1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "chrome/renderer/page_load_histograms.h"
7#include <string>
9#include "base/command_line.h"
10#include "base/logging.h"
11#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
12#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
13#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
14#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
15#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
16#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
17#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
18#include "base/time/time.h"
19#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
20#include "chrome/renderer/chrome_content_renderer_client.h"
21#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/common/data_reduction_proxy_headers.h"
22#include "content/public/common/content_constants.h"
23#include "content/public/renderer/document_state.h"
24#include "content/public/renderer/render_thread.h"
25#include "content/public/renderer/render_view.h"
26#include "extensions/common/url_pattern.h"
27#include "net/base/url_util.h"
28#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
29#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebURLRequest.h"
30#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebURLResponse.h"
31#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDocument.h"
32#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFrame.h"
33#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebPerformance.h"
34#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebView.h"
35#include "url/gurl.h"
37using blink::WebDataSource;
38using blink::WebFrame;
39using blink::WebPerformance;
40using blink::WebString;
41using base::Time;
42using base::TimeDelta;
43using content::DocumentState;
45const size_t kPLTCount = 100;
47namespace {
49// ID indicating that no GWS-Chrome joint experiment is active.
50const int kNoExperiment = 0;
52// Max ID of GWS-Chrome joint experiment. If you change this value, please
53// update PLT_HISTOGRAM_WITH_GWS_VARIANT accordingly.
54const int kMaxExperimentID = 20;
56TimeDelta kPLTMin() {
57  return TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10);
59TimeDelta kPLTMax() {
60  return TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10);
63// This function corresponds to PLT_HISTOGRAM macro invocation without caching.
64// Use this for PLT histograms with dynamically generated names, which
65// otherwise can't use the caching PLT_HISTOGRAM macro without code duplication.
66void PltHistogramWithNoMacroCaching(const std::string& name,
67                                    const TimeDelta& sample) {
68  // The parameters should exacly match the parameters in
70  base::HistogramBase* histogram_pointer = base::Histogram::FactoryTimeGet(
71      name, kPLTMin(), kPLTMax(), kPLTCount,
72      base::HistogramBase::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag);
73  histogram_pointer->AddTime(sample);
76// This records UMA corresponding to the PLT_HISTOGRAM macro without caching.
77void PltHistogramWithGwsPreview(const char* name,
78                                const TimeDelta& sample,
79                                bool is_preview,
80                                int experiment_id) {
81  std::string preview_suffix = is_preview ? "_Preview" : "_NoPreview";
82  PltHistogramWithNoMacroCaching(name + preview_suffix, sample);
84  if (experiment_id != kNoExperiment) {
85    std::string name_with_experiment_id = base::StringPrintf(
86          "%s%s_Experiment%d", name, preview_suffix.c_str(), experiment_id);
87    PltHistogramWithNoMacroCaching(name_with_experiment_id, sample);
88  }
91#define PLT_HISTOGRAM(name, sample) \
92    UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES(name, sample, kPLTMin(), kPLTMax(), kPLTCount);
94#define PLT_HISTOGRAM_WITH_GWS_VARIANT(                                        \
95    name, sample, came_from_websearch, websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,   \
96    is_preview) {                                                              \
97  PLT_HISTOGRAM(name, sample);                                                 \
98  if (came_from_websearch) {                                                   \
99    PLT_HISTOGRAM(base::StringPrintf("%s_FromGWS", name), sample)              \
100    if (websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id != kNoExperiment) {               \
101      std::string name_with_experiment_id = base::StringPrintf(                \
102          "%s_FromGWS_Experiment%d",                                           \
103          name, websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id);                         \
104      PltHistogramWithNoMacroCaching(name_with_experiment_id, sample);         \
105    }                                                                          \
106  }                                                                            \
107  PltHistogramWithGwsPreview(name, sample, is_preview,                         \
108                             websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id);            \
111// In addition to PLT_HISTOGRAM, add the *_DataReductionProxy variant
112// conditionally. This macro runs only in one thread.
113#define PLT_HISTOGRAM_DRP(name, sample, data_reduction_proxy_was_used) \
114  do {                                                                  \
115    static base::HistogramBase* counter(NULL);                          \
116    static base::HistogramBase* drp_counter(NULL);                      \
117    if (!counter) {                                                     \
118      DCHECK(drp_counter == NULL);                                      \
119      counter = base::Histogram::FactoryTimeGet(                        \
120          name, kPLTMin(), kPLTMax(), kPLTCount,                        \
121          base::Histogram::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag);                  \
122    }                                                                   \
123    counter->AddTime(sample);                                           \
124    if (!data_reduction_proxy_was_used) break;                          \
125    if (!drp_counter) {                                                 \
126      drp_counter = base::Histogram::FactoryTimeGet(                    \
127          std::string(name) + "_DataReductionProxy",                    \
128          kPLTMin(), kPLTMax(), kPLTCount,                              \
129          base::Histogram::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag);                  \
130    }                                                                   \
131    drp_counter->AddTime(sample);                                       \
132  } while (0)
134// Returns the scheme type of the given URL if its type is one for which we
135// dump page load histograms. Otherwise returns NULL.
136URLPattern::SchemeMasks GetSupportedSchemeType(const GURL& url) {
137  if (url.SchemeIs("http"))
138    return URLPattern::SCHEME_HTTP;
139  else if (url.SchemeIs("https"))
140    return URLPattern::SCHEME_HTTPS;
141  return static_cast<URLPattern::SchemeMasks>(0);
144// Helper function to check for string in 'via' header. Returns true if
145// |via_value| is one of the values listed in the Via header.
146bool ViaHeaderContains(WebFrame* frame, const std::string& via_value) {
147  const char kViaHeaderName[] = "Via";
148  std::vector<std::string> values;
149  // Multiple via headers have already been coalesced and hence each value
150  // separated by a comma corresponds to a proxy. The value added by a proxy is
151  // not expected to contain any commas.
152  // Example., Via: 1.0 Compression proxy, 1.1 Google Instant Proxy Preview
153  base::SplitString(
154      frame->dataSource()->response().httpHeaderField(kViaHeaderName).utf8(),
155      ',', &values);
156  return std::find(values.begin(), values.end(), via_value) != values.end();
159// Returns true if the data reduction proxy was used. Note, this function will
160// produce a false positive if a page is fetched using SPDY and using a proxy,
161// and the data reduction proxy's via value is added to the Via header.
162// TODO(bengr): Plumb the hostname of the proxy and check if it matches
164bool DataReductionProxyWasUsed(WebFrame* frame) {
165  DocumentState* document_state =
166      DocumentState::FromDataSource(frame->dataSource());
167  if (!document_state->was_fetched_via_proxy())
168    return false;
170  std::string via_header =
171      base::UTF16ToUTF8(frame->dataSource()->response().httpHeaderField("Via"));
173  if (via_header.empty())
174    return false;
175  std::string headers = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nVia: " + via_header + "\n\n";
176  // Produce raw headers, expected by the |HttpResponseHeaders| constructor.
177  std::replace(headers.begin(), headers.end(), '\n', '\0');
178  scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders> response_headers(
179      new net::HttpResponseHeaders(headers));
180  return data_reduction_proxy::HasDataReductionProxyViaHeader(
181      response_headers.get(), NULL);
184// Returns true if the provided URL is a referrer string that came from
185// a Google Web Search results page. This is a little non-deterministic
186// because desktop and mobile websearch differ and sometimes just provide
187// http://www.google.com/ as the referrer. In the case of /url we can be sure
188// that it came from websearch but we will be generous and allow for cases
189// where a non-Google URL was provided a bare Google URL as a referrer.
190// The domain validation matches the code used by the prerenderer for similar
191// purposes.
192// TODO(pmeenan): Remove the fuzzy logic when the referrer is reliable
193bool IsFromGoogleSearchResult(const GURL& url, const GURL& referrer) {
194  if (!StartsWithASCII(referrer.host(), "www.google.", true))
195    return false;
196  if (StartsWithASCII(referrer.path(), "/url", true))
197    return true;
198  bool is_possible_search_referrer =
199      referrer.path().empty() ||
200      referrer.path() == "/" ||
201      StartsWithASCII(referrer.path(), "/search", true) ||
202      StartsWithASCII(referrer.path(), "/webhp", true);
203  if (is_possible_search_referrer &&
204      !StartsWithASCII(url.host(), "www.google", true))
205    return true;
206  return false;
209// Extracts a Google Web Search and Chrome joint experiment ID from a referrer
210// that came from a Google Web Search results page. An experiment ID is embedded
211// in a query string as a "gcjeid=" parameter value.
212int GetQueryStringBasedExperiment(const GURL& referrer) {
213  std::string value;
214  if (!net::GetValueForKeyInQuery(referrer, "gcjeid", &value))
215    return kNoExperiment;
217  int experiment_id;
218  if (!base::StringToInt(value, &experiment_id))
219    return kNoExperiment;
220  if (0 < experiment_id && experiment_id <= kMaxExperimentID)
221    return experiment_id;
222  return kNoExperiment;
225void DumpHistograms(const WebPerformance& performance,
226                    DocumentState* document_state,
227                    bool data_reduction_proxy_was_used,
228                    bool came_from_websearch,
229                    int websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
230                    bool is_preview) {
231  // This function records new histograms based on the Navigation Timing
232  // records. As such, the histograms should not depend on the deprecated timing
233  // information collected in DocumentState. However, here for some reason we
234  // check if document_state->request_time() is null. TODO(ppi): find out why
235  // and remove DocumentState from the parameter list.
236  Time request = document_state->request_time();
238  Time navigation_start = Time::FromDoubleT(performance.navigationStart());
239  Time redirect_start = Time::FromDoubleT(performance.redirectStart());
240  Time redirect_end = Time::FromDoubleT(performance.redirectEnd());
241  Time fetch_start = Time::FromDoubleT(performance.fetchStart());
242  Time domain_lookup_start = Time::FromDoubleT(performance.domainLookupStart());
243  Time domain_lookup_end = Time::FromDoubleT(performance.domainLookupEnd());
244  Time connect_start = Time::FromDoubleT(performance.connectStart());
245  Time connect_end = Time::FromDoubleT(performance.connectEnd());
246  Time request_start = Time::FromDoubleT(performance.requestStart());
247  Time response_start = Time::FromDoubleT(performance.responseStart());
248  Time response_end = Time::FromDoubleT(performance.responseEnd());
249  Time dom_loading = Time::FromDoubleT(performance.domLoading());
250  Time dom_interactive = Time::FromDoubleT(performance.domInteractive());
251  Time dom_content_loaded_start =
252      Time::FromDoubleT(performance.domContentLoadedEventStart());
253  Time dom_content_loaded_end =
254      Time::FromDoubleT(performance.domContentLoadedEventEnd());
255  Time load_event_start = Time::FromDoubleT(performance.loadEventStart());
256  Time load_event_end = Time::FromDoubleT(performance.loadEventEnd());
257  Time begin = (request.is_null() ? navigation_start : request_start);
259  DCHECK(!navigation_start.is_null());
261  // It is possible for a document to have navigation_start time, but no
262  // request_start. An example is doing a window.open, which synchronously
263  // loads "about:blank", then using document.write add a meta http-equiv
264  // refresh tag, which causes a navigation. In such case, we will arrive at
265  // this function with no request/response timing data and identical load
266  // start/end values. Avoid logging this case, as it doesn't add any
267  // meaningful information to the histogram.
268  if (request_start.is_null())
269    return;
271  // TODO(dominich): Investigate conditions under which |load_event_start| and
272  // |load_event_end| may be NULL as in the non-PT_ case below. Examples in
273  // http://crbug.com/112006.
274  // DCHECK(!load_event_start.is_null());
275  // DCHECK(!load_event_end.is_null());
277  if (document_state->web_timing_histograms_recorded())
278    return;
279  document_state->set_web_timing_histograms_recorded(true);
281  if (!redirect_start.is_null() && !redirect_end.is_null()) {
282    PLT_HISTOGRAM_DRP("PLT.NT_Redirect", redirect_end - redirect_start,
283                      data_reduction_proxy_was_used);
285        "PLT.NT_DelayBeforeFetchRedirect",
286        (fetch_start - navigation_start) - (redirect_end - redirect_start),
287        data_reduction_proxy_was_used);
288  } else {
289    PLT_HISTOGRAM_DRP("PLT.NT_DelayBeforeFetch",
290                      fetch_start - navigation_start,
291                      data_reduction_proxy_was_used);
292  }
293  PLT_HISTOGRAM_DRP("PLT.NT_DelayBeforeDomainLookup",
294                    domain_lookup_start - fetch_start,
295                    data_reduction_proxy_was_used);
296  PLT_HISTOGRAM_DRP("PLT.NT_DomainLookup",
297                    domain_lookup_end - domain_lookup_start,
298                    data_reduction_proxy_was_used);
299  PLT_HISTOGRAM_DRP("PLT.NT_DelayBeforeConnect",
300                    connect_start - domain_lookup_end,
301                    data_reduction_proxy_was_used);
302  PLT_HISTOGRAM_DRP("PLT.NT_Connect", connect_end - connect_start,
303                    data_reduction_proxy_was_used);
304  PLT_HISTOGRAM_DRP("PLT.NT_DelayBeforeRequest",
305                    request_start - connect_end,
306                    data_reduction_proxy_was_used);
307  PLT_HISTOGRAM_DRP("PLT.NT_Request", response_start - request_start,
308                    data_reduction_proxy_was_used);
309  PLT_HISTOGRAM_DRP("PLT.NT_Response", response_end - response_start,
310                    data_reduction_proxy_was_used);
312  if (!dom_loading.is_null()) {
313    PLT_HISTOGRAM_DRP("PLT.NT_DelayBeforeDomLoading",
314                      dom_loading - response_start,
315                      data_reduction_proxy_was_used);
316  }
317  if (!dom_interactive.is_null() && !dom_loading.is_null()) {
318    PLT_HISTOGRAM_DRP("PLT.NT_DomLoading",
319                      dom_interactive - dom_loading,
320                      data_reduction_proxy_was_used);
321  }
322  if (!dom_content_loaded_start.is_null() && !dom_interactive.is_null()) {
323    PLT_HISTOGRAM_DRP("PLT.NT_DomInteractive",
324                      dom_content_loaded_start - dom_interactive,
325                      data_reduction_proxy_was_used);
326  }
327  if (!dom_content_loaded_start.is_null() &&
328      !dom_content_loaded_end.is_null() ) {
329    PLT_HISTOGRAM_DRP("PLT.NT_DomContentLoaded",
330                      dom_content_loaded_end - dom_content_loaded_start,
331                      data_reduction_proxy_was_used);
332  }
333  if (!dom_content_loaded_end.is_null() && !load_event_start.is_null()) {
334    PLT_HISTOGRAM_DRP("PLT.NT_DelayBeforeLoadEvent",
335                      load_event_start - dom_content_loaded_end,
336                      data_reduction_proxy_was_used);
337  }
339  // TODO(simonjam): There is no way to distinguish between abandonment and
340  // intentional Javascript navigation before the load event fires.
341  // TODO(dominich): Load type breakdown
342  if (!load_event_start.is_null()) {
344                                   load_event_start - begin,
345                                   came_from_websearch,
346                                   websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
347                                   is_preview);
349                                   load_event_start - response_start,
350                                   came_from_websearch,
351                                   websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
352                                   is_preview);
354                                   load_event_start - navigation_start,
355                                   came_from_websearch,
356                                   websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
357                                   is_preview);
358    if (data_reduction_proxy_was_used) {
359      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.PT_BeginToFinishDoc_DataReductionProxy",
360                    load_event_start - begin);
361      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.PT_CommitToFinishDoc_DataReductionProxy",
362                    load_event_start - response_start);
363      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.PT_RequestToFinishDoc_DataReductionProxy",
364                    load_event_start - navigation_start);
365    }
366  }
367  if (!load_event_end.is_null()) {
369                                   load_event_end - begin,
370                                   came_from_websearch,
371                                   websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
372                                   is_preview);
374                                   load_event_end - response_start,
375                                   came_from_websearch,
376                                   websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
377                                   is_preview);
379                                   load_event_end - navigation_start,
380                                   came_from_websearch,
381                                   websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
382                                   is_preview);
384                                   load_event_end - request_start,
385                                   came_from_websearch,
386                                   websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
387                                   is_preview);
388    if (data_reduction_proxy_was_used) {
389      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.PT_BeginToFinish_DataReductionProxy",
390                    load_event_end - begin);
391      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.PT_CommitToFinish_DataReductionProxy",
392                    load_event_end - response_start);
393      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.PT_RequestToFinish_DataReductionProxy",
394                    load_event_end - navigation_start);
395      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.PT_StartToFinish_DataReductionProxy",
396                    load_event_end - request_start);
397    }
398  }
399  if (!load_event_start.is_null() && !load_event_end.is_null()) {
400    PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.PT_FinishDocToFinish",
401                  load_event_end - load_event_start);
402    PLT_HISTOGRAM_DRP("PLT.NT_LoadEvent",
403                      load_event_end - load_event_start,
404                      data_reduction_proxy_was_used);
406    if (data_reduction_proxy_was_used)
407      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.PT_FinishDocToFinish_DataReductionProxy",
408                    load_event_end - load_event_start);
409  }
410  if (!dom_content_loaded_start.is_null()) {
411    PLT_HISTOGRAM_WITH_GWS_VARIANT("PLT.PT_RequestToDomContentLoaded",
412                                   dom_content_loaded_start - navigation_start,
413                                   came_from_websearch,
414                                   websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
415                                   is_preview);
416    if (data_reduction_proxy_was_used)
417      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.PT_RequestToDomContentLoaded_DataReductionProxy",
418                    dom_content_loaded_start - navigation_start);
419  }
421                                 response_start - begin,
422                                 came_from_websearch,
423                                 websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
424                                 is_preview);
426                                 request_start - navigation_start,
427                                 came_from_websearch,
428                                 websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
429                                 is_preview);
431                                 response_start - request_start,
432                                 came_from_websearch,
433                                 websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
434                                 is_preview);
436                                 response_start - navigation_start,
437                                 came_from_websearch,
438                                 websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
439                                 is_preview);
440  if (data_reduction_proxy_was_used) {
441    PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.PT_BeginToCommit_DataReductionProxy",
442                  response_start - begin);
443    PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.PT_RequestToStart_DataReductionProxy",
444                  request_start - navigation_start);
445    PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.PT_StartToCommit_DataReductionProxy",
446                  response_start - request_start);
447    PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.PT_RequestToCommit_DataReductionProxy",
448                  response_start - navigation_start);
449  }
452// These histograms are based on the timing information collected in
453// DocumentState. They should be transitioned to equivalents based on the
454// Navigation Timing records (see DumpPerformanceTiming()) or dropped if not
455// needed. Please do not add new metrics based on DocumentState.
456void DumpDeprecatedHistograms(const WebPerformance& performance,
457                              DocumentState* document_state,
458                              bool data_reduction_proxy_was_used,
459                              bool came_from_websearch,
460                              int websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
461                              bool is_preview,
462                              URLPattern::SchemeMasks scheme_type) {
463  // If we've already dumped, do nothing.
464  // This simple bool works because we only dump for the main frame.
465  if (document_state->load_histograms_recorded())
466    return;
468  // Abort if any of these is missing.
469  Time start = document_state->start_load_time();
470  Time commit = document_state->commit_load_time();
471  Time navigation_start =
472      Time::FromDoubleT(performance.navigationStart());
473  if (start.is_null() || commit.is_null() || navigation_start.is_null())
474    return;
476  // We properly handle null values for the next 3 variables.
477  Time request = document_state->request_time();
478  Time first_paint = document_state->first_paint_time();
479  Time first_paint_after_load = document_state->first_paint_after_load_time();
480  Time finish_doc = document_state->finish_document_load_time();
481  Time finish_all_loads = document_state->finish_load_time();
483  // Handle case where user hits "stop" or "back" before loading completely.
484  // Note that this makes abandoned page loads be recorded as if they were
485  // completed, polluting the metrics with artifically short completion times.
486  // We are not fixing this as these metrics are being dropped as deprecated.
487  if (finish_doc.is_null()) {
488    finish_doc = Time::Now();
489    document_state->set_finish_document_load_time(finish_doc);
490  }
491  if (finish_all_loads.is_null()) {
492    finish_all_loads = Time::Now();
493    document_state->set_finish_load_time(finish_all_loads);
494  }
496  document_state->set_load_histograms_recorded(true);
498  // Note: Client side redirects will have no request time.
499  Time begin = request.is_null() ? start : request;
500  TimeDelta begin_to_finish_doc = finish_doc - begin;
501  TimeDelta begin_to_finish_all_loads = finish_all_loads - begin;
502  TimeDelta start_to_finish_all_loads = finish_all_loads - start;
503  TimeDelta start_to_commit = commit - start;
505  DocumentState::LoadType load_type = document_state->load_type();
507  // The above code sanitized all values of times, in preparation for creating
508  // actual histograms.  The remainder of this code could be run at destructor
509  // time for the document_state, since all data is intact.
511  // Aggregate PLT data across all link types.
512  UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("PLT.LoadType", load_type,
513      DocumentState::kLoadTypeMax);
514  PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.StartToCommit", start_to_commit);
515  PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.CommitToFinishDoc", finish_doc - commit);
516  PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.FinishDocToFinish", finish_all_loads - finish_doc);
517  PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToCommit", commit - begin);
518  PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.StartToFinish", start_to_finish_all_loads);
519  if (!request.is_null()) {
520    PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.RequestToStart", start - request);
521    PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.RequestToFinish", finish_all_loads - request);
522  }
523  PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.CommitToFinish", finish_all_loads - commit);
525  scoped_ptr<TimeDelta> begin_to_first_paint;
526  scoped_ptr<TimeDelta> commit_to_first_paint;
527  if (!first_paint.is_null()) {
528    // 'first_paint' can be before 'begin' for an unknown reason.
529    // See bug http://crbug.com/125273 for details.
530    if (begin <= first_paint) {
531      begin_to_first_paint.reset(new TimeDelta(first_paint - begin));
533                                     *begin_to_first_paint,
534                                     came_from_websearch,
535                                     websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
536                                     is_preview);
537    }
539    // Conditional was previously a DCHECK. Changed due to multiple bot
540    // failures, listed in crbug.com/383963
541    if (commit <= first_paint) {
542      commit_to_first_paint.reset(new TimeDelta(first_paint - commit));
544                                     *commit_to_first_paint,
545                                     came_from_websearch,
546                                     websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
547                                     is_preview);
548    }
549  }
550  if (!first_paint_after_load.is_null()) {
551    // 'first_paint_after_load' can be before 'begin' for an unknown reason.
552    // See bug http://crbug.com/125273 for details.
553    if (begin <= first_paint_after_load) {
554      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFirstPaintAfterLoad",
555          first_paint_after_load - begin);
556    }
557    // Both following conditionals were previously DCHECKs. Changed due to
558    // multiple bot failures, listed in crbug.com/383963
559    if (commit <= first_paint_after_load) {
560      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.CommitToFirstPaintAfterLoad",
561          first_paint_after_load - commit);
562    }
563    if (finish_all_loads <= first_paint_after_load) {
564      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.FinishToFirstPaintAfterLoad",
565          first_paint_after_load - finish_all_loads);
566    }
567  }
568  PLT_HISTOGRAM_WITH_GWS_VARIANT("PLT.BeginToFinishDoc", begin_to_finish_doc,
569                                 came_from_websearch,
570                                 websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
571                                 is_preview);
572  PLT_HISTOGRAM_WITH_GWS_VARIANT("PLT.BeginToFinish", begin_to_finish_all_loads,
573                                 came_from_websearch,
574                                 websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
575                                 is_preview);
577  // Load type related histograms.
578  switch (load_type) {
579    case DocumentState::UNDEFINED_LOAD:
580      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinishDoc_UndefLoad", begin_to_finish_doc);
581      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinish_UndefLoad", begin_to_finish_all_loads);
582      break;
583    case DocumentState::RELOAD:
584      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinishDoc_Reload", begin_to_finish_doc);
585      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinish_Reload", begin_to_finish_all_loads);
586      break;
587    case DocumentState::HISTORY_LOAD:
588      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinishDoc_HistoryLoad", begin_to_finish_doc);
589      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinish_HistoryLoad", begin_to_finish_all_loads);
590      break;
591    case DocumentState::NORMAL_LOAD:
592      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinishDoc_NormalLoad", begin_to_finish_doc);
593      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinish_NormalLoad", begin_to_finish_all_loads);
594      break;
595    case DocumentState::LINK_LOAD_NORMAL:
596      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinishDoc_LinkLoadNormal",
597          begin_to_finish_doc);
598      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinish_LinkLoadNormal",
599                    begin_to_finish_all_loads);
600      break;
601    case DocumentState::LINK_LOAD_RELOAD:
602      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinishDoc_LinkLoadReload",
603           begin_to_finish_doc);
604      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinish_LinkLoadReload",
605                    begin_to_finish_all_loads);
606      break;
607    case DocumentState::LINK_LOAD_CACHE_STALE_OK:
608      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinishDoc_LinkLoadStaleOk",
609           begin_to_finish_doc);
610      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinish_LinkLoadStaleOk",
611                    begin_to_finish_all_loads);
612      break;
613    case DocumentState::LINK_LOAD_CACHE_ONLY:
614      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinishDoc_LinkLoadCacheOnly",
615           begin_to_finish_doc);
616      PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinish_LinkLoadCacheOnly",
617                    begin_to_finish_all_loads);
618      break;
619    default:
620      break;
621  }
623  if (data_reduction_proxy_was_used) {
624    PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinishDoc_SpdyProxy", begin_to_finish_doc);
625    PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinish_SpdyProxy", begin_to_finish_all_loads);
626  }
628  if (document_state->was_prefetcher()) {
629    PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinishDoc_ContentPrefetcher",
630                  begin_to_finish_doc);
631    PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinish_ContentPrefetcher",
632                  begin_to_finish_all_loads);
633  }
634  if (document_state->was_referred_by_prefetcher()) {
635    PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinishDoc_ContentPrefetcherReferrer",
636                  begin_to_finish_doc);
637    PLT_HISTOGRAM("PLT.BeginToFinish_ContentPrefetcherReferrer",
638                  begin_to_finish_all_loads);
639  }
641  const bool use_webrequest_histogram =
642      ChromeContentRendererClient::WasWebRequestUsedBySomeExtensions();
643  if (use_webrequest_histogram) {
644    switch (load_type) {
645      case DocumentState::NORMAL_LOAD:
646        PLT_HISTOGRAM(
647            "PLT.BeginToFinish_NormalLoad_ExtensionWebRequest",
648            begin_to_finish_all_loads);
649        break;
650      case DocumentState::LINK_LOAD_NORMAL:
651        PLT_HISTOGRAM(
652            "PLT.BeginToFinish_LinkLoadNormal_ExtensionWebRequest",
653            begin_to_finish_all_loads);
654        break;
655      case DocumentState::LINK_LOAD_RELOAD:
656        PLT_HISTOGRAM(
657            "PLT.BeginToFinish_LinkLoadReload_ExtensionWebRequest",
658            begin_to_finish_all_loads);
659        break;
660      case DocumentState::LINK_LOAD_CACHE_STALE_OK:
661        PLT_HISTOGRAM(
662            "PLT.BeginToFinish_LinkLoadStaleOk_ExtensionWebRequest",
663            begin_to_finish_all_loads);
664        break;
665      default:
666        break;
667    }
668  }
671}  // namespace
673PageLoadHistograms::PageLoadHistograms(content::RenderView* render_view)
674    : content::RenderViewObserver(render_view) {
677void PageLoadHistograms::Dump(WebFrame* frame) {
678  // We only dump histograms for main frames.
679  // In the future, it may be interesting to tag subframes and dump them too.
680  if (!frame || frame->parent())
681    return;
683  // Only dump for supported schemes.
684  URLPattern::SchemeMasks scheme_type =
685      GetSupportedSchemeType(frame->document().url());
686  if (scheme_type == 0)
687    return;
689  // Ignore multipart requests.
690  if (frame->dataSource()->response().isMultipartPayload())
691    return;
693  DocumentState* document_state =
694      DocumentState::FromDataSource(frame->dataSource());
696  bool data_reduction_proxy_was_used = DataReductionProxyWasUsed(frame);
697  bool came_from_websearch =
698      IsFromGoogleSearchResult(frame->document().url(),
699                               GURL(frame->document().referrer()));
700  int websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id = kNoExperiment;
701  bool is_preview = false;
702  if (came_from_websearch) {
703    websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id =
704        GetQueryStringBasedExperiment(GURL(frame->document().referrer()));
705    is_preview = ViaHeaderContains(frame, "1.1 Google Instant Proxy Preview");
706  }
708  // Metrics based on the timing information recorded for the Navigation Timing
709  // API - http://www.w3.org/TR/navigation-timing/.
710  DumpHistograms(frame->performance(), document_state,
711                 data_reduction_proxy_was_used,
712                 came_from_websearch,
713                 websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
714                 is_preview);
716  // Old metrics based on the timing information stored in DocumentState. These
717  // are deprecated and should go away.
718  DumpDeprecatedHistograms(frame->performance(), document_state,
719                           data_reduction_proxy_was_used,
720                           came_from_websearch,
721                           websearch_chrome_joint_experiment_id,
722                           is_preview,
723                           scheme_type);
725  // Log the PLT to the info log.
726  LogPageLoadTime(document_state, frame->dataSource());
728  // Since there are currently no guarantees that renderer histograms will be
729  // sent to the browser, we initiate a PostTask here to be sure that we send
730  // the histograms we generated.  Without this call, pages that don't have an
731  // on-close-handler might generate data that is lost when the renderer is
732  // shutdown abruptly (perchance because the user closed the tab).
733  // TODO(jar) BUG=33233: This needs to be moved to a PostDelayedTask, and it
734  // should post when the onload is complete, so that it doesn't interfere with
735  // the next load.
736  content::RenderThread::Get()->UpdateHistograms(
737      content::kHistogramSynchronizerReservedSequenceNumber);
740void PageLoadHistograms::FrameWillClose(WebFrame* frame) {
741  Dump(frame);
744void PageLoadHistograms::ClosePage() {
745  // TODO(davemoore) This code should be removed once willClose() gets
746  // called when a page is destroyed. page_load_histograms_.Dump() is safe
747  // to call multiple times for the same frame, but it will simplify things.
748  Dump(render_view()->GetWebView()->mainFrame());
751void PageLoadHistograms::LogPageLoadTime(const DocumentState* document_state,
752                                         const WebDataSource* ds) const {
753  // Because this function gets called on every page load,
754  // take extra care to optimize it away if logging is turned off.
755  if (logging::LOG_INFO < logging::GetMinLogLevel())
756    return;
758  DCHECK(document_state);
759  DCHECK(ds);
760  GURL url(ds->request().url());
761  Time start = document_state->start_load_time();
762  Time finish = document_state->finish_load_time();
763  // TODO(mbelshe): should we log more stats?
764  VLOG(1) << "PLT: " << (finish - start).InMilliseconds() << "ms "
765          << url.spec();