1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
7This script can take an Apple-style CrashReporter log and symbolicate it. This
8is useful for when a user's reports aren't being uploaded, for example.
10Only versions 6, 7, 8, and 9 reports are supported. For more information on the
11file format, reference this document:
12  TN2123 <http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#technotes/tn2004/tn2123.html>
14Information on symbolication was gleaned from:
15  <http://developer.apple.com/tools/xcode/symbolizingcrashdumps.html>
18import optparse
19import os.path
20import re
21import subprocess
22import sys
24# Maps binary image identifiers to binary names (minus the .dSYM portion) found
25# in the archive. These are the only objects that will be looked up.
27  'com.google.Chrome': 'Google Chrome.app',
28  'com.google.Chrome.framework': 'Google Chrome Framework.framework',
29  'com.google.Chrome.helper': 'Google Chrome Helper.app'
32class CrashReport(object):
33  """A parsed representation of an Apple CrashReport text file."""
34  def __init__(self, file_name):
35    super(CrashReport, self).__init__()
36    self.report_info = {}
37    self.threads = []
38    self._binary_images = {}
40    fd = open(file_name, 'r')
41    self._ParseHeader(fd)
43    # Try and get the report version. If it's not a version we handle, abort.
44    self.report_version = int(self.report_info['Report Version'])
45    # Version 6: 10.5 and 10.6 crash report
46    # Version 7: 10.6 spindump report
47    # Version 8: 10.7 spindump report
48    # Version 9: 10.7 crash report
49    valid_versions = (6, 7, 8, 9)
50    if self.report_version not in valid_versions:
51      raise Exception("Only crash reports of versions %s are accepted." %
52          str(valid_versions))
54    # If this is a spindump (version 7 or 8 report), use a special parser. The
55    # format is undocumented, but is similar to version 6. However, the spindump
56    # report contains user and kernel stacks for every process on the system.
57    if self.report_version == 7 or self.report_version == 8:
58      self._ParseSpindumpStack(fd)
59    else:
60      self._ParseStack(fd)
62    self._ParseBinaryImages(fd)
63    fd.close()
65  def Symbolicate(self, symbol_path):
66    """Symbolicates a crash report stack trace."""
67    # In order to be efficient, collect all the offsets that will be passed to
68    # atos by the image name.
69    offsets_by_image = self._CollectAddressesForImages(SYMBOL_IMAGE_MAP.keys())
71    # For each image, run atos with the list of addresses.
72    for image_name, addresses in offsets_by_image.items():
73      # If this image was not loaded or is in no stacks, skip.
74      if image_name not in self._binary_images or not len(addresses):
75        continue
77      # Combine the |image_name| and |symbol_path| into the path of the dSYM.
78      dsym_file = self._GetDSymPath(symbol_path, image_name)
80      # From the list of 2-Tuples of (frame, address), create a list of just
81      # addresses.
82      address_list = map(lambda x: x[1], addresses)
84      # Look up the load address of the image.
85      binary_base = self._binary_images[image_name][0]
87      # This returns a list of just symbols. The indices will match up with the
88      # list of |addresses|.
89      symbol_names = self._RunAtos(binary_base, dsym_file, address_list)
90      if not symbol_names:
91        print 'Error loading symbols for ' + image_name
92        continue
94      # Attaches a list of symbol names to stack frames. This assumes that the
95      # order of |addresses| has stayed the same as |symbol_names|.
96      self._AddSymbolsToFrames(symbol_names, addresses)
98  def _ParseHeader(self, fd):
99    """Parses the header section of a crash report, which contains the OS and
100    application version information."""
101    # The header is made up of different sections, depending on the type of
102    # report and the report version. Almost all have a format of a key and
103    # value separated by a colon. Accumulate all of these artifacts into a
104    # dictionary until the first thread stack is reached.
105    thread_re = re.compile('^[ \t]*Thread ([a-f0-9]+)')
106    line = ''
107    while not thread_re.match(line):
108      # Skip blank lines. There are typically three or four sections separated
109      # by newlines in the header.
110      line = line.strip()
111      if line:
112        parts = line.split(':', 1)
113        # Certain lines in different report versions don't follow the key-value
114        # format, so skip them.
115        if len(parts) == 2:
116          # There's a varying amount of space padding after the ':' to align all
117          # the values; strip that.
118          self.report_info[parts[0]] = parts[1].lstrip()
119      line = fd.readline()
121    # When this loop exits, the header has been read in full. However, the first
122    # thread stack heading has been read past. Seek backwards from the current
123    # position by the length of the line so that it is re-read when
124    # _ParseStack() is entered.
125    fd.seek(-len(line), os.SEEK_CUR)
127  def _ParseStack(self, fd):
128    """Parses the stack dump of a crash report and creates a list of threads
129    and their stack traces."""
130    # Compile a regex that matches the start of a thread stack. Note that this
131    # must be specific to not include the thread state section, which comes
132    # right after all the stack traces.
133    line_re = re.compile('^Thread ([0-9]+)( Crashed)?:(.*)')
135    # On entry into this function, the fd has been walked up to the "Thread 0"
136    # line.
137    line = fd.readline().rstrip()
138    in_stack = False
139    thread = None
140    while line_re.match(line) or in_stack:
141      # Check for start of the thread stack.
142      matches = line_re.match(line)
144      if not line.strip():
145        # A blank line indicates a break in the thread stack.
146        in_stack = False
147      elif matches:
148        # If this is the start of a thread stack, create the CrashThread.
149        in_stack = True
150        thread = CrashThread(matches.group(1))
151        thread.name = matches.group(3)
152        thread.did_crash = matches.group(2) != None
153        self.threads.append(thread)
154      else:
155        # All other lines are stack frames.
156        thread.stack.append(self._ParseStackFrame(line))
157      # Read the next line.
158      line = fd.readline()
160  def _ParseStackFrame(self, line):
161    """Takes in a single line of text and transforms it into a StackFrame."""
162    frame = StackFrame(line)
164    # A stack frame is in the format of:
165    # |<frame-number> <binary-image> 0x<address> <symbol> <offset>|.
166    regex = '^([0-9]+) +(.+)[ \t]+(0x[0-9a-f]+) (.*) \+ ([0-9]+)$'
167    matches = re.match(regex, line)
168    if matches is None:
169      return frame
171    # Create a stack frame with the information extracted from the regex.
172    frame.frame_id = matches.group(1)
173    frame.image = matches.group(2)
174    frame.address = int(matches.group(3), 0)  # Convert HEX to an int.
175    frame.original_symbol = matches.group(4)
176    frame.offset = matches.group(5)
177    frame.line = None
178    return frame
180  def _ParseSpindumpStack(self, fd):
181    """Parses a spindump stack report. In this format, each thread stack has
182    both a user and kernel trace. Only the user traces are symbolicated."""
184    # The stack trace begins with the thread header, which is identified by a
185    # HEX number. The thread names appear to be incorrect in spindumps.
186    user_thread_re = re.compile('^  Thread ([0-9a-fx]+)')
188    # When this method is called, the fd has been walked right up to the first
189    # line.
190    line = fd.readline()
191    in_user_stack = False
192    in_kernel_stack = False
193    thread = None
194    frame_id = 0
195    while user_thread_re.match(line) or in_user_stack or in_kernel_stack:
196      # Check for the start of a thread.
197      matches = user_thread_re.match(line)
199      if not line.strip():
200        # A blank line indicates the start of a new thread. The blank line comes
201        # after the kernel stack before a new thread header.
202        in_kernel_stack = False
203      elif matches:
204        # This is the start of a thread header. The next line is the heading for
205        # the user stack, followed by the actual trace.
206        thread = CrashThread(matches.group(1))
207        frame_id = 0
208        self.threads.append(thread)
209        in_user_stack = True
210        line = fd.readline()  # Read past the 'User stack:' header.
211      elif line.startswith('  Kernel stack:'):
212        # The kernel stack header comes immediately after the last frame (really
213        # the top frame) in the user stack, without a blank line.
214        in_user_stack = False
215        in_kernel_stack = True
216      elif in_user_stack:
217        # If this is a line while in the user stack, parse it as a stack frame.
218        thread.stack.append(self._ParseSpindumpStackFrame(line))
219      # Loop with the next line.
220      line = fd.readline()
222    # When the loop exits, the file has been read through the 'Binary images:'
223    # header. Seek backwards so that _ParseBinaryImages() does the right thing.
224    fd.seek(-len(line), os.SEEK_CUR)
226  def _ParseSpindumpStackFrame(self, line):
227    """Parses a spindump-style stackframe."""
228    frame = StackFrame(line)
230    # The format of the frame is either:
231    # A: |<space><steps> <symbol> + <offset> (in <image-name>) [<address>]|
232    # B: |<space><steps> ??? (in <image-name> + <offset>) [<address>]|
233    regex_a = '^([ ]+[0-9]+) (.*) \+ ([0-9]+) \(in (.*)\) \[(0x[0-9a-f]+)\]'
234    regex_b = '^([ ]+[0-9]+) \?\?\?( \(in (.*) \+ ([0-9]+)\))? \[(0x[0-9a-f]+)\]'
236    # Create the stack frame with the information extracted from the regex.
237    matches = re.match(regex_a, line)
238    if matches:
239      frame.frame_id = matches.group(1)[4:]  # Remove some leading spaces.
240      frame.original_symbol = matches.group(2)
241      frame.offset = matches.group(3)
242      frame.image = matches.group(4)
243      frame.address = int(matches.group(5), 0)
244      frame.line = None
245      return frame
247    # If pattern A didn't match (which it will most of the time), try B.
248    matches = re.match(regex_b, line)
249    if matches:
250      frame.frame_id = matches.group(1)[4:]  # Remove some leading spaces.
251      frame.image = matches.group(3)
252      frame.offset = matches.group(4)
253      frame.address = int(matches.group(5), 0)
254      frame.line = None
255      return frame
257    # Otherwise, this frame could not be matched and just use the raw input.
258    frame.line = frame.line.strip()
259    return frame
261  def _ParseBinaryImages(self, fd):
262    """Parses out the binary images section in order to get the load offset."""
263    # The parser skips some sections, so advance until the "Binary Images"
264    # header is reached.
265    while not fd.readline().lstrip().startswith("Binary Images:"): pass
267    # Create a regex to match the lines of format:
268    # |0x<start> - 0x<end> <binary-image> <version> (<version>) <<UUID>> <path>|
269    image_re = re.compile(
270        '[ ]*(0x[0-9a-f]+) -[ \t]+(0x[0-9a-f]+) [+ ]([a-zA-Z0-9._\-]+)')
272    # This section is in this format:
273    # |<start address> - <end address> <image name>|.
274    while True:
275      line = fd.readline()
276      if not line.strip():
277        # End when a blank line is hit.
278        return
279      # Match the line to the regex.
280      match = image_re.match(line)
281      if match:
282        # Store the offsets by image name so it can be referenced during
283        # symbolication. These are hex numbers with leading '0x', so int() can
284        # convert them to decimal if base=0.
285        address_range = (int(match.group(1), 0), int(match.group(2), 0))
286        self._binary_images[match.group(3)] = address_range
288  def _CollectAddressesForImages(self, images):
289    """Iterates all the threads and stack frames and all the stack frames that
290    are in a list of binary |images|. The result is a dictionary, keyed by the
291    image name that maps to a list of tuples. Each is a 2-Tuple of
292    (stack_frame, address)"""
293    # Create the collection and initialize it with empty lists for each image.
294    collection = {}
295    for image in images:
296      collection[image] = []
298    # Perform the iteration.
299    for thread in self.threads:
300      for frame in thread.stack:
301        image_name = self._ImageForAddress(frame.address)
302        if image_name in images:
303          # Replace the image name in the frame in case it was elided.
304          frame.image = image_name
305          collection[frame.image].append((frame, frame.address))
307    # Return the result.
308    return collection
310  def _ImageForAddress(self, address):
311    """Given a PC address, returns the bundle identifier of the image in which
312    the address resides."""
313    for image_name, address_range in self._binary_images.items():
314      if address >= address_range[0] and address <= address_range[1]:
315        return image_name
316    return None
318  def _GetDSymPath(self, base_path, image_name):
319    """Takes a base path for the symbols and an image name. It looks the name up
320    in SYMBOL_IMAGE_MAP and creates a full path to the dSYM in the bundle."""
321    image_file = SYMBOL_IMAGE_MAP[image_name]
322    return os.path.join(base_path, image_file + '.dSYM', 'Contents',
323        'Resources', 'DWARF',
324        os.path.splitext(image_file)[0])  # Chop off the extension.
326  def _RunAtos(self, load_address, dsym_file, addresses):
327    """Runs the atos with the provided arguments. |addresses| is used as stdin.
328    Returns a list of symbol information in the same order as |addresses|."""
329    args = ['atos', '-l', str(load_address), '-o', dsym_file]
331    # Get the arch type. This is of the format |X86 (Native)|.
332    if 'Code Type' in self.report_info:
333      arch = self.report_info['Code Type'].lower().split(' ')
334      if len(arch) == 2:
335        arch = arch[0]
336        if arch == 'x86':
337          # The crash report refers to i386 as x86, but atos doesn't know what
338          # that is.
339          arch = 'i386'
340        args.extend(['-arch', arch])
342    proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
343    addresses = map(hex, addresses)
344    (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate(' '.join(addresses))
345    if proc.returncode:
346      return None
347    return stdout.rstrip().split('\n')
349  def _AddSymbolsToFrames(self, symbols, address_tuples):
350    """Takes a single value (the list) from _CollectAddressesForImages and does
351    a smart-zip with the data returned by atos in |symbols|. Note that the
352    indices must match for this to succeed."""
353    if len(symbols) != len(address_tuples):
354      print 'symbols do not match'
356    # Each line of output from atos is in this format:
357    # |<symbol> (in <image>) (<file>:<line>)|.
358    line_regex = re.compile('(.+) \(in (.+)\) (\((.+):([0-9]+)\))?')
360    # Zip the two data sets together.
361    for i in range(len(symbols)):
362      symbol_parts = line_regex.match(symbols[i])
363      if not symbol_parts:
364        continue  # Error.
365      frame = address_tuples[i][0]
366      frame.symbol = symbol_parts.group(1)
367      frame.image = symbol_parts.group(2)
368      frame.file_name = symbol_parts.group(4)
369      frame.line_number = symbol_parts.group(5)
372class CrashThread(object):
373  """A CrashThread represents a stacktrace of a single thread """
374  def __init__(self, thread_id):
375    super(CrashThread, self).__init__()
376    self.thread_id = thread_id
377    self.name = None
378    self.did_crash = False
379    self.stack = []
381  def __repr__(self):
382    name = ''
383    if self.name:
384      name = ': ' + self.name
385    return 'Thread ' + self.thread_id + name + '\n' + \
386        '\n'.join(map(str, self.stack))
389class StackFrame(object):
390  """A StackFrame is owned by a CrashThread."""
391  def __init__(self, line):
392    super(StackFrame, self).__init__()
393    # The original line. This will be set to None if symbolication was
394    # successfuly.
395    self.line = line
397    self.frame_id = 0
398    self.image = None
399    self.address = 0x0
400    self.original_symbol = None
401    self.offset = 0x0
402    # The following members are set after symbolication.
403    self.symbol = None
404    self.file_name = None
405    self.line_number = 0
407  def __repr__(self):
408    # If symbolication failed, just use the original line.
409    if self.line:
410      return '  %s' % self.line
412    # Use different location information depending on symbolicated data.
413    location = None
414    if self.file_name:
415      location = ' - %s:%s' % (self.file_name, self.line_number)
416    else:
417      location = ' + %s' % self.offset
419    # Same with the symbol information.
420    symbol = self.original_symbol
421    if self.symbol:
422      symbol = self.symbol
424    return '  %s\t0x%x\t[%s\t%s]\t%s' % (self.frame_id, self.address,
425        self.image, location, symbol)
428def PrettyPrintReport(report):
429  """Takes a crash report and prints it like the crash server would."""
430  print 'Process    : ' + report.report_info['Process']
431  print 'Version    : ' + report.report_info['Version']
432  print 'Date       : ' + report.report_info['Date/Time']
433  print 'OS Version : ' + report.report_info['OS Version']
434  print
435  if 'Crashed Thread' in report.report_info:
436    print 'Crashed Thread : ' + report.report_info['Crashed Thread']
437    print
438  if 'Event' in report.report_info:
439    print 'Event      : ' + report.report_info['Event']
440    print
442  for thread in report.threads:
443    print
444    if thread.did_crash:
445      exc_type = report.report_info['Exception Type'].split(' ')[0]
446      exc_code = report.report_info['Exception Codes'].replace('at', '@')
447      print '*CRASHED* ( ' + exc_type + ' / ' + exc_code + ' )'
448    # Version 7 reports have spindump-style output (with a stepped stack trace),
449    # so remove the first tab to get better alignment.
450    if report.report_version == 7:
451      for line in repr(thread).split('\n'):
452        print line.replace('\t', '  ', 1)
453    else:
454      print thread
457def Main(args):
458  """Program main."""
459  parser = optparse.OptionParser(
460      usage='%prog [options] symbol_path crash_report',
461      description='This will parse and symbolicate an Apple CrashReporter v6-9 '
462          'file.')
463  parser.add_option('-s', '--std-path', action='store_true', dest='std_path',
464                    help='With this flag, the symbol_path is a containing '
465                    'directory, in which a dSYM files are stored in a '
466                    'directory named by the version. Example: '
467                    '[symbolicate_crash.py -s ./symbols/ report.crash] will '
468                    'look for dSYMs in ./symbols/15.0.666.0/ if the report is '
469                    'from that verison.')
470  (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args[1:])
472  # Check that we have something to symbolicate.
473  if len(args) != 2:
474    parser.print_usage()
475    return 1
477  report = CrashReport(args[1])
478  symbol_path = None
480  # If not using the standard layout, this is a full path to the symbols.
481  if not options.std_path:
482    symbol_path = args[0]
483  # Otherwise, use the report version to locate symbols in a directory.
484  else:
485    # This is in the format of |M.N.B.P (B.P)|. Get just the part before the
486    # space.
487    chrome_version = report.report_info['Version'].split(' ')[0]
488    symbol_path = os.path.join(args[0], chrome_version)
490  # Check that the symbols exist.
491  if not os.path.isdir(symbol_path):
492    print >>sys.stderr, 'Symbol path %s is not a directory' % symbol_path
493    return 2
495  print >>sys.stderr, 'Using symbols from ' + symbol_path
496  print >>sys.stderr, '=' * 80
498  report.Symbolicate(symbol_path)
499  PrettyPrintReport(report)
500  return 0
503if __name__ == '__main__':
504  sys.exit(Main(sys.argv))