1# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
6  'targets': [
7    {
8      # GN version: //components/rappor
9      'target_name': 'rappor',
10      'type': 'static_library',
11      'include_dirs': [
12        '..',
13      ],
14      'dependencies': [
15        '../base/base.gyp:base',
16        '../crypto/crypto.gyp:crypto',
17        '../net/net.gyp:net',
18        '../third_party/smhasher/smhasher.gyp:cityhash',
19        'metrics',
20        'variations',
21      ],
22      'sources': [
23        # Note: sources list duplicated in GN build.
24        'rappor/bloom_filter.cc',
25        'rappor/bloom_filter.h',
26        'rappor/byte_vector_utils.cc',
27        'rappor/byte_vector_utils.h',
28        'rappor/log_uploader.cc',
29        'rappor/log_uploader.h',
30        'rappor/proto/rappor_metric.proto',
31        'rappor/rappor_metric.cc',
32        'rappor/rappor_metric.h',
33        'rappor/rappor_parameters.cc',
34        'rappor/rappor_parameters.h',
35        'rappor/rappor_pref_names.cc',
36        'rappor/rappor_pref_names.h',
37        'rappor/rappor_service.cc',
38        'rappor/rappor_service.h',
39      ],
40      'variables': {
41        'proto_in_dir': 'rappor/proto',
42        'proto_out_dir': 'components/rappor/proto',
43      },
44      'includes': [ '../build/protoc.gypi' ],
45    },
46  ],