item should be stored, depending
138  // on whether the supervised user setting is atomic or split. In case of a
139  // split setting, the split setting prefix of |key| is removed, so that |key|
140  // can be used to update the returned dictionary.
141  base::DictionaryValue* GetDictionaryAndSplitKey(std::string* key) const;
143  // Returns a dictionary with all supervised user settings if the service is
144  // active, or NULL otherwise.
145  scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> GetSettings();
147  // Sends the settings to all subscribers. This method should be called by the
148  // subclass whenever the settings change.
149  void InformSubscribers();
151  // Used for persisting the settings. Unlike other PrefStores, this one is not
152  // directly hooked up to the PrefService.
153  scoped_refptr<PersistentPrefStore> store_;
155  bool active_;
157  // A set of local settings that are fixed and not configured remotely.
158  scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> local_settings_;
160  std::vector<SettingsCallback> subscribers_;
162  scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncChangeProcessor> sync_processor_;
163  scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncErrorFactory> error_handler_;
165  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SupervisedUserSettingsService);