1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include "net/base/net_log.h"
9#include "net/socket/next_proto.h"
10#include "net/socket/socket.h"
12namespace net {
14class AddressList;
15class IPEndPoint;
16class SSLInfo;
18class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE StreamSocket : public Socket {
19 public:
20  virtual ~StreamSocket() {}
22  // Called to establish a connection.  Returns OK if the connection could be
23  // established synchronously.  Otherwise, ERR_IO_PENDING is returned and the
24  // given callback will run asynchronously when the connection is established
25  // or when an error occurs.  The result is some other error code if the
26  // connection could not be established.
27  //
28  // The socket's Read and Write methods may not be called until Connect
29  // succeeds.
30  //
31  // It is valid to call Connect on an already connected socket, in which case
32  // OK is simply returned.
33  //
34  // Connect may also be called again after a call to the Disconnect method.
35  //
36  virtual int Connect(const CompletionCallback& callback) = 0;
38  // Called to disconnect a socket.  Does nothing if the socket is already
39  // disconnected.  After calling Disconnect it is possible to call Connect
40  // again to establish a new connection.
41  //
42  // If IO (Connect, Read, or Write) is pending when the socket is
43  // disconnected, the pending IO is cancelled, and the completion callback
44  // will not be called.
45  virtual void Disconnect() = 0;
47  // Called to test if the connection is still alive.  Returns false if a
48  // connection wasn't established or the connection is dead.
49  virtual bool IsConnected() const = 0;
51  // Called to test if the connection is still alive and idle.  Returns false
52  // if a connection wasn't established, the connection is dead, or some data
53  // have been received.
54  virtual bool IsConnectedAndIdle() const = 0;
56  // Copies the peer address to |address| and returns a network error code.
57  // ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED will be returned if the socket is not connected.
58  virtual int GetPeerAddress(IPEndPoint* address) const = 0;
60  // Copies the local address to |address| and returns a network error code.
61  // ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED will be returned if the socket is not bound.
62  virtual int GetLocalAddress(IPEndPoint* address) const = 0;
64  // Gets the NetLog for this socket.
65  virtual const BoundNetLog& NetLog() const = 0;
67  // Set the annotation to indicate this socket was created for speculative
68  // reasons.  This call is generally forwarded to a basic TCPClientSocket*,
69  // where a UseHistory can be updated.
70  virtual void SetSubresourceSpeculation() = 0;
71  virtual void SetOmniboxSpeculation() = 0;
73  // Returns true if the socket ever had any reads or writes.  StreamSockets
74  // layered on top of transport sockets should return if their own Read() or
75  // Write() methods had been called, not the underlying transport's.
76  virtual bool WasEverUsed() const = 0;
78  // TODO(jri): Clean up -- remove this method.
79  // Returns true if the underlying transport socket is using TCP FastOpen.
80  // TCP FastOpen is an experiment with sending data in the TCP SYN packet.
81  virtual bool UsingTCPFastOpen() const = 0;
83  // TODO(jri): Clean up -- rename to a more general EnableAutoConnectOnWrite.
84  // Enables use of TCP FastOpen for the underlying transport socket.
85  virtual void EnableTCPFastOpenIfSupported() {}
87  // Returns true if NPN was negotiated during the connection of this socket.
88  virtual bool WasNpnNegotiated() const = 0;
90  // Returns the protocol negotiated via NPN for this socket, or
91  // kProtoUnknown will be returned if NPN is not applicable.
92  virtual NextProto GetNegotiatedProtocol() const = 0;
94  // Gets the SSL connection information of the socket.  Returns false if
95  // SSL was not used by this socket.
96  virtual bool GetSSLInfo(SSLInfo* ssl_info) = 0;
98 protected:
99  // The following class is only used to gather statistics about the history of
100  // a socket.  It is only instantiated and used in basic sockets, such as
101  // TCPClientSocket* instances.  Other classes that are derived from
102  // StreamSocket should forward any potential settings to their underlying
103  // transport sockets.
104  class UseHistory {
105   public:
106    UseHistory();
107    ~UseHistory();
109    // Resets the state of UseHistory and emits histograms for the
110    // current state.
111    void Reset();
113    void set_was_ever_connected();
114    void set_was_used_to_convey_data();
116    // The next two setters only have any impact if the socket has not yet been
117    // used to transmit data.  If called later, we assume that the socket was
118    // reused from the pool, and was NOT constructed to service a speculative
119    // request.
120    void set_subresource_speculation();
121    void set_omnibox_speculation();
123    bool was_used_to_convey_data() const;
125   private:
126    // Summarize the statistics for this socket.
127    void EmitPreconnectionHistograms() const;
128    // Indicate if this was ever connected.
129    bool was_ever_connected_;
130    // Indicate if this socket was ever used to transmit or receive data.
131    bool was_used_to_convey_data_;
133    // Indicate if this socket was first created for speculative use, and
134    // identify the motivation.
135    bool omnibox_speculation_;
136    bool subresource_speculation_;
138  };
141}  // namespace net