3* Copyright (C) 2008-2014, International Business Machines Corporation
4* and others. All Rights Reserved.
6*   file name:  uspoof.h
7*   encoding:   US-ASCII
8*   tab size:   8 (not used)
9*   indentation:4
11*   created on: 2008Feb13
12*   created by: Andy Heninger
14*   Unicode Spoof Detection
17#ifndef USPOOF_H
18#define USPOOF_H
20#include "unicode/utypes.h"
21#include "unicode/uset.h"
22#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
23#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
29#include "unicode/unistr.h"
30#include "unicode/uniset.h"
35 * \file
36 * \brief Unicode Security and Spoofing Detection, C API.
37 *
38 * These functions are intended to check strings, typically
39 * identifiers of some type, such as URLs, for the presence of
40 * characters that are likely to be visually confusing -
41 * for cases where the displayed form of an identifier may
42 * not be what it appears to be.
43 *
44 * Unicode Technical Report #36, http://unicode.org/reports/tr36, and
45 * Unicode Technical Standard #39, http://unicode.org/reports/tr39
46 * "Unicode security considerations", give more background on
47 * security an spoofing issues with Unicode identifiers.
48 * The tests and checks provided by this module implement the recommendations
49 * from those Unicode documents.
50 *
51 * The tests available on identifiers fall into two general categories:
52 *   -#  Single identifier tests.  Check whether an identifier is
53 *       potentially confusable with any other string, or is suspicious
54 *       for other reasons.
55 *   -#  Two identifier tests.  Check whether two specific identifiers are confusable.
56 *       This does not consider whether either of strings is potentially
57 *       confusable with any string other than the exact one specified.
58 *
59 * The steps to perform confusability testing are
60 *   -#  Open a USpoofChecker.
61 *   -#  Configure the USPoofChecker for the desired set of tests.  The tests that will
62 *       be performed are specified by a set of USpoofChecks flags.
63 *   -#  Perform the checks using the pre-configured USpoofChecker.  The results indicate
64 *       which (if any) of the selected tests have identified possible problems with the identifier.
65 *       Results are reported as a set of USpoofChecks flags;  this mirrors the form in which
66 *       the set of tests to perform was originally specified to the USpoofChecker.
67 *
68 * A USpoofChecker may be used repeatedly to perform checks on any number of identifiers.
69 *
70 * Thread Safety: The test functions for checking a single identifier, or for testing
71 * whether two identifiers are possible confusable, are thread safe.
72 * They may called concurrently, from multiple threads, using the same USpoofChecker instance.
73 *
74 * More generally, the standard ICU thread safety rules apply:  functions that take a
75 * const USpoofChecker parameter are thread safe.  Those that take a non-const
76 * USpoofChecier are not thread safe.
77 *
78 *
79 * Descriptions of the available checks.
80 *
81 * When testing whether pairs of identifiers are confusable, with the uspoof_areConfusable()
82 * family of functions, the relevant tests are
83 *
84 *   -# USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE:  All of the characters from the two identifiers are
85 *      from a single script, and the two identifiers are visually confusable.
86 *   -# USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE:  At least one of the identifiers contains characters
87 *      from more than one script, and the two identifiers are visually confusable.
88 *   -# USPOOF_WHOLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE: Each of the two identifiers is of a single script, but
89 *      the two identifiers are from different scripts, and they are visually confusable.
90 *
91 * The safest approach is to enable all three of these checks as a group.
92 *
93 * USPOOF_ANY_CASE is a modifier for the above tests.  If the identifiers being checked can
94 * be of mixed case and are used in a case-sensitive manner, this option should be specified.
95 *
96 * If the identifiers being checked are used in a case-insensitive manner, and if they are
97 * displayed to users in lower-case form only, the USPOOF_ANY_CASE option should not be
98 * specified.  Confusabality issues involving upper case letters will not be reported.
99 *
100 * When performing tests on a single identifier, with the uspoof_check() family of functions,
101 * the relevant tests are:
102 *
103 *    -# USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE: the identifier contains characters from multiple
104 *       scripts, and there exists an identifier of a single script that is visually confusable.
105 *    -# USPOOF_WHOLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE: the identifier consists of characters from a single
106 *       script, and there exists a visually confusable identifier.
107 *       The visually confusable identifier also consists of characters from a single script.
108 *       but not the same script as the identifier being checked.
109 *    -# USPOOF_ANY_CASE: modifies the mixed script and whole script confusables tests.  If
110 *       specified, the checks will consider confusable characters of any case.  If this flag is not
111 *       set, the test is performed assuming case folded identifiers.
112 *    -# USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT: check that the identifier contains only characters from a
113 *       single script.  (Characters from the 'common' and 'inherited' scripts are ignored.)
114 *       This is not a test for confusable identifiers
115 *    -# USPOOF_INVISIBLE: check an identifier for the presence of invisible characters,
116 *       such as zero-width spaces, or character sequences that are
117 *       likely not to display, such as multiple occurrences of the same
118 *       non-spacing mark.  This check does not test the input string as a whole
119 *       for conformance to any particular syntax for identifiers.
120 *    -# USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT: check that an identifier contains only characters from a specified set
121 *       of acceptable characters.  See uspoof_setAllowedChars() and
122 *       uspoof_setAllowedLocales().
123 *
124 *  Note on Scripts:
125 *     Characters from the Unicode Scripts "Common" and "Inherited" are ignored when considering
126 *     the script of an identifier. Common characters include digits and symbols that
127 *     are normally used with text from more than one script.
128 *
129 *  Identifier Skeletons:  A skeleton is a transformation of an identifier, such that
130 *  all identifiers that are confusable with each other have the same skeleton.
131 *  Using skeletons, it is possible to build a dictionary data structure for
132 *  a set of identifiers, and then quickly test whether a new identifier is
133 *  confusable with an identifier already in the set.  The uspoof_getSkeleton()
134 *  family of functions will produce the skeleton from an identifier.
135 *
136 *  Note that skeletons are not guaranteed to be stable between versions
137 *  of Unicode or ICU, so an applications should not rely on creating a permanent,
138 *  or difficult to update, database of skeletons.  Instabilities result from
139 *  identifying new pairs or sequences of characters that are visually
140 *  confusable, and thus must be mapped to the same skeleton character(s).
141 *
142 */
144struct USpoofChecker;
145typedef struct USpoofChecker USpoofChecker; /**< typedef for C of USpoofChecker */
148 * Enum for the kinds of checks that USpoofChecker can perform.
149 * These enum values are used both to select the set of checks that
150 * will be performed, and to report results from the check function.
151 *
152 * @stable ICU 4.2
153 */
154typedef enum USpoofChecks {
155    /**   Single script confusable test.
156      *   When testing whether two identifiers are confusable, report that they are if
157      *   both are from the same script and they are visually confusable.
158      *   Note: this test is not applicable to a check of a single identifier.
159      */
162    /** Mixed script confusable test.
163     *  When checking a single identifier, report a problem if
164     *    the identifier contains multiple scripts, and
165     *    is confusable with some other identifier in a single script
166     *  When testing whether two identifiers are confusable, report that they are if
167     *    the two IDs are visually confusable,
168     *    and at least one contains characters from more than one script.
169     */
172    /** Whole script confusable test.
173     *  When checking a single identifier, report a problem if
174     *    The identifier is of a single script, and
175     *    there exists a confusable identifier in another script.
176     *  When testing whether two identifiers are confusable, report that they are if
177     *    each is of a single script,
178     *    the scripts of the two identifiers are different, and
179     *    the identifiers are visually confusable.
180     */
183    /** Any Case Modifier for confusable identifier tests.
184        If specified, consider all characters, of any case, when looking for confusables.
185        If USPOOF_ANY_CASE is not specified, identifiers being checked are assumed to have been
186        case folded.  Upper case confusable characters will not be checked.
187        Selects between Lower Case Confusable and
188        Any Case Confusable.   */
189    USPOOF_ANY_CASE                 =   8,
191    /**
192      * Check that an identifier is no looser than the specified RestrictionLevel.
193      * The default if uspoof_setRestrctionLevel() is not called is HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE.
194      *
195      * If USPOOF_AUX_INFO is enabled the actual restriction level of the
196      * identifier being tested will also be returned by uspoof_check().
197      *
198      * @see URestrictionLevel
199      * @see uspoof_setRestrictionLevel
200      * @see USPOOF_AUX_INFO
201      *
202      * @stable ICU 51
203      */
204    USPOOF_RESTRICTION_LEVEL        = 16,
207    /** Check that an identifier contains only characters from a
208      * single script (plus chars from the common and inherited scripts.)
209      * Applies to checks of a single identifier check only.
210      * @deprecated ICU 51  Use RESTRICTION_LEVEL instead.
211      */
213#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
215    /** Check an identifier for the presence of invisible characters,
216      * such as zero-width spaces, or character sequences that are
217      * likely not to display, such as multiple occurrences of the same
218      * non-spacing mark.  This check does not test the input string as a whole
219      * for conformance to any particular syntax for identifiers.
220      */
221    USPOOF_INVISIBLE                =  32,
223    /** Check that an identifier contains only characters from a specified set
224      * of acceptable characters.  See uspoof_setAllowedChars() and
225      * uspoof_setAllowedLocales().
226      */
227    USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT               =  64,
229   /**
230     * Check that an identifier does not include decimal digits from
231     * more than one numbering system.
232     *
233     * @stable ICU 51
234     */
235    USPOOF_MIXED_NUMBERS            = 128,
237   /**
238     * Enable all spoof checks.
239     *
240     * @stable ICU 4.6
241     */
242    USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS               = 0xFFFF,
244    /**
245      * Enable the return of auxillary (non-error) information in the
246      * upper bits of the check results value.
247      *
248      * If this "check" is not enabled, the results of uspoof_check() will be zero when an
249      * identifier passes all of the enabled checks.
250      *
251      * If this "check" is enabled, (uspoof_check() & USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS) will be zero
252      * when an identifier passes all checks.
253      *
254      * @stable ICU 51
255      */
256    USPOOF_AUX_INFO                  = 0x40000000
258    } USpoofChecks;
261    /**
262     * Constants from UAX #39 for use in setRestrictionLevel(), and
263     * for returned identifier restriction levels in check results.
264     * @stable ICU 51
265     */
266    typedef enum URestrictionLevel {
267        /**
268         * Only ASCII characters: U+0000..U+007F
269         *
270         * @stable ICU 51
271         */
272        USPOOF_ASCII = 0x10000000,
273#ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
274        /**
275          * All characters in each identifier must be from a single script.
276          *
277          * @draft ICU 53
278          */
280#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
281        /**
282         * All characters in each identifier must be from a single script, or from the combinations: Latin + Han +
283         * Hiragana + Katakana; Latin + Han + Bopomofo; or Latin + Han + Hangul. Note that this level will satisfy the
284         * vast majority of Latin-script users; also that TR36 has ASCII instead of Latin.
285         *
286         * @stable ICU 51
287         */
288        USPOOF_HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE = 0x30000000,
289        /**
290         * Allow Latin with other scripts except Cyrillic, Greek, Cherokee Otherwise, the same as Highly Restrictive
291         *
292         * @stable ICU 51
293         */
294        USPOOF_MODERATELY_RESTRICTIVE = 0x40000000,
295        /**
296         * Allow arbitrary mixtures of scripts. Otherwise, the same as Moderately Restrictive.
297         *
298         * @stable ICU 51
299         */
300        USPOOF_MINIMALLY_RESTRICTIVE = 0x50000000,
301        /**
302         * Any valid identifiers, including characters outside of the Identifier Profile.
303         *
304         * @stable ICU 51
305         */
306        USPOOF_UNRESTRICTIVE = 0x60000000,
307#ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
308        /**
309          * Mask for selecting the Restriction Level bits from the return value of uspoof_check().
310          *
311          * @draft ICU 53
312          */
313         USPOOF_RESTRICTION_LEVEL_MASK = 0x7F000000
314#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
315    } URestrictionLevel;
318 *  Create a Unicode Spoof Checker, configured to perform all
319 *  checks except for USPOOF_LOCALE_LIMIT and USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT.
320 *  Note that additional checks may be added in the future,
321 *  resulting in the changes to the default checking behavior.
322 *
323 *  @param status  The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
324 *  @return        the newly created Spoof Checker
325 *  @stable ICU 4.2
326 */
327U_STABLE USpoofChecker * U_EXPORT2
328uspoof_open(UErrorCode *status);
332 * Open a Spoof checker from its serialized from, stored in 32-bit-aligned memory.
333 * Inverse of uspoof_serialize().
334 * The memory containing the serialized data must remain valid and unchanged
335 * as long as the spoof checker, or any cloned copies of the spoof checker,
336 * are in use.  Ownership of the memory remains with the caller.
337 * The spoof checker (and any clones) must be closed prior to deleting the
338 * serialized data.
339 *
340 * @param data a pointer to 32-bit-aligned memory containing the serialized form of spoof data
341 * @param length the number of bytes available at data;
342 *               can be more than necessary
343 * @param pActualLength receives the actual number of bytes at data taken up by the data;
344 *                      can be NULL
345 * @param pErrorCode ICU error code
346 * @return the spoof checker.
347 *
348 * @see uspoof_open
349 * @see uspoof_serialize
350 * @stable ICU 4.2
351 */
352U_STABLE USpoofChecker * U_EXPORT2
353uspoof_openFromSerialized(const void *data, int32_t length, int32_t *pActualLength,
354                          UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
357  * Open a Spoof Checker from the source form of the spoof data.
358  * The Three inputs correspond to the Unicode data files confusables.txt
359  * confusablesWholeScript.txt and xidmdifications.txt as described in
360  * Unicode UAX #39.  The syntax of the source data is as described in UAX #39 for
361  * these files, and the content of these files is acceptable input.
362  *
363  * The character encoding of the (char *) input text is UTF-8.
364  *
365  * @param confusables a pointer to the confusable characters definitions,
366  *                    as found in file confusables.txt from unicode.org.
367  * @param confusablesLen The length of the confusables text, or -1 if the
368  *                    input string is zero terminated.
369  * @param confusablesWholeScript
370  *                    a pointer to the whole script confusables definitions,
371  *                    as found in the file confusablesWholeScript.txt from unicode.org.
372  * @param confusablesWholeScriptLen The length of the whole script confusables text, or
373  *                    -1 if the input string is zero terminated.
374  * @param errType     In the event of an error in the input, indicates
375  *                    which of the input files contains the error.
376  *                    The value is one of USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE or
377  *                    USPOOF_WHOLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, or
378  *                    zero if no errors are found.
379  * @param pe          In the event of an error in the input, receives the position
380  *                    in the input text (line, offset) of the error.
381  * @param status      an in/out ICU UErrorCode.  Among the possible errors is
382  *                    U_PARSE_ERROR, which is used to report syntax errors
383  *                    in the input.
384  * @return            A spoof checker that uses the rules from the input files.
385  * @stable ICU 4.2
386  */
387U_STABLE USpoofChecker * U_EXPORT2
388uspoof_openFromSource(const char *confusables,  int32_t confusablesLen,
389                      const char *confusablesWholeScript, int32_t confusablesWholeScriptLen,
390                      int32_t *errType, UParseError *pe, UErrorCode *status);
394  * Close a Spoof Checker, freeing any memory that was being held by
395  *   its implementation.
396  * @stable ICU 4.2
397  */
399uspoof_close(USpoofChecker *sc);
406 * \class LocalUSpoofCheckerPointer
407 * "Smart pointer" class, closes a USpoofChecker via uspoof_close().
408 * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
409 *
410 * @see LocalPointerBase
411 * @see LocalPointer
412 * @stable ICU 4.4
413 */
414U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUSpoofCheckerPointer, USpoofChecker, uspoof_close);
421 * Clone a Spoof Checker.  The clone will be set to perform the same checks
422 *   as the original source.
423 *
424 * @param sc       The source USpoofChecker
425 * @param status   The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
426 * @return
427 * @stable ICU 4.2
428 */
429U_STABLE USpoofChecker * U_EXPORT2
430uspoof_clone(const USpoofChecker *sc, UErrorCode *status);
434 * Specify the set of checks that will be performed by the check
435 * functions of this Spoof Checker.
436 *
437 * @param sc       The USpoofChecker
438 * @param checks         The set of checks that this spoof checker will perform.
439 *                 The value is a bit set, obtained by OR-ing together
440 *                 values from enum USpoofChecks.
441 * @param status   The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
442 * @stable ICU 4.2
443 *
444 */
446uspoof_setChecks(USpoofChecker *sc, int32_t checks, UErrorCode *status);
449 * Get the set of checks that this Spoof Checker has been configured to perform.
450 *
451 * @param sc       The USpoofChecker
452 * @param status   The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
453 * @return         The set of checks that this spoof checker will perform.
454 *                 The value is a bit set, obtained by OR-ing together
455 *                 values from enum USpoofChecks.
456 * @stable ICU 4.2
457 *
458 */
459U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2
460uspoof_getChecks(const USpoofChecker *sc, UErrorCode *status);
463  * Set the loosest restriction level allowed. The default if this function
464  * is not called is HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE.
465  * Calling this function also enables the RESTRICTION_LEVEL check.
466  * @param restrictionLevel The loosest restriction level allowed.
467  * @see URestrictionLevel
468  * @stable ICU 51
469  */
471uspoof_setRestrictionLevel(USpoofChecker *sc, URestrictionLevel restrictionLevel);
475  * Get the Restriction Level that will be tested if the checks include RESTRICTION_LEVEL.
476  *
477  * @return The restriction level
478  * @see URestrictionLevel
479  * @stable ICU 51
480  */
481U_STABLE URestrictionLevel U_EXPORT2
482uspoof_getRestrictionLevel(const USpoofChecker *sc);
485 * Limit characters that are acceptable in identifiers being checked to those
486 * normally used with the languages associated with the specified locales.
487 * Any previously specified list of locales is replaced by the new settings.
488 *
489 * A set of languages is determined from the locale(s), and
490 * from those a set of acceptable Unicode scripts is determined.
491 * Characters from this set of scripts, along with characters from
492 * the "common" and "inherited" Unicode Script categories
493 * will be permitted.
494 *
495 * Supplying an empty string removes all restrictions;
496 * characters from any script will be allowed.
497 *
498 * The USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT test is automatically enabled for this
499 * USpoofChecker when calling this function with a non-empty list
500 * of locales.
501 *
502 * The Unicode Set of characters that will be allowed is accessible
503 * via the uspoof_getAllowedChars() function.  uspoof_setAllowedLocales()
504 * will <i>replace</i> any previously applied set of allowed characters.
505 *
506 * Adjustments, such as additions or deletions of certain classes of characters,
507 * can be made to the result of uspoof_setAllowedLocales() by
508 * fetching the resulting set with uspoof_getAllowedChars(),
509 * manipulating it with the Unicode Set API, then resetting the
510 * spoof detectors limits with uspoof_setAllowedChars()
511 *
512 * @param sc           The USpoofChecker
513 * @param localesList  A list list of locales, from which the language
514 *                     and associated script are extracted.  The locales
515 *                     are comma-separated if there is more than one.
516 *                     White space may not appear within an individual locale,
517 *                     but is ignored otherwise.
518 *                     The locales are syntactically like those from the
519 *                     HTTP Accept-Language header.
520 *                     If the localesList is empty, no restrictions will be placed on
521 *                     the allowed characters.
522 *
523 * @param status       The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
524 * @stable ICU 4.2
525 */
527uspoof_setAllowedLocales(USpoofChecker *sc, const char *localesList, UErrorCode *status);
530 * Get a list of locales for the scripts that are acceptable in strings
531 *  to be checked.  If no limitations on scripts have been specified,
532 *  an empty string will be returned.
533 *
534 *  uspoof_setAllowedChars() will reset the list of allowed to be empty.
535 *
536 *  The format of the returned list is the same as that supplied to
537 *  uspoof_setAllowedLocales(), but returned list may not be identical
538 *  to the originally specified string; the string may be reformatted,
539 *  and information other than languages from
540 *  the originally specified locales may be omitted.
541 *
542 * @param sc           The USpoofChecker
543 * @param status       The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
544 * @return             A string containing a list of  locales corresponding
545 *                     to the acceptable scripts, formatted like an
546 *                     HTTP Accept Language value.
547 *
548 * @stable ICU 4.2
549 */
550U_STABLE const char * U_EXPORT2
551uspoof_getAllowedLocales(USpoofChecker *sc, UErrorCode *status);
555 * Limit the acceptable characters to those specified by a Unicode Set.
556 *   Any previously specified character limit is
557 *   is replaced by the new settings.  This includes limits on
558 *   characters that were set with the uspoof_setAllowedLocales() function.
559 *
560 * The USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT test is automatically enabled for this
561 * USpoofChecker by this function.
562 *
563 * @param sc       The USpoofChecker
564 * @param chars    A Unicode Set containing the list of
565 *                 characters that are permitted.  Ownership of the set
566 *                 remains with the caller.  The incoming set is cloned by
567 *                 this function, so there are no restrictions on modifying
568 *                 or deleting the USet after calling this function.
569 * @param status   The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
570 * @stable ICU 4.2
571 */
573uspoof_setAllowedChars(USpoofChecker *sc, const USet *chars, UErrorCode *status);
577 * Get a USet for the characters permitted in an identifier.
578 * This corresponds to the limits imposed by the Set Allowed Characters
579 * functions. Limitations imposed by other checks will not be
580 * reflected in the set returned by this function.
581 *
582 * The returned set will be frozen, meaning that it cannot be modified
583 * by the caller.
584 *
585 * Ownership of the returned set remains with the Spoof Detector.  The
586 * returned set will become invalid if the spoof detector is closed,
587 * or if a new set of allowed characters is specified.
588 *
589 *
590 * @param sc       The USpoofChecker
591 * @param status   The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
592 * @return         A USet containing the characters that are permitted by
593 *                 the USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT test.
594 * @stable ICU 4.2
595 */
596U_STABLE const USet * U_EXPORT2
597uspoof_getAllowedChars(const USpoofChecker *sc, UErrorCode *status);
602 * Limit the acceptable characters to those specified by a Unicode Set.
603 *   Any previously specified character limit is
604 *   is replaced by the new settings.    This includes limits on
605 *   characters that were set with the uspoof_setAllowedLocales() function.
606 *
607 * The USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT test is automatically enabled for this
608 * USoofChecker by this function.
609 *
610 * @param sc       The USpoofChecker
611 * @param chars    A Unicode Set containing the list of
612 *                 characters that are permitted.  Ownership of the set
613 *                 remains with the caller.  The incoming set is cloned by
614 *                 this function, so there are no restrictions on modifying
615 *                 or deleting the UnicodeSet after calling this function.
616 * @param status   The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
617 * @stable ICU 4.2
618 */
620uspoof_setAllowedUnicodeSet(USpoofChecker *sc, const icu::UnicodeSet *chars, UErrorCode *status);
624 * Get a UnicodeSet for the characters permitted in an identifier.
625 * This corresponds to the limits imposed by the Set Allowed Characters /
626 * UnicodeSet functions. Limitations imposed by other checks will not be
627 * reflected in the set returned by this function.
628 *
629 * The returned set will be frozen, meaning that it cannot be modified
630 * by the caller.
631 *
632 * Ownership of the returned set remains with the Spoof Detector.  The
633 * returned set will become invalid if the spoof detector is closed,
634 * or if a new set of allowed characters is specified.
635 *
636 *
637 * @param sc       The USpoofChecker
638 * @param status   The error code, set if this function encounters a problem.
639 * @return         A UnicodeSet containing the characters that are permitted by
640 *                 the USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT test.
641 * @stable ICU 4.2
642 */
643U_STABLE const icu::UnicodeSet * U_EXPORT2
644uspoof_getAllowedUnicodeSet(const USpoofChecker *sc, UErrorCode *status);
649 * Check the specified string for possible security issues.
650 * The text to be checked will typically be an identifier of some sort.
651 * The set of checks to be performed is specified with uspoof_setChecks().
652 *
653 * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
654 * @param id      The identifier to be checked for possible security issues,
655 *                in UTF-16 format.
656 * @param length  the length of the string to be checked, expressed in
657 *                16 bit UTF-16 code units, or -1 if the string is
658 *                zero terminated.
659 * @param position      An out parameter.
660 *                Originally, the index of the first string position that failed a check.
661 *                Now, always returns zero.
662 *                This parameter may be null.
663 * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
664 *                perform the check.
665 *                Spoofing or security issues detected with the input string are
666 *                not reported here, but through the function's return value.
667 * @return        An integer value with bits set for any potential security
668 *                or spoofing issues detected.  The bits are defined by
669 *                enum USpoofChecks.  (returned_value & USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS)
670 *                will be zero if the input string passes all of the
671 *                enabled checks.
672 * @stable ICU 4.2
673 */
674U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2
675uspoof_check(const USpoofChecker *sc,
676                         const UChar *id, int32_t length,
677                         int32_t *position,
678                         UErrorCode *status);
682 * Check the specified string for possible security issues.
683 * The text to be checked will typically be an identifier of some sort.
684 * The set of checks to be performed is specified with uspoof_setChecks().
685 *
686 * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
687 * @param id      A identifier to be checked for possible security issues, in UTF8 format.
688 * @param length  the length of the string to be checked, or -1 if the string is
689 *                zero terminated.
690 * @param position      An out parameter.
691 *                Originally, the index of the first string position that failed a check.
692 *                Now, always returns zero.
693 *                This parameter may be null.
694 *                @deprecated ICU 51
695 * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
696 *                perform the check.
697 *                Spoofing or security issues detected with the input string are
698 *                not reported here, but through the function's return value.
699 *                If the input contains invalid UTF-8 sequences,
700 *                a status of U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND will be returned.
701 * @return        An integer value with bits set for any potential security
702 *                or spoofing issues detected.  The bits are defined by
703 *                enum USpoofChecks.  (returned_value & USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS)
704 *                will be zero if the input string passes all of the
705 *                enabled checks.
706 * @stable ICU 4.2
707 */
708U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2
709uspoof_checkUTF8(const USpoofChecker *sc,
710                 const char *id, int32_t length,
711                 int32_t *position,
712                 UErrorCode *status);
717 * Check the specified string for possible security issues.
718 * The text to be checked will typically be an identifier of some sort.
719 * The set of checks to be performed is specified with uspoof_setChecks().
720 *
721 * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
722 * @param id      A identifier to be checked for possible security issues.
723 * @param position      An out parameter.
724 *                Originally, the index of the first string position that failed a check.
725 *                Now, always returns zero.
726 *                This parameter may be null.
727 *                @deprecated ICU 51
728 * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
729 *                perform the check.
730 *                Spoofing or security issues detected with the input string are
731 *                not reported here, but through the function's return value.
732 * @return        An integer value with bits set for any potential security
733 *                or spoofing issues detected.  The bits are defined by
734 *                enum USpoofChecks.  (returned_value & USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS)
735 *                will be zero if the input string passes all of the
736 *                enabled checks.
737 * @stable ICU 4.2
738 */
739U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2
740uspoof_checkUnicodeString(const USpoofChecker *sc,
741                          const icu::UnicodeString &id,
742                          int32_t *position,
743                          UErrorCode *status);
749 * Check the whether two specified strings are visually confusable.
750 * The types of confusability to be tested - single script, mixed script,
751 * or whole script - are determined by the check options set for the
752 * USpoofChecker.
753 *
754 * The tests to be performed are controlled by the flags
758 * At least one of these tests must be selected.
759 *
760 * USPOOF_ANY_CASE is a modifier for the tests.  Select it if the identifiers
761 *   may be of mixed case.
762 * If identifiers are case folded for comparison and
763 * display to the user, do not select the USPOOF_ANY_CASE option.
764 *
765 *
766 * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
767 * @param id1     The first of the two identifiers to be compared for
768 *                confusability.  The strings are in UTF-16 format.
769 * @param length1 the length of the first identifer, expressed in
770 *                16 bit UTF-16 code units, or -1 if the string is
771 *                nul terminated.
772 * @param id2     The second of the two identifiers to be compared for
773 *                confusability.  The identifiers are in UTF-16 format.
774 * @param length2 The length of the second identifiers, expressed in
775 *                16 bit UTF-16 code units, or -1 if the string is
776 *                nul terminated.
777 * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
778 *                perform the check.
779 *                Confusability of the identifiers is not reported here,
780 *                but through this function's return value.
781 * @return        An integer value with bit(s) set corresponding to
782 *                the type of confusability found, as defined by
783 *                enum USpoofChecks.  Zero is returned if the identifiers
784 *                are not confusable.
785 * @stable ICU 4.2
786 */
787U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2
788uspoof_areConfusable(const USpoofChecker *sc,
789                     const UChar *id1, int32_t length1,
790                     const UChar *id2, int32_t length2,
791                     UErrorCode *status);
796 * Check the whether two specified strings are visually confusable.
797 * The types of confusability to be tested - single script, mixed script,
798 * or whole script - are determined by the check options set for the
799 * USpoofChecker.
800 *
801 * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
802 * @param id1     The first of the two identifiers to be compared for
803 *                confusability.  The strings are in UTF-8 format.
804 * @param length1 the length of the first identifiers, in bytes, or -1
805 *                if the string is nul terminated.
806 * @param id2     The second of the two identifiers to be compared for
807 *                confusability.  The strings are in UTF-8 format.
808 * @param length2 The length of the second string in bytes, or -1
809 *                if the string is nul terminated.
810 * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
811 *                perform the check.
812 *                Confusability of the strings is not reported here,
813 *                but through this function's return value.
814 * @return        An integer value with bit(s) set corresponding to
815 *                the type of confusability found, as defined by
816 *                enum USpoofChecks.  Zero is returned if the strings
817 *                are not confusable.
818 * @stable ICU 4.2
819 */
820U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2
821uspoof_areConfusableUTF8(const USpoofChecker *sc,
822                         const char *id1, int32_t length1,
823                         const char *id2, int32_t length2,
824                         UErrorCode *status);
831 * Check the whether two specified strings are visually confusable.
832 * The types of confusability to be tested - single script, mixed script,
833 * or whole script - are determined by the check options set for the
834 * USpoofChecker.
835 *
836 * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
837 * @param s1     The first of the two identifiers to be compared for
838 *                confusability.  The strings are in UTF-8 format.
839 * @param s2     The second of the two identifiers to be compared for
840 *                confusability.  The strings are in UTF-8 format.
841 * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
842 *                perform the check.
843 *                Confusability of the identifiers is not reported here,
844 *                but through this function's return value.
845 * @return        An integer value with bit(s) set corresponding to
846 *                the type of confusability found, as defined by
847 *                enum USpoofChecks.  Zero is returned if the identifiers
848 *                are not confusable.
849 * @stable ICU 4.2
850 */
851U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2
852uspoof_areConfusableUnicodeString(const USpoofChecker *sc,
853                                  const icu::UnicodeString &s1,
854                                  const icu::UnicodeString &s2,
855                                  UErrorCode *status);
860  *  Get the "skeleton" for an identifier.
861  *  Skeletons are a transformation of the input identifier;
862  *  Two identifiers are confusable if their skeletons are identical.
863  *  See Unicode UAX #39 for additional information.
864  *
865  *  Using skeletons directly makes it possible to quickly check
866  *  whether an identifier is confusable with any of some large
867  *  set of existing identifiers, by creating an efficiently
868  *  searchable collection of the skeletons.
869  *
870  * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
871  * @param type    The type of skeleton, corresponding to which
872  *                of the Unicode confusable data tables to use.
873  *                The default is Mixed-Script, Lowercase.
874  *                Allowed options are USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE and
875  *                USPOOF_ANY_CASE_CONFUSABLE.  The two flags may be ORed.
876  * @param id      The input identifier whose skeleton will be computed.
877  * @param length  The length of the input identifier, expressed in 16 bit
878  *                UTF-16 code units, or -1 if the string is zero terminated.
879  * @param dest    The output buffer, to receive the skeleton string.
880  * @param destCapacity  The length of the output buffer, in 16 bit units.
881  *                The destCapacity may be zero, in which case the function will
882  *                return the actual length of the skeleton.
883  * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
884  *                perform the check.
885  * @return        The length of the skeleton string.  The returned length
886  *                is always that of the complete skeleton, even when the
887  *                supplied buffer is too small (or of zero length)
888  *
889  * @stable ICU 4.2
890  */
891U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2
892uspoof_getSkeleton(const USpoofChecker *sc,
893                   uint32_t type,
894                   const UChar *id,  int32_t length,
895                   UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
896                   UErrorCode *status);
899  *  Get the "skeleton" for an identifier.
900  *  Skeletons are a transformation of the input identifier;
901  *  Two identifiers are confusable if their skeletons are identical.
902  *  See Unicode UAX #39 for additional information.
903  *
904  *  Using skeletons directly makes it possible to quickly check
905  *  whether an identifier is confusable with any of some large
906  *  set of existing identifiers, by creating an efficiently
907  *  searchable collection of the skeletons.
908  *
909  * @param sc      The USpoofChecker
910  * @param type    The type of skeleton, corresponding to which
911  *                of the Unicode confusable data tables to use.
912  *                The default is Mixed-Script, Lowercase.
913  *                Allowed options are USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE and
914  *                USPOOF_ANY_CASE.  The two flags may be ORed.
915  * @param id      The UTF-8 format identifier whose skeleton will be computed.
916  * @param length  The length of the input string, in bytes,
917  *                or -1 if the string is zero terminated.
918  * @param dest    The output buffer, to receive the skeleton string.
919  * @param destCapacity  The length of the output buffer, in bytes.
920  *                The destCapacity may be zero, in which case the function will
921  *                return the actual length of the skeleton.
922  * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
923  *                perform the check.  Possible Errors include U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND
924  *                   for invalid UTF-8 sequences, and
925  *                   U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if the destination buffer is too small
926  *                   to hold the complete skeleton.
927  * @return        The length of the skeleton string, in bytes.  The returned length
928  *                is always that of the complete skeleton, even when the
929  *                supplied buffer is too small (or of zero length)
930  *
931  * @stable ICU 4.2
932  */
933U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2
934uspoof_getSkeletonUTF8(const USpoofChecker *sc,
935                       uint32_t type,
936                       const char *id,  int32_t length,
937                       char *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
938                       UErrorCode *status);
942  *  Get the "skeleton" for an identifier.
943  *  Skeletons are a transformation of the input identifier;
944  *  Two identifiers are confusable if their skeletons are identical.
945  *  See Unicode UAX #39 for additional information.
946  *
947  *  Using skeletons directly makes it possible to quickly check
948  *  whether an identifier is confusable with any of some large
949  *  set of existing identifiers, by creating an efficiently
950  *  searchable collection of the skeletons.
951  *
952  * @param sc      The USpoofChecker.
953  * @param type    The type of skeleton, corresponding to which
954  *                of the Unicode confusable data tables to use.
955  *                The default is Mixed-Script, Lowercase.
956  *                Allowed options are USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE and
957  *                USPOOF_ANY_CASE_CONFUSABLE.  The two flags may be ORed.
958  * @param id      The input identifier whose skeleton will be computed.
959  * @param dest    The output identifier, to receive the skeleton string.
960  * @param status  The error code, set if an error occurred while attempting to
961  *                perform the check.
962  * @return        A reference to the destination (skeleton) string.
963  *
964  * @stable ICU 4.2
965  */
966U_I18N_API icu::UnicodeString & U_EXPORT2
967uspoof_getSkeletonUnicodeString(const USpoofChecker *sc,
968                                uint32_t type,
969                                const icu::UnicodeString &id,
970                                icu::UnicodeString &dest,
971                                UErrorCode *status);
972#endif   /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
974#ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
976  * Get the set of Candidate Characters for Inclusion in Identifiers, as defined
977  * in Unicode UAX #31, http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr31/#Table_Candidate_Characters_for_Inclusion_in_Identifiers
978  *
979  * The returned set is frozen. Ownership of the set remains with the ICU library; it must not
980  * be deleted by the caller.
981  *
982  * @param status The error code, set if a problem occurs while creating the set.
983  *
984  * @draft ICU 51
985  */
986U_DRAFT const USet * U_EXPORT2
987uspoof_getInclusionSet(UErrorCode *status);
990  * Get the set of characters from Recommended Scripts for Inclusion in Identifiers, as defined
991  * in Unicode UAX #31, http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr31/#Table_Recommended_Scripts
992  *
993  * The returned set is frozen. Ownership of the set remains with the ICU library; it must not
994  * be deleted by the caller.
995  *
996  * @param status The error code, set if a problem occurs while creating the set.
997  *
998  * @draft ICU 51
999  */
1000U_DRAFT const USet * U_EXPORT2
1001uspoof_getRecommendedSet(UErrorCode *status);
1006  * Get the set of Candidate Characters for Inclusion in Identifiers, as defined
1007  * in Unicode UAX #31, http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr31/#Table_Candidate_Characters_for_Inclusion_in_Identifiers
1008  *
1009  * The returned set is frozen. Ownership of the set remains with the ICU library; it must not
1010  * be deleted by the caller.
1011  *
1012  * @param status The error code, set if a problem occurs while creating the set.
1013  *
1014  * @draft ICU 51
1015  */
1016U_DRAFT const icu::UnicodeSet * U_EXPORT2
1017uspoof_getInclusionUnicodeSet(UErrorCode *status);
1020  * Get the set of characters from Recommended Scripts for Inclusion in Identifiers, as defined
1021  * in Unicode UAX #31, http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr31/#Table_Recommended_Scripts
1022  *
1023  * The returned set is frozen. Ownership of the set remains with the ICU library; it must not
1024  * be deleted by the caller.
1025  *
1026  * @param status The error code, set if a problem occurs while creating the set.
1027  *
1028  * @draft ICU 51
1029  */
1030U_DRAFT const icu::UnicodeSet * U_EXPORT2
1031uspoof_getRecommendedUnicodeSet(UErrorCode *status);
1033#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */
1034#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
1037 * Serialize the data for a spoof detector into a chunk of memory.
1038 * The flattened spoof detection tables can later be used to efficiently
1039 * instantiate a new Spoof Detector.
1040 *
1041 * The serialized spoof checker includes only the data compiled from the
1042 * Unicode data tables by uspoof_openFromSource(); it does not include
1043 * include any other state or configuration that may have been set.
1044 *
1045 * @param sc   the Spoof Detector whose data is to be serialized.
1046 * @param data a pointer to 32-bit-aligned memory to be filled with the data,
1047 *             can be NULL if capacity==0
1048 * @param capacity the number of bytes available at data,
1049 *                 or 0 for preflighting
1050 * @param status an in/out ICU UErrorCode; possible errors include:
1051 * - U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR if the data storage block is too small for serialization
1052 * - U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR  the data or capacity parameters are bad
1053 * @return the number of bytes written or needed for the spoof data
1054 *
1055 * @see utrie2_openFromSerialized()
1056 * @stable ICU 4.2
1057 */
1058U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2
1059uspoof_serialize(USpoofChecker *sc,
1060                 void *data, int32_t capacity,
1061                 UErrorCode *status);
1066#endif   /* USPOOF_H */