1import re
2import lldb.formatters.Logger
4# C++ STL formatters for LLDB
5# These formatters are based upon the version of the GNU libstdc++
6# as it ships with Mac OS X 10.6.8 thru 10.8.0
7# You are encouraged to look at the STL implementation for your platform
8# before relying on these formatters to do the right thing for your setup
10class StdListSynthProvider:
12	def __init__(self, valobj, dict):
13		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
14		self.valobj = valobj
15		self.count = None
16		logger >> "Providing synthetic children for a map named " + str(valobj.GetName())
18	def next_node(self,node):
19		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
20		return node.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_next')
22	def is_valid(self,node):
23		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
24		return self.value(self.next_node(node)) != self.node_address
26	def value(self,node):
27		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
28		return node.GetValueAsUnsigned()
30	# Floyd's cyle-finding algorithm
31	# try to detect if this list has a loop
32	def has_loop(self):
33		global _list_uses_loop_detector
34		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
35		if _list_uses_loop_detector == False:
36			logger >> "Asked not to use loop detection"
37			return False
38		slow = self.next
39		fast1 = self.next
40		fast2 = self.next
41		while self.is_valid(slow):
42			slow_value = self.value(slow)
43			fast1 = self.next_node(fast2)
44			fast2 = self.next_node(fast1)
45			if self.value(fast1) == slow_value or self.value(fast2) == slow_value:
46				return True
47			slow = self.next_node(slow)
48		return False
50	def num_children(self):
51		global _list_capping_size
52		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
53		if self.count == None:
54			self.count = self.num_children_impl()
55			if self.count > _list_capping_size:
56				self.count = _list_capping_size
57		return self.count
59	def num_children_impl(self):
60		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
61		global _list_capping_size
62		try:
63			next_val = self.next.GetValueAsUnsigned(0)
64			prev_val = self.prev.GetValueAsUnsigned(0)
65			# After a std::list has been initialized, both next and prev will be non-NULL
66			if next_val == 0 or prev_val == 0:
67				return 0
68			if next_val == self.node_address:
69				return 0
70			if next_val == prev_val:
71				return 1
72			if self.has_loop():
73				return 0
74			size = 2
75			current = self.next
76			while current.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_next').GetValueAsUnsigned(0) != self.node_address:
77				size = size + 1
78				current = current.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_next')
79				if size > _list_capping_size:
80					return _list_capping_size
81			return (size - 1)
82		except:
83			return 0;
85	def get_child_index(self,name):
86		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
87		try:
88			return int(name.lstrip('[').rstrip(']'))
89		except:
90			return -1
92	def get_child_at_index(self,index):
93		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
94		logger >> "Fetching child " + str(index)
95		if index < 0:
96			return None;
97		if index >= self.num_children():
98			return None;
99		try:
100			offset = index
101			current = self.next
102			while offset > 0:
103				current = current.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_next')
104				offset = offset - 1
105			return current.CreateChildAtOffset('['+str(index)+']',2*current.GetType().GetByteSize(),self.data_type)
106		except:
107			return None
109	def extract_type(self):
110		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
111		list_type = self.valobj.GetType().GetUnqualifiedType()
112		if list_type.IsReferenceType():
113			list_type = list_type.GetDereferencedType()
114		if list_type.GetNumberOfTemplateArguments() > 0:
115			data_type = list_type.GetTemplateArgumentType(0)
116		else:
117			data_type = None
118		return data_type
120	def update(self):
121		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
122		# preemptively setting this to None - we might end up changing our mind later
123		self.count = None
124		try:
125			impl = self.valobj.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_impl')
126			node = impl.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_node')
127			self.node_address = self.valobj.AddressOf().GetValueAsUnsigned(0)
128			self.next = node.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_next')
129			self.prev = node.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_prev')
130			self.data_type = self.extract_type()
131			self.data_size = self.data_type.GetByteSize()
132		except:
133			pass
135	def has_children(self):
136		return True
138class StdVectorSynthProvider:
140	def __init__(self, valobj, dict):
141		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
142		self.count = None
143		self.valobj = valobj
144		logger >> "Providing synthetic children for a map named " + str(valobj.GetName())
146	def num_children(self):
147		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
148		if self.count == None:
149			self.count = self.num_children_impl()
150		return self.count
152	def is_valid_pointer(ptr,process):
153		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
154		error = lldb.SBError()
155		process.ReadMemory(ptr,1,error)
156		return False if error.Fail() else True
158	def num_children_impl(self):
159		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
160		try:
161			start_val = self.start.GetValueAsUnsigned(0)
162			finish_val = self.finish.GetValueAsUnsigned(0)
163			end_val  = self.end.GetValueAsUnsigned(0)
164			# Before a vector has been constructed, it will contain bad values
165			# so we really need to be careful about the length we return since
166			# unitialized data can cause us to return a huge number. We need
167			# to also check for any of the start, finish or end of storage values
168			# being zero (NULL). If any are, then this vector has not been
169			# initialized yet and we should return zero
171			# Make sure nothing is NULL
172			if start_val == 0 or finish_val == 0 or end_val == 0:
173				return 0
174			# Make sure start is less than finish
175			if start_val >= finish_val:
176				return 0
177			# Make sure finish is less than or equal to end of storage
178			if finish_val > end_val:
179				return 0
181			# if we have a struct (or other data type that the compiler pads to native word size)
182			# this check might fail, unless the sizeof() we get is itself incremented to take the
183			# padding bytes into account - on current clang it looks like this is the case
184			num_children = (finish_val-start_val)
185			if (num_children % self.data_size) != 0:
186				return 0
187			else:
188				num_children = num_children/self.data_size
189			return num_children
190		except:
191			return 0;
193	def get_child_index(self,name):
194		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
195		try:
196			return int(name.lstrip('[').rstrip(']'))
197		except:
198			return -1
200	def get_child_at_index(self,index):
201		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
202		logger >> "Retrieving child " + str(index)
203		if index < 0:
204			return None;
205		if index >= self.num_children():
206			return None;
207		try:
208			offset = index * self.data_size
209			return self.start.CreateChildAtOffset('['+str(index)+']',offset,self.data_type)
210		except:
211			return None
213	def update(self):
214		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
215		# preemptively setting this to None - we might end up changing our mind later
216		self.count = None
217		try:
218			impl = self.valobj.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_impl')
219			self.start = impl.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_start')
220			self.finish = impl.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_finish')
221			self.end = impl.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_end_of_storage')
222			self.data_type = self.start.GetType().GetPointeeType()
223			self.data_size = self.data_type.GetByteSize()
224			# if any of these objects is invalid, it means there is no point in trying to fetch anything
225			if self.start.IsValid() and self.finish.IsValid() and self.end.IsValid() and self.data_type.IsValid():
226				self.count = None
227			else:
228				self.count = 0
229		except:
230			pass
233	def has_children(self):
234		return True
237class StdMapSynthProvider:
239	def __init__(self, valobj, dict):
240		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
241		self.valobj = valobj;
242		self.count = None
243		logger >> "Providing synthetic children for a map named " + str(valobj.GetName())
245	# we need this function as a temporary workaround for rdar://problem/10801549
246	# which prevents us from extracting the std::pair<K,V> SBType out of the template
247	# arguments for _Rep_Type _M_t in the map itself - because we have to make up the
248	# typename and then find it, we may hit the situation were std::string has multiple
249	# names but only one is actually referenced in the debug information. hence, we need
250	# to replace the longer versions of std::string with the shorter one in order to be able
251	# to find the type name
252	def fixup_class_name(self, class_name):
253		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
254		if class_name == 'std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >':
255			return 'std::basic_string<char>',True
256		if class_name == 'basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >':
257			return 'std::basic_string<char>',True
258		if class_name == 'std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >':
259			return 'std::basic_string<char>',True
260		if class_name == 'basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >':
261			return 'std::basic_string<char>',True
262		return class_name,False
264	def update(self):
265		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
266		# preemptively setting this to None - we might end up changing our mind later
267		self.count = None
268		try:
269			# we will set this to True if we find out that discovering a node in the map takes more steps than the overall size of the RB tree
270			# if this gets set to True, then we will merrily return None for any child from that moment on
271			self.garbage = False
272			self.Mt = self.valobj.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_t')
273			self.Mimpl = self.Mt.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_impl')
274			self.Mheader = self.Mimpl.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_header')
276			map_type = self.valobj.GetType()
277			if map_type.IsReferenceType():
278				logger >> "Dereferencing type"
279				map_type = map_type.GetDereferencedType()
281			map_arg_0 = str(map_type.GetTemplateArgumentType(0).GetName())
282			map_arg_1 = str(map_type.GetTemplateArgumentType(1).GetName())
284			logger >> "map has args " + str(map_arg_0) + " and " + str(map_arg_1)
286			map_arg_0,fixed_0 = self.fixup_class_name(map_arg_0)
287			map_arg_1,fixed_1 = self.fixup_class_name(map_arg_1)
289			logger >> "arg_0 has become: " + str(map_arg_0) + " (fixed: " + str(fixed_0) + ")"
290			logger >> "arg_1 has become: " + str(map_arg_1) + " (fixed: " + str(fixed_1) + ")"
292			# HACK: this is related to the above issue with the typename for std::string
293			# being shortened by clang - the changes to typename display and searching to honor
294			# namespaces make it so that we go looking for std::pair<const std::basic_string<char>, ...>
295			# but when we find a type for this, we then compare it against the fully-qualified
296			# std::pair<const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits... and of course fail
297			# the way to bypass this problem is to avoid using the std:: prefix in this specific case
298			if fixed_0 or fixed_1:
299				map_arg_type = "pair<const " + map_arg_0 + ", " + map_arg_1
300			else:
301				map_arg_type = "std::pair<const " + map_arg_0 + ", " + map_arg_1
303			if map_arg_1[-1] == '>':
304				map_arg_type = map_arg_type + " >"
305			else:
306				map_arg_type = map_arg_type + ">"
308			logger >> "final contents datatype is: " + str(map_arg_type)
310			self.data_type = self.valobj.GetTarget().FindFirstType(map_arg_type)
312			logger >> "and the SBType is: " + str(self.data_type)
314			# from libstdc++ implementation of _M_root for rbtree
315			self.Mroot = self.Mheader.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_parent')
316			self.data_size = self.data_type.GetByteSize()
317			self.skip_size = self.Mheader.GetType().GetByteSize()
318		except:
319			pass
321	def num_children(self):
322		global _map_capping_size
323		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
324		if self.count == None:
325			self.count = self.num_children_impl()
326			if self.count > _map_capping_size:
327				self.count = _map_capping_size
328		return self.count
330	def num_children_impl(self):
331		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
332		try:
333			root_ptr_val = self.node_ptr_value(self.Mroot)
334			if root_ptr_val == 0:
335				return 0;
336			count = self.Mimpl.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_node_count').GetValueAsUnsigned(0)
337			logger >> "I have " + str(count) + " children available"
338			return count
339		except:
340			return 0;
342	def get_child_index(self,name):
343		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
344		try:
345			return int(name.lstrip('[').rstrip(']'))
346		except:
347			return -1
349	def get_child_at_index(self,index):
350		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
351		logger >> "Being asked to fetch child[" + str(index) + "]"
352		if index < 0:
353			return None
354		if index >= self.num_children():
355			return None;
356		if self.garbage:
357			logger >> "Returning None since we are a garbage tree"
358			return None
359		try:
360			offset = index
361			current = self.left(self.Mheader);
362			while offset > 0:
363				current = self.increment_node(current)
364				offset = offset - 1;
365			# skip all the base stuff and get at the data
366			return current.CreateChildAtOffset('['+str(index)+']',self.skip_size,self.data_type)
367		except:
368			return None
370	# utility functions
371	def node_ptr_value(self,node):
372		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
373		return node.GetValueAsUnsigned(0)
375	def right(self,node):
376		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
377		return node.GetChildMemberWithName("_M_right");
379	def left(self,node):
380		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
381		return node.GetChildMemberWithName("_M_left");
383	def parent(self,node):
384		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
385		return node.GetChildMemberWithName("_M_parent");
387	# from libstdc++ implementation of iterator for rbtree
388	def increment_node(self,node):
389		logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger()
390		max_steps = self.num_children()
391		if self.node_ptr_value(self.right(node)) != 0:
392			x = self.right(node);
393			max_steps -= 1
394			while self.node_ptr_value(self.left(x)) != 0:
395				x = self.left(x);
396				max_steps -= 1
397				logger >> str(max_steps) + " more to go before giving up"
398				if max_steps <= 0:
399					self.garbage = True
400					return None
401			return x;
402		else:
403			x = node;
404			y = self.parent(x)
405			max_steps -= 1
406			while(self.node_ptr_value(x) == self.node_ptr_value(self.right(y))):
407				x = y;
408				y = self.parent(y);
409				max_steps -= 1
410				logger >> str(max_steps) + " more to go before giving up"
411				if max_steps <= 0:
412					self.garbage = True
413					return None
414			if self.node_ptr_value(self.right(x)) != self.node_ptr_value(y):
415				x = y;
416			return x;
418	def has_children(self):
419		return True
421_map_capping_size = 255
422_list_capping_size = 255
423_list_uses_loop_detector = True