1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <string>
10#include "base/basictypes.h"
11#include "base/callback_forward.h"
12#include "chromeos/attestation/attestation_constants.h"
13#include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h"
14#include "chromeos/dbus/cryptohome_client.h"
15#include "third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/service_constants.h"
17namespace cryptohome {
19// Note: This file is placed in ::cryptohome instead of ::chromeos::cryptohome
20// since there is already a namespace ::cryptohome which holds the error code
21// enum (MountError) and referencing ::chromeos::cryptohome and ::cryptohome
22// within the same code is confusing.
24// Flags for the AsyncMount method.
25enum MountFlags {
26    MOUNT_FLAGS_NONE = 0,       // Used to explicitly denote that no flags are
27                                // set.
28    CREATE_IF_MISSING = 1,      // Create a cryptohome if it does not exist yet.
29    ENSURE_EPHEMERAL = 1 << 1,  // Ensure that the mount is ephemeral.
32// This class manages calls to Cryptohome service's 'async' methods.
33class CHROMEOS_EXPORT AsyncMethodCaller {
34 public:
35  // A callback type which is called back on the UI thread when the results of
36  // method calls are ready.
37  typedef base::Callback<void(bool success, MountError return_code)> Callback;
38  typedef base::Callback<void(bool success, const std::string& data)>
39      DataCallback;
41  virtual ~AsyncMethodCaller() {}
43  // Asks cryptohomed to asynchronously try to find the cryptohome for
44  // |user_email| and then use |passhash| to unlock the key.
45  // |callback| will be called with status info on completion.
46  virtual void AsyncCheckKey(const std::string& user_email,
47                             const std::string& passhash,
48                             Callback callback) = 0;
50  // Asks cryptohomed to asynchronously try to find the cryptohome for
51  // |user_email| and then change from using |old_hash| to lock the
52  // key to using |new_hash|.
53  // |callback| will be called with status info on completion.
54  virtual void AsyncMigrateKey(const std::string& user_email,
55                               const std::string& old_hash,
56                               const std::string& new_hash,
57                               Callback callback) = 0;
59  // Asks cryptohomed to asynchronously try to find the cryptohome for
60  // |user_email| and then mount it using |passhash| to unlock the key.
61  // The |flags| are a combination of |MountFlags|:
62  // * CREATE_IF_MISSING Controls whether or not cryptohomed is asked to create
63  //                     a new cryptohome if one does not exist yet for
64  //                     |user_email|.
65  // * ENSURE_EPHEMERAL  If |true|, the mounted cryptohome will be backed by
66  //                     tmpfs. If |false|, the ephemeral users policy decides
67  //                     whether tmpfs or an encrypted directory is used as the
68  //                     backend.
69  // |callback| will be called with status info on completion.
70  // If the |CREATE_IF_MISSING| flag is not given and no cryptohome exists
71  // for |user_email|, the expected result is
72  // callback.Run(false, kCryptohomeMountErrorUserDoesNotExist). Otherwise,
73  // the normal range of return codes is expected.
74  virtual void AsyncMount(const std::string& user_email,
75                          const std::string& passhash,
76                          int flags,
77                          Callback callback) = 0;
79  // Asks cryptohomed to asynchronously try to add another |new_passhash| for
80  // |user_email| using |passhash| to unlock the key.
81  // |callback| will be called with status info on completion.
82  virtual void AsyncAddKey(const std::string& user_email,
83                           const std::string& passhash,
84                           const std::string& new_passhash,
85                           Callback callback) = 0;
87  // Asks cryptohomed to asynchronously to mount a tmpfs for guest mode.
88  // |callback| will be called with status info on completion.
89  virtual void AsyncMountGuest(Callback callback) = 0;
91  // Asks cryptohomed to asynchrounously try to find the cryptohome for
92  // |public_mount_id| and then mount it using a passhash derived from
93  // |public_mount_id| and a secret. See AsyncMount for possible values for
94  // |flags|.
95  virtual void AsyncMountPublic(const std::string& public_mount_id,
96                                int flags,
97                                Callback callback) = 0;
99  // Asks cryptohomed to asynchronously try to find the cryptohome for
100  // |user_email| and then nuke it.
101  virtual void AsyncRemove(const std::string& user_email,
102                           Callback callback) = 0;
104  // Asks cryptohomed to asynchronously create an attestation enrollment
105  // request.  On success the data sent to |callback| is a request to be sent
106  // to the Privacy CA of type |pca_type|.
107  virtual void AsyncTpmAttestationCreateEnrollRequest(
108      chromeos::attestation::PrivacyCAType pca_type,
109      const DataCallback& callback) = 0;
111  // Asks cryptohomed to asynchronously finish an attestation enrollment.
112  // |pca_response| is the response to the enrollment request emitted by the
113  // Privacy CA of type |pca_type|.
114  virtual void AsyncTpmAttestationEnroll(
115      chromeos::attestation::PrivacyCAType pca_type,
116      const std::string& pca_response,
117      const Callback& callback) = 0;
119  // Asks cryptohomed to asynchronously create an attestation certificate
120  // request according to |certificate_profile|.  Some profiles require that the
121  // |user_id| of the currently active user and an identifier of the
122  // |request_origin| be provided.  On success the data sent to |callback| is a
123  // request to be sent to the Privacy CA of type |pca_type|.  The
124  // |request_origin| may be sent to the Privacy CA but the |user_id| will never
125  // be sent.
126  virtual void AsyncTpmAttestationCreateCertRequest(
127      chromeos::attestation::PrivacyCAType pca_type,
128      chromeos::attestation::AttestationCertificateProfile certificate_profile,
129      const std::string& user_id,
130      const std::string& request_origin,
131      const DataCallback& callback) = 0;
133  // Asks cryptohomed to asynchronously finish an attestation certificate
134  // request.  On success the data sent to |callback| is a certificate chain
135  // in PEM format.  |pca_response| is the response to the certificate request
136  // emitted by the Privacy CA.  |key_type| determines whether the certified key
137  // is to be associated with the current user.  |key_name| is a name for the
138  // key.  If |key_type| is KEY_USER, a |user_id| must be provided.  Otherwise
139  // |user_id| is ignored.  For normal GAIA users the |user_id| is a canonical
140  // email address.
141  virtual void AsyncTpmAttestationFinishCertRequest(
142      const std::string& pca_response,
143      chromeos::attestation::AttestationKeyType key_type,
144      const std::string& user_id,
145      const std::string& key_name,
146      const DataCallback& callback) = 0;
148  // Asks cryptohomed to asynchronously register the attestation key specified
149  // by |key_type| and |key_name|.  If |key_type| is KEY_USER, a |user_id| must
150  // be provided.  Otherwise |user_id| is ignored.  For normal GAIA users the
151  // |user_id| is a canonical email address.
152  virtual void TpmAttestationRegisterKey(
153      chromeos::attestation::AttestationKeyType key_type,
154      const std::string& user_id,
155      const std::string& key_name,
156      const Callback& callback) = 0;
158  // Asks cryptohomed to asynchronously sign an enterprise challenge with the
159  // key specified by |key_type| and |key_name|.  The |domain| and |device_id|
160  // parameters will be included in the challenge response.  |challenge| must be
161  // a valid enterprise challenge.  On success, the data sent to |callback| is
162  // the challenge response.  If |key_type| is KEY_USER, a |user_id| must be
163  // provided.  Otherwise |user_id| is ignored.  For normal GAIA users the
164  // |user_id| is a canonical email address.
165  virtual void TpmAttestationSignEnterpriseChallenge(
166      chromeos::attestation::AttestationKeyType key_type,
167      const std::string& user_id,
168      const std::string& key_name,
169      const std::string& domain,
170      const std::string& device_id,
171      chromeos::attestation::AttestationChallengeOptions options,
172      const std::string& challenge,
173      const DataCallback& callback) = 0;
175  // Asks cryptohomed to asynchronously sign a simple challenge with the key
176  // specified by |key_type| and |key_name|.  |challenge| can be any arbitrary
177  // set of bytes.  On success, the data sent to |callback| is the challenge
178  // response.  If |key_type| is KEY_USER, a |user_id| must be provided.
179  // Otherwise |user_id| is ignored.  For normal GAIA users the |user_id| is a
180  // canonical email address.
181  virtual void TpmAttestationSignSimpleChallenge(
182      chromeos::attestation::AttestationKeyType key_type,
183      const std::string& user_id,
184      const std::string& key_name,
185      const std::string& challenge,
186      const DataCallback& callback) = 0;
188  // Asks cryptohome to asynchronously retrieve a string associated with given
189  // |user| that would be used in mount path instead of |user|.
190  // On success the data is sent to |callback|.
191  virtual void AsyncGetSanitizedUsername(
192      const std::string& user,
193      const DataCallback& callback) = 0;
195  // Creates the global AsyncMethodCaller instance.
196  static void Initialize();
198  // Similar to Initialize(), but can inject an alternative
199  // AsyncMethodCaller such as MockAsyncMethodCaller for testing.
200  // The injected object will be owned by the internal pointer and deleted
201  // by Shutdown().
202  static void InitializeForTesting(AsyncMethodCaller* async_method_caller);
204  // Destroys the global AsyncMethodCaller instance if it exists.
205  static void Shutdown();
207  // Returns a pointer to the global AsyncMethodCaller instance.
208  // Initialize() should already have been called.
209  static AsyncMethodCaller* GetInstance();
212}  // namespace cryptohome