1# Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
6  'variables': {
7    'v8_code': 1,
8  },
9  'includes': ['../../build/toolchain.gypi', '../../build/features.gypi'],
10  'targets': [
11    {
12      'target_name': 'base-unittests',
13      'type': 'executable',
14      'dependencies': [
15        '../../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest',
16        '../../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest_main',
17        '../../tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8_libbase',
18      ],
19      'include_dirs': [
20        '../..',
21      ],
22      'sources': [  ### gcmole(all) ###
23        'bits-unittest.cc',
24        'cpu-unittest.cc',
25        'division-by-constant-unittest.cc',
26        'flags-unittest.cc',
27        'platform/condition-variable-unittest.cc',
28        'platform/mutex-unittest.cc',
29        'platform/platform-unittest.cc',
30        'platform/semaphore-unittest.cc',
31        'platform/time-unittest.cc',
32        'sys-info-unittest.cc',
33        'utils/random-number-generator-unittest.cc',
34      ],
35      'conditions': [
36        ['os_posix == 1', {
37          # TODO(svenpanne): This is a temporary work-around to fix the warnings
38          # that show up because we use -std=gnu++0x instead of -std=c++11.
39          'cflags!': [
40            '-pedantic',
41          ],
42        }],
43      ],
44    },
45  ],