revision 90dce4d38c5ff5333bea97d859d4e484e27edf0c
1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
7#include "base/basictypes.h"
8#include "chrome/common/pref_font_webkit_names.h"
10namespace prefs {
12// *************** PROFILE PREFS ***************
13// These are attached to the user profile
15// A string property indicating whether default apps should be installed
16// in this profile.  Use the value "install" to enable defaults apps, or
17// "noinstall" to disable them.  This property is usually set in the
18// master_preferences and copied into the profile preferences on first run.
19// Defaults apps are installed only when creating a new profile.
20const char kDefaultApps[] = "default_apps";
22// Whether we have installed default apps yet in this profile.
23const char kDefaultAppsInstalled[] = "default_apps_installed";
25// Disables screenshot accelerators and extension APIs.
26// This setting resides both in profile prefs and local state. Accelerator
27// handling code reads local state, while extension APIs use profile pref.
28const char kDisableScreenshots[] = "disable_screenshots";
30// A boolean specifying whether the New Tab page is the home page or not.
31const char kHomePageIsNewTabPage[] = "homepage_is_newtabpage";
33// This is the URL of the page to load when opening new tabs.
34const char kHomePage[] = "homepage";
36// This preference is used to store the hash of a password of the custodian of
37// a managed user. It allows to unlock options which should be not available to
38// the managed user. The salt preference is used to derive the hash from the
39// password.
40const char kManagedModeLocalPassphrase[] = "managed_mode.passphrase";
41const char kManagedModeLocalSalt[] = "managed_mode.salt";
43// Maps host names to whether the host is manually allowed or blocked.
44const char kManagedModeManualHosts[] = "profile.managed.manual_hosts";
45// Maps URLs to whether the URL is manually allowed or blocked.
46const char kManagedModeManualURLs[] = "profile.managed.manual_urls";
48// Used to determine if the last session exited cleanly. Set to false when
49// first opened, and to true when closing. On startup if the value is false,
50// it means the profile didn't exit cleanly.
51// DEPRECATED: this is replaced by kSessionExitType and exists for backwards
52// compatability.
53const char kSessionExitedCleanly[] = "profile.exited_cleanly";
55// A string pref whose values is one of the values defined by
56// |ProfileImpl::kPrefExitTypeXXX|. Set to |kPrefExitTypeCrashed| on startup and
57// one of |kPrefExitTypeNormal| or |kPrefExitTypeSessionEnded| during
58// shutdown. Used to determine the exit type the last time the profile was open.
59const char kSessionExitType[] = "profile.exit_type";
61// An integer pref. Holds one of several values:
62// 0: (deprecated) open the homepage on startup.
63// 1: restore the last session.
64// 2: this was used to indicate a specific session should be restored. It is
65//    no longer used, but saved to avoid conflict with old preferences.
66// 3: unused, previously indicated the user wants to restore a saved session.
67// 4: restore the URLs defined in kURLsToRestoreOnStartup.
68// 5: open the New Tab Page on startup.
69const char kRestoreOnStartup[] = "session.restore_on_startup";
71// The URLs to restore on startup or when the home button is pressed. The URLs
72// are only restored on startup if kRestoreOnStartup is 4.
73const char kURLsToRestoreOnStartup[] = "session.urls_to_restore_on_startup";
75// A preference to keep track of whether we have already checked whether we
76// need to migrate the user from kRestoreOnStartup=0 to kRestoreOnStartup=4.
77// We only need to do this check once, on upgrade from m18 or lower to m19 or
78// higher.
79const char kRestoreOnStartupMigrated[] = "session.restore_on_startup_migrated";
81// The application locale.
82// For OS_CHROMEOS we maintain kApplicationLocale property in both local state
83// and user's profile.  Global property determines locale of login screen,
84// while user's profile determines his personal locale preference.
85const char kApplicationLocale[] = "intl.app_locale";
86#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
87// Locale preference of device' owner.  ChromeOS device appears in this locale
88// after startup/wakeup/signout.
89const char kOwnerLocale[] = "intl.owner_locale";
90// Locale accepted by user.  Non-syncable.
91// Used to determine whether we need to show Locale Change notification.
92const char kApplicationLocaleAccepted[] = "intl.app_locale_accepted";
93// Non-syncable item.
94// It is used in two distinct ways.
95// (1) Used for two-step initialization of locale in ChromeOS
96//     because synchronization of kApplicationLocale is not instant.
97// (2) Used to detect locale change.  Locale change is detected by
98//     LocaleChangeGuard in case values of kApplicationLocaleBackup and
99//     kApplicationLocale are both non-empty and differ.
100// Following is a table showing how state of those prefs may change upon
101// common real-life use cases:
102//                                  AppLocale Backup Accepted
103// Initial login                       -        A       -
104// Sync                                B        A       -
105// Accept (B)                          B        B       B
106// -----------------------------------------------------------
107// Initial login                       -        A       -
108// No sync and second login            A        A       -
109// Change options                      B        B       -
110// -----------------------------------------------------------
111// Initial login                       -        A       -
112// Sync                                A        A       -
113// Locale changed on login screen      A        C       -
114// Accept (A)                          A        A       A
115// -----------------------------------------------------------
116// Initial login                       -        A       -
117// Sync                                B        A       -
118// Revert                              A        A       -
119const char kApplicationLocaleBackup[] = "intl.app_locale_backup";
122// The default character encoding to assume for a web page in the
123// absence of MIME charset specification
124const char kDefaultCharset[] = "intl.charset_default";
126// The value to use for Accept-Languages HTTP header when making an HTTP
127// request.
128const char kAcceptLanguages[] = "intl.accept_languages";
130// The value to use for showing locale-dependent encoding list for different
131// locale, it's initialized from the corresponding string resource that is
132// stored in non-translatable part of the resource bundle.
133const char kStaticEncodings[] = "intl.static_encodings";
135// Obselete WebKit prefs for migration.
136const char kGlobalDefaultCharset[] = "";
137const char kWebKitGlobalDefaultFontSize[] =
138    "";
139const char kWebKitGlobalDefaultFixedFontSize[] =
140    "";
141const char kWebKitGlobalMinimumFontSize[] =
142    "";
143const char kWebKitGlobalMinimumLogicalFontSize[] =
144    "";
145const char kWebKitGlobalJavascriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically[] =
146    "";
147const char kWebKitGlobalJavascriptEnabled[] =
148    "";
149const char kWebKitGlobalLoadsImagesAutomatically[] =
150    "";
151const char kWebKitGlobalPluginsEnabled[] =
152    "";
153const char kWebKitGlobalStandardFontFamily[] =
154    "";
155const char kWebKitGlobalFixedFontFamily[] =
156    "";
157const char kWebKitGlobalSerifFontFamily[] =
158    "";
159const char kWebKitGlobalSansSerifFontFamily[] =
160    "";
161const char kWebKitGlobalCursiveFontFamily[] =
162    "";
163const char kWebKitGlobalFantasyFontFamily[] =
164    "";
165const char kWebKitOldStandardFontFamily[] =
166    "webkit.webprefs.standard_font_family";
167const char kWebKitOldFixedFontFamily[] = "webkit.webprefs.fixed_font_family";
168const char kWebKitOldSerifFontFamily[] = "webkit.webprefs.serif_font_family";
169const char kWebKitOldSansSerifFontFamily[] =
170    "webkit.webprefs.sansserif_font_family";
171const char kWebKitOldCursiveFontFamily[] =
172    "webkit.webprefs.cursive_font_family";
173const char kWebKitOldFantasyFontFamily[] =
174    "webkit.webprefs.fantasy_font_family";
176// If these change, the corresponding enums in the extension API
177// experimental.fontSettings.json must also change.
178const char* const kWebKitScriptsForFontFamilyMaps[] = {
179#define EXPAND_SCRIPT_FONT(x, script_name) script_name ,
180#include "chrome/common/pref_font_script_names-inl.h"
181ALL_FONT_SCRIPTS("unused param")
185const size_t kWebKitScriptsForFontFamilyMapsLength =
186    arraysize(kWebKitScriptsForFontFamilyMaps);
188// Strings for WebKit font family preferences. If these change, the pref prefix
189// in and the pref format in must also
190// change.
191const char kWebKitStandardFontFamilyMap[] =
193const char kWebKitFixedFontFamilyMap[] =
195const char kWebKitSerifFontFamilyMap[] =
197const char kWebKitSansSerifFontFamilyMap[] =
199const char kWebKitCursiveFontFamilyMap[] =
201const char kWebKitFantasyFontFamilyMap[] =
203const char kWebKitPictographFontFamilyMap[] =
205const char kWebKitStandardFontFamilyArabic[] =
206    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.standard.Arab";
207const char kWebKitFixedFontFamilyArabic[] =
208    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.fixed.Arab";
209const char kWebKitSerifFontFamilyArabic[] =
210    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.serif.Arab";
211const char kWebKitSansSerifFontFamilyArabic[] =
212    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.sansserif.Arab";
213const char kWebKitStandardFontFamilyCyrillic[] =
214    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.standard.Cyrl";
215const char kWebKitFixedFontFamilyCyrillic[] =
216    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.fixed.Cyrl";
217const char kWebKitSerifFontFamilyCyrillic[] =
218    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.serif.Cyrl";
219const char kWebKitSansSerifFontFamilyCyrillic[] =
220    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.sansserif.Cyrl";
221const char kWebKitStandardFontFamilyGreek[] =
222    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.standard.Grek";
223const char kWebKitFixedFontFamilyGreek[] =
224    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.fixed.Grek";
225const char kWebKitSerifFontFamilyGreek[] =
226    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.serif.Grek";
227const char kWebKitSansSerifFontFamilyGreek[] =
228    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.sansserif.Grek";
229const char kWebKitStandardFontFamilyJapanese[] =
230    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.standard.Jpan";
231const char kWebKitFixedFontFamilyJapanese[] =
232    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.fixed.Jpan";
233const char kWebKitSerifFontFamilyJapanese[] =
234    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.serif.Jpan";
235const char kWebKitSansSerifFontFamilyJapanese[] =
236    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.sansserif.Jpan";
237const char kWebKitStandardFontFamilyKorean[] =
238    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.standard.Hang";
239const char kWebKitFixedFontFamilyKorean[] =
240    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.fixed.Hang";
241const char kWebKitSerifFontFamilyKorean[] =
242    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.serif.Hang";
243const char kWebKitSansSerifFontFamilyKorean[] =
244    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.sansserif.Hang";
245const char kWebKitCursiveFontFamilyKorean[] =
246    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.cursive.Hang";
247const char kWebKitStandardFontFamilySimplifiedHan[] =
248    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.standard.Hans";
249const char kWebKitFixedFontFamilySimplifiedHan[] =
250    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.fixed.Hans";
251const char kWebKitSerifFontFamilySimplifiedHan[] =
252    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.serif.Hans";
253const char kWebKitSansSerifFontFamilySimplifiedHan[] =
254    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.sansserif.Hans";
255const char kWebKitStandardFontFamilyTraditionalHan[] =
256    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.standard.Hant";
257const char kWebKitFixedFontFamilyTraditionalHan[] =
258    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.fixed.Hant";
259const char kWebKitSerifFontFamilyTraditionalHan[] =
260    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.serif.Hant";
261const char kWebKitSansSerifFontFamilyTraditionalHan[] =
262    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.sansserif.Hant";
264// WebKit preferences.
265const char kWebKitWebSecurityEnabled[] = "webkit.webprefs.web_security_enabled";
266const char kWebKitDomPasteEnabled[] = "webkit.webprefs.dom_paste_enabled";
267const char kWebKitShrinksStandaloneImagesToFit[] =
268    "webkit.webprefs.shrinks_standalone_images_to_fit";
269const char kWebKitInspectorSettings[] = "webkit.webprefs.inspector_settings";
270const char kWebKitUsesUniversalDetector[] =
271    "webkit.webprefs.uses_universal_detector";
272const char kWebKitTextAreasAreResizable[] =
273    "webkit.webprefs.text_areas_are_resizable";
274const char kWebKitJavaEnabled[] = "webkit.webprefs.java_enabled";
275const char kWebkitTabsToLinks[] = "webkit.webprefs.tabs_to_links";
276const char kWebKitAllowDisplayingInsecureContent[] =
277    "webkit.webprefs.allow_displaying_insecure_content";
278const char kWebKitAllowRunningInsecureContent[] =
279    "webkit.webprefs.allow_running_insecure_content";
280#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
281const char kWebKitFontScaleFactor[] = "webkit.webprefs.font_scale_factor";
282const char kWebKitForceEnableZoom[] = "webkit.webprefs.force_enable_zoom";
285const char kWebKitCommonScript[] = "Zyyy";
286const char kWebKitStandardFontFamily[] = "webkit.webprefs.fonts.standard.Zyyy";
287const char kWebKitFixedFontFamily[] = "webkit.webprefs.fonts.fixed.Zyyy";
288const char kWebKitSerifFontFamily[] = "webkit.webprefs.fonts.serif.Zyyy";
289const char kWebKitSansSerifFontFamily[] =
290    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.sansserif.Zyyy";
291const char kWebKitCursiveFontFamily[] = "webkit.webprefs.fonts.cursive.Zyyy";
292const char kWebKitFantasyFontFamily[] = "webkit.webprefs.fonts.fantasy.Zyyy";
293const char kWebKitPictographFontFamily[] =
294    "webkit.webprefs.fonts.pictograph.Zyyy";
295const char kWebKitDefaultFontSize[] = "webkit.webprefs.default_font_size";
296const char kWebKitDefaultFixedFontSize[] =
297    "webkit.webprefs.default_fixed_font_size";
298const char kWebKitMinimumFontSize[] = "webkit.webprefs.minimum_font_size";
299const char kWebKitMinimumLogicalFontSize[] =
300    "webkit.webprefs.minimum_logical_font_size";
301const char kWebKitJavascriptEnabled[] = "webkit.webprefs.javascript_enabled";
302const char kWebKitJavascriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically[] =
303    "webkit.webprefs.javascript_can_open_windows_automatically";
304const char kWebKitLoadsImagesAutomatically[] =
305    "webkit.webprefs.loads_images_automatically";
306const char kWebKitPluginsEnabled[] = "webkit.webprefs.plugins_enabled";
308// Boolean which specifies whether the bookmark bar is visible on all tabs.
309const char kShowBookmarkBar[] = "bookmark_bar.show_on_all_tabs";
311// Boolean which specifies whether the apps shortcut is visible on the bookmark
312// bar.
313const char kShowAppsShortcutInBookmarkBar[] = "bookmark_bar.show_apps_shortcut";
315// Boolean which specifies the ids of the bookmark nodes that are expanded in
316// the bookmark editor.
317const char kBookmarkEditorExpandedNodes[] = "bookmark_editor.expanded_nodes";
319// Boolean controlling whether password generation is enabled (will allow users
320// to generated passwords on account creation pages).
321const char kPasswordGenerationEnabled[] = "password_generation.enabled";
323// Boolean that is true if the password manager is on (will record new
324// passwords and fill in known passwords).
325const char kPasswordManagerEnabled[] = "profile.password_manager_enabled";
327// Boolean controlling whether the password manager allows to retrieve passwords
328// in clear text.
329const char kPasswordManagerAllowShowPasswords[] =
330    "profile.password_manager_allow_show_passwords";
332// Booleans identifying whether normal and reverse auto-logins are enabled.
333const char kAutologinEnabled[] = "autologin.enabled";
334const char kReverseAutologinEnabled[] = "reverse_autologin.enabled";
336// List to keep track of emails for which the user has rejected one-click
337// sign-in.
338const char kReverseAutologinRejectedEmailList[] =
339    "reverse_autologin.rejected_email_list";
341// Boolean that is true when SafeBrowsing is enabled.
342const char kSafeBrowsingEnabled[] = "safebrowsing.enabled";
344// Boolean that is true when SafeBrowsing Malware Report is enabled.
345const char kSafeBrowsingReportingEnabled[] =
346    "safebrowsing.reporting_enabled";
348// Boolean that is true when the SafeBrowsing interstitial should not allow
349// users to proceed anyway.
350const char kSafeBrowsingProceedAnywayDisabled[] =
351    "safebrowsing.proceed_anyway_disabled";
353// Enum that specifies whether Incognito mode is:
354// 0 - Enabled. Default behaviour. Default mode is available on demand.
355// 1 - Disabled. Used cannot browse pages in Incognito mode.
356// 2 - Forced. All pages/sessions are forced into Incognito.
357const char kIncognitoModeAvailability[] = "incognito.mode_availability";
359// Boolean that is true when Suggest support is enabled.
360const char kSearchSuggestEnabled[] = "search.suggest_enabled";
362// Boolean that indicates whether the browser should put up a confirmation
363// window when the user is attempting to quit. Mac only.
364const char kConfirmToQuitEnabled[] = "browser.confirm_to_quit";
366// OBSOLETE.  Enum that specifies whether to enforce a third-party cookie
367// blocking policy.  This has been superseded by kDefaultContentSettings +
368// kBlockThirdPartyCookies.
369// 0 - allow all cookies.
370// 1 - block third-party cookies
371// 2 - block all cookies
372const char kCookieBehavior[] = "security.cookie_behavior";
374// The GUID of the synced default search provider. Note that this acts like a
375// pointer to which synced search engine should be the default, rather than the
376// prefs below which describe the locally saved default search provider details
377// (and are not synced). This is ignored in the case of the default search
378// provider being managed by policy.
379const char kSyncedDefaultSearchProviderGUID[] =
380    "default_search_provider.synced_guid";
382// Whether having a default search provider is enabled.
383const char kDefaultSearchProviderEnabled[] =
384    "default_search_provider.enabled";
386// The URL (as understood by TemplateURLRef) the default search provider uses
387// for searches.
388const char kDefaultSearchProviderSearchURL[] =
389    "default_search_provider.search_url";
391// The URL (as understood by TemplateURLRef) the default search provider uses
392// for suggestions.
393const char kDefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL[] =
394    "default_search_provider.suggest_url";
396// The URL (as understood by TemplateURLRef) the default search provider uses
397// for instant results.
398const char kDefaultSearchProviderInstantURL[] =
399    "default_search_provider.instant_url";
401// The Favicon URL (as understood by TemplateURLRef) of the default search
402// provider.
403const char kDefaultSearchProviderIconURL[] =
404    "default_search_provider.icon_url";
406// The input encoding (as understood by TemplateURLRef) supported by the default
407// search provider.  The various encodings are separated by ';'
408const char kDefaultSearchProviderEncodings[] =
409    "default_search_provider.encodings";
411// The name of the default search provider.
412const char kDefaultSearchProviderName[] = "";
414// The keyword of the default search provider.
415const char kDefaultSearchProviderKeyword[] = "default_search_provider.keyword";
417// The id of the default search provider.
418const char kDefaultSearchProviderID[] = "";
420// The prepopulate id of the default search provider.
421const char kDefaultSearchProviderPrepopulateID[] =
422    "default_search_provider.prepopulate_id";
424// The alternate urls of the default search provider.
425const char kDefaultSearchProviderAlternateURLs[] =
426    "default_search_provider.alternate_urls";
428// Search term placement query parameter for the default search provider.
429const char kDefaultSearchProviderSearchTermsReplacementKey[] =
430    "default_search_provider.search_terms_replacement_key";
432// The dictionary key used when the default search providers are given
433// in the preferences file. Normally they are copied from the master
434// preferences file.
435const char kSearchProviderOverrides[] = "search_provider_overrides";
436// The format version for the dictionary above.
437const char kSearchProviderOverridesVersion[] =
438    "search_provider_overrides_version";
440// Boolean which specifies whether we should ask the user if we should download
441// a file (true) or just download it automatically.
442const char kPromptForDownload[] = "download.prompt_for_download";
444// A boolean pref set to true if we're using Link Doctor error pages.
445const char kAlternateErrorPagesEnabled[] = "alternate_error_pages.enabled";
447// OBSOLETE: new pref now stored with user prefs instead of profile, as
448// kDnsPrefetchingStartupList.
449const char kDnsStartupPrefetchList[] = "StartupDNSPrefetchList";
451// An adaptively identified list of domain names to be pre-fetched during the
452// next startup, based on what was actually needed during this startup.
453const char kDnsPrefetchingStartupList[] = "dns_prefetching.startup_list";
455// OBSOLETE: new pref now stored with user prefs instead of profile, as
456// kDnsPrefetchingHostReferralList.
457const char kDnsHostReferralList[] = "HostReferralList";
459// A list of host names used to fetch web pages, and their commonly used
460// sub-resource hostnames (and expected latency benefits from pre-resolving, or
461// preconnecting to, such sub-resource hostnames).
462// This list is adaptively grown and pruned.
463const char kDnsPrefetchingHostReferralList[] =
464    "dns_prefetching.host_referral_list";
466// Disables the SPDY protocol.
467const char kDisableSpdy[] = "spdy.disabled";
469// Prefs for persisting HttpServerProperties.
470const char kHttpServerProperties[] = "net.http_server_properties";
472// Prefs for server names that support SPDY protocol.
473const char kSpdyServers[] = "spdy.servers";
475// Prefs for servers that support Alternate-Protocol.
476const char kAlternateProtocolServers[] = "spdy.alternate_protocol";
478// Disables the listed protocol schemes.
479const char kDisabledSchemes[] = "protocol.disabled_schemes";
481// Blocks access to the listed host patterns.
482const char kUrlBlacklist[] = "policy.url_blacklist";
484// Allows access to the listed host patterns, as exceptions to the blacklist.
485const char kUrlWhitelist[] = "policy.url_whitelist";
487// Boolean pref indicating whether Instant search result previews are enabled.
488const char kSearchInstantEnabled[] = "instant_extended.instant_enabled";
490// Prefix URL for the experimental Instant ZeroSuggest provider.
491const char kInstantUIZeroSuggestUrlPrefix[] =
492    "instant_ui.zero_suggest_url_prefix";
494// Used to migrate preferences from local state to user preferences to
495// enable multiple profiles.
496// BITMASK with possible values (see for enum):
497// 0: No preferences migrated.
498// 1: DNS preferences migrated: kDnsPrefetchingStartupList and HostReferralList
499// 2: Browser window preferences migrated: kDevToolsSplitLocation and
500//    kBrowserWindowPlacement
501const char kMultipleProfilePrefMigration[] =
502    "local_state.multiple_profile_prefs_version";
504// A boolean pref set to true if prediction of network actions is allowed.
505// Actions include DNS prefetching, TCP and SSL preconnection, and prerendering
506// of web pages.
507// NOTE: The "dns_prefetching.enabled" value is used so that historical user
508// preferences are not lost.
509const char kNetworkPredictionEnabled[] = "dns_prefetching.enabled";
511// An integer representing the state of the default apps installation process.
512// This value is persisted in the profile's user preferences because the process
513// is async, and the user may have stopped chrome in the middle.  The next time
514// the profile is opened, the process will continue from where it left off.
516// See possible values in
517const char kDefaultAppsInstallState[] = "default_apps_install_state";
519// A boolean pref set to true if the Chrome Web Store icons should be hidden
520// from the New Tab Page and app launcher.
521const char kHideWebStoreIcon[] = "hide_web_store_icon";
523#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
524// A dictionary pref to hold the mute setting for all the currently known
525// audio devices.
526const char kAudioDevicesMute[] = "";
528// A dictionary pref storing the volume settings for all the currently known
529// audio devices.
530const char kAudioDevicesVolumePercent[] =
531    "";
533// An integer pref to initially mute volume if 1. This pref is ignored if
534// |kAudioOutputAllowed| is set to false, but its value is preserved, therefore
535// when the policy is lifted the original mute state is restored.  This setting
536// is here only for migration purposes now. It is being replaced by the
537// |kAudioDevicesMute| setting.
538const char kAudioMute[] = "";
540// A double pref storing the user-requested volume. This setting is here only
541// for migration purposes now. It is being replaced by the
542// |kAudioDevicesVolumePercent| setting.
543const char kAudioVolumePercent[] = "";
545// A boolean pref set to true if touchpad tap-to-click is enabled.
546const char kTapToClickEnabled[] = "settings.touchpad.enable_tap_to_click";
548// A boolean pref set to true if touchpad tap-dragging is enabled.
549const char kTapDraggingEnabled[] = "settings.touchpad.enable_tap_dragging";
551// A boolean pref set to true if touchpad three-finger-click is enabled.
552const char kEnableTouchpadThreeFingerClick[] =
553    "settings.touchpad.enable_three_finger_click";
555// A boolean pref set to true if touchpad three-finger swipe is enabled.
556const char kEnableTouchpadThreeFingerSwipe[] =
557    "settings.touchpad.enable_three_finger_swipe";
559// A boolean pref set to true if touchpad natural scrolling is enabled.
560const char kNaturalScroll[] = "settings.touchpad.natural_scroll";
562// A boolean pref set to true if primary mouse button is the left button.
563const char kPrimaryMouseButtonRight[] = "settings.mouse.primary_right";
565// A integer pref for the touchpad sensitivity.
566const char kMouseSensitivity[] = "settings.mouse.sensitivity2";
568// A integer pref for the touchpad sensitivity.
569const char kTouchpadSensitivity[] = "settings.touchpad.sensitivity2";
571// A boolean pref set to true if time should be displayed in 24-hour clock.
572const char kUse24HourClock[] = "settings.clock.use_24hour_clock";
574// A boolean pref to disable Google Drive integration.
575// The pref prefix should remain as "gdata" for backward compatibility.
576const char kDisableDrive[] = "gdata.disabled";
578// A boolean pref to disable Drive over cellular connections.
579// The pref prefix should remain as "gdata" for backward compatibility.
580const char kDisableDriveOverCellular[] = "gdata.cellular.disabled";
582// A boolean pref to disable hosted files on Drive.
583// The pref prefix should remain as "gdata" for backward compatibility.
584const char kDisableDriveHostedFiles[] = "gdata.hosted_files.disabled";
586// A string pref set to the current input method.
587const char kLanguageCurrentInputMethod[] =
588    "settings.language.current_input_method";
590// A string pref set to the previous input method.
591const char kLanguagePreviousInputMethod[] =
592    "settings.language.previous_input_method";
594// A string pref (comma-separated list) set to the "next engine in menu"
595// hot-key lists.
596const char kLanguageHotkeyNextEngineInMenu[] =
597    "settings.language.hotkey_next_engine_in_menu";
599// A string pref (comma-separated list) set to the "previous engine"
600// hot-key lists.
601const char kLanguageHotkeyPreviousEngine[] =
602    "settings.language.hotkey_previous_engine";
604// A string pref (comma-separated list) set to the preferred language IDs
605// (ex. "en-US,fr,ko").
606const char kLanguagePreferredLanguages[] =
607    "settings.language.preferred_languages";
609// A string pref (comma-separated list) set to the preloaded (active) input
610// method IDs (ex. "pinyin,mozc").
611const char kLanguagePreloadEngines[] = "settings.language.preload_engines";
613// A List pref (comma-separated list) set to the extension IMEs to be enabled.
614const char kLanguageEnabledExtensionImes[] =
615    "settings.language.enabled_extension_imes";
617// Boolean prefs for ibus-chewing Chinese input method.
618const char kLanguageChewingAutoShiftCur[] =
619    "settings.language.chewing_auto_shift_cur";
620const char kLanguageChewingAddPhraseDirection[] =
621    "settings.language.chewing_add_phrase_direction";
622const char kLanguageChewingEasySymbolInput[] =
623    "settings.language.chewing_easy_symbol_input";
624const char kLanguageChewingEscCleanAllBuf[] =
625    "settings.language.chewing_esc_clean_all_buf";
626const char kLanguageChewingForceLowercaseEnglish[] =
627    "settings.language.chewing_force_lowercase_english";
628const char kLanguageChewingPlainZhuyin[] =
629    "settings.language.chewing_plain_zhuyin";
630const char kLanguageChewingPhraseChoiceRearward[] =
631    "settings.language.chewing_phrase_choice_rearward";
632const char kLanguageChewingSpaceAsSelection[] =
633    "settings.language.chewing_space_as_selection";
635// Integer prefs for ibus-chewing Chinese input method.
636const char kLanguageChewingMaxChiSymbolLen[] =
637    "settings.language.chewing_max_chi_symbol_len";
638const char kLanguageChewingCandPerPage[] =
639    "settings.language.chewing_cand_per_page";
641// String prefs for ibus-chewing Chinese input method.
642const char kLanguageChewingKeyboardType[] =
643    "settings.language.chewing_keyboard_type";
644const char kLanguageChewingSelKeys[] =
645    "settings.language.chewing_sel_keys";
647const char kLanguageChewingHsuSelKeyType[] =
648    "settings.language.chewing_hsu_sel_key_type";
650// A string pref which determines the keyboard layout for Hangul input method.
651const char kLanguageHangulKeyboard[] = "settings.language.hangul_keyboard";
652const char kLanguageHangulHanjaBindingKeys[] =
653    "settings.language.hangul_hanja_binding_keys";
655// A boolean prefs for ibus-pinyin Chinese input method.
656const char kLanguagePinyinCorrectPinyin[] =
657    "settings.language.pinyin_correct_pinyin";
658const char kLanguagePinyinFuzzyPinyin[] =
659    "settings.language.pinyin_fuzzy_pinyin";
660const char kLanguagePinyinShiftSelectCandidate[] =
661    "settings.language.pinyin_shift_select_candidate";
662const char kLanguagePinyinMinusEqualPage[] =
663    "settings.language.pinyin_minus_equal_page";
664const char kLanguagePinyinCommaPeriodPage[] =
665    "settings.language.pinyin_comma_period_page";
666const char kLanguagePinyinAutoCommit[] =
667    "settings.language.pinyin_auto_commit";
668const char kLanguagePinyinDoublePinyin[] =
669    "settings.language.pinyin_double_pinyin";
670const char kLanguagePinyinInitChinese[] =
671    "settings.language.pinyin_init_chinese";
672const char kLanguagePinyinInitFull[] =
673    "settings.language.pinyin_init_full";
674const char kLanguagePinyinInitFullPunct[] =
675    "settings.language.pinyin_init_full_punct";
676const char kLanguagePinyinInitSimplifiedChinese[] =
677    "settings.language.pinyin_init_simplified_chinese";
678const char kLanguagePinyinTradCandidate[] =
679    "settings.language.pinyin_trad_candidate";
681// A integer prefs for ibus-pinyin Chinese input method.
682const char kLanguagePinyinDoublePinyinSchema[] =
683    "settings.language.pinyin_double_pinyin_schema";
684const char kLanguagePinyinLookupTablePageSize[] =
685    "settings.language.pinyin_lookup_table_page_size";
687// A string prefs for ibus-mozc Japanese input method.
688// ibus-mozc converts the string values to protobuf enum values defined in
689// third_party/ibus-mozc/files/src/session/config.proto.
690const char kLanguageMozcPreeditMethod[] =
691    "settings.language.mozc_preedit_method";
692const char kLanguageMozcSessionKeymap[] =
693    "settings.language.mozc_session_keymap";
694const char kLanguageMozcPunctuationMethod[] =
695    "settings.language.mozc_punctuation_method";
696const char kLanguageMozcSymbolMethod[] =
697    "settings.language.mozc_symbol_method";
698const char kLanguageMozcSpaceCharacterForm[] =
699    "settings.language.mozc_space_character_form";
700const char kLanguageMozcHistoryLearningLevel[] =
701    "settings.language.mozc_history_learning_level";
702const char kLanguageMozcSelectionShortcut[] =
703    "settings.language.mozc_selection_shortcut";
704const char kLanguageMozcShiftKeyModeSwitch[] =
705    "settings.language.mozc_shift_key_mode_switch";
706const char kLanguageMozcNumpadCharacterForm[] =
707    "settings.language.mozc_numpad_character_form";
708const char kLanguageMozcIncognitoMode[] =
709    "settings.language.mozc_incognito_mode";
710const char kLanguageMozcUseAutoImeTurnOff[] =
711    "settings.language.mozc_use_auto_ime_turn_off";
712const char kLanguageMozcUseHistorySuggest[] =
713    "settings.language.mozc_use_history_suggest";
714const char kLanguageMozcUseDictionarySuggest[] =
715    "settings.language.mozc_use_dictionary_suggest";
716const char kLanguageMozcSuggestionsSize[] =
717    "settings.language.mozc_suggestions_size";
719// A integer prefs which determine how we remap modifier keys (e.g. swap Alt and
720// Control.) Possible values for these prefs are 0-4. See ModifierKey enum in
721// src/chrome/browser/chromeos/input_method/xkeyboard.h
722const char kLanguageRemapSearchKeyTo[] =
723    // Note: we no longer use XKB for remapping these keys, but we can't change
724    // the pref names since the names are already synced with the cloud.
725    "settings.language.xkb_remap_search_key_to";
726const char kLanguageRemapControlKeyTo[] =
727    "settings.language.xkb_remap_control_key_to";
728const char kLanguageRemapAltKeyTo[] =
729    "settings.language.xkb_remap_alt_key_to";
730const char kLanguageRemapCapsLockKeyTo[] =
731    "settings.language.remap_caps_lock_key_to";
732const char kLanguageRemapDiamondKeyTo[] =
733    "settings.language.remap_diamond_key_to";
735// A boolean pref which determines whether key repeat is enabled.
736const char kLanguageXkbAutoRepeatEnabled[] =
737    "settings.language.xkb_auto_repeat_enabled_r2";
738// A integer pref which determines key repeat delay (in ms).
739const char kLanguageXkbAutoRepeatDelay[] =
740    "settings.language.xkb_auto_repeat_delay_r2";
741// A integer pref which determines key repeat interval (in ms).
742const char kLanguageXkbAutoRepeatInterval[] =
743    "settings.language.xkb_auto_repeat_interval_r2";
744// "_r2" suffixes are added to the three prefs above when we change the
745// preferences not user-configurable, not to sync them with cloud.
747// A boolean pref which determines whether spoken feedback is enabled.
748const char kSpokenFeedbackEnabled[] = "settings.accessibility";
749// A boolean pref which determines whether high conrast is enabled.
750const char kHighContrastEnabled[] = "settings.a11y.high_contrast_enabled";
751// A boolean pref which determines whether screen magnifier is enabled.
752const char kScreenMagnifierEnabled[] = "settings.a11y.screen_magnifier";
753// A integer pref which determines what type of screen magnifier is enabled.
754// Note that: 'screen_magnifier_type' had been used as string pref. Hence,
755// we are using another name pref here.
756const char kScreenMagnifierType[] = "settings.a11y.screen_magnifier_type2";
757// A double pref which determines a zooming scale of the screen magnifier.
758const char kScreenMagnifierScale[] = "settings.a11y.screen_magnifier_scale";
759// A boolean pref which determines whether virtual keyboard is enabled.
760// TODO(hashimoto): Remove this pref.
761const char kVirtualKeyboardEnabled[] = "settings.a11y.virtual_keyboard";
762// A boolean pref which determines whether the accessibility menu shows
763// regardless of the state of a11y features.
764const char kShouldAlwaysShowAccessibilityMenu[] = "settings.a11y.enable_menu";
766// A boolean pref which turns on Advanced Filesystem
767// (USB support, SD card, etc).
768const char kLabsAdvancedFilesystemEnabled[] =
769    "settings.labs.advanced_filesystem";
771// A boolean pref which turns on the mediaplayer.
772const char kLabsMediaplayerEnabled[] = "settings.labs.mediaplayer";
774// A boolean pref that turns on screen locker.
775const char kEnableScreenLock[] = "settings.enable_screen_lock";
777// A boolean pref of whether to show mobile plan notifications.
778const char kShowPlanNotifications[] =
779    "";
781// A boolean pref of whether to show 3G promo notification.
782const char kShow3gPromoNotification[] =
783    "";
785// A string pref that contains version where "What's new" promo was shown.
786const char kChromeOSReleaseNotesVersion[] = "settings.release_notes.version";
788// A boolean pref that uses shared proxies.
789const char kUseSharedProxies[] = "settings.use_shared_proxies";
791// Power state of the current displays from the last run.
792const char kDisplayPowerState[] = "settings.display.power_state";
793// A dictionary pref that stores per display preferences.
794const char kDisplayProperties[] = "";
796// A 64bit integer pref that specifies the name of the primary display device.
797const char kPrimaryDisplayID[] = "settings.display.primary_id";
799// An enumeration that specifies the layout of the secondary display.
800//  0 - The secondary display is at the top of the primary display.
801//  1 - The secondary display is at the right of the primary display.
802//  2 - The secondary display is at the bottom of the primary display.
803//  3 - The secondary display is at the left of the primary display.
804// TODO(mukai,oshima): update the format of the multi-display settings.
805const char kSecondaryDisplayLayout[] = "settings.display.secondary_layout";
807// An integer pref that specifies how far the secondary display is positioned
808// from the edge of the primary display.
809const char kSecondaryDisplayOffset[] = "settings.display.secondary_offset";
811// A dictionary pref that specifies per-display layout/offset information.
812// Its key is the ID of the display and its value is a dictionary for the
813// layout/offset information.
814const char kSecondaryDisplays[] = "settings.display.secondary_displays";
816// A preference to keep track of the session start time. The value is set
817// after login. When the browser restarts after a crash, the pref value is not
818// changed unless it appears corrupted (value unset, value lying in the future,
819// zero value).
820const char kSessionStartTime[] = "session.start_time";
822// Holds the maximum session time in milliseconds. If this pref is set, the
823// user is logged out when the maximum session time is reached. The user is
824// informed about the remaining time by a countdown timer shown in the ash
825// system tray.
826const char kSessionLengthLimit[] = "session.length_limit";
828// Inactivity time in milliseconds while the system is on AC power before
829// the screen should be dimmed, turned off, or locked, before an
830// IdleActionImminent D-Bus signal should be sent, or before
831// kPowerIdleAction should be performed.  0 disables the delay (N/A for
832// kPowerAcIdleDelayMs).
833const char kPowerAcScreenDimDelayMs[] = "power.ac_screen_dim_delay_ms";
834const char kPowerAcScreenOffDelayMs[] = "power.ac_screen_off_delay_ms";
835const char kPowerAcScreenLockDelayMs[] = "power.ac_screen_lock_delay_ms";
836const char kPowerAcIdleWarningDelayMs[] = "power.ac_idle_warning_delay_ms";
837const char kPowerAcIdleDelayMs[] = "power.ac_idle_delay_ms";
839// Similar delays while the system is on battery power.
840const char kPowerBatteryScreenDimDelayMs[] =
841    "power.battery_screen_dim_delay_ms";
842const char kPowerBatteryScreenOffDelayMs[] =
843    "power.battery_screen_off_delay_ms";
844const char kPowerBatteryScreenLockDelayMs[] =
845    "power.battery_screen_lock_delay_ms";
846const char kPowerBatteryIdleWarningDelayMs[] =
847    "power.battery_idle_warning_delay_ms";
848const char kPowerBatteryIdleDelayMs[] =
849    "power.battery_idle_delay_ms";
851// Action that should be performed when the idle delay is reached.
852// Values are from the chromeos::PowerPolicyController::Action enum.
853const char kPowerIdleAction[] = "power.idle_action";
855// Action that should be performed when the lid is closed.
856// Values are from the chromeos::PowerPolicyController::Action enum.
857const char kPowerLidClosedAction[] = "power.lid_closed_action";
859// Should audio and video activity be used to disable the above delays?
860const char kPowerUseAudioActivity[] = "power.use_audio_activity";
861const char kPowerUseVideoActivity[] = "power.use_video_activity";
863// Should extensions be able to use the chrome.power API to override
864// screen-related power management (including locking)?
865const char kPowerAllowScreenWakeLocks[] = "power.allow_screen_wake_locks";
867// Amount by which the idle delay should be scaled while the system is in
868// presentation mode.  Values are limited to a minimum of 1.0.
869const char kPowerPresentationIdleDelayFactor[] =
870    "power.presentation_idle_delay_factor";
872// Amount by which the screen-dim delay should be scaled when user activity is
873// observed while the screen is dimmed or soon after the screen has been turned
874// off.  Values are limited to a minimum of 1.0.
875const char kPowerUserActivityScreenDimDelayFactor[] =
876    "power.user_activity_screen_dim_delay_factor";
878// The URL from which the Terms of Service can be downloaded. The value is only
879// honored for public accounts.
880const char kTermsOfServiceURL[] = "terms_of_service.url";
882// Indicates that the Profile has made navigations that used a certificate
883// installed by the system administrator. If that is true then the local cache
884// of remote data is tainted (e.g. shared scripts), and future navigations
885// show a warning indicating that the organization may track the browsing
886// session.
887const char kUsedPolicyCertificatesOnce[] = "used_policy_certificates_once";
889// Indicates whether the remote attestation is enabled for the user.
890const char kAttestationEnabled[] = "attestation.enabled";
891// The list of extensions allowed to use the platformKeysPrivate API for
892// remote attestation.
893const char kAttestationExtensionWhitelist[] = "attestation.extension_whitelist";
894#endif  // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
896// The disabled messages in IPC logging.
897const char kIpcDisabledMessages[] = "ipc_log_disabled_messages";
899// A boolean pref set to true if a Home button to open the Home pages should be
900// visible on the toolbar.
901const char kShowHomeButton[] = "browser.show_home_button";
903// A string value which saves short list of recently user selected encodings
904// separated with comma punctuation mark.
905const char kRecentlySelectedEncoding[] = "profile.recently_selected_encodings";
907// Clear Browsing Data dialog preferences.
908const char kDeleteBrowsingHistory[] = "browser.clear_data.browsing_history";
909const char kDeleteDownloadHistory[] = "browser.clear_data.download_history";
910const char kDeleteCache[] = "browser.clear_data.cache";
911const char kDeleteCookies[] = "browser.clear_data.cookies";
912const char kDeletePasswords[] = "browser.clear_data.passwords";
913const char kDeleteFormData[] = "browser.clear_data.form_data";
914const char kDeleteHostedAppsData[] = "browser.clear_data.hosted_apps_data";
915const char kDeauthorizeContentLicenses[] =
916    "browser.clear_data.content_licenses";
917const char kDeleteTimePeriod[] = "browser.clear_data.time_period";
918const char kLastClearBrowsingDataTime[] =
919    "browser.last_clear_browsing_data_time";
921// Boolean pref to define the default values for using spellchecker.
922const char kEnableContinuousSpellcheck[] = "browser.enable_spellchecking";
924// List of names of the enabled labs experiments (see chrome/browser/
925const char kEnabledLabsExperiments[] = "browser.enabled_labs_experiments";
927// Boolean pref to define the default values for using auto spell correct.
928const char kEnableAutoSpellCorrect[] = "browser.enable_autospellcorrect";
930// Boolean pref to define the default setting for "block offensive words".
931// The old key value is kept to avoid unnecessary migration code.
932const char kSpeechRecognitionFilterProfanities[] =
933    "browser.speechinput_censor_results";
935// List of speech recognition context names (extensions or websites) for which
936// the tray notification balloon has already been shown.
937const char kSpeechRecognitionTrayNotificationShownContexts[] =
938    "browser.speechinput_tray_notification_shown_contexts";
940// Boolean controlling whether history saving is disabled.
941const char kSavingBrowserHistoryDisabled[] = "history.saving_disabled";
943// Boolean controlling whether deleting browsing and download history is
944// permitted.
945const char kAllowDeletingBrowserHistory[] = "history.deleting_enabled";
947// Boolean controlling whether SafeSearch is mandatory for Google Web Searches.
948const char kForceSafeSearch[] = "settings.force_safesearch";
950#if defined(TOOLKIT_GTK)
951// GTK specific preference on whether we should match the system GTK theme.
952const char kUsesSystemTheme[] = "extensions.theme.use_system";
954const char kCurrentThemePackFilename[] = "extensions.theme.pack";
955const char kCurrentThemeID[] = "";
956const char kCurrentThemeImages[] = "extensions.theme.images";
957const char kCurrentThemeColors[] = "extensions.theme.colors";
958const char kCurrentThemeTints[] = "extensions.theme.tints";
959const char kCurrentThemeDisplayProperties[] = "";
961// Boolean pref which persists whether the extensions_ui is in developer mode
962// (showing developer packing tools and extensions details)
963const char kExtensionsUIDeveloperMode[] = "extensions.ui.developer_mode";
965// Integer pref that tracks the number of browser actions visible in the browser
966// actions toolbar.
967const char kExtensionToolbarSize[] = "extensions.toolbarsize";
969// A preference that tracks browser action toolbar configuration. This is a list
970// object stored in the Preferences file. The extensions are stored by ID.
971const char kExtensionToolbar[] = "extensions.toolbar";
973// Dictionary pref that tracks which command belongs to which
974// extension + named command pair.
975const char kExtensionCommands[] = "extensions.commands";
977// Pref containing the directory for internal plugins as written to the plugins
978// list (below).
979const char kPluginsLastInternalDirectory[] = "plugins.last_internal_directory";
981// List pref containing information (dictionaries) on plugins.
982const char kPluginsPluginsList[] = "plugins.plugins_list";
984// List pref containing names of plugins that are disabled by policy.
985const char kPluginsDisabledPlugins[] = "plugins.plugins_disabled";
987// List pref containing exceptions to the list of plugins disabled by policy.
988const char kPluginsDisabledPluginsExceptions[] =
989    "plugins.plugins_disabled_exceptions";
991// List pref containing names of plugins that are enabled by policy.
992const char kPluginsEnabledPlugins[] = "plugins.plugins_enabled";
994// When first shipped, the pdf plugin will be disabled by default.  When we
995// enable it by default, we'll want to do so only once.
996const char kPluginsEnabledInternalPDF[] = "plugins.enabled_internal_pdf3";
998// When first shipped, the nacl plugin will be disabled by default.  When we
999// enable it by default, we'll want to do so only once.
1000const char kPluginsEnabledNaCl[] = "plugins.enabled_nacl";
1002// When bundled NPAPI Flash is removed, if at that point it is enabled while
1003// Pepper Flash is disabled, we would like to turn on Pepper Flash. And we will
1004// want to do so only once.
1005const char kPluginsMigratedToPepperFlash[] = "plugins.migrated_to_pepper_flash";
1007// In the early stage of component-updated PPAPI Flash, we did field trials in
1008// which it was set to disabled by default. The corresponding settings item may
1009// remain in some users' profiles. Currently it affects both the bundled and
1010// component-updated PPAPI Flash (since the two share the same enable/disable
1011// state). We want to remove this item to get those users to use PPAPI Flash.
1012// We will want to do so only once.
1013const char kPluginsRemovedOldComponentPepperFlashSettings[] =
1014    "plugins.removed_old_component_pepper_flash_settings";
1016#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
1017// Whether about:plugins is shown in the details mode or not.
1018const char kPluginsShowDetails[] = "plugins.show_details";
1021// Boolean that indicates whether outdated plugins are allowed or not.
1022const char kPluginsAllowOutdated[] = "plugins.allow_outdated";
1024// Boolean that indicates whether plugins that require authorization should
1025// be always allowed or not.
1026const char kPluginsAlwaysAuthorize[] = "plugins.always_authorize";
1029// Dictionary holding plug-ins metadata.
1030const char kPluginsMetadata[] = "plugins.metadata";
1032// Last update time of plug-ins resource cache.
1033const char kPluginsResourceCacheUpdate[] = "plugins.resource_cache_update";
1036// Boolean that indicates whether we should check if we are the default browser
1037// on start-up.
1038const char kCheckDefaultBrowser[] = "browser.check_default_browser";
1040#if defined(OS_WIN)
1041// By default, setting Chrome as default during first run on Windows 8 will
1042// trigger shutting down the current instance and spawning a new (Metro)
1043// Chrome. This boolean preference supresses this behaviour.
1044const char kSuppressSwitchToMetroModeOnSetDefault[] =
1045    "browser.suppress_switch_to_metro_mode_on_set_default";
1048// Policy setting whether default browser check should be disabled and default
1049// browser registration should take place.
1050const char kDefaultBrowserSettingEnabled[] =
1051    "browser.default_browser_setting_enabled";
1053#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
1054// Boolean that indicates whether the application should show the info bar
1055// asking the user to set up automatic updates when Keystone promotion is
1056// required.
1057const char kShowUpdatePromotionInfoBar[] =
1058    "browser.show_update_promotion_info_bar";
1061// Boolean that is false if we should show window manager decorations.  If
1062// true, we draw a custom chrome frame (thicker title bar and blue border).
1063const char kUseCustomChromeFrame[] = "browser.custom_chrome_frame";
1065// Boolean that indicates whether the infobar explaining that search can be
1066// done directly from the omnibox should be shown.
1067const char kShowOmniboxSearchHint[] = "browser.show_omnibox_search_hint";
1069// The preferred position (which corner of screen) for desktop notifications.
1070const char kDesktopNotificationPosition[] =
1071    "browser.desktop_notification_position";
1073// Dictionary of content settings applied to all hosts by default.
1074const char kDefaultContentSettings[] = "profile.default_content_settings";
1076// Boolean indicating whether the clear on exit pref was migrated to content
1077// settings yet.
1078const char kContentSettingsClearOnExitMigrated[] =
1079    "profile.content_settings.clear_on_exit_migrated";
1081// Version of the pattern format used to define content settings.
1082const char kContentSettingsVersion[] = "profile.content_settings.pref_version";
1084// Patterns for mapping origins to origin related settings. Default settings
1085// will be applied to origins that don't match any of the patterns. The pattern
1086// format used is defined by kContentSettingsVersion.
1087const char kContentSettingsPatternPairs[] =
1088    "profile.content_settings.pattern_pairs";
1090// Version of the content settings whitelist.
1091const char kContentSettingsDefaultWhitelistVersion[] =
1092    "profile.content_settings.whitelist_version";
1094#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
1095// Which plugins have been whitelisted manually by the user.
1096const char kContentSettingsPluginWhitelist[] =
1097    "profile.content_settings.plugin_whitelist";
1100// Boolean that is true if we should unconditionally block third-party cookies,
1101// regardless of other content settings.
1102const char kBlockThirdPartyCookies[] = "profile.block_third_party_cookies";
1104// Boolean that is true when all locally stored site data (e.g. cookies, local
1105// storage, etc..) should be deleted on exit.
1106const char kClearSiteDataOnExit[] = "profile.clear_site_data_on_exit";
1108// Double that indicates the default zoom level.
1109const char kDefaultZoomLevel[] = "profile.default_zoom_level";
1111// Dictionary that maps hostnames to zoom levels.  Hosts not in this pref will
1112// be displayed at the default zoom level.
1113const char kPerHostZoomLevels[] = "profile.per_host_zoom_levels";
1115const char kAutofillDialogAutofillDefault[] = "autofill.data_model_default";
1117// Whether a user opted out of making purchases with Google Wallet; changed via
1118// the autofill dialog's account chooser and set explicitly on dialog submission
1119// (but not cancel). If this isn't set, the dialog assumes it's the first run.
1120const char kAutofillDialogPayWithoutWallet[] = "autofill.pay_without_wallet";
1122// Modifying bookmarks is completely disabled when this is set to false.
1123const char kEditBookmarksEnabled[] = "bookmarks.editing_enabled";
1125// Boolean that is true when the translate feature is enabled.
1126const char kEnableTranslate[] = "translate.enabled";
1128#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
1129const char kPinnedTabs[] = "pinned_tabs";
1132#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
1133// Boolean that controls the enabled-state of Geolocation.
1134const char kGeolocationEnabled[] = "geolocation.enabled";
1137// The default audio capture device used by the Media content setting.
1138const char kDefaultAudioCaptureDevice[] = "media.default_audio_capture_device";
1140// The default video capture device used by the Media content setting.
1141const char kDefaultVideoCaptureDevice[] = "media.default_video_capture_Device";
1143// Preference to disable 3D APIs (WebGL, Pepper 3D).
1144const char kDisable3DAPIs[] = "disable_3d_apis";
1146// Whether to enable hyperlink auditing ("<a ping>").
1147const char kEnableHyperlinkAuditing[] = "enable_a_ping";
1149// Whether to enable sending referrers.
1150const char kEnableReferrers[] = "enable_referrers";
1152// Whether to send the DNT header.
1153const char kEnableDoNotTrack[] = "enable_do_not_track";
1155// Boolean to enable reporting memory info to page.
1156const char kEnableMemoryInfo[] = "enable_memory_info";
1158// GL_VENDOR string.
1159const char kGLVendorString[] = "gl_vendor_string";
1161// GL_RENDERER string.
1162const char kGLRendererString[] = "gl_renderer_string";
1164// GL_VERSION string.
1165const char kGLVersionString[] = "gl_version_string";
1167// Boolean that specifies whether to import bookmarks from the default browser
1168// on first run.
1169const char kImportBookmarks[] = "import_bookmarks";
1171// Boolean that specifies whether to import the browsing history from the
1172// default browser on first run.
1173const char kImportHistory[] = "import_history";
1175// Boolean that specifies whether to import the homepage from the default
1176// browser on first run.
1177const char kImportHomepage[] = "import_home_page";
1179// Boolean that specifies whether to import the search engine from the default
1180// browser on first run.
1181const char kImportSearchEngine[] = "import_search_engine";
1183// Boolean that specifies whether to import the saved passwords from the default
1184// browser on first run.
1185const char kImportSavedPasswords[] = "import_saved_passwords";
1187#if !defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) && defined(OS_POSIX)
1188// The local profile id for this profile.
1189const char kLocalProfileId[] = "profile.local_profile_id";
1191// Whether passwords in external services (e.g. GNOME Keyring) have been tagged
1192// with the local profile id yet. (Used for migrating to tagged passwords.)
1193const char kPasswordsUseLocalProfileId[] =
1194    "profile.passwords_use_local_profile_id";
1197// Profile avatar and name
1198const char kProfileAvatarIndex[] = "profile.avatar_index";
1199const char kProfileName[] = "";
1201// Whether the profile is managed.
1202const char kProfileIsManaged[] = "profile.is_managed";
1204// Indicates if we've already shown a notification that high contrast
1205// mode is on, recommending high-contrast extensions and themes.
1206const char kInvertNotificationShown[] = "invert_notification_version_2_shown";
1208// Boolean controlling whether printing is enabled.
1209const char kPrintingEnabled[] = "printing.enabled";
1211// Boolean controlling whether print preview is disabled.
1212const char kPrintPreviewDisabled[] = "printing.print_preview_disabled";
1214// An integer pref specifying the fallback behavior for sites outside of content
1215// packs. One of:
1216// 0: Allow (does nothing)
1217// 1: Warn.
1218// 2: Block.
1219const char kDefaultManagedModeFilteringBehavior[] =
1220    "profile.managed.default_filtering_behavior";
1222// List pref containing the users managed by this user.
1223const char kManagedUsers[] = "profile.managed_users";
1225// List pref containing the extension ids which are not allowed to send
1226// notifications to the message center.
1227const char kMessageCenterDisabledExtensionIds[] =
1228    "message_center.disabled_extension_ids";
1230// List pref containing the system component ids which are not allowed to send
1231// notifications to the message center.
1232const char kMessageCenterDisabledSystemComponentIds[] =
1233    "message_center.disabled_system_component_ids";
1235// *************** LOCAL STATE ***************
1236// These are attached to the machine/installation
1238// Directory of the last profile used.
1239const char kProfileLastUsed[] = "profile.last_used";
1241// List of directories of the profiles last active.
1242const char kProfilesLastActive[] = "profile.last_active_profiles";
1244// Total number of profiles created for this Chrome build. Used to tag profile
1245// directories.
1246const char kProfilesNumCreated[] = "profile.profiles_created";
1248// String containing the version of Chrome that the profile was created by.
1249// If profile was created before this feature was added, this pref will default
1250// to "".
1251const char kProfileCreatedByVersion[] = "profile.created_by_version";
1253// A map of profile data directory to cached information. This cache can be
1254// used to display information about profiles without actually having to load
1255// them.
1256const char kProfileInfoCache[] = "profile.info_cache";
1258// Prefs for SSLConfigServicePref.
1259const char kCertRevocationCheckingEnabled[] = "ssl.rev_checking.enabled";
1260const char kSSLVersionMin[] = "ssl.version_min";
1261const char kSSLVersionMax[] = "ssl.version_max";
1262const char kCipherSuiteBlacklist[] = "ssl.cipher_suites.blacklist";
1263const char kEnableOriginBoundCerts[] = "ssl.origin_bound_certs.enabled";
1264const char kDisableSSLRecordSplitting[] = "ssl.ssl_record_splitting.disabled";
1265const char kEnableUnrestrictedSSL3Fallback[] =
1266    "ssl.unrestricted_ssl3_fallback.enabled";
1268// A boolean pref of the EULA accepted flag.
1269const char kEulaAccepted[] = "EulaAccepted";
1271// The metrics client GUID, entropy source and session ID.
1272const char kMetricsClientID[] = "user_experience_metrics.client_id";
1273const char kMetricsSessionID[] = "user_experience_metrics.session_id";
1274const char kMetricsLowEntropySource[] =
1275    "user_experience_metrics.low_entropy_source";
1276const char kMetricsPermutedEntropyCache[] =
1277    "user_experience_metrics.permuted_entropy_cache";
1279// Date/time when the current metrics profile ID was created
1280// (which hopefully corresponds to first run).
1281const char kMetricsClientIDTimestamp[] =
1282    "user_experience_metrics.client_id_timestamp";
1284// Boolean that specifies whether or not crash reporting and metrics reporting
1285// are sent over the network for analysis.
1286const char kMetricsReportingEnabled[] =
1287    "user_experience_metrics.reporting_enabled";
1289// Boolean that specifies whether or not crash reports are sent
1290// over the network for analysis.
1291#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
1292const char kCrashReportingEnabled[] =
1293    "user_experience_metrics_crash.reporting_enabled";
1296// Array of strings that are each UMA logs that were supposed to be sent in the
1297// first minute of a browser session. These logs include things like crash count
1298// info, etc.
1299const char kMetricsInitialLogs[] =
1300    "user_experience_metrics.initial_logs_as_protobufs";
1302// Array of strings that are each UMA logs that were not sent because the
1303// browser terminated before these accumulated metrics could be sent.  These
1304// logs typically include histograms and memory reports, as well as ongoing
1305// user activities.
1306const char kMetricsOngoingLogs[] =
1307    "user_experience_metrics.ongoing_logs_as_protobufs";
1309// Boolean that is true when bookmark prompt is enabled.
1310const char kBookmarkPromptEnabled[] = "bookmark_prompt_enabled";
1312// Number of times bookmark prompt displayed.
1313const char kBookmarkPromptImpressionCount[] =
1314    "bookmark_prompt_impression_count";
1316// 64-bit integer serialization of the base::Time from the last successful seed
1317// fetch (i.e. when the Variations server responds with 200 or 304).
1318const char kVariationsLastFetchTime[] = "variations_last_fetch_time";
1320// String for the restrict parameter to be appended to the variations URL.
1321const char kVariationsRestrictParameter[] = "variations_restrict_parameter";
1323// String serialized form of variations seed protobuf.
1324const char kVariationsSeed[] = "variations_seed";
1326// 64-bit integer serialization of the base::Time from the last seed received.
1327const char kVariationsSeedDate[] = "variations_seed_date";
1329// Where profile specific metrics are placed.
1330const char kProfileMetrics[] = "user_experience_metrics.profiles";
1332// The metrics for a profile are stored as dictionary values under the
1333// path kProfileMetrics. The individual metrics are placed under the path
1334// kProfileMetrics.kProfilePrefix<hashed-profile-id>.
1335const char kProfilePrefix[] = "profile-";
1337// Reset Profile Data dialog preferences
1338const char kResetDefaultSearchEngine[] =
1339    "browser.reset_profile_settings.default_search_engine";
1340const char kResetHomepage[] = "browser.reset_profile_settings.homepage";
1341const char kResetContentSettings[] =
1342    "browser.reset_profile_settings.content_settings";
1343const char kResetCookiesAndSiteData[] =
1344    "browser.reset_profile_settings.cookies_and_site_data";
1345const char kResetExtensions[] = "browser.reset_profile_settings.extensions";
1346const char kResetExtensionsHandling[] =
1347    "browser.reset_profile_settings.extensions_handling";
1349// True if the previous run of the program exited cleanly.
1350const char kStabilityExitedCleanly[] =
1351    "user_experience_metrics.stability.exited_cleanly";
1353// Version string of previous run, which is used to assure that stability
1354// metrics reported under current version reflect stability of the same version.
1355const char kStabilityStatsVersion[] =
1356    "user_experience_metrics.stability.stats_version";
1358// Build time, in seconds since an epoch, which is used to assure that stability
1359// metrics reported reflect stability of the same build.
1360const char kStabilityStatsBuildTime[] =
1361    "user_experience_metrics.stability.stats_buildtime";
1363// False if we received a session end and either we crashed during processing
1364// the session end or ran out of time and windows terminated us.
1365const char kStabilitySessionEndCompleted[] =
1366    "user_experience_metrics.stability.session_end_completed";
1368// Number of times the application was launched since last report.
1369const char kStabilityLaunchCount[] =
1370    "user_experience_metrics.stability.launch_count";
1372// Number of times the application exited uncleanly since the last report.
1373const char kStabilityCrashCount[] =
1374    "user_experience_metrics.stability.crash_count";
1376// Number of times the session end did not complete.
1377const char kStabilityIncompleteSessionEndCount[] =
1378    "user_experience_metrics.stability.incomplete_session_end_count";
1380// Number of times a page load event occurred since the last report.
1381const char kStabilityPageLoadCount[] =
1382    "user_experience_metrics.stability.page_load_count";
1384// Number of times a renderer process crashed since the last report.
1385const char kStabilityRendererCrashCount[] =
1386    "user_experience_metrics.stability.renderer_crash_count";
1388// Number of times an extension renderer process crashed since the last report.
1389const char kStabilityExtensionRendererCrashCount[] =
1390    "user_experience_metrics.stability.extension_renderer_crash_count";
1392// Time when the app was last launched, in seconds since the epoch.
1393const char kStabilityLaunchTimeSec[] =
1394    "user_experience_metrics.stability.launch_time_sec";
1396// Time when the app was last known to be running, in seconds since
1397// the epoch.
1398const char kStabilityLastTimestampSec[] =
1399    "user_experience_metrics.stability.last_timestamp_sec";
1401// This is the location of a list of dictionaries of plugin stability stats.
1402const char kStabilityPluginStats[] =
1403    "user_experience_metrics.stability.plugin_stats2";
1405// Number of times the renderer has become non-responsive since the last
1406// report.
1407const char kStabilityRendererHangCount[] =
1408    "user_experience_metrics.stability.renderer_hang_count";
1410// Total number of child process crashes (other than renderer / extension
1411// renderer ones, and plugin children, which are counted separately) since the
1412// last report.
1413const char kStabilityChildProcessCrashCount[] =
1414    "user_experience_metrics.stability.child_process_crash_count";
1416// On Chrome OS, total number of non-Chrome user process crashes
1417// since the last report.
1418const char kStabilityOtherUserCrashCount[] =
1419    "user_experience_metrics.stability.other_user_crash_count";
1421// On Chrome OS, total number of kernel crashes since the last report.
1422const char kStabilityKernelCrashCount[] =
1423    "user_experience_metrics.stability.kernel_crash_count";
1425// On Chrome OS, total number of unclean system shutdowns since the
1426// last report.
1427const char kStabilitySystemUncleanShutdownCount[] =
1428    "user_experience_metrics.stability.system_unclean_shutdowns";
1430// Number of times the browser has been able to register crash reporting.
1431const char kStabilityBreakpadRegistrationSuccess[] =
1432    "user_experience_metrics.stability.breakpad_registration_ok";
1434// Number of times the browser has failed to register crash reporting.
1435const char kStabilityBreakpadRegistrationFail[] =
1436    "user_experience_metrics.stability.breakpad_registration_fail";
1438// Number of times the browser has been run under a debugger.
1439const char kStabilityDebuggerPresent[] =
1440    "user_experience_metrics.stability.debugger_present";
1442// Number of times the browser has not been run under a debugger.
1443const char kStabilityDebuggerNotPresent[] =
1444    "user_experience_metrics.stability.debugger_not_present";
1446// The keys below are used for the dictionaries in the
1447// kStabilityPluginStats list.
1448const char kStabilityPluginName[] = "name";
1449const char kStabilityPluginLaunches[] = "launches";
1450const char kStabilityPluginInstances[] = "instances";
1451const char kStabilityPluginCrashes[] = "crashes";
1452const char kStabilityPluginLoadingErrors[] = "loading_errors";
1454// The keys below are strictly increasing counters over the lifetime of
1455// a chrome installation. They are (optionally) sent up to the uninstall
1456// survey in the event of uninstallation. The installation date is also by some
1457// opt-in services (currently Wallet, and soon UMA).
1458const char kInstallDate[] = "uninstall_metrics.installation_date2";
1459const char kUninstallMetricsPageLoadCount[] =
1460    "uninstall_metrics.page_load_count";
1461const char kUninstallLaunchCount[] = "uninstall_metrics.launch_count";
1462const char kUninstallMetricsUptimeSec[] = "uninstall_metrics.uptime_sec";
1463const char kUninstallLastLaunchTimeSec[] =
1464    "uninstall_metrics.last_launch_time_sec";
1465const char kUninstallLastObservedRunTimeSec[] =
1466    "uninstall_metrics.last_observed_running_time_sec";
1468// String containing the version of Chrome for which Chrome will not prompt the
1469// user about setting Chrome as the default browser.
1470const char kBrowserSuppressDefaultBrowserPrompt[] =
1471    "browser.suppress_default_browser_prompt_for_version";
1473// A collection of position, size, and other data relating to the browser
1474// window to restore on startup.
1475const char kBrowserWindowPlacement[] = "browser.window_placement";
1477// A collection of position, size, and other data relating to the task
1478// manager window to restore on startup.
1479const char kTaskManagerWindowPlacement[] = "task_manager.window_placement";
1481// A collection of position, size, and other data relating to the keyword
1482// editor window to restore on startup.
1483const char kKeywordEditorWindowPlacement[] = "keyword_editor.window_placement";
1485// A collection of position, size, and other data relating to the preferences
1486// window to restore on startup.
1487const char kPreferencesWindowPlacement[] = "preferences.window_placement";
1489// An integer specifying the total number of bytes to be used by the
1490// renderer's in-memory cache of objects.
1491const char kMemoryCacheSize[] = "renderer.memory_cache.size";
1493// String which specifies where to download files to by default.
1494const char kDownloadDefaultDirectory[] = "download.default_directory";
1496// Boolean that records if the download directory was changed by an
1497// upgrade a unsafe location to a safe location.
1498const char kDownloadDirUpgraded[] = "download.directory_upgrade";
1500// String which specifies where to save html files to by default.
1501const char kSaveFileDefaultDirectory[] = "savefile.default_directory";
1503// The type used to save the page. See the enum SavePackage::SavePackageType in
1504// the chrome/browser/download/save_package.h for the possible values.
1505const char kSaveFileType[] = "savefile.type";
1507// String which specifies the last directory that was chosen for uploading
1508// or opening a file.
1509const char kSelectFileLastDirectory[] = "selectfile.last_directory";
1511// Boolean that specifies if file selection dialogs are shown.
1512const char kAllowFileSelectionDialogs[] = "select_file_dialogs.allowed";
1514// Map of default tasks, associated by MIME type.
1515const char kDefaultTasksByMimeType[] =
1516    "filebrowser.tasks.default_by_mime_type";
1518// Map of default tasks, associated by file suffix.
1519const char kDefaultTasksBySuffix[] =
1520    "filebrowser.tasks.default_by_suffix";
1522// Extensions which should be opened upon completion.
1523const char kDownloadExtensionsToOpen[] = "download.extensions_to_open";
1525// Integer which specifies the frequency in milliseconds for detecting whether
1526// plugin windows are hung.
1527const char kHungPluginDetectFrequency[] = "browser.hung_plugin_detect_freq";
1529// Integer which specifies the timeout value to be used for SendMessageTimeout
1530// to detect a hung plugin window.
1531const char kPluginMessageResponseTimeout[] =
1532    "browser.plugin_message_response_timeout";
1534// String which represents the dictionary name for our spell-checker.
1535const char kSpellCheckDictionary[] = "spellcheck.dictionary";
1537// Boolean pref indicating whether the spelling confirm dialog has been shown.
1538const char kSpellCheckConfirmDialogShown[] = "spellcheck.confirm_dialog_shown";
1540// String which represents whether we use the spelling service.
1541const char kSpellCheckUseSpellingService[] = "spellcheck.use_spelling_service";
1543// Dictionary of schemes used by the external protocol handler.
1544// The value is true if the scheme must be ignored.
1545const char kExcludedSchemes[] = "protocol_handler.excluded_schemes";
1547// Keys used for MAC handling of SafeBrowsing requests.
1548const char kSafeBrowsingClientKey[] = "safe_browsing.client_key";
1549const char kSafeBrowsingWrappedKey[] = "safe_browsing.wrapped_key";
1551// Integer that specifies the index of the tab the user was on when they
1552// last visited the options window.
1553const char kOptionsWindowLastTabIndex[] = "options_window.last_tab_index";
1555// Integer that specifies the index of the tab the user was on when they
1556// last visited the content settings window.
1557const char kContentSettingsWindowLastTabIndex[] =
1558    "content_settings_window.last_tab_index";
1560// Integer that specifies the index of the tab the user was on when they
1561// last visited the Certificate Manager window.
1562const char kCertificateManagerWindowLastTabIndex[] =
1563    "certificate_manager_window.last_tab_index";
1565// Integer that specifies if the first run bubble should be shown.
1566// This preference is only registered by the first-run procedure.
1567const char kShowFirstRunBubbleOption[] = "show-first-run-bubble-option";
1569// String containing the last known Google URL.  We re-detect this on startup in
1570// most cases, and use it to send traffic to the correct Google host or with the
1571// correct Google domain/country code for whatever location the user is in.
1572const char kLastKnownGoogleURL[] = "browser.last_known_google_url";
1574// String containing the last prompted Google URL to the user.
1575// If the user is using .x TLD for Google URL and gets prompted about .y TLD
1576// for Google URL, and says "no", we should leave the search engine set to .x
1577// but not prompt again until the domain changes away from .y.
1578const char kLastPromptedGoogleURL[] = "browser.last_prompted_google_url";
1580// String containing the last known intranet redirect URL, if any.  See
1581// intranet_redirect_detector.h for more information.
1582const char kLastKnownIntranetRedirectOrigin[] = "browser.last_redirect_origin";
1584// Integer containing the system Country ID the first time we checked the
1585// template URL prepopulate data.  This is used to avoid adding a whole bunch of
1586// new search engine choices if prepopulation runs when the user's Country ID
1587// differs from their previous Country ID.  This pref does not exist until
1588// prepopulation has been run at least once.
1589const char kCountryIDAtInstall[] = "countryid_at_install";
1590// OBSOLETE. Same as above, but uses the Windows-specific GeoID value instead.
1591// Updated if found to the above key.
1592const char kGeoIDAtInstall[] = "geoid_at_install";
1594// An enum value of how the browser was shut down (see browser_shutdown.h).
1595const char kShutdownType[] = "shutdown.type";
1596// Number of processes that were open when the user shut down.
1597const char kShutdownNumProcesses[] = "shutdown.num_processes";
1598// Number of processes that were shut down using the slow path.
1599const char kShutdownNumProcessesSlow[] = "shutdown.num_processes_slow";
1601// Whether to restart the current Chrome session automatically as the last thing
1602// before shutting everything down.
1603const char kRestartLastSessionOnShutdown[] = "restart.last.session.on.shutdown";
1605// Set before autorestarting Chrome, cleared on clean exit.
1606const char kWasRestarted[] = "was.restarted";
1608#if defined(OS_WIN)
1609// On Windows 8 chrome can restart in desktop or in metro mode.
1610const char kRestartSwitchMode[] = "restart.switch_mode";
1613// Number of keywords.
1614const char kNumKeywords[] = "user_experience_metrics.num_keywords";
1616// Placeholder preference for disabling voice / video chat if it is ever added.
1617// Currently, this does not change any behavior.
1618const char kDisableVideoAndChat[] = "disable_video_chat";
1620// Whether Extensions are enabled.
1621const char kDisableExtensions[] = "extensions.disabled";
1623// Whether the plugin finder that lets you install missing plug-ins is enabled.
1624const char kDisablePluginFinder[] = "plugins.disable_plugin_finder";
1626// Integer boolean representing the width (in pixels) of the container for
1627// browser actions.
1628const char kBrowserActionContainerWidth[] =
1629    "extensions.browseractions.container.width";
1631// Time of the last, and next scheduled, extensions auto-update checks.
1632const char kLastExtensionsUpdateCheck[] = "extensions.autoupdate.last_check";
1633const char kNextExtensionsUpdateCheck[] = "extensions.autoupdate.next_check";
1635// Whether we have run the extension-alert system (see ExtensionGlobalError)
1636// at least once for this profile.
1637const char kExtensionAlertsInitializedPref[] = "extensions.alerts.initialized";
1639// The sites that are allowed to install extensions. These sites should be
1640// allowed to install extensions without the scary dangerous downloads bar.
1641// Also, when off-store-extension installs are disabled, these sites are exempt.
1642const char kExtensionAllowedInstallSites[] = "extensions.allowed_install_sites";
1644// A list of allowed extension types. Extensions can only be installed if their
1645// type is on this whitelist or alternatively on kExtensionInstallAllowList or
1646// kExtensionInstallForceList.
1647const char kExtensionAllowedTypes[] = "extensions.allowed_types";
1649// Version number of last blacklist check.
1650const char kExtensionBlacklistUpdateVersion[] =
1651    "extensions.blacklistupdate.version";
1653// A whitelist of extension ids the user can install: exceptions from the
1654// following blacklist.
1655const char kExtensionInstallAllowList[] = "extensions.install.allowlist";
1657// A blacklist, containing extensions the user cannot install. This list can
1658// contain "*" meaning all extensions. This list should not be confused with the
1659// extension blacklist, which is Google controlled.
1660const char kExtensionInstallDenyList[] = "extensions.install.denylist";
1662// A list containing extensions that Chrome will silently install
1663// at startup time. It is a list of strings, each string contains
1664// an extension ID and an update URL, delimited by a semicolon.
1665// This preference is set by an admin policy, and meant to be only
1666// accessed through extensions::ExternalPolicyProvider.
1667const char kExtensionInstallForceList[] = "extensions.install.forcelist";
1669// Indicates on-disk data might have skeletal data that needs to be cleaned
1670// on the next start of the browser.
1671const char kExtensionStorageGarbageCollect[] =
1672    "";
1674// Keeps track of which sessions are collapsed in the Other Devices menu.
1675const char kNtpCollapsedForeignSessions[] = "ntp.collapsed_foreign_sessions";
1677// New Tab Page URLs that should not be shown as most visited thumbnails.
1678const char kNtpMostVisitedURLsBlacklist[] = "ntp.most_visited_blacklist";
1680// Last time of update of promo_resource_cache.
1681const char kNtpPromoResourceCacheUpdate[] = "ntp.promo_resource_cache_update";
1683// Serves tips for the NTP.
1684const char kNtpTipsResourceServer[] = "ntp.tips_resource_server";
1686// Serves dates to determine display of elements on the NTP.
1687const char kNtpDateResourceServer[] = "ntp.date_resource_server";
1689// Which bookmarks folder should be visible on the new tab page v4.
1690const char kNtpShownBookmarksFolder[] = "ntp.shown_bookmarks_folder";
1692// Which page should be visible on the new tab page v4
1693const char kNtpShownPage[] = "ntp.shown_page";
1695// True if a desktop sync session was found for this user.
1696const char kNtpPromoDesktopSessionFound[] = "ntp.promo_desktop_session_found";
1698// Boolean indicating whether the web store is active for the current locale.
1699const char kNtpWebStoreEnabled[] = "ntp.webstore_enabled";
1701// The id of the last web store promo actually displayed on the NTP.
1702const char kNtpWebStorePromoLastId[] = "ntp.webstore_last_promo_id";
1704// The id of the current web store promo.
1705const char kNtpWebStorePromoId[] = "";
1707// The header line for the NTP web store promo.
1708const char kNtpWebStorePromoHeader[] = "ntp.webstorepromo.header";
1710// The button text for the NTP web store promo.
1711const char kNtpWebStorePromoButton[] = "ntp.webstorepromo.button";
1713// The button link for the NTP web store promo.
1714const char kNtpWebStorePromoLink[] = "";
1716// The image URL for the NTP web store promo logo.
1717const char kNtpWebStorePromoLogo[] = "ntp.webstorepromo.logo";
1719// The original URL for the NTP web store promo logo.
1720const char kNtpWebStorePromoLogoSource[] = "ntp.webstorepromo.logo_source";
1722// The "hide this" link text for the NTP web store promo.
1723const char kNtpWebStorePromoExpire[] = "ntp.webstorepromo.expire";
1725// Specifies what users should maximize the NTP web store promo.
1726const char kNtpWebStorePromoUserGroup[] = "ntp.webstorepromo.usergroup";
1728// Customized app page names that appear on the New Tab Page.
1729const char kNtpAppPageNames[] = "ntp.app_page_names";
1731const char kDevToolsDisabled[] = "devtools.disabled";
1733// A string specifying the dock location (either 'bottom' or 'right').
1734const char kDevToolsDockSide[] = "devtools.dock_side";
1736// Maps of files edited locally using DevTools.
1737const char kDevToolsEditedFiles[] = "devtools.edited_files";
1739// List of file system paths added in DevTools.
1740const char kDevToolsFileSystemPaths[] = "devtools.file_system_paths";
1742// Integer location of the horizontal split bar in the browser view.
1743const char kDevToolsHSplitLocation[] = "devtools.split_location";
1745// A boolean specifying whether dev tools window should be opened docked.
1746const char kDevToolsOpenDocked[] = "devtools.open_docked";
1748#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
1749// A boolean specifying whether remote dev tools debugging is enabled.
1750const char kDevToolsRemoteEnabled[] = "devtools.remote_enabled";
1753// Integer location of the vertical split bar in the browser view.
1754const char kDevToolsVSplitLocation[] = "devtools.v_split_location";
1756#if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS)
1757// A boolean specifying whether a SPDY proxy is enabled.
1758const char kSpdyProxyAuthEnabled[] = "spdy_proxy.enabled";
1759const char kSpdyProxyAuthWasEnabledBefore[] = "spdy_proxy.was_enabled_before";
1760#endif  // defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS)
1762// Boolean which stores if the user is allowed to signin to chrome.
1763const char kSigninAllowed[] = "signin.allowed";
1765// 64-bit integer serialization of the base::Time when the last sync occurred.
1766const char kSyncLastSyncedTime[] = "sync.last_synced_time";
1768// Boolean specifying whether the user finished setting up sync.
1769const char kSyncHasSetupCompleted[] = "sync.has_setup_completed";
1771// Boolean specifying whether to automatically sync all data types (including
1772// future ones, as they're added).  If this is true, the following preferences
1773// (kSyncBookmarks, kSyncPasswords, etc.) can all be ignored.
1774const char kSyncKeepEverythingSynced[] = "sync.keep_everything_synced";
1776// Booleans specifying whether the user has selected to sync the following
1777// datatypes.
1778const char kSyncAppNotifications[] = "sync.app_notifications";
1779const char kSyncAppSettings[] = "sync.app_settings";
1780const char kSyncApps[] = "sync.apps";
1781const char kSyncAutofillProfile[] = "sync.autofill_profile";
1782const char kSyncAutofill[] = "sync.autofill";
1783const char kSyncBookmarks[] = "sync.bookmarks";
1784const char kSyncDictionary[] = "sync.dictionary";
1785const char kSyncExtensionSettings[] = "sync.extension_settings";
1786const char kSyncExtensions[] = "sync.extensions";
1787const char kSyncFaviconImages[] = "sync.favicon_images";
1788const char kSyncFaviconTracking[] = "sync.favicon_tracking";
1789const char kSyncHistoryDeleteDirectives[] = "sync.history_delete_directives";
1790const char kSyncManagedUserSettings[] = "sync.managed_user_settings";
1791const char kSyncManagedUsers[] = "sync.managed_users";
1792const char kSyncPasswords[] = "sync.passwords";
1793const char kSyncPreferences[] = "sync.preferences";
1794const char kSyncPriorityPreferences[] = "sync.priority_preferences";
1795const char kSyncSearchEngines[] = "sync.search_engines";
1796const char kSyncSessions[] = "sync.sessions";
1797const char kSyncSyncedNotifications[] = "sync.synced_notifications";
1798const char kSyncTabs[] = "sync.tabs";
1799const char kSyncThemes[] = "sync.themes";
1800const char kSyncTypedUrls[] = "sync.typed_urls";
1802// Boolean used by enterprise configuration management in order to lock down
1803// sync.
1804const char kSyncManaged[] = "sync.managed";
1806// Boolean to prevent sync from automatically starting up.  This is
1807// used when sync is disabled by the user via the privacy dashboard.
1808const char kSyncSuppressStart[] = "sync.suppress_start";
1810// List of the currently acknowledged set of sync types, used to figure out
1811// if a new sync type has rolled out so we can notify the user.
1812const char kSyncAcknowledgedSyncTypes[] = "sync.acknowledged_types";
1814// Dictionary from sync model type (as an int) to max invalidation
1815// version (int64 represented as a string).
1816const char kSyncMaxInvalidationVersions[] = "sync.max_invalidation_versions";
1818// The GUID session sync will use to identify this client, even across sync
1819// disable/enable events.
1820const char kSyncSessionsGUID[] = "sync.session_sync_guid";
1822// An ID to uniquely identify this client to the invalidator service.
1823const char kInvalidatorClientId[] = "invalidator.client_id";
1825// Opaque state from the invalidation subsystem that is persisted via prefs.
1826// The value is base 64 encoded.
1827const char kInvalidatorInvalidationState[] = "invalidator.invalidation_state";
1829// List of {source, name, max invalidation version} tuples. source is an int,
1830// while max invalidation version is an int64; both are stored as string
1831// representations though.
1832const char kInvalidatorMaxInvalidationVersions[] =
1833    "invalidator.max_invalidation_versions";
1835// A string that can be used to restore sync encryption infrastructure on
1836// startup so that the user doesn't need to provide credentials on each start.
1837const char kSyncEncryptionBootstrapToken[] =
1838    "sync.encryption_bootstrap_token";
1840// Same as kSyncEncryptionBootstrapToken, but derived from the keystore key,
1841// so we don't have to do a GetKey command at restart.
1842const char kSyncKeystoreEncryptionBootstrapToken[] =
1843    "sync.keystore_encryption_bootstrap_token";
1845// Boolean tracking whether the user chose to specify a secondary encryption
1846// passphrase.
1847const char kSyncUsingSecondaryPassphrase[] = "sync.using_secondary_passphrase";
1849// String the identifies the last user that logged into sync and other
1850// google services. As opposed to kGoogleServicesUsername, this value is not
1851// cleared on signout, but while the user is signed in the two values will
1852// be the same.
1853const char kGoogleServicesLastUsername[] = "";
1855// String that identifies the current user logged into sync and other google
1856// services.
1857const char kGoogleServicesUsername[] = "";
1859// Local state pref containing a string regex that restricts which accounts
1860// can be used to log in to chrome (e.g. "*"). If missing or blank,
1861// all accounts are allowed (no restrictions).
1862const char kGoogleServicesUsernamePattern[] =
1863    "";
1865#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
1866// Tracks the number of times that we have shown the sync promo at startup.
1867const char kSyncPromoStartupCount[] = "sync_promo.startup_count";
1869// A counter to remember the number of times we've been to the sync promo page
1870// (not at startup).
1871const char kSyncPromoViewCount[] = "sync_promo.view_count";
1873// Boolean tracking whether the user chose to skip the sync promo.
1874const char kSyncPromoUserSkipped[] = "sync_promo.user_skipped";
1876// Boolean that specifies if the sync promo is allowed to show on first run.
1877// This preference is specified in the master preference file to suppress the
1878// sync promo for some installations.
1879const char kSyncPromoShowOnFirstRunAllowed[] =
1880    "sync_promo.show_on_first_run_allowed";
1882// Boolean that specifies if we should show a bubble in the new tab page.
1883// The bubble is used to confirm that the user is signed into sync.
1884const char kSyncPromoShowNTPBubble[] = "sync_promo.show_ntp_bubble";
1886// An error to show in the sync promo bubble, if needed.  If the sign in was
1887// successful, this property holds an empty string.
1888const char kSyncPromoErrorMessage[] = "sync_promo.error_message";
1891// Time when the user's GAIA info was last updated (represented as an int64).
1892const char kProfileGAIAInfoUpdateTime[] = "profile.gaia_info_update_time";
1894// The URL from which the GAIA profile picture was downloaded. This is cached to
1895// prevent the same picture from being downloaded multiple times.
1896const char kProfileGAIAInfoPictureURL[] = "profile.gaia_info_picture_url";
1898// Create web application shortcut dialog preferences.
1899const char kWebAppCreateOnDesktop[] = "browser.web_app.create_on_desktop";
1900const char kWebAppCreateInAppsMenu[] = "browser.web_app.create_in_apps_menu";
1901const char kWebAppCreateInQuickLaunchBar[] =
1902    "browser.web_app.create_in_quick_launch_bar";
1904// Dictionary that maps Geolocation network provider server URLs to
1905// corresponding access token.
1906const char kGeolocationAccessToken[] = "geolocation.access_token";
1908// Boolean that indicates whether to allow firewall traversal while trying to
1909// establish the initial connection from the client or host.
1910const char kRemoteAccessHostFirewallTraversal[] =
1911    "remote_access.host_firewall_traversal";
1913// Boolean controlling whether 2-factor auth should be required when connecting
1914// to a host (instead of a PIN).
1915const char kRemoteAccessHostRequireTwoFactor[] =
1916    "remote_access.host_require_two_factor";
1918// String containing the domain name that hosts must belong to. If blank, then
1919// hosts can belong to any domain.
1920const char kRemoteAccessHostDomain[] = "remote_access.host_domain";
1922// String containing the domain name of the Chromoting Directory.
1923// Used by Chromoting host and client.
1924const char kRemoteAccessHostTalkGadgetPrefix[] =
1925    "remote_access.host_talkgadget_prefix";
1927// Boolean controlling whether curtaining is required when connecting to a host.
1928const char kRemoteAccessHostRequireCurtain[] =
1929    "remote_access.host_require_curtain";
1931// The last used printer and its settings.
1932const char kPrintPreviewStickySettings[] =
1933    "printing.print_preview_sticky_settings";
1934// The root URL of the cloud print service.
1935const char kCloudPrintServiceURL[] = "cloud_print.service_url";
1937// The URL to use to sign in to cloud print.
1938const char kCloudPrintSigninURL[] = "cloud_print.signin_url";
1940// The last requested size of the dialog as it was closed.
1941const char kCloudPrintDialogWidth[] = "cloud_print.dialog_size.width";
1942const char kCloudPrintDialogHeight[] = "cloud_print.dialog_size.height";
1943const char kCloudPrintSigninDialogWidth[] =
1944    "cloud_print.signin_dialog_size.width";
1945const char kCloudPrintSigninDialogHeight[] =
1946    "cloud_print.signin_dialog_size.height";
1948#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
1949// The Chrome To Mobile service mobile device list pref.
1950const char kChromeToMobileDeviceList[] = "chrome_to_mobile.device_list";
1953// The list of BackgroundContents that should be loaded when the browser
1954// launches.
1955const char kRegisteredBackgroundContents[] = "background_contents.registered";
1957#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
1958// An int that stores how often we've shown the "Chrome is configured to
1959// auto-launch" infobar.
1960const char kShownAutoLaunchInfobar[] = "browser.shown_autolaunch_infobar";
1963// String that lists supported HTTP authentication schemes.
1964const char kAuthSchemes[] = "auth.schemes";
1966// Boolean that specifies whether to disable CNAME lookups when generating
1967// Kerberos SPN.
1968const char kDisableAuthNegotiateCnameLookup[] =
1969    "auth.disable_negotiate_cname_lookup";
1971// Boolean that specifies whether to include the port in a generated Kerberos
1972// SPN.
1973const char kEnableAuthNegotiatePort[] = "auth.enable_negotiate_port";
1975// Whitelist containing servers for which Integrated Authentication is enabled.
1976const char kAuthServerWhitelist[] = "auth.server_whitelist";
1978// Whitelist containing servers Chrome is allowed to do Kerberos delegation
1979// with.
1980const char kAuthNegotiateDelegateWhitelist[] =
1981    "auth.negotiate_delegate_whitelist";
1983// String that specifies the name of a custom GSSAPI library to load.
1984const char kGSSAPILibraryName[] = "auth.gssapi_library_name";
1986// String that specifies the origin allowed to use SpdyProxy
1987// authentication, if any.
1988const char kSpdyProxyAuthOrigin[] = "auth.spdyproxy.origin";
1990// Boolean that specifies whether to allow basic auth prompting on cross-
1991// domain sub-content requests.
1992const char kAllowCrossOriginAuthPrompt[] = "auth.allow_cross_origin_prompt";
1994// Boolean that specifies whether the built-in asynchronous DNS client is used.
1995const char kBuiltInDnsClientEnabled[] = "async_dns.enabled";
1997// An int64 pref that contains the total size of all HTTP content that has been
1998// received from the network.
1999const char kHttpReceivedContentLength[] = "http_received_content_length";
2001// An int64 pref that contains the total original size of all HTTP content that
2002// was received over the network.
2003const char kHttpOriginalContentLength[] = "http_original_content_length";
2005#if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS)
2006// A List pref that contains daily totals of the original size of all HTTP
2007// that was received over the network.
2008const char kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength[] =
2009    "data_reduction.daily_original_length";
2011// A List pref that contains daily totals of the size of all HTTP content that
2012// has been received from the network.
2013const char kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength[] =
2014    "data_reduction.daily_received_length";
2016// An int64 pref that contains an internal representation of midnight on the
2017// date of the last update to |kDailyHttp{Original,Received}ContentLength|.
2018const char kDailyHttpContentLengthLastUpdateDate[] =
2019    "data_reduction.last_update_date";
2020#endif  // defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS)
2022// A pref holding the value of the policy used to explicitly allow or deny
2023// access to audio capture devices.  When enabled or not set, the user is
2024// prompted for device access.  When disabled, access to audio capture devices
2025// is not allowed and no prompt will be shown.
2026// See also kAudioCaptureAllowedUrls.
2027const char kAudioCaptureAllowed[] = "hardware.audio_capture_enabled";
2028// Holds URL patterns that specify URLs that will be granted access to audio
2029// capture devices without prompt.  NOTE: This whitelist is currently only
2030// supported when running in kiosk mode.
2031// TODO(tommi): Update comment when this is supported for all modes.
2032const char kAudioCaptureAllowedUrls[] = "hardware.audio_capture_allowed_urls";
2034// A pref holding the value of the policy used to explicitly allow or deny
2035// access to video capture devices.  When enabled or not set, the user is
2036// prompted for device access.  When disabled, access to video capture devices
2037// is not allowed and no prompt will be shown.
2038const char kVideoCaptureAllowed[] = "hardware.video_capture_enabled";
2039// Holds URL patterns that specify URLs that will be granted access to video
2040// capture devices without prompt.  NOTE: This whitelist is currently only
2041// supported when running in kiosk mode.
2042// TODO(tommi): Update comment when this is supported for all modes.
2043const char kVideoCaptureAllowedUrls[] = "hardware.video_capture_allowed_urls";
2045#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
2046// Dictionary for transient storage of settings that should go into device
2047// settings storage before owner has been assigned.
2048const char kDeviceSettingsCache[] = "signed_settings_cache";
2050// The hardware keyboard layout of the device. This should look like
2051// "xkb:us::eng".
2052const char kHardwareKeyboardLayout[] = "intl.hardware_keyboard";
2054// An integer pref which shows number of times carrier deal promo
2055// notification has been shown to user.
2056const char kCarrierDealPromoShown[] =
2057    "";
2059// A boolean pref of the auto-enrollment decision. Its value is only valid if
2060// it's not the default value; otherwise, no auto-enrollment decision has been
2061// made yet.
2062const char kShouldAutoEnroll[] = "ShouldAutoEnroll";
2064// An integer pref with the maximum number of bits used by the client in a
2065// previous auto-enrollment request. If the client goes through an auto update
2066// during OOBE and reboots into a version of the OS with a larger maximum
2067// modulus, then it will retry auto-enrollment using the updated value.
2068const char kAutoEnrollmentPowerLimit[] = "AutoEnrollmentPowerLimit";
2070// The local state pref that stores device activity times before reporting
2071// them to the policy server.
2072const char kDeviceActivityTimes[] = "device_status.activity_times";
2074// A pref holding the last known location when device location reporting is
2075// enabled.
2076const char kDeviceLocation[] = "device_status.location";
2078// A string that is used to store first-time sync startup after once sync is
2079// disabled. This will be refreshed every sign-in.
2080const char kSyncSpareBootstrapToken[] = "sync.spare_bootstrap_token";
2082// A pref holding the value of the policy used to disable mounting of external
2083// storage for the user.
2084const char kExternalStorageDisabled[] = "hardware.external_storage_disabled";
2086// A pref holding the value of the policy used to disable playing audio on
2087// ChromeOS devices. This pref overrides |kAudioMute| but does not overwrite
2088// it, therefore when the policy is lifted the original mute state is restored.
2089const char kAudioOutputAllowed[] = "hardware.audio_output_enabled";
2091// A dictionary that maps usernames to wallpaper properties.
2092const char kUsersWallpaperInfo[] = "user_wallpaper_info";
2094// Copy of owner swap mouse buttons option to use on login screen.
2095const char kOwnerPrimaryMouseButtonRight[] = "owner.mouse.primary_right";
2097// Copy of owner tap-to-click option to use on login screen.
2098const char kOwnerTapToClickEnabled[] = "owner.touchpad.enable_tap_to_click";
2100// The length of device uptime after which an automatic reboot is scheduled,
2101// expressed in seconds.
2102const char kUptimeLimit[] = "automatic_reboot.uptime_limit";
2104// Whether an automatic reboot should be scheduled when an update has been
2105// applied and a reboot is required to complete the update process.
2106const char kRebootAfterUpdate[] = "automatic_reboot.reboot_after_update";
2108// An any-api scoped refresh token for enterprise-enrolled devices.  Allows
2109// for connection to Google APIs when the user isn't logged in.  Currently used
2110// for for getting a cloudprint scoped token to allow printing in Guest mode,
2111// Public Accounts and kiosks.
2112const char kDeviceRobotAnyApiRefreshToken[] =
2113    "device_robot_refresh_token.any-api";
2116// Whether there is a Flash version installed that supports clearing LSO data.
2117const char kClearPluginLSODataEnabled[] = "browser.clear_lso_data_enabled";
2119// Whether we should show Pepper Flash-specific settings.
2120const char kPepperFlashSettingsEnabled[] =
2121    "browser.pepper_flash_settings_enabled";
2123// String which specifies where to store the disk cache.
2124const char kDiskCacheDir[] = "browser.disk_cache_dir";
2125// Pref name for the policy specifying the maximal cache size.
2126const char kDiskCacheSize[] = "browser.disk_cache_size";
2127// Pref name for the policy specifying the maximal media cache size.
2128const char kMediaCacheSize[] = "browser.media_cache_size";
2130// Specifies the release channel that the device should be locked to.
2131// Possible values: "stable-channel", "beta-channel", "dev-channel", or an
2132// empty string, in which case the value will be ignored.
2133// TODO(dubroy): This preference may not be necessary once
2134// is implemented and the update engine can just
2135// fetch the correct value from the policy.
2136const char kChromeOsReleaseChannel[] = "cros.system.releaseChannel";
2138// Value of the enums in TabStrip::LayoutType as an int.
2139const char kTabStripLayoutType[] = "tab_strip_layout_type";
2141// If true, cloud policy for the user is not loaded when the user signs in.
2142const char kDisableCloudPolicyOnSignin[] =
2143    "policy.disable_cloud_policy_on_signin";
2145// Indicates that factory reset was requested from options page.
2146const char kFactoryResetRequested[] = "FactoryResetRequested";
2148// *************** SERVICE PREFS ***************
2149// These are attached to the service process.
2151const char kCloudPrintRoot[] = "cloud_print";
2152const char kCloudPrintProxyEnabled[] = "cloud_print.enabled";
2153// The unique id for this instance of the cloud print proxy.
2154const char kCloudPrintProxyId[] = "cloud_print.proxy_id";
2155// The GAIA auth token for Cloud Print
2156const char kCloudPrintAuthToken[] = "cloud_print.auth_token";
2157// The GAIA auth token used by Cloud Print to authenticate with the XMPP server
2158// This should eventually go away because the above token should work for both.
2159const char kCloudPrintXMPPAuthToken[] = "cloud_print.xmpp_auth_token";
2160// The email address of the account used to authenticate with the Cloud Print
2161// server.
2162const char kCloudPrintEmail[] = "";
2163// Settings specific to underlying print system.
2164const char kCloudPrintPrintSystemSettings[] =
2165    "cloud_print.print_system_settings";
2166// A boolean indicating whether we should poll for print jobs when don't have
2167// an XMPP connection (false by default).
2168const char kCloudPrintEnableJobPoll[] = "cloud_print.enable_job_poll";
2169const char kCloudPrintRobotRefreshToken[] = "cloud_print.robot_refresh_token";
2170const char kCloudPrintRobotEmail[] = "cloud_print.robot_email";
2171// A boolean indicating whether we should connect to cloud print new printers.
2172const char kCloudPrintConnectNewPrinters[] =
2173    "cloud_print.user_settings.connectNewPrinters";
2174// A boolean indicating whether we should ping XMPP connection.
2175const char kCloudPrintXmppPingEnabled[] = "cloud_print.xmpp_ping_enabled";
2176// An int value indicating the average timeout between xmpp pings.
2177const char kCloudPrintXmppPingTimeout[] = "cloud_print.xmpp_ping_timeout_sec";
2178// Dictionary with settings stored by connector setup page.
2179const char kCloudPrintUserSettings[] = "cloud_print.user_settings";
2180// List of printers settings.
2181extern const char kCloudPrintPrinters[] = "cloud_print.user_settings.printers";
2182// A boolean indicating whether submitting jobs to Google Cloud Print is
2183// blocked by policy.
2184const char kCloudPrintSubmitEnabled[] = "cloud_print.submit_enabled";
2186// Preference to store proxy settings.
2187const char kProxy[] = "proxy";
2188const char kMaxConnectionsPerProxy[] = "net.max_connections_per_proxy";
2190// Preferences that are exclusively used to store managed values for default
2191// content settings.
2192const char kManagedDefaultCookiesSetting[] =
2193    "profile.managed_default_content_settings.cookies";
2194const char kManagedDefaultImagesSetting[] =
2195    "profile.managed_default_content_settings.images";
2196const char kManagedDefaultJavaScriptSetting[] =
2197    "profile.managed_default_content_settings.javascript";
2198const char kManagedDefaultPluginsSetting[] =
2199    "profile.managed_default_content_settings.plugins";
2200const char kManagedDefaultPopupsSetting[] =
2201    "profile.managed_default_content_settings.popups";
2202const char kManagedDefaultGeolocationSetting[] =
2203    "profile.managed_default_content_settings.geolocation";
2204const char kManagedDefaultNotificationsSetting[] =
2205    "profile.managed_default_content_settings.notifications";
2206const char kManagedDefaultMediaStreamSetting[] =
2207    "profile.managed_default_content_settings.media_stream";
2209// Preferences that are exclusively used to store managed
2210// content settings patterns.
2211const char kManagedCookiesAllowedForUrls[] =
2212    "profile.managed_cookies_allowed_for_urls";
2213const char kManagedCookiesBlockedForUrls[] =
2214    "profile.managed_cookies_blocked_for_urls";
2215const char kManagedCookiesSessionOnlyForUrls[] =
2216    "profile.managed_cookies_sessiononly_for_urls";
2217const char kManagedImagesAllowedForUrls[] =
2218    "profile.managed_images_allowed_for_urls";
2219const char kManagedImagesBlockedForUrls[] =
2220    "profile.managed_images_blocked_for_urls";
2221const char kManagedJavaScriptAllowedForUrls[] =
2222    "profile.managed_javascript_allowed_for_urls";
2223const char kManagedJavaScriptBlockedForUrls[] =
2224    "profile.managed_javascript_blocked_for_urls";
2225const char kManagedPluginsAllowedForUrls[] =
2226    "profile.managed_plugins_allowed_for_urls";
2227const char kManagedPluginsBlockedForUrls[] =
2228    "profile.managed_plugins_blocked_for_urls";
2229const char kManagedPopupsAllowedForUrls[] =
2230    "profile.managed_popups_allowed_for_urls";
2231const char kManagedPopupsBlockedForUrls[] =
2232    "profile.managed_popups_blocked_for_urls";
2233const char kManagedNotificationsAllowedForUrls[] =
2234    "profile.managed_notifications_allowed_for_urls";
2235const char kManagedNotificationsBlockedForUrls[] =
2236    "profile.managed_notifications_blocked_for_urls";
2237const char kManagedAutoSelectCertificateForUrls[] =
2238    "profile.managed_auto_select_certificate_for_urls";
2240#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
2241// Set to true if the user removed our login item so we should not create a new
2242// one when uninstalling background apps.
2243const char kUserRemovedLoginItem[] = "background_mode.user_removed_login_item";
2245// Set to true if Chrome already created a login item, so there's no need to
2246// create another one.
2247const char kChromeCreatedLoginItem[] =
2248  "background_mode.chrome_created_login_item";
2250// Set to true once we've initialized kChromeCreatedLoginItem for the first
2251// time.
2252const char kMigratedLoginItemPref[] =
2253  "background_mode.migrated_login_item_pref";
2256// Set to true if background mode is enabled on this browser.
2257const char kBackgroundModeEnabled[] = "background_mode.enabled";
2259// Set to true if hardware acceleration mode is enabled on this browser.
2260const char kHardwareAccelerationModeEnabled[] =
2261  "hardware_acceleration_mode.enabled";
2263// Hardware acceleration mode from previous browser launch.
2264const char kHardwareAccelerationModePrevious[] =
2265  "hardware_acceleration_mode_previous";
2267// List of protocol handlers.
2268const char kRegisteredProtocolHandlers[] =
2269  "custom_handlers.registered_protocol_handlers";
2271// List of protocol handlers the user has requested not to be asked about again.
2272const char kIgnoredProtocolHandlers[] =
2273  "custom_handlers.ignored_protocol_handlers";
2275// Whether user-specified handlers for protocols and content types can be
2276// specified.
2277const char kCustomHandlersEnabled[] = "custom_handlers.enabled";
2279// Integers that specify the policy refresh rate for device- and user-policy in
2280// milliseconds. Not all values are meaningful, so it is clamped to a sane range
2281// by the cloud policy subsystem.
2282const char kDevicePolicyRefreshRate[] = "policy.device_refresh_rate";
2283const char kUserPolicyRefreshRate[] = "policy.user_refresh_rate";
2285// String that represents the recovery component last downloaded version. This
2286// takes the usual 'a.b.c.d' notation.
2287const char kRecoveryComponentVersion[] = "recovery_component.version";
2289// String that stores the component updater last known state. This is used for
2290// troubleshooting.
2291const char kComponentUpdaterState[] = "component_updater.state";
2293// The next media gallery ID to assign.
2294const char kMediaGalleriesUniqueId[] = "media_galleries.gallery_id";
2296// A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a known media
2297// gallery.
2298const char kMediaGalleriesRememberedGalleries[] =
2299    "media_galleries.remembered_galleries";
2301#if defined(USE_ASH)
2302// |kShelfAlignment| and |kShelfAutoHideBehavior| have a local variant. The
2303// local variant is not synced and is used if set. If the local variant is not
2304// set its value is set from the synced value (once prefs have been
2305// synced). This gives a per-machine setting that is initialized from the last
2306// set value.
2307// These values are default on the machine but can be overridden by per-display
2308// values in kShelfPreferences (unless overridden by managed policy).
2309// String value corresponding to ash::Shell::ShelfAlignment.
2310const char kShelfAlignment[] = "shelf_alignment";
2311const char kShelfAlignmentLocal[] = "shelf_alignment_local";
2312// String value corresponding to ash::Shell::ShelfAutoHideBehavior.
2313const char kShelfAutoHideBehavior[] = "auto_hide_behavior";
2314const char kShelfAutoHideBehaviorLocal[] = "auto_hide_behavior_local";
2315// This value stores chrome icon's index in the launcher. This should be handled
2316// separately with app shortcut's index because of LauncherModel's backward
2317// compatability. If we add chrome icon index to |kPinnedLauncherApps|, its
2318// index is also stored in the |kPinnedLauncherApp| pref. It may causes
2319// creating two chrome icons.
2320const char kShelfChromeIconIndex[] = "shelf_chrome_icon_index";
2322const char kPinnedLauncherApps[] = "pinned_launcher_apps";
2323// Boolean value indicating whether to show a logout button in the ash tray.
2324const char kShowLogoutButtonInTray[] = "show_logout_button_in_tray";
2325// Dictionary value that holds per-display preference of shelf alignment and
2326// auto-hide behavior. Key of the dictionary is the id of the display, and
2327// its value is a dictionary whose keys are kShelfAlignment and
2328// kShelfAutoHideBehavior.
2329const char kShelfPreferences[] = "shelf_preferences";
2331// Tuning for immersive fullscreen.
2332const char kImmersiveModeRevealDelayMs[] =
2333    "immersive_mode.reveal_delay_ms";
2334const char kImmersiveModeRevealXThresholdPixels[] =
2335    "immersive_mode.reveal_x_threshold_pixels";
2337// Tuning settings for the animations when a user is cycling through workspaces
2338// via a three finger vertical scroll.
2339const char kWorkspaceCyclerShallowerThanSelectedYOffsets[] =
2340    "workspace_cycler.shallower_than_selected_y_offsets";
2341const char kWorkspaceCyclerDeeperThanSelectedYOffsets[] =
2342    "workspace_cycler.deeper_than_selected_y_offsets";
2343const char kWorkspaceCyclerSelectedYOffset[] =
2344    "workspace_cycler.selected_y_offset";
2345const char kWorkspaceCyclerSelectedScale[] =
2346    "workspace_cycler.selected_scale";
2347const char kWorkspaceCyclerMinScale[] =
2348    "workspace_cycler.min_scale";
2349const char kWorkspaceCyclerMaxScale[] =
2350    "workspace_cycler.max_scale";
2351const char kWorkspaceCyclerMinBrightness[] =
2352    "workspace_cycler.min_brightness";
2353const char kWorkspaceCyclerBackgroundOpacity[] =
2354    "workspace_cycler.background_opacity";
2355const char kWorkspaceCyclerDesktopWorkspaceBrightness[] =
2356    "workspace_cycler.desktop_workspace_brightness";
2357const char kWorkspaceCyclerDistanceToInitiateCycling[] =
2358    "workspace_cycler.distance_to_initiate_cycling";
2359const char kWorkspaceCyclerScrollDistanceToCycleToNextWorkspace[] =
2360    "workspace_cycler.scroll_distance_to_cycle_to_next_workspace";
2361const char kWorkspaceCyclerCyclerStepAnimationDurationRatio[] =
2362    "workspace_cycler.cycler_step_animation_duration_ratio";
2363const char kWorkspaceCyclerStartCyclerAnimationDuration[] =
2364    "workspace_cycler.start_cycler_animation_duration";
2365const char kWorkspaceCyclerStopCyclerAnimationDuration[] =
2366    "workspace_cycler.stop_cycler_animation_duration";
2369#if defined(USE_AURA)
2370// Tuning settings for gestures.
2371const char kFlingVelocityCap[] = "gesture.fling_velocity_cap";
2372const char kLongPressTimeInSeconds[] =
2373    "gesture.long_press_time_in_seconds";
2374const char kMaxDistanceBetweenTapsForDoubleTap[] =
2375    "gesture.max_distance_between_taps_for_double_tap";
2376const char kMaxDistanceForTwoFingerTapInPixels[] =
2377    "gesture.max_distance_for_two_finger_tap_in_pixels";
2378const char kMaxSecondsBetweenDoubleClick[] =
2379    "gesture.max_seconds_between_double_click";
2380const char kMaxSeparationForGestureTouchesInPixels[] =
2381    "gesture.max_separation_for_gesture_touches_in_pixels";
2382const char kMaxSwipeDeviationRatio[] =
2383    "gesture.max_swipe_deviation_ratio";
2384const char kMaxTouchDownDurationInSecondsForClick[] =
2385    "gesture.max_touch_down_duration_in_seconds_for_click";
2386const char kMaxTouchMoveInPixelsForClick[] =
2387    "gesture.max_touch_move_in_pixels_for_click";
2388const char kMinDistanceForPinchScrollInPixels[] =
2389    "gesture.min_distance_for_pinch_scroll_in_pixels";
2390const char kMinFlickSpeedSquared[] =
2391    "gesture.min_flick_speed_squared";
2392const char kMinPinchUpdateDistanceInPixels[] =
2393    "gesture.min_pinch_update_distance_in_pixels";
2394const char kMinRailBreakVelocity[] =
2395    "gesture.min_rail_break_velocity";
2396const char kMinScrollDeltaSquared[] =
2397    "gesture.min_scroll_delta_squared";
2398const char kMinSwipeSpeed[] =
2399    "gesture.min_swipe_speed";
2400const char kMinTouchDownDurationInSecondsForClick[] =
2401    "gesture.min_touch_down_duration_in_seconds_for_click";
2402const char kPointsBufferedForVelocity[] =
2403    "gesture.points_buffered_for_velocity";
2404const char kRailBreakProportion[] =
2405    "gesture.rail_break_proportion";
2406const char kRailStartProportion[] =
2407    "gesture.rail_start_proportion";
2408const char kSemiLongPressTimeInSeconds[] =
2409    "gesture.semi_long_press_time_in_seconds";
2410const char kTabScrubActivationDelayInMS[] =
2411    "gesture.tab_scrub_activation_delay_in_ms";
2412const char kFlingAccelerationCurveCoefficient0[] =
2413    "gesture.fling_acceleration_curve_coefficient_0";
2414const char kFlingAccelerationCurveCoefficient1[] =
2415    "gesture.fling_acceleration_curve_coefficient_1";
2416const char kFlingAccelerationCurveCoefficient2[] =
2417    "gesture.fling_acceleration_curve_coefficient_2";
2418const char kFlingAccelerationCurveCoefficient3[] =
2419    "gesture.fling_acceleration_curve_coefficient_3";
2420const char kFlingCurveTouchpadAlpha[] = "flingcurve.touchpad_alpha";
2421const char kFlingCurveTouchpadBeta[] = "flingcurve.touchpad_beta";
2422const char kFlingCurveTouchpadGamma[] = "flingcurve.touchpad_gamma";
2423const char kFlingCurveTouchscreenAlpha[] = "flingcurve.touchscreen_alpha";
2424const char kFlingCurveTouchscreenBeta[] = "flingcurve.touchscreen_beta";
2425const char kFlingCurveTouchscreenGamma[] = "flingcurve.touchscreen_gamma";
2426const char kFlingMaxCancelToDownTimeInMs[] =
2427    "gesture.fling_max_cancel_to_down_time_in_ms";
2428const char kFlingMaxTapGapTimeInMs[] =
2429    "gesture.fling_max_tap_gap_time_in_ms";
2430const char kOverscrollHorizontalThresholdComplete[] =
2431    "overscroll.horizontal_threshold_complete";
2432const char kOverscrollVerticalThresholdComplete[] =
2433    "overscroll.vertical_threshold_complete";
2434const char kOverscrollMinimumThresholdStart[] =
2435    "overscroll.minimum_threshold_start";
2436const char kOverscrollHorizontalResistThreshold[] =
2437    "overscroll.horizontal_resist_threshold";
2438const char kOverscrollVerticalResistThreshold[] =
2439    "overscroll.vertical_resist_threshold";
2442// Indicates whether the browser is in managed mode.
2443const char kInManagedMode[] = "managed_mode";
2445// Counts how many more times the 'profile on a network share' warning should be
2446// shown to the user before the next silence period.
2447const char kNetworkProfileWarningsLeft[] = "network_profile.warnings_left";
2448// Tracks the time of the last shown warning. Used to reset
2449// |network_profile.warnings_left| after a silence period.
2450const char kNetworkProfileLastWarningTime[] =
2451    "network_profile.last_warning_time";
2453// 64-bit serialization of the time last policy usage statistics were collected
2455const char kLastPolicyStatisticsUpdate[] = "policy.last_statistics_update";
2457#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
2458// The RLZ brand code, if enabled.
2459const char kRLZBrand[] = "rlz.brand";
2460// Whether RLZ pings are disabled.
2461const char kRLZDisabled[] = "rlz.disabled";
2464// The directory in user data dir that contains the profile to be used with the
2465// app launcher.
2466extern const char kAppListProfile[] = "app_list.profile";
2468// Whether to show the app list on a browser relaunch. Used when switching out
2469// of metro mode after a user gesture requests showing the app list.
2470const char kRestartWithAppList[] = "app_list.show_on_relaunch";
2472// The number of times the app launcher was launched since last ping and
2473// the time of the last ping.
2474extern const char kAppListLaunchCount[] = "app_list.launch_count";
2475extern const char kLastAppListLaunchPing[] = "app_list.last_launch_ping";
2477// The number of times the an app was launched from the app launcher since last
2478// ping and the time of the last ping.
2479extern const char kAppListAppLaunchCount[] = "app_list.app_launch_count";
2480extern const char kLastAppListAppLaunchPing[] = "app_list.last_app_launch_ping";
2482// A string pref for storing the salt used to compute the pepper device ID.
2483const char kDRMSalt[] = "settings.privacy.drm_salt";
2484// A boolean pref that enables the (private) pepper GetDeviceID() call.
2485const char kEnableDRM[] = "settings.privacy.drm_enabled";
2487}  // namespace prefs