1"""Utility for changing directories and execution of commands in a subshell."""
3import os, shlex, subprocess
5# Store the previous working directory for the 'cd -' command.
6class Holder:
7    """Holds the _prev_dir_ class attribute for chdir() function."""
8    _prev_dir_ = None
10    @classmethod
11    def prev_dir(cls):
12        return cls._prev_dir_
14    @classmethod
15    def swap(cls, dir):
16        cls._prev_dir_ = dir
18def chdir(debugger, args, result, dict):
19    """Change the working directory, or cd to ${HOME}.
20    You can also issue 'cd -' to change to the previous working directory."""
21    new_dir = args.strip()
22    if not new_dir:
23        new_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')
24    elif new_dir == '-':
25        if not Holder.prev_dir():
26            # Bad directory, not changing.
27            print "bad directory, not changing"
28            return
29        else:
30            new_dir = Holder.prev_dir()
32    Holder.swap(os.getcwd())
33    os.chdir(new_dir)
34    print "Current working directory: %s" % os.getcwd()
36def system(debugger, command_line, result, dict):
37    """Execute the command (a string) in a subshell."""
38    args = shlex.split(command_line)
39    process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
40    output, error = process.communicate()
41    retcode = process.poll()
42    if output and error:
43        print "stdout=>\n", output
44        print "stderr=>\n", error
45    elif output:
46        print output
47    elif error:
48        print error
49    print "retcode:", retcode