1# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5class RetainingEdge(object):
6  """Data structure for representing a retainer relationship between objects.
8  Attributes:
9    from_object_id: int, id of the object which is the start point of this
10        RetainingEdge.  Used when the corresponding LiveHeapObject object is not
11        yet contstructed.
12    to_object_id: int, id of the object which is the end point of this
13        RetainingEdge. Used when the corresponding LiveHeapObject object is not
14        yet contstructed.
15    from_object: LiveHeapObject, the start point of this RetainingEdge.
16    to_object: LiveHeapObject, the end point of this RetainingEdge.
17    type_string: str, the type of the RetainingEdge.
18    name_string: str, the JavaScript attribute name this RetainingEdge
19        represents.
20  """
22  def __init__(self, from_object_id, to_object_id, type_string, name_string):
23    """Initializes the RetainingEdge object.
25    Args:
26      from_object_id: int, id of the object which is the start point of this
27          RetainingEdge. Used when the corresponding LiveHeapObject object is
28          not yet contstructed.
29      to_object_id: int, id of the object which is the end point of this
30          RetainingEdge. Used when the corresponding LiveHeapObject object is
31          not yet contstructed.
32      type_string: str, the type of the RetainingEdge.
33      name_string: str, the JavaScript attribute name this RetainingEdge
34          represents.
35    """
36    self.from_object_id = from_object_id
37    self.to_object_id = to_object_id
38    self.from_object = {}
39    self.to_object = {}
40    self.type_string = type_string
41    self.name_string = name_string
43  def SetFromObject(self, obj):
44    self.from_object = obj
45    return self
47  def SetToObject(self, obj):
48    self.to_object = obj
49    return self
51  def __str__(self):
52    return 'RetainingEdge(' + self.type_string + ' ' + self.name_string + ')'