1# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5"""Android-specific implementation of the core backend interfaces.
7See core/backends.py for more docs.
10import datetime
11import glob
12import hashlib
13import json
14import os
15import posixpath
17from memory_inspector import constants
18from memory_inspector.backends import memdump_parser
19from memory_inspector.backends import native_heap_dump_parser
20from memory_inspector.backends import prebuilts_fetcher
21from memory_inspector.core import backends
22from memory_inspector.core import exceptions
23from memory_inspector.core import native_heap
24from memory_inspector.core import symbol
26# The memory_inspector/__init__ module will add the <CHROME_SRC>/build/android
27# deps to the PYTHONPATH for pylib.
28from pylib import android_commands
29from pylib.device import device_errors
30from pylib.device import device_utils
31from pylib.symbols import elf_symbolizer
34_SUPPORTED_32BIT_ABIS = {'armeabi': 'arm', 'armeabi-v7a': 'arm'}
35_SUPPORTED_64BIT_ABIS = {'arm64-v8a': 'arm64'}
36_MEMDUMP_PREBUILT_PATH = os.path.join(constants.PREBUILTS_PATH,
37                                      'memdump-android-%(arch)s')
38_MEMDUMP_PATH_ON_DEVICE = '/data/local/tmp/memdump'
39_PSEXT_PREBUILT_PATH = os.path.join(constants.PREBUILTS_PATH,
40                                    'ps_ext-android-%(arch)s')
41_PSEXT_PATH_ON_DEVICE = '/data/local/tmp/ps_ext'
42_HEAP_DUMP_PREBUILT_PATH = os.path.join(constants.PREBUILTS_PATH,
43                                        'heap_dump-android-%(arch)s')
44_HEAP_DUMP_PATH_ON_DEVICE = '/data/local/tmp/heap_dump'
46                                          'libheap_profiler-android-%(arch)s')
47_LIBHEAPPROF_FILE_NAME = 'libheap_profiler.so'
50class AndroidBackend(backends.Backend):
51  """Android-specific implementation of the core |Backend| interface."""
54      'adb_path': 'Path of directory containing the adb binary',
55      'toolchain_path': 'Path of toolchain (for addr2line)'}
57  def __init__(self):
58    super(AndroidBackend, self).__init__(
59        settings=backends.Settings(AndroidBackend._SETTINGS_KEYS))
60    self._devices = {}  # 'device id' -> |Device|.
62  def EnumerateDevices(self):
63    # If a custom adb_path has been setup through settings, prepend that to the
64    # PATH. The android_commands module will use that to locate adb.
65    if (self.settings['adb_path'] and
66        not os.environ['PATH'].startswith(self.settings['adb_path'])):
67      os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join([self.settings['adb_path'],
68                                           os.environ['PATH']])
69    for device_id in android_commands.GetAttachedDevices():
70      device = self._devices.get(device_id)
71      if not device:
72        device = AndroidDevice(
73          self, device_utils.DeviceUtils(device_id))
74        self._devices[device_id] = device
75      yield device
77  def ExtractSymbols(self, native_heaps, sym_paths):
78    """Performs symbolization. Returns a |symbol.Symbols| from |NativeHeap|s.
80    This method performs the symbolization but does NOT decorate (i.e. add
81    symbol/source info) to the stack frames of |native_heaps|. The heaps
82    can be decorated as needed using the native_heap.SymbolizeUsingSymbolDB()
83    method. Rationale: the most common use case in this application is:
84    symbolize-and-store-symbols and load-symbols-and-decorate-heaps (in two
85    different stages at two different times).
87    Args:
88      native_heaps: a collection of native_heap.NativeHeap instances.
89      sym_paths: either a list of or a string of semicolon-sep. symbol paths.
90    """
91    assert(all(isinstance(x, native_heap.NativeHeap) for x in native_heaps))
92    symbols = symbol.Symbols()
94    # Find addr2line in toolchain_path.
95    if isinstance(sym_paths, basestring):
96      sym_paths = sym_paths.split(';')
97    matches = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.settings['toolchain_path'],
98                                     '*addr2line'))
99    if not matches:
100      raise exceptions.MemoryInspectorException('Cannot find addr2line')
101    addr2line_path = matches[0]
103    # First group all the stack frames together by lib path.
104    frames_by_lib = {}
105    for nheap in native_heaps:
106      for stack_frame in nheap.stack_frames.itervalues():
107        frames = frames_by_lib.setdefault(stack_frame.exec_file_rel_path, set())
108        frames.add(stack_frame)
110    # The symbolization process is asynchronous (but yet single-threaded). This
111    # callback is invoked every time the symbol info for a stack frame is ready.
112    def SymbolizeAsyncCallback(sym_info, stack_frame):
113      if not sym_info.name:
114        return
115      sym = symbol.Symbol(name=sym_info.name,
116                          source_file_path=sym_info.source_path,
117                          line_number=sym_info.source_line)
118      symbols.Add(stack_frame.exec_file_rel_path, stack_frame.offset, sym)
119      # TODO(primiano): support inline sym info (i.e. |sym_info.inlined_by|).
121    # Perform the actual symbolization (ordered by lib).
122    for exec_file_rel_path, frames in frames_by_lib.iteritems():
123      # Look up the full path of the symbol in the sym paths.
124      exec_file_name = posixpath.basename(exec_file_rel_path)
125      if exec_file_rel_path.startswith('/'):
126        exec_file_rel_path = exec_file_rel_path[1:]
127      if not exec_file_rel_path:
128        continue
129      exec_file_abs_path = ''
130      for sym_path in sym_paths:
131        # First try to locate the symbol file following the full relative path
132        # e.g. /host/syms/ + /system/lib/foo.so => /host/syms/system/lib/foo.so.
133        exec_file_abs_path = os.path.join(sym_path, exec_file_rel_path)
134        if os.path.exists(exec_file_abs_path):
135          break
137        # If no luck, try looking just for the file name in the sym path,
138        # e.g. /host/syms/ + (/system/lib/)foo.so => /host/syms/foo.so.
139        exec_file_abs_path = os.path.join(sym_path, exec_file_name)
140        if os.path.exists(exec_file_abs_path):
141          break
143        # In the case of a Chrome component=shared_library build, the libs are
144        # renamed to .cr.so. Look for foo.so => foo.cr.so.
145        exec_file_abs_path = os.path.join(
146            sym_path, exec_file_name.replace('.so', '.cr.so'))
147        if os.path.exists(exec_file_abs_path):
148          break
150      if not os.path.isfile(exec_file_abs_path):
151        continue
153      symbolizer = elf_symbolizer.ELFSymbolizer(
154          elf_file_path=exec_file_abs_path,
155          addr2line_path=addr2line_path,
156          callback=SymbolizeAsyncCallback,
157          inlines=False)
159      # Kick off the symbolizer and then wait that all callbacks are issued.
160      for stack_frame in sorted(frames, key=lambda x: x.offset):
161        symbolizer.SymbolizeAsync(stack_frame.offset, stack_frame)
162      symbolizer.Join()
164    return symbols
166  @property
167  def name(self):
168    return 'Android'
171class AndroidDevice(backends.Device):
172  """Android-specific implementation of the core |Device| interface."""
175      'native_symbol_paths': 'Semicolon-sep. list of native libs search path'}
177  def __init__(self, backend, adb):
178    super(AndroidDevice, self).__init__(
179        backend=backend,
180        settings=backends.Settings(AndroidDevice._SETTINGS_KEYS))
181    self.adb = adb
182    self._name = '%s %s' % (adb.GetProp('ro.product.model'),
183                            adb.GetProp('ro.build.id'))
184    self._id = str(adb)
185    self._sys_stats = None
186    self._last_device_stats = None
187    self._sys_stats_last_update = None
188    self._processes = {}  # pid (int) -> |Process|
189    self._initialized = False
191    # Determine the available ABIs, |_arch| will contain the primary ABI.
192    # TODO(primiano): For the moment we support only one ABI per device (i.e. we
193    # assume that all processes are 64 bit on 64 bit device, failing to profile
194    # 32 bit ones). Dealing properly with multi-ABIs requires work on ps_ext and
195    # at the moment is not an interesting use case.
196    self._arch = None
197    self._arch32 = None
198    self._arch64 = None
199    abi = adb.GetProp('ro.product.cpu.abi')
200    if abi in _SUPPORTED_64BIT_ABIS:
201      self._arch = self._arch64 = _SUPPORTED_64BIT_ABIS[abi]
202    elif abi in _SUPPORTED_32BIT_ABIS:
203      self._arch = self._arch32 = _SUPPORTED_32BIT_ABIS[abi]
204    else:
205      raise exceptions.MemoryInspectorException('ABI %s not supported' % abi)
207  def Initialize(self):
208    """Starts adb root and deploys the prebuilt binaries on initialization."""
209    try:
210      self.adb.EnableRoot()
211    except device_errors.CommandFailedError:
212      # TODO(jbudorick): Handle this exception appropriately after interface
213      # conversions are finished.
214      raise exceptions.MemoryInspectorException(
215          'The device must be adb root-able in order to use memory_inspector')
217    # Download (from GCS) and deploy prebuilt helper binaries on the device.
218    self._DeployPrebuiltOnDeviceIfNeeded(
219        _MEMDUMP_PREBUILT_PATH % {'arch': self._arch}, _MEMDUMP_PATH_ON_DEVICE)
220    self._DeployPrebuiltOnDeviceIfNeeded(
221        _PSEXT_PREBUILT_PATH % {'arch': self._arch}, _PSEXT_PATH_ON_DEVICE)
222    self._DeployPrebuiltOnDeviceIfNeeded(
223        _HEAP_DUMP_PREBUILT_PATH % {'arch': self._arch},
226    self._initialized = True
228  def IsNativeTracingEnabled(self):
229    """Checks whether the libheap_profiler is preloaded in the zygote."""
230    zygote_name = 'zygote64' if self._arch64 else 'zygote'
231    zygote_process = [p for p in self.ListProcesses() if p.name == zygote_name]
232    if not zygote_process:
233      raise exceptions.MemoryInspectorException('Zygote process not found')
234    zygote_pid = zygote_process[0].pid
235    zygote_maps = self.adb.RunShellCommand('cat /proc/%d/maps' % zygote_pid)
236    return any(('libheap_profiler' in line for line in zygote_maps))
238  def EnableNativeTracing(self, enabled):
239    """Installs libheap_profiler in and injects it in the Zygote."""
241    def WrapZygote(app_process):
242      WRAPPER_SCRIPT = ('#!/system/bin/sh\n'
243                        'LD_PRELOAD="libheap_profiler.so:$LD_PRELOAD" '
244                        'exec %s.real "$@"\n' % app_process)
245      self.adb.RunShellCommand('mv %(0)s %(0)s.real' % {'0': app_process})
246      self.adb.WriteFile(app_process, WRAPPER_SCRIPT)
247      self.adb.RunShellCommand('chown root.shell ' + app_process)
248      self.adb.RunShellCommand('chmod 755 ' + app_process)
250    def UnwrapZygote():
251      for suffix in ('', '32', '64'):
252        # We don't really care if app_processX.real doesn't exists and mv fails.
253        # If app_processX.real doesn't exists, either app_processX is already
254        # unwrapped or it doesn't exists for the current arch.
255        app_process = '/system/bin/app_process' + suffix
256        self.adb.RunShellCommand('mv %(0)s.real %(0)s' % {'0': app_process})
258    assert(self._initialized)
259    self.adb.old_interface.MakeSystemFolderWritable()
261    # Start restoring the original state in any case.
262    UnwrapZygote()
264    if enabled:
265      # Temporarily disable SELinux (until next reboot).
266      self.adb.RunShellCommand('setenforce 0')
268      # Wrap the Zygote startup binary (app_process) with a script which
269      # LD_PRELOADs libheap_profiler and invokes the original Zygote process.
270      if self._arch64:
271        app_process = '/system/bin/app_process64'
272        assert(self.adb.FileExists(app_process))
273        self._DeployPrebuiltOnDeviceIfNeeded(
274            _LIBHEAPPROF_PREBUILT_PATH % {'arch': self._arch64},
275            '/system/lib64/' + _LIBHEAPPROF_FILE_NAME)
276        WrapZygote(app_process)
278      if self._arch32:
279        # Path is app_process32 for Android >= L, app_process when < L.
280        app_process = '/system/bin/app_process32'
281        if not self.adb.FileExists(app_process):
282          app_process = '/system/bin/app_process'
283          assert(self.adb.FileExists(app_process))
284        self._DeployPrebuiltOnDeviceIfNeeded(
285            _LIBHEAPPROF_PREBUILT_PATH % {'arch': self._arch32},
286            '/system/lib/' + _LIBHEAPPROF_FILE_NAME)
287        WrapZygote(app_process)
289    # Respawn the zygote (the device will kind of reboot at this point).
290    self.adb.old_interface.RestartShell()
291    self.adb.old_interface.Adb().WaitForDevicePm(wait_time=30)
293    # Remove the wrapper. This won't have effect until the next reboot, when
294    # the profiler will be automatically disarmed.
295    UnwrapZygote()
297    # We can also unlink the lib files at this point. Once the Zygote has
298    # started it will keep the inodes refcounted anyways through its lifetime.
299    self.adb.RunShellCommand('rm /system/lib*/' + _LIBHEAPPROF_FILE_NAME)
301  def ListProcesses(self):
302    """Returns a sequence of |AndroidProcess|."""
303    self._RefreshProcessesList()
304    return self._processes.itervalues()
306  def GetProcess(self, pid):
307    """Returns an instance of |AndroidProcess| (None if not found)."""
308    assert(isinstance(pid, int))
309    self._RefreshProcessesList()
310    return self._processes.get(pid)
312  def GetStats(self):
313    """Returns an instance of |DeviceStats| with the OS CPU/Memory stats."""
314    cur = self.UpdateAndGetSystemStats()
315    old = self._last_device_stats or cur  # Handle 1st call case.
316    uptime = cur['time']['ticks'] / cur['time']['rate']
317    ticks = max(1, cur['time']['ticks'] - old['time']['ticks'])
319    cpu_times = []
320    for i in xrange(len(cur['cpu'])):
321      cpu_time = {
322          'usr': 100 * (cur['cpu'][i]['usr'] - old['cpu'][i]['usr']) / ticks,
323          'sys': 100 * (cur['cpu'][i]['sys'] - old['cpu'][i]['sys']) / ticks,
324          'idle': 100 * (cur['cpu'][i]['idle'] - old['cpu'][i]['idle']) / ticks}
325      # The idle tick count on many Linux kernels is frozen when the CPU is
326      # offline, and bumps up (compensating all the offline period) when it
327      # reactivates. For this reason it needs to be saturated at [0, 100].
328      cpu_time['idle'] = max(0, min(cpu_time['idle'],
329                                    100 - cpu_time['usr'] - cpu_time['sys']))
331      cpu_times.append(cpu_time)
333    memory_stats = {'Free': cur['mem']['MemFree:'],
334                    'Cache': cur['mem']['Buffers:'] + cur['mem']['Cached:'],
335                    'Swap': cur['mem']['SwapCached:'],
336                    'Anonymous': cur['mem']['AnonPages:'],
337                    'Kernel': cur['mem']['VmallocUsed:']}
338    self._last_device_stats = cur
340    return backends.DeviceStats(uptime=uptime,
341                                cpu_times=cpu_times,
342                                memory_stats=memory_stats)
344  def UpdateAndGetSystemStats(self):
345    """Grabs and caches system stats through ps_ext (max cache TTL = 0.5s).
347    Rationale of caching: avoid invoking adb too often, it is slow.
348    """
349    assert(self._initialized)
350    max_ttl = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.5)
351    if (self._sys_stats_last_update and
352        datetime.datetime.now() - self._sys_stats_last_update <= max_ttl):
353      return self._sys_stats
355    dump_out = '\n'.join(
356        self.adb.RunShellCommand(_PSEXT_PATH_ON_DEVICE))
357    stats = json.loads(dump_out)
358    assert(all([x in stats for x in ['cpu', 'processes', 'time', 'mem']])), (
359        'ps_ext returned a malformed JSON dictionary.')
360    self._sys_stats = stats
361    self._sys_stats_last_update = datetime.datetime.now()
362    return self._sys_stats
364  def _RefreshProcessesList(self):
365    sys_stats = self.UpdateAndGetSystemStats()
366    processes_to_delete = set(self._processes.keys())
367    for pid, proc in sys_stats['processes'].iteritems():
368      pid = int(pid)
369      process = self._processes.get(pid)
370      if not process or process.name != proc['name']:
371        process = AndroidProcess(self, int(pid), proc['name'])
372        self._processes[pid] = process
373      processes_to_delete.discard(pid)
374    for pid in processes_to_delete:
375      del self._processes[pid]
377  def _DeployPrebuiltOnDeviceIfNeeded(self, local_path, path_on_device):
378    # TODO(primiano): check that the md5 binary is built-in also on pre-KK.
379    # Alternatively add tools/android/md5sum to prebuilts and use that one.
380    prebuilts_fetcher.GetIfChanged(local_path)
381    with open(local_path, 'rb') as f:
382      local_hash = hashlib.md5(f.read()).hexdigest()
383    device_md5_out = self.adb.RunShellCommand(
384        'md5 "%s"' % path_on_device)
385    if local_hash in device_md5_out:
386      return
387    self.adb.old_interface.Adb().Push(local_path, path_on_device)
388    self.adb.RunShellCommand('chmod 755 "%s"' % path_on_device)
390  @property
391  def name(self):
392    """Device name, as defined in the |backends.Device| interface."""
393    return self._name
395  @property
396  def id(self):
397    """Device id, as defined in the |backends.Device| interface."""
398    return self._id
401class AndroidProcess(backends.Process):
402  """Android-specific implementation of the core |Process| interface."""
404  def __init__(self, device, pid, name):
405    super(AndroidProcess, self).__init__(device, pid, name)
406    self._last_sys_stats = None
408  def DumpMemoryMaps(self):
409    """Grabs and parses memory maps through memdump."""
410    cmd = '%s %d' % (_MEMDUMP_PATH_ON_DEVICE, self.pid)
411    dump_out = self.device.adb.RunShellCommand(cmd)
412    return memdump_parser.Parse(dump_out)
414  def DumpNativeHeap(self):
415    """Grabs and parses native heap traces using heap_dump."""
416    cmd = '%s -n -x %d' % (_HEAP_DUMP_PATH_ON_DEVICE, self.pid)
417    out_lines = self.device.adb.RunShellCommand(cmd)
418    return native_heap_dump_parser.Parse('\n'.join(out_lines))
420  def Freeze(self):
421    self.device.adb.RunShellCommand('kill -STOP %d' % self.pid)
423  def Unfreeze(self):
424    self.device.adb.RunShellCommand('kill -CONT %d' % self.pid)
426  def GetStats(self):
427    """Calculate process CPU/VM stats (CPU stats are relative to last call)."""
428    # Process must retain its own copy of _last_sys_stats because CPU times
429    # are calculated relatively to the last GetStats() call (for the process).
430    cur_sys_stats = self.device.UpdateAndGetSystemStats()
431    old_sys_stats = self._last_sys_stats or cur_sys_stats
432    cur_proc_stats = cur_sys_stats['processes'].get(str(self.pid))
433    old_proc_stats = old_sys_stats['processes'].get(str(self.pid))
435    # The process might have gone in the meanwhile.
436    if (not cur_proc_stats or not old_proc_stats):
437      return None
439    run_time = (((cur_sys_stats['time']['ticks'] -
440                cur_proc_stats['start_time']) / cur_sys_stats['time']['rate']))
441    ticks = max(1, cur_sys_stats['time']['ticks'] -
442                old_sys_stats['time']['ticks'])
443    cpu_usage = (100 *
444                 ((cur_proc_stats['user_time'] + cur_proc_stats['sys_time']) -
445                 (old_proc_stats['user_time'] + old_proc_stats['sys_time'])) /
446                 ticks) / len(cur_sys_stats['cpu'])
447    proc_stats = backends.ProcessStats(
448        threads=cur_proc_stats['n_threads'],
449        run_time=run_time,
450        cpu_usage=cpu_usage,
451        vm_rss=cur_proc_stats['vm_rss'],
452        page_faults=(
453            (cur_proc_stats['maj_faults'] + cur_proc_stats['min_faults']) -
454            (old_proc_stats['maj_faults'] + old_proc_stats['min_faults'])))
455    self._last_sys_stats = cur_sys_stats
456    return proc_stats