1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
6import argparse
7import os.path
8import sys
9from filecmp import dircmp
10from shutil import rmtree
11from tempfile import mkdtemp
13_script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
14_mojo_dir = os.path.join(_script_dir, os.pardir)
15_chromium_src_dir = os.path.join(_mojo_dir, os.pardir)
16sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(_mojo_dir, "public", "tools", "bindings",
17                                "pylib"))
18from mojom_tests.support.find_files import FindFiles
19from mojom_tests.support.run_bindings_generator import RunBindingsGenerator
22def _ProcessDircmpResults(results, verbose=False):
23  """Prints results of directory comparison and returns true if they are
24  identical (note: the "left" directory should be the golden directory)."""
25  rv = not (bool(results.left_only) or bool(results.right_only) or \
26            bool(results.common_funny) or bool(results.funny_files) or \
27            bool(results.diff_files))
28  if verbose:
29    for f in results.left_only:
30      print "%s exists in golden directory but not in current output" % f
31    for f in results.right_only:
32      print "%s exists in current output but not in golden directory" % f
33    for f in results.common_funny + results.funny_files:
34      print "Unable to compare %s between golden directory and current output" \
35          % f
36    for f in results.diff_files:
37      print "%s differs between golden directory and current output" % f
38  for r in results.subdirs.values():
39    # If we're being verbose, check subdirectories even if we know that there
40    # are differences. Note that it's "... and rv" to avoid the short-circuit.
41    if rv or verbose:
42      rv = _ProcessDircmpResults(r, verbose=verbose) and rv
43  return rv
46def main():
47  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
48  parser.add_argument("--generate_golden_files", action="store_true",
49                      help=("generate golden files (does not obliterate "
50                            "directory"))
51  parser.add_argument("--keep_temp_dir", action="store_true",
52                      help="don't delete the temporary directory")
53  parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true",
54                      help="spew excess verbiage")
55  parser.add_argument("golden_dir", metavar="GOLDEN_DIR",
56                      help="directory with the golden files")
57  args = parser.parse_args()
59  if args.generate_golden_files:
60    if os.path.exists(args.golden_dir):
61      print "WARNING: golden directory %s already exists" % args.golden_dir
62    out_dir = args.golden_dir
63  else:
64    if not os.path.exists(args.golden_dir):
65      print "ERROR: golden directory %s does not exist" % args.golden_dir
66      return 1
67    out_dir = mkdtemp()
68  if args.verbose:
69    print "Generating files to %s ..." % out_dir
71  mojom_files = FindFiles(_mojo_dir, "*.mojom")
72  for mojom_file in mojom_files:
73    if args.verbose:
74      print "  Processing %s ..." % os.path.relpath(mojom_file, _mojo_dir)
75    # TODO(vtl): This may wrong, since the path can be overridden in the .gyp
76    # file.
77    RunBindingsGenerator(out_dir, _mojo_dir, mojom_file,
78                         ["-I", os.path.abspath(_chromium_src_dir)])
80  if args.generate_golden_files:
81    return 0
83  identical = _ProcessDircmpResults(dircmp(args.golden_dir, out_dir, ignore=[]),
84                                    verbose=args.verbose)
86  if args.keep_temp_dir:
87    if args.verbose:
88      print "Not removing %s ..." % out_dir
89  else:
90    if args.verbose:
91      print "Removing %s ..." % out_dir
92    rmtree(out_dir)
94  if not identical:
95    print "FAILURE: current output differs from golden files"
96    return 1
98  print "SUCCESS: current output identical to golden files"
99  return 0
102if __name__ == '__main__':
103  sys.exit(main())