1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "FindBadConstructsConsumer.h"
7#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
8#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
9#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
11using namespace clang;
13namespace chrome_checker {
15namespace {
17const char kMethodRequiresOverride[] =
18    "[chromium-style] Overriding method must be marked with OVERRIDE.";
19const char kMethodRequiresVirtual[] =
20    "[chromium-style] Overriding method must have \"virtual\" keyword.";
21const char kNoExplicitDtor[] =
22    "[chromium-style] Classes that are ref-counted should have explicit "
23    "destructors that are declared protected or private.";
24const char kPublicDtor[] =
25    "[chromium-style] Classes that are ref-counted should have "
26    "destructors that are declared protected or private.";
27const char kProtectedNonVirtualDtor[] =
28    "[chromium-style] Classes that are ref-counted and have non-private "
29    "destructors should declare their destructor virtual.";
30const char kWeakPtrFactoryOrder[] =
31    "[chromium-style] WeakPtrFactory members which refer to their outer class "
32    "must be the last member in the outer class definition.";
33const char kBadLastEnumValue[] =
34    "[chromium-style] _LAST/Last constants of enum types must have the maximal "
35    "value for any constant of that type.";
36const char kNoteInheritance[] = "[chromium-style] %0 inherits from %1 here";
37const char kNoteImplicitDtor[] =
38    "[chromium-style] No explicit destructor for %0 defined";
39const char kNotePublicDtor[] =
40    "[chromium-style] Public destructor declared here";
41const char kNoteProtectedNonVirtualDtor[] =
42    "[chromium-style] Protected non-virtual destructor declared here";
44bool TypeHasNonTrivialDtor(const Type* type) {
45  if (const CXXRecordDecl* cxx_r = type->getPointeeCXXRecordDecl())
46    return !cxx_r->hasTrivialDestructor();
48  return false;
51// Returns the underlying Type for |type| by expanding typedefs and removing
52// any namespace qualifiers. This is similar to desugaring, except that for
53// ElaboratedTypes, desugar will unwrap too much.
54const Type* UnwrapType(const Type* type) {
55  if (const ElaboratedType* elaborated = dyn_cast<ElaboratedType>(type))
56    return UnwrapType(elaborated->getNamedType().getTypePtr());
57  if (const TypedefType* typedefed = dyn_cast<TypedefType>(type))
58    return UnwrapType(typedefed->desugar().getTypePtr());
59  return type;
62}  // namespace
64FindBadConstructsConsumer::FindBadConstructsConsumer(CompilerInstance& instance,
65                                                     const Options& options)
66    : ChromeClassTester(instance), options_(options) {
67  // Register warning/error messages.
68  diag_method_requires_override_ =
69      diagnostic().getCustomDiagID(getErrorLevel(), kMethodRequiresOverride);
70  diag_method_requires_virtual_ =
71      diagnostic().getCustomDiagID(getErrorLevel(), kMethodRequiresVirtual);
72  diag_no_explicit_dtor_ =
73      diagnostic().getCustomDiagID(getErrorLevel(), kNoExplicitDtor);
74  diag_public_dtor_ =
75      diagnostic().getCustomDiagID(getErrorLevel(), kPublicDtor);
76  diag_protected_non_virtual_dtor_ =
77      diagnostic().getCustomDiagID(getErrorLevel(), kProtectedNonVirtualDtor);
78  diag_weak_ptr_factory_order_ =
79      diagnostic().getCustomDiagID(getErrorLevel(), kWeakPtrFactoryOrder);
80  diag_bad_enum_last_value_ =
81      diagnostic().getCustomDiagID(getErrorLevel(), kBadLastEnumValue);
83  // Registers notes to make it easier to interpret warnings.
84  diag_note_inheritance_ =
85      diagnostic().getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Note, kNoteInheritance);
86  diag_note_implicit_dtor_ =
87      diagnostic().getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Note, kNoteImplicitDtor);
88  diag_note_public_dtor_ =
89      diagnostic().getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Note, kNotePublicDtor);
90  diag_note_protected_non_virtual_dtor_ = diagnostic().getCustomDiagID(
91      DiagnosticsEngine::Note, kNoteProtectedNonVirtualDtor);
94void FindBadConstructsConsumer::CheckChromeClass(SourceLocation record_location,
95                                                 CXXRecordDecl* record) {
96  bool implementation_file = InImplementationFile(record_location);
98  if (!implementation_file) {
99    // Only check for "heavy" constructors/destructors in header files;
100    // within implementation files, there is no performance cost.
101    CheckCtorDtorWeight(record_location, record);
102  }
104  bool warn_on_inline_bodies = !implementation_file;
106  // Check that all virtual methods are marked accordingly with both
107  // virtual and OVERRIDE.
108  CheckVirtualMethods(record_location, record, warn_on_inline_bodies);
110  CheckRefCountedDtors(record_location, record);
112  if (options_.check_weak_ptr_factory_order)
113    CheckWeakPtrFactoryMembers(record_location, record);
116void FindBadConstructsConsumer::CheckChromeEnum(SourceLocation enum_location,
117                                                EnumDecl* enum_decl) {
118  if (!options_.check_enum_last_value)
119    return;
121  bool got_one = false;
122  bool is_signed = false;
123  llvm::APSInt max_so_far;
124  EnumDecl::enumerator_iterator iter;
125  for (iter = enum_decl->enumerator_begin();
126       iter != enum_decl->enumerator_end();
127       ++iter) {
128    llvm::APSInt current_value = iter->getInitVal();
129    if (!got_one) {
130      max_so_far = current_value;
131      is_signed = current_value.isSigned();
132      got_one = true;
133    } else {
134      if (is_signed != current_value.isSigned()) {
135        // This only happens in some cases when compiling C (not C++) files,
136        // so it is OK to bail out here.
137        return;
138      }
139      if (current_value > max_so_far)
140        max_so_far = current_value;
141    }
142  }
143  for (iter = enum_decl->enumerator_begin();
144       iter != enum_decl->enumerator_end();
145       ++iter) {
146    std::string name = iter->getNameAsString();
147    if (((name.size() > 4 && name.compare(name.size() - 4, 4, "Last") == 0) ||
148         (name.size() > 5 && name.compare(name.size() - 5, 5, "_LAST") == 0)) &&
149        iter->getInitVal() < max_so_far) {
150      diagnostic().Report(iter->getLocation(), diag_bad_enum_last_value_);
151    }
152  }
155void FindBadConstructsConsumer::CheckCtorDtorWeight(
156    SourceLocation record_location,
157    CXXRecordDecl* record) {
158  // We don't handle anonymous structs. If this record doesn't have a
159  // name, it's of the form:
160  //
161  // struct {
162  //   ...
163  // } name_;
164  if (record->getIdentifier() == NULL)
165    return;
167  // Count the number of templated base classes as a feature of whether the
168  // destructor can be inlined.
169  int templated_base_classes = 0;
170  for (CXXRecordDecl::base_class_const_iterator it = record->bases_begin();
171       it != record->bases_end();
172       ++it) {
173    if (it->getTypeSourceInfo()->getTypeLoc().getTypeLocClass() ==
174        TypeLoc::TemplateSpecialization) {
175      ++templated_base_classes;
176    }
177  }
179  // Count the number of trivial and non-trivial member variables.
180  int trivial_member = 0;
181  int non_trivial_member = 0;
182  int templated_non_trivial_member = 0;
183  for (RecordDecl::field_iterator it = record->field_begin();
184       it != record->field_end();
185       ++it) {
186    CountType(it->getType().getTypePtr(),
187              &trivial_member,
188              &non_trivial_member,
189              &templated_non_trivial_member);
190  }
192  // Check to see if we need to ban inlined/synthesized constructors. Note
193  // that the cutoffs here are kind of arbitrary. Scores over 10 break.
194  int dtor_score = 0;
195  // Deriving from a templated base class shouldn't be enough to trigger
196  // the ctor warning, but if you do *anything* else, it should.
197  //
198  // TODO(erg): This is motivated by templated base classes that don't have
199  // any data members. Somehow detect when templated base classes have data
200  // members and treat them differently.
201  dtor_score += templated_base_classes * 9;
202  // Instantiating a template is an insta-hit.
203  dtor_score += templated_non_trivial_member * 10;
204  // The fourth normal class member should trigger the warning.
205  dtor_score += non_trivial_member * 3;
207  int ctor_score = dtor_score;
208  // You should be able to have 9 ints before we warn you.
209  ctor_score += trivial_member;
211  if (ctor_score >= 10) {
212    if (!record->hasUserDeclaredConstructor()) {
213      emitWarning(record_location,
214                  "Complex class/struct needs an explicit out-of-line "
215                  "constructor.");
216    } else {
217      // Iterate across all the constructors in this file and yell if we
218      // find one that tries to be inline.
219      for (CXXRecordDecl::ctor_iterator it = record->ctor_begin();
220           it != record->ctor_end();
221           ++it) {
222        if (it->hasInlineBody()) {
223          if (it->isCopyConstructor() &&
224              !record->hasUserDeclaredCopyConstructor()) {
225            emitWarning(record_location,
226                        "Complex class/struct needs an explicit out-of-line "
227                        "copy constructor.");
228          } else {
229            emitWarning(it->getInnerLocStart(),
230                        "Complex constructor has an inlined body.");
231          }
232        }
233      }
234    }
235  }
237  // The destructor side is equivalent except that we don't check for
238  // trivial members; 20 ints don't need a destructor.
239  if (dtor_score >= 10 && !record->hasTrivialDestructor()) {
240    if (!record->hasUserDeclaredDestructor()) {
241      emitWarning(record_location,
242                  "Complex class/struct needs an explicit out-of-line "
243                  "destructor.");
244    } else if (CXXDestructorDecl* dtor = record->getDestructor()) {
245      if (dtor->hasInlineBody()) {
246        emitWarning(dtor->getInnerLocStart(),
247                    "Complex destructor has an inline body.");
248      }
249    }
250  }
253void FindBadConstructsConsumer::CheckVirtualMethod(const CXXMethodDecl* method,
254                                                   bool warn_on_inline_bodies) {
255  if (!method->isVirtual())
256    return;
258  if (!method->isVirtualAsWritten()) {
259    SourceLocation loc = method->getTypeSpecStartLoc();
260    if (isa<CXXDestructorDecl>(method))
261      loc = method->getInnerLocStart();
262    SourceManager& manager = instance().getSourceManager();
263    FullSourceLoc full_loc(loc, manager);
264    SourceLocation spelling_loc = manager.getSpellingLoc(loc);
265    diagnostic().Report(full_loc, diag_method_requires_virtual_)
266        << FixItHint::CreateInsertion(spelling_loc, "virtual ");
267  }
269  // Virtual methods should not have inline definitions beyond "{}". This
270  // only matters for header files.
271  if (warn_on_inline_bodies && method->hasBody() && method->hasInlineBody()) {
272    if (CompoundStmt* cs = dyn_cast<CompoundStmt>(method->getBody())) {
273      if (cs->size()) {
274        emitWarning(cs->getLBracLoc(),
275                    "virtual methods with non-empty bodies shouldn't be "
276                    "declared inline.");
277      }
278    }
279  }
282bool FindBadConstructsConsumer::InTestingNamespace(const Decl* record) {
283  return GetNamespace(record).find("testing") != std::string::npos;
286bool FindBadConstructsConsumer::IsMethodInBannedOrTestingNamespace(
287    const CXXMethodDecl* method) {
288  if (InBannedNamespace(method))
289    return true;
290  for (CXXMethodDecl::method_iterator i = method->begin_overridden_methods();
291       i != method->end_overridden_methods();
292       ++i) {
293    const CXXMethodDecl* overridden = *i;
294    if (IsMethodInBannedOrTestingNamespace(overridden) ||
295        InTestingNamespace(overridden)) {
296      return true;
297    }
298  }
300  return false;
303void FindBadConstructsConsumer::CheckOverriddenMethod(
304    const CXXMethodDecl* method) {
305  if (!method->size_overridden_methods() || method->getAttr<OverrideAttr>())
306    return;
308  if (isa<CXXDestructorDecl>(method) || method->isPure())
309    return;
311  if (IsMethodInBannedOrTestingNamespace(method))
312    return;
314  SourceManager& manager = instance().getSourceManager();
315  SourceRange type_info_range =
316      method->getTypeSourceInfo()->getTypeLoc().getSourceRange();
317  FullSourceLoc loc(type_info_range.getBegin(), manager);
319  // Build the FixIt insertion point after the end of the method definition,
320  // including any const-qualifiers and attributes, and before the opening
321  // of the l-curly-brace (if inline) or the semi-color (if a declaration).
322  SourceLocation spelling_end =
323      manager.getSpellingLoc(type_info_range.getEnd());
324  if (spelling_end.isValid()) {
325    SourceLocation token_end =
326        Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(spelling_end, 0, manager, LangOptions());
327    diagnostic().Report(token_end, diag_method_requires_override_)
328        << FixItHint::CreateInsertion(token_end, " OVERRIDE");
329  } else {
330    diagnostic().Report(loc, diag_method_requires_override_);
331  }
334// Makes sure there is a "virtual" keyword on virtual methods.
336// Gmock objects trigger these for each MOCK_BLAH() macro used. So we have a
337// trick to get around that. If a class has member variables whose types are
338// in the "testing" namespace (which is how gmock works behind the scenes),
339// there's a really high chance we won't care about these errors
340void FindBadConstructsConsumer::CheckVirtualMethods(
341    SourceLocation record_location,
342    CXXRecordDecl* record,
343    bool warn_on_inline_bodies) {
344  for (CXXRecordDecl::field_iterator it = record->field_begin();
345       it != record->field_end();
346       ++it) {
347    CXXRecordDecl* record_type = it->getTypeSourceInfo()
348                                     ->getTypeLoc()
349                                     .getTypePtr()
350                                     ->getAsCXXRecordDecl();
351    if (record_type) {
352      if (InTestingNamespace(record_type)) {
353        return;
354      }
355    }
356  }
358  for (CXXRecordDecl::method_iterator it = record->method_begin();
359       it != record->method_end();
360       ++it) {
361    if (it->isCopyAssignmentOperator() || isa<CXXConstructorDecl>(*it)) {
362      // Ignore constructors and assignment operators.
363    } else if (isa<CXXDestructorDecl>(*it) &&
364               !record->hasUserDeclaredDestructor()) {
365      // Ignore non-user-declared destructors.
366    } else {
367      CheckVirtualMethod(*it, warn_on_inline_bodies);
368      CheckOverriddenMethod(*it);
369    }
370  }
373void FindBadConstructsConsumer::CountType(const Type* type,
374                                          int* trivial_member,
375                                          int* non_trivial_member,
376                                          int* templated_non_trivial_member) {
377  switch (type->getTypeClass()) {
378    case Type::Record: {
379      // Simplifying; the whole class isn't trivial if the dtor is, but
380      // we use this as a signal about complexity.
381      if (TypeHasNonTrivialDtor(type))
382        (*trivial_member)++;
383      else
384        (*non_trivial_member)++;
385      break;
386    }
387    case Type::TemplateSpecialization: {
388      TemplateName name =
389          dyn_cast<TemplateSpecializationType>(type)->getTemplateName();
390      bool whitelisted_template = false;
392      // HACK: I'm at a loss about how to get the syntax checker to get
393      // whether a template is exterened or not. For the first pass here,
394      // just do retarded string comparisons.
395      if (TemplateDecl* decl = name.getAsTemplateDecl()) {
396        std::string base_name = decl->getNameAsString();
397        if (base_name == "basic_string")
398          whitelisted_template = true;
399      }
401      if (whitelisted_template)
402        (*non_trivial_member)++;
403      else
404        (*templated_non_trivial_member)++;
405      break;
406    }
407    case Type::Elaborated: {
408      CountType(dyn_cast<ElaboratedType>(type)->getNamedType().getTypePtr(),
409                trivial_member,
410                non_trivial_member,
411                templated_non_trivial_member);
412      break;
413    }
414    case Type::Typedef: {
415      while (const TypedefType* TT = dyn_cast<TypedefType>(type)) {
416        type = TT->getDecl()->getUnderlyingType().getTypePtr();
417      }
418      CountType(type,
419                trivial_member,
420                non_trivial_member,
421                templated_non_trivial_member);
422      break;
423    }
424    default: {
425      // Stupid assumption: anything we see that isn't the above is one of
426      // the 20 integer types.
427      (*trivial_member)++;
428      break;
429    }
430  }
433// Check |record| for issues that are problematic for ref-counted types.
434// Note that |record| may not be a ref-counted type, but a base class for
435// a type that is.
436// If there are issues, update |loc| with the SourceLocation of the issue
437// and returns appropriately, or returns None if there are no issues.
440    const CXXRecordDecl* record,
441    SourceLocation& loc) {
442  if (!record->hasUserDeclaredDestructor()) {
443    loc = record->getLocation();
444    return ImplicitDestructor;
445  }
447  if (CXXDestructorDecl* dtor = record->getDestructor()) {
448    if (dtor->getAccess() == AS_public) {
449      loc = dtor->getInnerLocStart();
450      return PublicDestructor;
451    }
452  }
454  return None;
457// Adds either a warning or error, based on the current handling of
458// -Werror.
459DiagnosticsEngine::Level FindBadConstructsConsumer::getErrorLevel() {
460  return diagnostic().getWarningsAsErrors() ? DiagnosticsEngine::Error
461                                            : DiagnosticsEngine::Warning;
464// Returns true if |base| specifies one of the Chromium reference counted
465// classes (base::RefCounted / base::RefCountedThreadSafe).
466bool FindBadConstructsConsumer::IsRefCountedCallback(
467    const CXXBaseSpecifier* base,
468    CXXBasePath& path,
469    void* user_data) {
470  FindBadConstructsConsumer* self =
471      static_cast<FindBadConstructsConsumer*>(user_data);
473  const TemplateSpecializationType* base_type =
474      dyn_cast<TemplateSpecializationType>(
475          UnwrapType(base->getType().getTypePtr()));
476  if (!base_type) {
477    // Base-most definition is not a template, so this cannot derive from
478    // base::RefCounted. However, it may still be possible to use with a
479    // scoped_refptr<> and support ref-counting, so this is not a perfect
480    // guarantee of safety.
481    return false;
482  }
484  TemplateName name = base_type->getTemplateName();
485  if (TemplateDecl* decl = name.getAsTemplateDecl()) {
486    std::string base_name = decl->getNameAsString();
488    // Check for both base::RefCounted and base::RefCountedThreadSafe.
489    if (base_name.compare(0, 10, "RefCounted") == 0 &&
490        self->GetNamespace(decl) == "base") {
491      return true;
492    }
493  }
495  return false;
498// Returns true if |base| specifies a class that has a public destructor,
499// either explicitly or implicitly.
500bool FindBadConstructsConsumer::HasPublicDtorCallback(
501    const CXXBaseSpecifier* base,
502    CXXBasePath& path,
503    void* user_data) {
504  // Only examine paths that have public inheritance, as they are the
505  // only ones which will result in the destructor potentially being
506  // exposed. This check is largely redundant, as Chromium code should be
507  // exclusively using public inheritance.
508  if (path.Access != AS_public)
509    return false;
511  CXXRecordDecl* record =
512      dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(base->getType()->getAs<RecordType>()->getDecl());
513  SourceLocation unused;
514  return None != CheckRecordForRefcountIssue(record, unused);
517// Outputs a C++ inheritance chain as a diagnostic aid.
518void FindBadConstructsConsumer::PrintInheritanceChain(const CXXBasePath& path) {
519  for (CXXBasePath::const_iterator it = path.begin(); it != path.end(); ++it) {
520    diagnostic().Report(it->Base->getLocStart(), diag_note_inheritance_)
521        << it->Class << it->Base->getType();
522  }
525unsigned FindBadConstructsConsumer::DiagnosticForIssue(RefcountIssue issue) {
526  switch (issue) {
527    case ImplicitDestructor:
528      return diag_no_explicit_dtor_;
529    case PublicDestructor:
530      return diag_public_dtor_;
531    case None:
532      assert(false && "Do not call DiagnosticForIssue with issue None");
533      return 0;
534  }
535  assert(false);
536  return 0;
539// Check |record| to determine if it has any problematic refcounting
540// issues and, if so, print them as warnings/errors based on the current
541// value of getErrorLevel().
543// If |record| is a C++ class, and if it inherits from one of the Chromium
544// ref-counting classes (base::RefCounted / base::RefCountedThreadSafe),
545// ensure that there are no public destructors in the class hierarchy. This
546// is to guard against accidentally stack-allocating a RefCounted class or
547// sticking it in a non-ref-counted container (like scoped_ptr<>).
548void FindBadConstructsConsumer::CheckRefCountedDtors(
549    SourceLocation record_location,
550    CXXRecordDecl* record) {
551  // Skip anonymous structs.
552  if (record->getIdentifier() == NULL)
553    return;
555  // Determine if the current type is even ref-counted.
556  CXXBasePaths refcounted_path;
557  if (!record->lookupInBases(&FindBadConstructsConsumer::IsRefCountedCallback,
558                             this,
559                             refcounted_path)) {
560    return;  // Class does not derive from a ref-counted base class.
561  }
563  // Easy check: Check to see if the current type is problematic.
564  SourceLocation loc;
565  RefcountIssue issue = CheckRecordForRefcountIssue(record, loc);
566  if (issue != None) {
567    diagnostic().Report(loc, DiagnosticForIssue(issue));
568    PrintInheritanceChain(refcounted_path.front());
569    return;
570  }
571  if (CXXDestructorDecl* dtor =
572          refcounted_path.begin()->back().Class->getDestructor()) {
573    if (dtor->getAccess() == AS_protected && !dtor->isVirtual()) {
574      loc = dtor->getInnerLocStart();
575      diagnostic().Report(loc, diag_protected_non_virtual_dtor_);
576      return;
577    }
578  }
580  // Long check: Check all possible base classes for problematic
581  // destructors. This checks for situations involving multiple
582  // inheritance, where the ref-counted class may be implementing an
583  // interface that has a public or implicit destructor.
584  //
585  // struct SomeInterface {
586  //   virtual void DoFoo();
587  // };
588  //
589  // struct RefCountedInterface
590  //    : public base::RefCounted<RefCountedInterface>,
591  //      public SomeInterface {
592  //  private:
593  //   friend class base::Refcounted<RefCountedInterface>;
594  //   virtual ~RefCountedInterface() {}
595  // };
596  //
597  // While RefCountedInterface is "safe", in that its destructor is
598  // private, it's possible to do the following "unsafe" code:
599  //   scoped_refptr<RefCountedInterface> some_class(
600  //       new RefCountedInterface);
601  //   // Calls SomeInterface::~SomeInterface(), which is unsafe.
602  //   delete static_cast<SomeInterface*>(some_class.get());
603  if (!options_.check_base_classes)
604    return;
606  // Find all public destructors. This will record the class hierarchy
607  // that leads to the public destructor in |dtor_paths|.
608  CXXBasePaths dtor_paths;
609  if (!record->lookupInBases(&FindBadConstructsConsumer::HasPublicDtorCallback,
610                             this,
611                             dtor_paths)) {
612    return;
613  }
615  for (CXXBasePaths::const_paths_iterator it = dtor_paths.begin();
616       it != dtor_paths.end();
617       ++it) {
618    // The record with the problem will always be the last record
619    // in the path, since it is the record that stopped the search.
620    const CXXRecordDecl* problem_record = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(
621        it->back().Base->getType()->getAs<RecordType>()->getDecl());
623    issue = CheckRecordForRefcountIssue(problem_record, loc);
625    if (issue == ImplicitDestructor) {
626      diagnostic().Report(record_location, diag_no_explicit_dtor_);
627      PrintInheritanceChain(refcounted_path.front());
628      diagnostic().Report(loc, diag_note_implicit_dtor_) << problem_record;
629      PrintInheritanceChain(*it);
630    } else if (issue == PublicDestructor) {
631      diagnostic().Report(record_location, diag_public_dtor_);
632      PrintInheritanceChain(refcounted_path.front());
633      diagnostic().Report(loc, diag_note_public_dtor_);
634      PrintInheritanceChain(*it);
635    }
636  }
639// Check for any problems with WeakPtrFactory class members. This currently
640// only checks that any WeakPtrFactory<T> member of T appears as the last
641// data member in T. We could consider checking for bad uses of
642// WeakPtrFactory to refer to other data members, but that would require
643// looking at the initializer list in constructors to see what the factory
644// points to.
645// Note, if we later add other unrelated checks of data members, we should
646// consider collapsing them in to one loop to avoid iterating over the data
647// members more than once.
648void FindBadConstructsConsumer::CheckWeakPtrFactoryMembers(
649    SourceLocation record_location,
650    CXXRecordDecl* record) {
651  // Skip anonymous structs.
652  if (record->getIdentifier() == NULL)
653    return;
655  // Iterate through members of the class.
656  RecordDecl::field_iterator iter(record->field_begin()),
657      the_end(record->field_end());
658  SourceLocation weak_ptr_factory_location;  // Invalid initially.
659  for (; iter != the_end; ++iter) {
660    // If we enter the loop but have already seen a matching WeakPtrFactory,
661    // it means there is at least one member after the factory.
662    if (weak_ptr_factory_location.isValid()) {
663      diagnostic().Report(weak_ptr_factory_location,
664                          diag_weak_ptr_factory_order_);
665    }
666    const TemplateSpecializationType* template_spec_type =
667        iter->getType().getTypePtr()->getAs<TemplateSpecializationType>();
668    if (template_spec_type) {
669      const TemplateDecl* template_decl =
670          template_spec_type->getTemplateName().getAsTemplateDecl();
671      if (template_decl && template_spec_type->getNumArgs() >= 1) {
672        if (template_decl->getNameAsString().compare("WeakPtrFactory") == 0 &&
673            GetNamespace(template_decl) == "base") {
674          const TemplateArgument& arg = template_spec_type->getArg(0);
675          if (arg.getAsType().getTypePtr()->getAsCXXRecordDecl() ==
676              record->getTypeForDecl()->getAsCXXRecordDecl()) {
677            weak_ptr_factory_location = iter->getLocation();
678          }
679        }
680      }
681    }
682  }
685}  // namespace chrome_checker