3    Polymer('core-iconset-svg', {
6      /**
7       * The size of an individual icon. Note that icons must be square.
8       *
9       * @attribute iconSize
10       * @type number
11       * @default 24
12       */
13      iconSize: 24,
14      type: 'iconset',
16      created: function() {
17        this._icons = {};
18      },
20      ready: function() {
21        this.super();
22        this.updateIcons();
23      },
25      iconById: function(id) {
26        return this._icons[id] || (this._icons[id] = this.querySelector('#' + id));
27      },
29      cloneIcon: function(id) {
30        var icon = this.iconById(id);
31        if (icon) {
32          var content = icon.cloneNode(true);
33          content.removeAttribute('id');
34          var svg = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg');
35          svg.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 ' + this.iconSize + ' ' +
36              this.iconSize);
37          // NOTE(dfreedm): work around https://crbug.com/370136
38          svg.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
39          svg.appendChild(content);
40          return svg;
41        }
42      },
44      get iconNames() {
45        if (!this._iconNames) {
46          this._iconNames = this.findIconNames();
47        }
48        return this._iconNames;
49      },
51      findIconNames: function() {
52        var icons = this.querySelectorAll('[id]').array();
53        if (icons.length) {
54          return icons.map(function(n){ return n.id });
55        }
56      },
58      /**
59       * Applies an icon to the given element. The svg icon is added to the
60       * element's shadowRoot if one exists or directly to itself.
61       *
62       * @method applyIcon
63       * @param {Element} element The element to which the icon is
64       * applied.
65       * @param {String|Number} icon The name the icon to apply.
66       * @return {Element} The icon element
67       */
68      applyIcon: function(element, icon) {
69        var root = element;
70        // remove old
71        var old = root.querySelector('svg');
72        if (old) {
73          old.remove();
74        }
75        // install new
76        var svg = this.cloneIcon(icon);
77        if (!svg) {
78          return;
79        }
80        svg.setAttribute('height', '100%');
81        svg.setAttribute('width', '100%');
82        svg.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMidYMid meet');
83        svg.style.display = 'block';
84        root.insertBefore(svg, root.firstElementChild);
85        return svg;
86      },
88      /**
89       * Tell users of the iconset, that the set has loaded.
90       * This finds all elements matching the selector argument and calls
91       * the method argument on them.
92       * @method updateIcons
93       * @param selector {string} css selector to identify iconset users,
94       * defaults to '[icon]'
95       * @param method {string} method to call on found elements,
96       * defaults to 'updateIcon'
97       */
98      updateIcons: function(selector, method) {
99        selector = selector || '[icon]';
100        method = method || 'updateIcon';
101        var deep = window.ShadowDOMPolyfill ? '' : 'html /deep/ ';
102        var i$ = document.querySelectorAll(deep + selector);
103        for (var i=0, e; e=i$[i]; i++) {
104          if (e[method]) {
105            e[method].call(e);
106          }
107        }
108      }
111    });