1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "ui/views/controls/menu/native_menu_win.h"
7#include <Windowsx.h>
9#include "base/bind.h"
10#include "base/logging.h"
11#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
12#include "base/stl_util.h"
13#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
14#include "base/win/wrapped_window_proc.h"
15#include "ui/base/accelerators/accelerator.h"
16#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
17#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util_win.h"
18#include "ui/base/models/menu_model.h"
19#include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h"
20#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
21#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"
22#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
23#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
24#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
25#include "ui/gfx/text_utils.h"
26#include "ui/gfx/win/hwnd_util.h"
27#include "ui/native_theme/native_theme.h"
28#include "ui/native_theme/native_theme_win.h"
29#include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_2.h"
30#include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_config.h"
31#include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_insertion_delegate_win.h"
32#include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_listener.h"
33#include "ui/views/layout/layout_constants.h"
35using ui::NativeTheme;
37namespace views {
39// The width of an icon, including the pixels between the icon and
40// the item label.
41static const int kIconWidth = 23;
42// Margins between the top of the item and the label.
43static const int kItemTopMargin = 3;
44// Margins between the bottom of the item and the label.
45static const int kItemBottomMargin = 4;
46// Margins between the left of the item and the icon.
47static const int kItemLeftMargin = 4;
48// The width for displaying the sub-menu arrow.
49static const int kArrowWidth = 10;
51struct NativeMenuWin::ItemData {
52  // The Windows API requires that whoever creates the menus must own the
53  // strings used for labels, and keep them around for the lifetime of the
54  // created menu. So be it.
55  base::string16 label;
57  // Someone needs to own submenus, it may as well be us.
58  scoped_ptr<Menu2> submenu;
60  // We need a pointer back to the containing menu in various circumstances.
61  NativeMenuWin* native_menu_win;
63  // The index of the item within the menu's model.
64  int model_index;
67// Returns the NativeMenuWin for a particular HMENU.
68static NativeMenuWin* GetNativeMenuWinFromHMENU(HMENU hmenu) {
69  MENUINFO mi = {0};
70  mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi);
71  mi.fMask = MIM_MENUDATA | MIM_STYLE;
72  GetMenuInfo(hmenu, &mi);
73  return reinterpret_cast<NativeMenuWin*>(mi.dwMenuData);
76// A window that receives messages from Windows relevant to the native menu
77// structure we have constructed in NativeMenuWin.
78class NativeMenuWin::MenuHostWindow {
79 public:
80  explicit MenuHostWindow(NativeMenuWin* parent) : parent_(parent) {
81    RegisterClass();
82    hwnd_ = CreateWindowEx(l10n_util::GetExtendedStyles(), kWindowClassName,
83                           L"", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, HWND_MESSAGE, NULL, NULL, NULL);
84    gfx::CheckWindowCreated(hwnd_);
85    gfx::SetWindowUserData(hwnd_, this);
86  }
88  ~MenuHostWindow() {
89    DestroyWindow(hwnd_);
90  }
92  HWND hwnd() const { return hwnd_; }
94 private:
95  static const wchar_t* kWindowClassName;
97  void RegisterClass() {
98    static bool registered = false;
99    if (registered)
100      return;
102    WNDCLASSEX window_class;
103    base::win::InitializeWindowClass(
104        kWindowClassName,
105        &base::win::WrappedWindowProc<MenuHostWindowProc>,
106        CS_DBLCLKS,
107        0,
108        0,
109        NULL,
110        reinterpret_cast<HBRUSH>(COLOR_WINDOW+1),
111        NULL,
112        NULL,
113        NULL,
114        &window_class);
115    ATOM clazz = RegisterClassEx(&window_class);
116    CHECK(clazz);
117    registered = true;
118  }
120  // Converts the WPARAM value passed to WM_MENUSELECT into an index
121  // corresponding to the menu item that was selected.
122  int GetMenuItemIndexFromWPARAM(HMENU menu, WPARAM w_param) const {
123    int count = GetMenuItemCount(menu);
124    // For normal command menu items, Windows passes a command id as the LOWORD
125    // of WPARAM for WM_MENUSELECT. We need to walk forward through the menu
126    // items to find an item with a matching ID. Ugh!
127    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
128      MENUITEMINFO mii = {0};
129      mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii);
130      mii.fMask = MIIM_ID;
131      GetMenuItemInfo(menu, i, MF_BYPOSITION, &mii);
132      if (mii.wID == w_param)
133        return i;
134    }
135    // If we didn't find a matching command ID, this means a submenu has been
136    // selected instead, and rather than passing a command ID in
137    // LOWORD(w_param), Windows has actually passed us a position, so we just
138    // return it.
139    return w_param;
140  }
142  NativeMenuWin::ItemData* GetItemData(ULONG_PTR item_data) {
143    return reinterpret_cast<NativeMenuWin::ItemData*>(item_data);
144  }
146  // Called when the user selects a specific item.
147  void OnMenuCommand(int position, HMENU menu) {
148    NativeMenuWin* menu_win = GetNativeMenuWinFromHMENU(menu);
149    ui::MenuModel* model = menu_win->model_;
150    NativeMenuWin* root_menu = menu_win;
151    while (root_menu->parent_)
152      root_menu = root_menu->parent_;
154    // Only notify the model if it didn't already send out notification.
155    // See comment in MenuMessageHook for details.
156    if (root_menu->menu_action_ == MenuWrapper::MENU_ACTION_NONE)
157      model->ActivatedAt(position);
158  }
160  // Called as the user moves their mouse or arrows through the contents of the
161  // menu.
162  void OnMenuSelect(WPARAM w_param, HMENU menu) {
163    if (!menu)
164      return;  // menu is null when closing on XP.
166    int position = GetMenuItemIndexFromWPARAM(menu, w_param);
167    if (position >= 0)
168      GetNativeMenuWinFromHMENU(menu)->model_->HighlightChangedTo(position);
169  }
171  // Called by Windows to measure the size of an owner-drawn menu item.
172  void OnMeasureItem(WPARAM w_param, MEASUREITEMSTRUCT* measure_item_struct) {
173    NativeMenuWin::ItemData* data = GetItemData(measure_item_struct->itemData);
174    if (data) {
175      gfx::FontList font_list;
176      measure_item_struct->itemWidth =
177          gfx::GetStringWidth(data->label, font_list) +
178          kIconWidth + kItemLeftMargin + views::kItemLabelSpacing -
179          GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMENUCHECK);
180      if (data->submenu.get())
181        measure_item_struct->itemWidth += kArrowWidth;
182      // If the label contains an accelerator, make room for tab.
183      if (data->label.find(L'\t') != base::string16::npos)
184        measure_item_struct->itemWidth += gfx::GetStringWidth(L" ", font_list);
185      measure_item_struct->itemHeight =
186          font_list.GetHeight() + kItemBottomMargin + kItemTopMargin;
187    } else {
188      // Measure separator size.
189      measure_item_struct->itemHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU) / 2;
190      measure_item_struct->itemWidth = 0;
191    }
192  }
194  // Called by Windows to paint an owner-drawn menu item.
195  void OnDrawItem(UINT w_param, DRAWITEMSTRUCT* draw_item_struct) {
196    HDC dc = draw_item_struct->hDC;
197    COLORREF prev_bg_color, prev_text_color;
199    // Set background color and text color
200    if (draw_item_struct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) {
201      prev_bg_color = SetBkColor(dc, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT));
202      prev_text_color = SetTextColor(dc, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT));
203    } else {
204      prev_bg_color = SetBkColor(dc, GetSysColor(COLOR_MENU));
205      if (draw_item_struct->itemState & ODS_DISABLED)
206        prev_text_color = SetTextColor(dc, GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT));
207      else
208        prev_text_color = SetTextColor(dc, GetSysColor(COLOR_MENUTEXT));
209    }
211    if (draw_item_struct->itemData) {
212      NativeMenuWin::ItemData* data = GetItemData(draw_item_struct->itemData);
213      // Draw the background.
214      HBRUSH hbr = CreateSolidBrush(GetBkColor(dc));
215      FillRect(dc, &draw_item_struct->rcItem, hbr);
216      DeleteObject(hbr);
218      // Draw the label.
219      RECT rect = draw_item_struct->rcItem;
220      rect.top += kItemTopMargin;
221      // Should we add kIconWidth only when icon.width() != 0 ?
222      rect.left += kItemLeftMargin + kIconWidth;
223      rect.right -= views::kItemLabelSpacing;
224      UINT format = DT_TOP | DT_SINGLELINE;
225      // Check whether the mnemonics should be underlined.
226      BOOL underline_mnemonics;
227      SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETKEYBOARDCUES, 0, &underline_mnemonics, 0);
228      if (!underline_mnemonics)
229        format |= DT_HIDEPREFIX;
230      gfx::FontList font_list;
231      HGDIOBJ old_font = static_cast<HFONT>(
232          SelectObject(dc, font_list.GetPrimaryFont().GetNativeFont()));
234      // If an accelerator is specified (with a tab delimiting the rest of the
235      // label from the accelerator), we have to justify the fist part on the
236      // left and the accelerator on the right.
237      // TODO(jungshik): This will break in RTL UI. Currently, he/ar use the
238      //                 window system UI font and will not hit here.
239      base::string16 label = data->label;
240      base::string16 accel;
241      base::string16::size_type tab_pos = label.find(L'\t');
242      if (tab_pos != base::string16::npos) {
243        accel = label.substr(tab_pos);
244        label = label.substr(0, tab_pos);
245      }
246      DrawTextEx(dc, const_cast<wchar_t*>(label.data()),
247                 static_cast<int>(label.size()), &rect, format | DT_LEFT, NULL);
248      if (!accel.empty())
249        DrawTextEx(dc, const_cast<wchar_t*>(accel.data()),
250                   static_cast<int>(accel.size()), &rect,
251                   format | DT_RIGHT, NULL);
252      SelectObject(dc, old_font);
254      ui::MenuModel::ItemType type =
255          data->native_menu_win->model_->GetTypeAt(data->model_index);
257      // Draw the icon after the label, otherwise it would be covered
258      // by the label.
259      gfx::Image icon;
260      if (data->native_menu_win->model_->GetIconAt(data->model_index, &icon)) {
261        // We currently don't support items with both icons and checkboxes.
262        const gfx::ImageSkia* skia_icon = icon.ToImageSkia();
263        DCHECK(type != ui::MenuModel::TYPE_CHECK);
264        gfx::Canvas canvas(
265            skia_icon->GetRepresentation(1.0f),
266            false);
267        skia::DrawToNativeContext(
268            canvas.sk_canvas(), dc,
269            draw_item_struct->rcItem.left + kItemLeftMargin,
270            draw_item_struct->rcItem.top + (draw_item_struct->rcItem.bottom -
271                draw_item_struct->rcItem.top - skia_icon->height()) / 2, NULL);
272      } else if (type == ui::MenuModel::TYPE_CHECK &&
273                 data->native_menu_win->model_->IsItemCheckedAt(
274                     data->model_index)) {
275        // Manually render a checkbox.
276        ui::NativeThemeWin* native_theme = ui::NativeThemeWin::instance();
277        const MenuConfig& config = MenuConfig::instance(native_theme);
278        NativeTheme::State state;
279        if (draw_item_struct->itemState & ODS_DISABLED) {
280          state = NativeTheme::kDisabled;
281        } else {
282          state = draw_item_struct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED ?
283              NativeTheme::kHovered : NativeTheme::kNormal;
284        }
285        int height =
286            draw_item_struct->rcItem.bottom - draw_item_struct->rcItem.top;
287        int icon_y = kItemTopMargin +
288            (height - kItemTopMargin - kItemBottomMargin -
289             config.check_height) / 2;
290        gfx::Canvas canvas(gfx::Size(config.check_width, config.check_height),
291                           1.0f,
292                           false);
293        NativeTheme::ExtraParams extra;
294        extra.menu_check.is_radio = false;
295        gfx::Rect bounds(0, 0, config.check_width, config.check_height);
297        // Draw the background and the check.
298        native_theme->Paint(
299            canvas.sk_canvas(), NativeTheme::kMenuCheckBackground,
300            state, bounds, extra);
301        native_theme->Paint(
302            canvas.sk_canvas(), NativeTheme::kMenuCheck, state, bounds, extra);
304        // Draw checkbox to menu.
305        skia::DrawToNativeContext(canvas.sk_canvas(), dc,
306            draw_item_struct->rcItem.left + kItemLeftMargin,
307            draw_item_struct->rcItem.top + (draw_item_struct->rcItem.bottom -
308                draw_item_struct->rcItem.top - config.check_height) / 2, NULL);
309      }
311    } else {
312      // Draw the separator
313      draw_item_struct->rcItem.top +=
314          (draw_item_struct->rcItem.bottom - draw_item_struct->rcItem.top) / 3;
315      DrawEdge(dc, &draw_item_struct->rcItem, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_TOP);
316    }
318    SetBkColor(dc, prev_bg_color);
319    SetTextColor(dc, prev_text_color);
320  }
322  bool ProcessWindowMessage(HWND window,
323                            UINT message,
324                            WPARAM w_param,
325                            LPARAM l_param,
326                            LRESULT* l_result) {
327    switch (message) {
328      case WM_MENUCOMMAND:
329        OnMenuCommand(w_param, reinterpret_cast<HMENU>(l_param));
330        *l_result = 0;
331        return true;
332      case WM_MENUSELECT:
333        OnMenuSelect(LOWORD(w_param), reinterpret_cast<HMENU>(l_param));
334        *l_result = 0;
335        return true;
336      case WM_MEASUREITEM:
337        OnMeasureItem(w_param, reinterpret_cast<MEASUREITEMSTRUCT*>(l_param));
338        *l_result = 0;
339        return true;
340      case WM_DRAWITEM:
341        OnDrawItem(w_param, reinterpret_cast<DRAWITEMSTRUCT*>(l_param));
342        *l_result = 0;
343        return true;
344      // TODO(beng): bring over owner draw from old menu system.
345    }
346    return false;
347  }
349  static LRESULT CALLBACK MenuHostWindowProc(HWND window,
350                                             UINT message,
351                                             WPARAM w_param,
352                                             LPARAM l_param) {
353    MenuHostWindow* host =
354        reinterpret_cast<MenuHostWindow*>(gfx::GetWindowUserData(window));
355    // host is null during initial construction.
356    LRESULT l_result = 0;
357    if (!host || !host->ProcessWindowMessage(window, message, w_param, l_param,
358                                             &l_result)) {
359      return DefWindowProc(window, message, w_param, l_param);
360    }
361    return l_result;
362  }
364  HWND hwnd_;
365  NativeMenuWin* parent_;
370struct NativeMenuWin::HighlightedMenuItemInfo {
371  HighlightedMenuItemInfo()
372      : has_parent(false),
373        has_submenu(false),
374        menu(NULL),
375        position(-1) {
376  }
378  bool has_parent;
379  bool has_submenu;
381  // The menu and position. These are only set for non-disabled menu items.
382  NativeMenuWin* menu;
383  int position;
386// static
387const wchar_t* NativeMenuWin::MenuHostWindow::kWindowClassName =
388    L"ViewsMenuHostWindow";
391// NativeMenuWin, public:
393NativeMenuWin::NativeMenuWin(ui::MenuModel* model, HWND system_menu_for)
394    : model_(model),
395      menu_(NULL),
396      owner_draw_(l10n_util::NeedOverrideDefaultUIFont(NULL, NULL) &&
397                  !system_menu_for),
398      system_menu_for_(system_menu_for),
399      first_item_index_(0),
400      menu_action_(MENU_ACTION_NONE),
401      menu_to_select_(NULL),
402      position_to_select_(-1),
403      menu_to_select_factory_(this),
404      parent_(NULL),
405      destroyed_flag_(NULL) {
408NativeMenuWin::~NativeMenuWin() {
409  if (destroyed_flag_)
410    *destroyed_flag_ = true;
411  STLDeleteContainerPointers(items_.begin(), items_.end());
412  DestroyMenu(menu_);
416// NativeMenuWin, MenuWrapper implementation:
418void NativeMenuWin::RunMenuAt(const gfx::Point& point, int alignment) {
419  CreateHostWindow();
420  UpdateStates();
422  flags |= GetAlignmentFlags(alignment);
423  menu_action_ = MENU_ACTION_NONE;
425  // Set a hook function so we can listen for keyboard events while the
426  // menu is open, and store a pointer to this object in a static
427  // variable so the hook has access to it (ugly, but it's the
428  // only way).
429  open_native_menu_win_ = this;
430  HHOOK hhook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MSGFILTER, MenuMessageHook,
431                                 GetModuleHandle(NULL), ::GetCurrentThreadId());
433  // Mark that any registered listeners have not been called for this particular
434  // opening of the menu.
435  listeners_called_ = false;
437  // Command dispatch is done through WM_MENUCOMMAND, handled by the host
438  // window.
439  HWND hwnd = host_window_->hwnd();
440  menu_to_select_ = NULL;
441  position_to_select_ = -1;
442  menu_to_select_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
443  bool destroyed = false;
444  destroyed_flag_ = &destroyed;
445  model_->MenuWillShow();
446  TrackPopupMenu(menu_, flags, point.x(), point.y(), 0, host_window_->hwnd(),
447                 NULL);
448  UnhookWindowsHookEx(hhook);
449  open_native_menu_win_ = NULL;
450  if (destroyed)
451    return;
452  destroyed_flag_ = NULL;
453  if (menu_to_select_) {
454    // Folks aren't too happy if we notify immediately. In particular, notifying
455    // the delegate can cause destruction leaving the stack in a weird
456    // state. Instead post a task, then notify. This mirrors what WM_MENUCOMMAND
457    // does.
458    menu_to_select_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
459    base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
460        FROM_HERE,
461        base::Bind(&NativeMenuWin::DelayedSelect,
462                   menu_to_select_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
463    menu_action_ = MENU_ACTION_SELECTED;
464  }
465  // Send MenuClosed after we schedule the select, otherwise MenuClosed is
466  // processed after the select (MenuClosed posts a delayed task too).
467  model_->MenuClosed();
470void NativeMenuWin::CancelMenu() {
471  EndMenu();
474void NativeMenuWin::Rebuild(MenuInsertionDelegateWin* delegate) {
475  ResetNativeMenu();
476  items_.clear();
478  owner_draw_ = model_->HasIcons() || owner_draw_;
479  first_item_index_ = delegate ? delegate->GetInsertionIndex(menu_) : 0;
480  for (int menu_index = first_item_index_;
481        menu_index < first_item_index_ + model_->GetItemCount(); ++menu_index) {
482    int model_index = menu_index - first_item_index_;
483    if (model_->GetTypeAt(model_index) == ui::MenuModel::TYPE_SEPARATOR)
484      AddSeparatorItemAt(menu_index, model_index);
485    else
486      AddMenuItemAt(menu_index, model_index);
487  }
490void NativeMenuWin::UpdateStates() {
491  // A depth-first walk of the menu items, updating states.
492  int model_index = 0;
493  std::vector<ItemData*>::const_iterator it;
494  for (it = items_.begin(); it != items_.end(); ++it, ++model_index) {
495    int menu_index = model_index + first_item_index_;
496    SetMenuItemState(menu_index, model_->IsEnabledAt(model_index),
497                     model_->IsItemCheckedAt(model_index), false);
498    if (model_->IsItemDynamicAt(model_index)) {
499      // TODO(atwilson): Update the icon as well (http://crbug.com/66508).
500      SetMenuItemLabel(menu_index, model_index,
501                       model_->GetLabelAt(model_index));
502    }
503    Menu2* submenu = (*it)->submenu.get();
504    if (submenu)
505      submenu->UpdateStates();
506  }
509HMENU NativeMenuWin::GetNativeMenu() const {
510  return menu_;
513NativeMenuWin::MenuAction NativeMenuWin::GetMenuAction() const {
514  return menu_action_;
517void NativeMenuWin::AddMenuListener(MenuListener* listener) {
518  listeners_.AddObserver(listener);
521void NativeMenuWin::RemoveMenuListener(MenuListener* listener) {
522  listeners_.RemoveObserver(listener);
525void NativeMenuWin::SetMinimumWidth(int width) {
530// NativeMenuWin, private:
532// static
533NativeMenuWin* NativeMenuWin::open_native_menu_win_ = NULL;
535void NativeMenuWin::DelayedSelect() {
536  if (menu_to_select_)
537    menu_to_select_->model_->ActivatedAt(position_to_select_);
540// static
541bool NativeMenuWin::GetHighlightedMenuItemInfo(
542    HMENU menu,
543    HighlightedMenuItemInfo* info) {
544  for (int i = 0; i < ::GetMenuItemCount(menu); i++) {
545    UINT state = ::GetMenuState(menu, i, MF_BYPOSITION);
546    if (state & MF_HILITE) {
547      if (state & MF_POPUP) {
548        HMENU submenu = GetSubMenu(menu, i);
549        if (GetHighlightedMenuItemInfo(submenu, info))
550          info->has_parent = true;
551        else
552          info->has_submenu = true;
553      } else if (!(state & MF_SEPARATOR) && !(state & MF_DISABLED)) {
554        info->menu = GetNativeMenuWinFromHMENU(menu);
555        info->position = i;
556      }
557      return true;
558    }
559  }
560  return false;
563// static
564LRESULT CALLBACK NativeMenuWin::MenuMessageHook(
565    int n_code, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param) {
566  LRESULT result = CallNextHookEx(NULL, n_code, w_param, l_param);
568  NativeMenuWin* this_ptr = open_native_menu_win_;
569  if (!this_ptr)
570    return result;
572  // The first time this hook is called, that means the menu has successfully
573  // opened, so call the callback function on all of our listeners.
574  if (!this_ptr->listeners_called_) {
575    FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(MenuListener, this_ptr->listeners_, OnMenuOpened());
576    this_ptr->listeners_called_ = true;
577  }
579  MSG* msg = reinterpret_cast<MSG*>(l_param);
580  if (msg->message == WM_LBUTTONUP || msg->message == WM_RBUTTONUP) {
581    HighlightedMenuItemInfo info;
582    if (GetHighlightedMenuItemInfo(this_ptr->menu_, &info) && info.menu) {
583      // It appears that when running a menu by way of TrackPopupMenu(Ex) win32
584      // gets confused if the underlying window paints itself. As its very easy
585      // for the underlying window to repaint itself (especially since some menu
586      // items trigger painting of the tabstrip on mouse over) we have this
587      // workaround. When the mouse is released on a menu item we remember the
588      // menu item and end the menu. When the nested message loop returns we
589      // schedule a task to notify the model. It's still possible to get a
590      // WM_MENUCOMMAND, so we have to be careful that we don't notify the model
591      // twice.
592      this_ptr->menu_to_select_ = info.menu;
593      this_ptr->position_to_select_ = info.position;
594      EndMenu();
595    }
596  } else if (msg->message == WM_KEYDOWN) {
597    HighlightedMenuItemInfo info;
598    if (GetHighlightedMenuItemInfo(this_ptr->menu_, &info)) {
599      if (msg->wParam == VK_LEFT && !info.has_parent) {
600        this_ptr->menu_action_ = MENU_ACTION_PREVIOUS;
601        ::EndMenu();
602      } else if (msg->wParam == VK_RIGHT && !info.has_parent &&
603                 !info.has_submenu) {
604        this_ptr->menu_action_ = MENU_ACTION_NEXT;
605        ::EndMenu();
606      }
607    }
608  }
610  return result;
613bool NativeMenuWin::IsSeparatorItemAt(int menu_index) const {
614  MENUITEMINFO mii = {0};
615  mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii);
616  mii.fMask = MIIM_FTYPE;
617  GetMenuItemInfo(menu_, menu_index, MF_BYPOSITION, &mii);
618  return !!(mii.fType & MF_SEPARATOR);
621void NativeMenuWin::AddMenuItemAt(int menu_index, int model_index) {
622  MENUITEMINFO mii = {0};
623  mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii);
624  mii.fMask = MIIM_FTYPE | MIIM_ID | MIIM_DATA;
625  if (!owner_draw_)
626    mii.fType = MFT_STRING;
627  else
628    mii.fType = MFT_OWNERDRAW;
630  ItemData* item_data = new ItemData;
631  item_data->label = base::string16();
632  ui::MenuModel::ItemType type = model_->GetTypeAt(model_index);
633  if (type == ui::MenuModel::TYPE_SUBMENU) {
634    item_data->submenu.reset(new Menu2(model_->GetSubmenuModelAt(model_index)));
635    mii.fMask |= MIIM_SUBMENU;
636    mii.hSubMenu = item_data->submenu->GetNativeMenu();
637    GetNativeMenuWinFromHMENU(mii.hSubMenu)->parent_ = this;
638  } else {
639    if (type == ui::MenuModel::TYPE_RADIO)
640      mii.fType |= MFT_RADIOCHECK;
641    mii.wID = model_->GetCommandIdAt(model_index);
642  }
643  item_data->native_menu_win = this;
644  item_data->model_index = model_index;
645  items_.insert(items_.begin() + model_index, item_data);
646  mii.dwItemData = reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(item_data);
647  UpdateMenuItemInfoForString(&mii, model_index,
648                              model_->GetLabelAt(model_index));
649  InsertMenuItem(menu_, menu_index, TRUE, &mii);
652void NativeMenuWin::AddSeparatorItemAt(int menu_index, int model_index) {
653  MENUITEMINFO mii = {0};
654  mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii);
655  mii.fMask = MIIM_FTYPE;
656  mii.fType = MFT_SEPARATOR;
657  // Insert a dummy entry into our label list so we can index directly into it
658  // using item indices if need be.
659  items_.insert(items_.begin() + model_index, new ItemData);
660  InsertMenuItem(menu_, menu_index, TRUE, &mii);
663void NativeMenuWin::SetMenuItemState(int menu_index, bool enabled, bool checked,
664                                     bool is_default) {
665  if (IsSeparatorItemAt(menu_index))
666    return;
668  UINT state = enabled ? MFS_ENABLED : MFS_DISABLED;
669  if (checked)
670    state |= MFS_CHECKED;
671  if (is_default)
672    state |= MFS_DEFAULT;
674  MENUITEMINFO mii = {0};
675  mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii);
676  mii.fMask = MIIM_STATE;
677  mii.fState = state;
678  SetMenuItemInfo(menu_, menu_index, MF_BYPOSITION, &mii);
681void NativeMenuWin::SetMenuItemLabel(int menu_index,
682                                     int model_index,
683                                     const base::string16& label) {
684  if (IsSeparatorItemAt(menu_index))
685    return;
687  MENUITEMINFO mii = {0};
688  mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii);
689  UpdateMenuItemInfoForString(&mii, model_index, label);
690  SetMenuItemInfo(menu_, menu_index, MF_BYPOSITION, &mii);
693void NativeMenuWin::UpdateMenuItemInfoForString(MENUITEMINFO* mii,
694                                                int model_index,
695                                                const base::string16& label) {
696  base::string16 formatted = label;
697  ui::MenuModel::ItemType type = model_->GetTypeAt(model_index);
698  // Strip out any tabs, otherwise they get interpreted as accelerators and can
699  // lead to weird behavior.
700  ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&formatted, 0, L"\t", L" ");
701  if (type != ui::MenuModel::TYPE_SUBMENU) {
702    // Add accelerator details to the label if provided.
703    ui::Accelerator accelerator(ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN, ui::EF_NONE);
704    if (model_->GetAcceleratorAt(model_index, &accelerator)) {
705      formatted += L"\t";
706      formatted += accelerator.GetShortcutText();
707    }
708  }
710  // Update the owned string, since Windows will want us to keep this new
711  // version around.
712  items_[model_index]->label = formatted;
714  // Give Windows a pointer to the label string.
715  mii->fMask |= MIIM_STRING;
716  mii->dwTypeData =
717      const_cast<wchar_t*>(items_[model_index]->label.c_str());
720UINT NativeMenuWin::GetAlignmentFlags(int alignment) const {
721  UINT alignment_flags = TPM_TOPALIGN;
722  if (alignment == Menu2::ALIGN_TOPLEFT)
723    alignment_flags |= TPM_LEFTALIGN;
724  else if (alignment == Menu2::ALIGN_TOPRIGHT)
725    alignment_flags |= TPM_RIGHTALIGN;
726  return alignment_flags;
729void NativeMenuWin::ResetNativeMenu() {
730  if (IsWindow(system_menu_for_)) {
731    if (menu_)
732      GetSystemMenu(system_menu_for_, TRUE);
733    menu_ = GetSystemMenu(system_menu_for_, FALSE);
734  } else {
735    if (menu_)
736      DestroyMenu(menu_);
737    menu_ = CreatePopupMenu();
738    // Rather than relying on the return value of TrackPopupMenuEx, which is
739    // always a command identifier, instead we tell the menu to notify us via
740    // our host window and the WM_MENUCOMMAND message.
741    MENUINFO mi = {0};
742    mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi);
743    mi.fMask = MIM_STYLE | MIM_MENUDATA;
744    mi.dwStyle = MNS_NOTIFYBYPOS;
745    mi.dwMenuData = reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(this);
746    SetMenuInfo(menu_, &mi);
747  }
750void NativeMenuWin::CreateHostWindow() {
751  // This only gets called from RunMenuAt, and as such there is only ever one
752  // host window per menu hierarchy, no matter how many NativeMenuWin objects
753  // exist wrapping submenus.
754  if (!host_window_.get())
755    host_window_.reset(new MenuHostWindow(this));
759// MenuWrapper, public:
761// static
762MenuWrapper* MenuWrapper::CreateWrapper(ui::MenuModel* model) {
763  return new NativeMenuWin(model, NULL);
766}  // namespace views