1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <map>
9#include <string>
10#include <vector>
12#include "base/basictypes.h"
13#include "base/callback.h"
14#include "base/callback_list.h"
15#include "content/common/content_export.h"
17namespace content {
19class BrowserContext;
20class ResourceContext;
21class WebContents;
23// Maps hostnames to custom zoom levels.  Written on the UI thread and read on
24// any thread.  One instance per browser context. Must be created on the UI
25// thread, and it'll delete itself on the UI thread as well.
26// Zoom can be defined at three levels: default zoom, zoom for host, and zoom
27// for host with specific scheme. Setting any of the levels leaves settings
28// for other settings intact. Getting the zoom level starts at the most
29// specific setting and progresses to the less specific: first the zoom for the
30// host and scheme pair is checked, secondly the zoom for the host only and
31// lastly default zoom.
33class HostZoomMap {
34 public:
35  // Enum that indicates what was the scope of zoom level change.
36  enum ZoomLevelChangeMode {
37    ZOOM_CHANGED_FOR_HOST,            // Zoom level changed for host.
38    ZOOM_CHANGED_FOR_SCHEME_AND_HOST, // Zoom level changed for scheme/host
39                                      // pair.
40    ZOOM_CHANGED_TEMPORARY_ZOOM,      // Temporary zoom change for specific
41                                      // renderer, no scheme/host is specified.
42  };
44  // Structure used to notify about zoom changes. Host and/or scheme are empty
45  // if not applicable to |mode|.
46  struct ZoomLevelChange {
47    ZoomLevelChangeMode mode;
48    std::string host;
49    std::string scheme;
50    double zoom_level;
51  };
53  typedef std::vector<ZoomLevelChange> ZoomLevelVector;
55  CONTENT_EXPORT static HostZoomMap* GetDefaultForBrowserContext(
56      BrowserContext* browser_context);
58  // Returns the current zoom level for the specified WebContents. May be
59  // temporary or host-specific.
60  CONTENT_EXPORT static double GetZoomLevel(const WebContents* web_contents);
62  // Sets the current zoom level for the specified WebContents. The level may
63  // be temporary or host-specific depending on the particular WebContents.
64  CONTENT_EXPORT static void SetZoomLevel(const WebContents* web_contents,
65                                          double level);
67  // Copy the zoom levels from the given map. Can only be called on the UI
68  // thread.
69  virtual void CopyFrom(HostZoomMap* copy) = 0;
71  // Here |host| is the host portion of URL, or (in the absence of a host)
72  // the complete spec of the URL.
73  // Returns the zoom for the specified |scheme| and |host|. See class
74  // description for details.
75  //
76  // This may be called on any thread.
77  virtual double GetZoomLevelForHostAndScheme(
78      const std::string& scheme,
79      const std::string& host) const = 0;
81  // Returns true if the specified |scheme| and/or |host| has a zoom level
82  // currently set.
83  //
84  // This may be called on any thread.
85  virtual bool HasZoomLevel(const std::string& scheme,
86                            const std::string& host) const = 0;
88  // Returns all non-temporary zoom levels. Can be called on any thread.
89  virtual ZoomLevelVector GetAllZoomLevels() const = 0;
91  // Here |host| is the host portion of URL, or (in the absence of a host)
92  // the complete spec of the URL.
93  // Sets the zoom level for the |host| to |level|.  If the level matches the
94  // current default zoom level, the host is erased from the saved preferences;
95  // otherwise the new value is written out.
96  // Zoom levels specified for both scheme and host are not affected.
97  //
98  // This should only be called on the UI thread.
99  virtual void SetZoomLevelForHost(const std::string& host, double level) = 0;
101  // Here |host| is the host portion of URL, or (in the absence of a host)
102  // the complete spec of the URL.
103  // Sets the zoom level for the |scheme|/|host| pair to |level|. No values
104  // will be erased during this operation, and this value will not be stored in
105  // the preferences.
106  //
107  // This should only be called on the UI thread.
108  virtual void SetZoomLevelForHostAndScheme(const std::string& scheme,
109                                            const std::string& host,
110                                            double level) = 0;
112  // Returns whether the view manages its zoom level independently of other
113  // views displaying content from the same host.
114  virtual bool UsesTemporaryZoomLevel(int render_process_id,
115                                      int render_view_id) const = 0;
117  // Sets the temporary zoom level that's only valid for the lifetime of this
118  // WebContents.
119  //
120  // This should only be called on the UI thread.
121  virtual void SetTemporaryZoomLevel(int render_process_id,
122                                     int render_view_id,
123                                     double level) = 0;
125  // Clears the temporary zoom level stored for this WebContents.
126  //
127  // This should only be called on the UI thread.
128  virtual void ClearTemporaryZoomLevel(int render_process_id,
129                                       int render_view_id) = 0;
131  // Get/Set the default zoom level for pages that don't override it.
132  virtual double GetDefaultZoomLevel() const = 0;
133  virtual void SetDefaultZoomLevel(double level) = 0;;
135  typedef base::Callback<void(const ZoomLevelChange&)> ZoomLevelChangedCallback;
136  typedef base::CallbackList<void(const ZoomLevelChange&)>::Subscription
137      Subscription;
138  // Add and remove zoom level changed callbacks.
139  virtual scoped_ptr<Subscription> AddZoomLevelChangedCallback(
140      const ZoomLevelChangedCallback& callback) = 0;
142 protected:
143  virtual ~HostZoomMap() {}
146}  // namespace content