1// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5// Note: This header should be compilable as C.
10#include <stddef.h>
12#include "mojo/public/c/system/core.h"
14// The embedder needs to bind the basic Mojo Core functions of a DSO to those of
15// the embedder when loading a DSO that is dependent on mojo_system.
16// The typical usage would look like:
17// base::ScopedNativeLibrary app_library(
18//     base::LoadNativeLibrary(app_path_, &error));
19// typedef MojoResult (*MojoSetSystemThunksFn)(MojoSystemThunks*);
20// MojoSetSystemThunksFn mojo_set_system_thunks_fn =
21//     reinterpret_cast<MojoSetSystemThunksFn>(app_library.GetFunctionPointer(
22//         "MojoSetSystemThunks"));
23// MojoSystemThunks system_thunks = MojoMakeSystemThunks();
24// size_t expected_size = mojo_set_system_thunks_fn(&system_thunks);
25// if (expected_size > sizeof(MojoSystemThunks)) {
26//   LOG(ERROR)
27//       << "Invalid DSO. Expected MojoSystemThunks size: "
28//       << expected_size;
29//   break;
30// }
32// Structure used to bind the basic Mojo Core functions of a DSO to those of
33// the embedder.
34// This is the ABI between the embedder and the DSO. It can only have new
35// functions added to the end. No other changes are supported.
36#pragma pack(push, 8)
37struct MojoSystemThunks {
38  size_t size;  // Should be set to sizeof(MojoSystemThunks).
39  MojoTimeTicks (*GetTimeTicksNow)();
40  MojoResult (*Close)(MojoHandle handle);
41  MojoResult (*Wait)(MojoHandle handle,
42                     MojoHandleSignals signals,
43                     MojoDeadline deadline);
44  MojoResult (*WaitMany)(const MojoHandle* handles,
45                         const MojoHandleSignals* signals,
46                         uint32_t num_handles,
47                         MojoDeadline deadline);
48  MojoResult (*CreateMessagePipe)(
49      const struct MojoCreateMessagePipeOptions* options,
50      MojoHandle* message_pipe_handle0,
51      MojoHandle* message_pipe_handle1);
52  MojoResult (*WriteMessage)(MojoHandle message_pipe_handle,
53                             const void* bytes,
54                             uint32_t num_bytes,
55                             const MojoHandle* handles,
56                             uint32_t num_handles,
57                             MojoWriteMessageFlags flags);
58  MojoResult (*ReadMessage)(MojoHandle message_pipe_handle,
59                            void* bytes,
60                            uint32_t* num_bytes,
61                            MojoHandle* handles,
62                            uint32_t* num_handles,
63                            MojoReadMessageFlags flags);
64  MojoResult (*CreateDataPipe)(const struct MojoCreateDataPipeOptions* options,
65                               MojoHandle* data_pipe_producer_handle,
66                               MojoHandle* data_pipe_consumer_handle);
67  MojoResult (*WriteData)(MojoHandle data_pipe_producer_handle,
68                          const void* elements,
69                          uint32_t* num_elements,
70                          MojoWriteDataFlags flags);
71  MojoResult (*BeginWriteData)(MojoHandle data_pipe_producer_handle,
72                               void** buffer,
73                               uint32_t* buffer_num_elements,
74                               MojoWriteDataFlags flags);
75  MojoResult (*EndWriteData)(MojoHandle data_pipe_producer_handle,
76                             uint32_t num_elements_written);
77  MojoResult (*ReadData)(MojoHandle data_pipe_consumer_handle,
78                         void* elements,
79                         uint32_t* num_elements,
80                         MojoReadDataFlags flags);
81  MojoResult (*BeginReadData)(MojoHandle data_pipe_consumer_handle,
82                              const void** buffer,
83                              uint32_t* buffer_num_elements,
84                              MojoReadDataFlags flags);
85  MojoResult (*EndReadData)(MojoHandle data_pipe_consumer_handle,
86                            uint32_t num_elements_read);
87  MojoResult (*CreateSharedBuffer)(
88      const struct MojoCreateSharedBufferOptions* options,
89      uint64_t num_bytes,
90      MojoHandle* shared_buffer_handle);
91  MojoResult (*DuplicateBufferHandle)(
92      MojoHandle buffer_handle,
93      const struct MojoDuplicateBufferHandleOptions* options,
94      MojoHandle* new_buffer_handle);
95  MojoResult (*MapBuffer)(MojoHandle buffer_handle,
96                          uint64_t offset,
97                          uint64_t num_bytes,
98                          void** buffer,
99                          MojoMapBufferFlags flags);
100  MojoResult (*UnmapBuffer)(void* buffer);
102#pragma pack(pop)
105#ifdef __cplusplus
106// Intended to be called from the embedder. Returns a |MojoCore| initialized
107// to contain pointers to each of the embedder's MojoCore functions.
108inline MojoSystemThunks MojoMakeSystemThunks() {
109  MojoSystemThunks system_thunks = {
110    sizeof(MojoSystemThunks),
111    MojoGetTimeTicksNow,
112    MojoClose,
113    MojoWait,
114    MojoWaitMany,
115    MojoCreateMessagePipe,
116    MojoWriteMessage,
117    MojoReadMessage,
118    MojoCreateDataPipe,
119    MojoWriteData,
120    MojoBeginWriteData,
121    MojoEndWriteData,
122    MojoReadData,
123    MojoBeginReadData,
124    MojoEndReadData,
125    MojoCreateSharedBuffer,
126    MojoDuplicateBufferHandle,
127    MojoMapBuffer,
128    MojoUnmapBuffer
129  };
130  return system_thunks;
135// Use this type for the function found by dynamically discovering it in
136// a DSO linked with mojo_system. For example:
137// MojoSetSystemThunksFn mojo_set_system_thunks_fn =
138//     reinterpret_cast<MojoSetSystemThunksFn>(app_library.GetFunctionPointer(
139//         "MojoSetSystemThunks"));
140// The expected size of |system_thunks} is returned.
141// The contents of |system_thunks| are copied.
142typedef size_t (*MojoSetSystemThunksFn)(
143    const struct MojoSystemThunks* system_thunks);